
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | PWYW food bin
So, I have been working on maxing my gatherig skills one at a time and am down to three to go. Those three are all food: fishing, hunting, and foraging. And once I max those, I will rotate between all the food types to keep stocked with everything.

In addition, @tiredpupper is co-running this. You will find their info below this post, so if I do not have what you need, they might.

I have no need for a lot of the food I am gathering, as my lair is mainly fae.

So, I will be selling the food in stacks of 99. I will let you guys pick the price. I will set a minimum of 5000 treasure or 3 gems, however. Which is probably less than the AH prices. Anything worth less than 4 points per individual food is half this limit or 2500 treasure.

I will be listing how many stacks of each type of food of each point value I have, with a blank if I have none. I will only mark up to 8 point foods until I know what is the maximum points for gathering foods.

Stock(need to do inventory):

plants/meat/seafood/insects of (Inesert point value)-point.

0/0/0/0 stacks of 1-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 2-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 3-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 4-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 5-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 6-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 7-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 8-point.

What I am currently gathering:

Plants(currently lvl 36)

Feel free to ptf or follow this.

I will accept preorders of the food type I will be gathering. Payment will be upon delivery.

Preorder list:

@Snivvy88 4 point food stack. Ongoing. Any amount and type.
@GrimRWolf 4 4-Point stacks of all four food stacks.
@ArmorGeek gotta double check.
@Veredii 12 stacks of any 3/4 point food

To preorder or buy, just ping me or @tiredpupper and specify how many stacks you want of each type of food and point amount. Example: @AsoraamFeire, can I buy one stack of 5 point seafood and two stacks of 8 point meat?

Current status on my half:

My gathering seems to be yeilding everything but 4 point foods. If you are waiting on four point foods, it may take several weeks per food type.

I plan to supplement this by hitting the coli.
So, I have been working on maxing my gatherig skills one at a time and am down to three to go. Those three are all food: fishing, hunting, and foraging. And once I max those, I will rotate between all the food types to keep stocked with everything.

In addition, @tiredpupper is co-running this. You will find their info below this post, so if I do not have what you need, they might.

I have no need for a lot of the food I am gathering, as my lair is mainly fae.

So, I will be selling the food in stacks of 99. I will let you guys pick the price. I will set a minimum of 5000 treasure or 3 gems, however. Which is probably less than the AH prices. Anything worth less than 4 points per individual food is half this limit or 2500 treasure.

I will be listing how many stacks of each type of food of each point value I have, with a blank if I have none. I will only mark up to 8 point foods until I know what is the maximum points for gathering foods.

Stock(need to do inventory):

plants/meat/seafood/insects of (Inesert point value)-point.

0/0/0/0 stacks of 1-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 2-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 3-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 4-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 5-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 6-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 7-point.
0/0/0/0 stacks of 8-point.

What I am currently gathering:

Plants(currently lvl 36)

Feel free to ptf or follow this.

I will accept preorders of the food type I will be gathering. Payment will be upon delivery.

Preorder list:

@Snivvy88 4 point food stack. Ongoing. Any amount and type.
@GrimRWolf 4 4-Point stacks of all four food stacks.
@ArmorGeek gotta double check.
@Veredii 12 stacks of any 3/4 point food

To preorder or buy, just ping me or @tiredpupper and specify how many stacks you want of each type of food and point amount. Example: @AsoraamFeire, can I buy one stack of 5 point seafood and two stacks of 8 point meat?

Current status on my half:

My gathering seems to be yeilding everything but 4 point foods. If you are waiting on four point foods, it may take several weeks per food type.

I plan to supplement this by hitting the coli.
Insect food points: 739
Meat food points: 3319 (wow)
Seafood food points: 509 (tiny sad violin)
Plant food points: google decided to erase my calculations for some reason but its approx. 500-700

anyways, ping away if you need food! @tiredpupper !
Insect food points: 739
Meat food points: 3319 (wow)
Seafood food points: 509 (tiny sad violin)
Plant food points: google decided to erase my calculations for some reason but its approx. 500-700

anyways, ping away if you need food! @tiredpupper !
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friendly bump!
friendly bump!
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@AsoraamFeire, can I buy 4 stack of each food group with 4+ food points? Let me know what you think a reasonable amount is, Thank you.
@AsoraamFeire, can I buy 4 stack of each food group with 4+ food points? Let me know what you think a reasonable amount is, Thank you.
@GrimRWolf yup! Just keep in mind that I may take a while to get to all the food groups. I will prioritize getting your food to you ASAP, however. 5000t per stack is good.
@GrimRWolf yup! Just keep in mind that I may take a while to get to all the food groups. I will prioritize getting your food to you ASAP, however. 5000t per stack is good.
@AsoraamFeire, Alright, Let me know when you send it over. Also I believe the total comes to 80,000.
@AsoraamFeire, Alright, Let me know when you send it over. Also I believe the total comes to 80,000.