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TOPIC | Finals? Finals? Aaaaaahhhh finals!
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@keet Ah, it sounds so stressful! ;°; I guess the pro of having the finals in one week is that you get them over and done with, but it doesn't sound like you get a break in between exams :0

Sorry for being nosy, but can I ask what subjects you study? :D
@keet Ah, it sounds so stressful! ;°; I guess the pro of having the finals in one week is that you get them over and done with, but it doesn't sound like you get a break in between exams :0

Sorry for being nosy, but can I ask what subjects you study? :D
I've got finals for English, Spanish, AP World, Algebra, Orchestra, and Chemistry.

I'm not worried about English, Spanish, or Orchestra, but I am deadly worried about AP World. Mainly because I have no clue if we're taking a district final or an AP final (if those are a thing).
I've got finals for English, Spanish, AP World, Algebra, Orchestra, and Chemistry.

I'm not worried about English, Spanish, or Orchestra, but I am deadly worried about AP World. Mainly because I have no clue if we're taking a district final or an AP final (if those are a thing).
I had an exam in chemistry today, and will have for anatomy/physiology on Wednesday. Very little time in between, which has made it a challenge to study for :/

Luckily those two are the only ones I have this semester :) Can't say I miss having three or four exams in two weeks xD
I had an exam in chemistry today, and will have for anatomy/physiology on Wednesday. Very little time in between, which has made it a challenge to study for :/

Luckily those two are the only ones I have this semester :) Can't say I miss having three or four exams in two weeks xD
FR +9

I literally was so tired and freaked out that I decided to go buy hot coco because my friend put a bunch of candy canes on my tree, makes sense I do the whole buy hot coco to feel better?

My other friend insist they seen hot coco for sell in adli (cheap place and broke college student so yea) and while I didnt remember any there I figure why not.

Ended up not being able to find any, so spent about an hour looking MORE.

So shorty story: not finding hot coco mix was the straw that almost caused me to have a meltdown in a store :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I hate you finals, college loans and etc. just let me freaken sleep for once

I literally was so tired and freaked out that I decided to go buy hot coco because my friend put a bunch of candy canes on my tree, makes sense I do the whole buy hot coco to feel better?

My other friend insist they seen hot coco for sell in adli (cheap place and broke college student so yea) and while I didnt remember any there I figure why not.

Ended up not being able to find any, so spent about an hour looking MORE.

So shorty story: not finding hot coco mix was the straw that almost caused me to have a meltdown in a store :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I hate you finals, college loans and etc. just let me freaken sleep for once
Not nosy at all! ^-^

This semester I'm taking figure drawing, British Literature, Leadership through Diversity, Philosophy, French, and marching band
Not nosy at all! ^-^

This semester I'm taking figure drawing, British Literature, Leadership through Diversity, Philosophy, French, and marching band
I've got myself Algebra, Zoology, Archeology, Spanish, and Biology finals, but I'm also taking a Language Arts class that's given me a paper to write and a paper to edit. I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in my suffering though, I wish you all lucky charms!
I've got myself Algebra, Zoology, Archeology, Spanish, and Biology finals, but I'm also taking a Language Arts class that's given me a paper to write and a paper to edit. I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in my suffering though, I wish you all lucky charms!
@keet They sound like cool subjects to take :3 What is the philosophy like? I tried to enroll for that subject at my secondary school, but it got cancelled because I was the only one who seemed interested ._.
@keet They sound like cool subjects to take :3 What is the philosophy like? I tried to enroll for that subject at my secondary school, but it got cancelled because I was the only one who seemed interested ._.

I was a little apprehensive about taking it because I thought it was going to be a professor talking exclusively about his points of views and attempting to convince us of them, but it wasn't like that at all!

Since my class was appreciation of philosophy we only skimmed the surface on various different philosophy subjects, and the different points of views on those subjects!

I think my favorite unit had to have been the freewill/determinism problem! It basically discusses whether or not we have freewill. We talked about three stances, determinism, libertarianism, and compatiblism.

First we gave a definition on what it means to have free will, and based off of that definition, determinists say that "No, we do not have free will" whereas Libertarians say "we do have free will". I'm in the compatiblism area because while I do agree with the determinists that there are past influences that can basically control all of your decisions, I also agree with libertarians that despite those influences, we are still free

I was a little apprehensive about taking it because I thought it was going to be a professor talking exclusively about his points of views and attempting to convince us of them, but it wasn't like that at all!

Since my class was appreciation of philosophy we only skimmed the surface on various different philosophy subjects, and the different points of views on those subjects!

I think my favorite unit had to have been the freewill/determinism problem! It basically discusses whether or not we have freewill. We talked about three stances, determinism, libertarianism, and compatiblism.

First we gave a definition on what it means to have free will, and based off of that definition, determinists say that "No, we do not have free will" whereas Libertarians say "we do have free will". I'm in the compatiblism area because while I do agree with the determinists that there are past influences that can basically control all of your decisions, I also agree with libertarians that despite those influences, we are still free
@keet I can see why you were a bit apprehensive about what the professors teaching methods would be like. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the subject more than you originally thought you would! ^°^

It sounds like a great thing to read into, actually :°
@keet I can see why you were a bit apprehensive about what the professors teaching methods would be like. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the subject more than you originally thought you would! ^°^

It sounds like a great thing to read into, actually :°

I'd definitely recommend you take philosophy one day! It's quite fascinating to see all of the different points of views, and also see where you fall within them

I'd definitely recommend you take philosophy one day! It's quite fascinating to see all of the different points of views, and also see where you fall within them
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