TOPIC | Lair Cleanout - Free Dragons (Closed)
@corvidwings they’re on the way
@NicaraDemon Android is on the way
@cresentmoon Grace and Gaze were already taken, but I hope you enjoy your random dragon.
@RoseArcane Lapila is on the way
@DangerousDragon Gaze has already been claimed, but Athia is on the way
@NicaraDemon Android is on the way
@cresentmoon Grace and Gaze were already taken, but I hope you enjoy your random dragon.
@RoseArcane Lapila is on the way
@DangerousDragon Gaze has already been claimed, but Athia is on the way
@corvidwings they’re on the way
@NicaraDemon Android is on the way
@cresentmoon Grace and Gaze were already taken, but I hope you enjoy your random dragon.
@RoseArcane Lapila is on the way
@DangerousDragon Gaze has already been claimed, but Athia is on the way
@NicaraDemon Android is on the way
@cresentmoon Grace and Gaze were already taken, but I hope you enjoy your random dragon.
@RoseArcane Lapila is on the way
@DangerousDragon Gaze has already been claimed, but Athia is on the way
For the people who wanted a dragon who was already claimed (@schnauzer6 @TommyReptar @MadHatter2002 @AlvildaBright @MagicOreo @Argentcat) I apologize.
Drakken, unnamed mirror male, unnamed fae female, unnamed imperial female, unnamed guardian female, and unnamed mirror female are all still available if you would like to have any.
Drakken, unnamed mirror male, unnamed fae female, unnamed imperial female, unnamed guardian female, and unnamed mirror female are all still available if you would like to have any.
For the people who wanted a dragon who was already claimed (@schnauzer6 @TommyReptar @MadHatter2002 @AlvildaBright @MagicOreo @Argentcat) I apologize.
Drakken, unnamed mirror male, unnamed fae female, unnamed imperial female, unnamed guardian female, and unnamed mirror female are all still available if you would like to have any.
Drakken, unnamed mirror male, unnamed fae female, unnamed imperial female, unnamed guardian female, and unnamed mirror female are all still available if you would like to have any.
@fretic May I take #37096470 instead then? I was really wanting a first gen fae female. I'd also like Drakken if they're still available
@fretic May I take #37096470 instead then? I was really wanting a first gen fae female. I'd also like Drakken if they're still available