

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Bureau of Paranormal Affairs [Closed]
Though he was prone to finding the odd, William never expected to be a part of an agency dedicated to investigating the paranormal. But now, sitting in a room with a man-cheetah, and being told that he's a part of an elite group, he is excited for the days ahead.

He sits in silence with a kind of half smile on his lips. He hopes they have a library so that he may continue learning of the beasts he fights, and that it's (hopefully) plethora of books also explain something of the various objects in his collection.

(I'm going to assume you all are subscribed to the thread.)
Though he was prone to finding the odd, William never expected to be a part of an agency dedicated to investigating the paranormal. But now, sitting in a room with a man-cheetah, and being told that he's a part of an elite group, he is excited for the days ahead.

He sits in silence with a kind of half smile on his lips. He hopes they have a library so that he may continue learning of the beasts he fights, and that it's (hopefully) plethora of books also explain something of the various objects in his collection.

(I'm going to assume you all are subscribed to the thread.)
Chip listened intently through Agent Willson's intro speech. A part of him wondered, why now? Why, suddenly, were these mysterious agents choosing to pluck a fresh batch of clueless youths from the annals of the US government? Why them? He knew why him, to some extent... If the discovery of long running fraud and corruption in the sleepy town of Mountainhearst had attracted the attention of one Bureau, then the loosely related discovery of human sacrifice and demonic possession must have attracted another. But what were the stories of the other men and women gathered around this table? Why were there so many gingers? Are gingers naturally more in touch with the paranormal?

Probably. Chip decided.

Chip started when a cheetah, of all things, skidded into the conference room. He realized he had been spacing out again. And then... One second he was looking at an African wildcat, the next, a flamboyantly dressed man. He gave a cheeky grin and a small salute when the man, Agent Goldstone apparently, addressed him and his fellow recruits.
Chip listened intently through Agent Willson's intro speech. A part of him wondered, why now? Why, suddenly, were these mysterious agents choosing to pluck a fresh batch of clueless youths from the annals of the US government? Why them? He knew why him, to some extent... If the discovery of long running fraud and corruption in the sleepy town of Mountainhearst had attracted the attention of one Bureau, then the loosely related discovery of human sacrifice and demonic possession must have attracted another. But what were the stories of the other men and women gathered around this table? Why were there so many gingers? Are gingers naturally more in touch with the paranormal?

Probably. Chip decided.

Chip started when a cheetah, of all things, skidded into the conference room. He realized he had been spacing out again. And then... One second he was looking at an African wildcat, the next, a flamboyantly dressed man. He gave a cheeky grin and a small salute when the man, Agent Goldstone apparently, addressed him and his fellow recruits.
Lancelot forgot his name tag in his "happy place" as he liked to call it. Behind his back Lancelot turned his key in the air, several runes floating around it, forming an eight pointed star. The star started spinning, opening a door to the happy place. Lancelot slipped his hand into the pocket of space and grabbed his name tag. He pulled his hand out, the rift in time closing as he does so. Lancelot put it on discreetly. Hopefully no one noticed.

(Also That portal was really small so I don't think any of you saw it unless you have like super vision. Lancelot can change the size of the portal)
Lancelot forgot his name tag in his "happy place" as he liked to call it. Behind his back Lancelot turned his key in the air, several runes floating around it, forming an eight pointed star. The star started spinning, opening a door to the happy place. Lancelot slipped his hand into the pocket of space and grabbed his name tag. He pulled his hand out, the rift in time closing as he does so. Lancelot put it on discreetly. Hopefully no one noticed.

(Also That portal was really small so I don't think any of you saw it unless you have like super vision. Lancelot can change the size of the portal)
Devon shot Felix a quick smile before refocusing on the new agents.

"Since today is your first day, we won't be doing anything crazy. You have half an hour to put your things in your new rooms, then we'll be meeting in one of the lounges for a briefing on the principles of our organization. After that you have a free hour, then a combat assessment. Any questions?"


Arya tried to subtly observe her fellow agents while their unit leaders spoke. Despite the obvious differences, her first day at the BPA so far wasn't so different from her first day with the CIA. Learning the ropes, adjusting to new teammates, getting the same welcoming speech from every superior. At least, she thought, the company was probably going to be interesting- since a good half of the occupants of the room had a visible aura of magic around them.
Devon shot Felix a quick smile before refocusing on the new agents.

"Since today is your first day, we won't be doing anything crazy. You have half an hour to put your things in your new rooms, then we'll be meeting in one of the lounges for a briefing on the principles of our organization. After that you have a free hour, then a combat assessment. Any questions?"


