
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | [H] Fodder [W] Food
In need of all food types. I have 7 fodder as well as other mixed dragons, some levelled, G1 w/ & w/o genes. Anything after Ink on [url=]Page 4[/url] of my lair can be worked to some kind of agreement. Here's a shot of my total food consumed! Plants weigh just slightly over meat, then insects. 5k Seafood would probably last me the next year and a half, lol [img][/img]
In need of all food types. I have 7 fodder as well as other mixed dragons, some levelled, G1 w/ & w/o genes. Anything after Ink on Page 4 of my lair can be worked to some kind of agreement.

Here's a shot of my total food consumed! Plants weigh just slightly over meat, then insects. 5k Seafood would probably last me the next year and a half, lol
How many food points are you looking for per fodder?
My dragons eating habits are almost exact opposite :P
How many food points are you looking for per fodder?
My dragons eating habits are almost exact opposite :P
Around 300-350 per fodder
Around 300-350 per fodder
I'll pass then, thank you :)
I'll pass then, thank you :)

Just curious; how many food points for Cassandra?

Just curious; how many food points for Cassandra?
I have way too many stacks of plants in my vault, could I trade them for your 7 fodders?
320fp per fodder, can?
I have way too many stacks of plants in my vault, could I trade them for your 7 fodders?
320fp per fodder, can?
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Can-do. Would you prefer one at a time or 2 sets of 3 and one spare?

Around 8k
Can-do. Would you prefer one at a time or 2 sets of 3 and one spare?

Around 8k
2 fodders each time please :D
2 fodders each time please :D
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Poke poke, feel free to set up the cr anytime :)
Poke poke, feel free to set up the cr anytime :)
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