Arya tried to subtly observe her fellow agents while their unit leaders spoke. Despite the obvious differences, her first day at the BPA so far wasn't so different from her first day with the CIA. Learning the ropes, adjusting to new teammates, getting the same welcoming speech from every superior. At least, she thought, the company was probably going to be interesting- since a good half of the occupants of the room had a visible aura of magic around them.
Helix doesn't admit that he wasn't paying a damn bit of attention until the cheetah turned into a man and he's quite suddenly interested in the entire process of paranormal affairs. It's hard not to get his hopes up when someone turns dramatically into something else in front of him. Not that it happens often of course, but it's a slap in the face of What If and from then on he has to find out. He's the only non-specific shape shifter he's ever met and everyone he's ever seen do it is painfully stopped at a single breed of dog or feathered creatures only and he's honestly about to give up. It's not that Helix needs to find someone else like him, it's just that he's curious. It's strange to exist and not a single other person seem to exist in the same way, even if he's starting to wonder if that's just the hand he's been dealt.
The man in charge - Devon something or other - gives them a time table that Helix debates his need to remember. When prompted for question, he supplies one easily. "So- what's my job here exactly?" He really doesn't understand the whole 'organized professionalism' of working for the government. His one and only job - besides the illegal kind - was at a gas station and mostly he just used it to steal snacks for his friends and it only really lasted about a week anyway so he's completely foreign to this whole long-term schedule. Anyone typically paying him to do anything provides neat, simple instructions like 'go kill this specific guy, don't cause collateral', or 'this bank, this house, this time, don't die, don't get caught' or the like.
Helix doesn't admit that he wasn't paying a damn bit of attention until the cheetah turned into a man and he's quite suddenly interested in the entire process of paranormal affairs. It's hard not to get his hopes up when someone turns dramatically into something else in front of him. Not that it happens often of course, but it's a slap in the face of What If and from then on he has to find out. He's the only non-specific shape shifter he's ever met and everyone he's ever seen do it is painfully stopped at a single breed of dog or feathered creatures only and he's honestly about to give up. It's not that Helix needs to find someone else like him, it's just that he's curious. It's strange to exist and not a single other person seem to exist in the same way, even if he's starting to wonder if that's just the hand he's been dealt.
The man in charge - Devon something or other - gives them a time table that Helix debates his need to remember. When prompted for question, he supplies one easily. "So- what's my job here exactly?" He really doesn't understand the whole 'organized professionalism' of working for the government. His one and only job - besides the illegal kind - was at a gas station and mostly he just used it to steal snacks for his friends and it only really lasted about a week anyway so he's completely foreign to this whole long-term schedule. Anyone typically paying him to do anything provides neat, simple instructions like 'go kill this specific guy, don't cause collateral', or 'this bank, this house, this time, don't die, don't get caught' or the like.
As Lancelot was dismissed, he walked to his room.. Eek! He was so excited! Lancelot pulled himself together and opened the door to the room. It did not appear anyone was present, so he pulled out his key and put it in the air and turning it, a celestial door appearing in front of him. Lancelot opened it, and grabbed his various items. His happy place right now was a suburban style house with a white picket fence. He entered the house, and looked at the various boxes. He hasn't been on duty in such a long time that it's gotten to the point where his happy place was also where he plopped his stuff. Lancelot picked up the boxes and carried them through the door, placing them on his bed. It appears he got them all. Lancelot took the key out of the door, and the door dissapeared. Lancelot stretched and plopped on his bed. This was the first day of the rest of his life!
As Lancelot was dismissed, he walked to his room.. Eek! He was so excited! Lancelot pulled himself together and opened the door to the room. It did not appear anyone was present, so he pulled out his key and put it in the air and turning it, a celestial door appearing in front of him. Lancelot opened it, and grabbed his various items. His happy place right now was a suburban style house with a white picket fence. He entered the house, and looked at the various boxes. He hasn't been on duty in such a long time that it's gotten to the point where his happy place was also where he plopped his stuff. Lancelot picked up the boxes and carried them through the door, placing them on his bed. It appears he got them all. Lancelot took the key out of the door, and the door dissapeared. Lancelot stretched and plopped on his bed. This was the first day of the rest of his life!
As the new agents began to file out of the room, Felix turned to Devon.
"Well, that went better than last time. There was no spontaneous combustion, so I think we should count it as a win."
EDIT: @WildRose42 @Dracowhisp @LancelotOfTheSky @Dextrocarter @BlackPepper @MagicCatX333
I'm pinging ya'll because I really don't want this to die.
As the new agents began to file out of the room, Felix turned to Devon.
"Well, that went better than last time. There was no spontaneous combustion, so I think we should count it as a win."
EDIT: @WildRose42 @Dracowhisp @LancelotOfTheSky @Dextrocarter @BlackPepper @MagicCatX333
I'm pinging ya'll because I really don't want this to die.
Devon quirked an eyebrow at his partner, but smiled. "Our standards are pretty low, don't you think?" He asked, then turned his attention back to one of the new agents- Helix? He wasn't sure. "You're job here is to help the BPA investigate, capture, or neutralize paranormal events, objects, or creatures. That usually means going on missions to track those things down, assess their threat level, and choose an appropriate course of action. Did the agent who recruited you brief you on anything related to our mission?"


Arya left the conference room and slowly made her way to her new quarters. She took her time in the halls, looking around and trying to ***** the other agents she passed in the hall. There were signs of magic everywhere, and she even spotted a few ghosts meandering between the living, some of them in uniform to. The halls themselves were plain and grey, nothing particularly to indicate the BPA was anything less than a normal government agency.

After a few minutes of walking, she finally reached her destination- a grey door in a hall of similar doors, with a room number and a small plaque that read "Agent Sanchez." The swiped her key card and pushed open the door to find a plain room- a bed, a dresser, a desk, and (thank god) an attached bathroom with a shower. A few items rested on the dresser- a gun and holster, a box that, when opened, revealed a set of different colored candles, an ID like card with a strange rune drawn on it, and a typed note. The note said, "Agent, all personnel are required to keep this card on them at all times. The weapon is for field use only."

((Sorry everybody! Real life got a bit busy, but this can definitely keep going if everyone wants it to. Every room has the same items mentioned here, minus the box of candles- for that, replace it with one item that would help your character's particular powers.))
Devon quirked an eyebrow at his partner, but smiled. "Our standards are pretty low, don't you think?" He asked, then turned his attention back to one of the new agents- Helix? He wasn't sure. "You're job here is to help the BPA investigate, capture, or neutralize paranormal events, objects, or creatures. That usually means going on missions to track those things down, assess their threat level, and choose an appropriate course of action. Did the agent who recruited you brief you on anything related to our mission?"


Arya left the conference room and slowly made her way to her new quarters. She took her time in the halls, looking around and trying to ***** the other agents she passed in the hall. There were signs of magic everywhere, and she even spotted a few ghosts meandering between the living, some of them in uniform to. The halls themselves were plain and grey, nothing particularly to indicate the BPA was anything less than a normal government agency.

After a few minutes of walking, she finally reached her destination- a grey door in a hall of similar doors, with a room number and a small plaque that read "Agent Sanchez." The swiped her key card and pushed open the door to find a plain room- a bed, a dresser, a desk, and (thank god) an attached bathroom with a shower. A few items rested on the dresser- a gun and holster, a box that, when opened, revealed a set of different colored candles, an ID like card with a strange rune drawn on it, and a typed note. The note said, "Agent, all personnel are required to keep this card on them at all times. The weapon is for field use only."

((Sorry everybody! Real life got a bit busy, but this can definitely keep going if everyone wants it to. Every room has the same items mentioned here, minus the box of candles- for that, replace it with one item that would help your character's particular powers.))
As William left the conference room he thought of how little time he had to move all his stuff to his new living arrangements, and decided it would probably be for the best to keep most of it where it was, anyway. He doubted spontaneous screaming heads would be a fan favorite amongst his coworkers, and opted, instead, to simply bring his copy of the Necronomicon, hoping that the agency would be ok with the Book of the Dead being present on base.

William was surprised at the large amount of paranormal activity in the agency hallways alone. Spirit and spectre alike could be found floating from room to room, some even conversing. He'd have to do some studying on how they communicate, being as they have no vocal chords. Stranger yet were the runed ID's carried by the agents. He could not quite place what the runes ment or what their purpose was. He supposed that would have to be answered at a later date, for now he had to inspect his new living area.

After arriving at his quarters and finding his book already there (which isn't too surprising, though he doesn't remember teleportation being one of the book's abilities), he took his card, gun, and holster. He was ready for his first day of training.
As William left the conference room he thought of how little time he had to move all his stuff to his new living arrangements, and decided it would probably be for the best to keep most of it where it was, anyway. He doubted spontaneous screaming heads would be a fan favorite amongst his coworkers, and opted, instead, to simply bring his copy of the Necronomicon, hoping that the agency would be ok with the Book of the Dead being present on base.

William was surprised at the large amount of paranormal activity in the agency hallways alone. Spirit and spectre alike could be found floating from room to room, some even conversing. He'd have to do some studying on how they communicate, being as they have no vocal chords. Stranger yet were the runed ID's carried by the agents. He could not quite place what the runes ment or what their purpose was. He supposed that would have to be answered at a later date, for now he had to inspect his new living area.

After arriving at his quarters and finding his book already there (which isn't too surprising, though he doesn't remember teleportation being one of the book's abilities), he took his card, gun, and holster. He was ready for his first day of training.
((Yay! Don't die before I can even get to play ( = w = ) ))
((Yay! Don't die before I can even get to play ( = w = ) ))