
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Prin's Art Shop

Nope, sorry;;

Nope, sorry;;

No worries, was worth asking! :)

No worries, was worth asking! :)
@Princoxx got it!!
@Princoxx got it!!
|+4 hours fr time/she-her/english~español My Art Shop!|
Order type: colored
Chara Refs:
Payment type: 1000Gems!
Order type: colored
Chara Refs:
Payment type: 1000Gems!

Added! I'll send you updates after the draft sketch, linework, and color layout! Feel free to ask for more or less frequent updates if you like. I'll message you again once I have your draft ready.

Added! I'll send you updates after the draft sketch, linework, and color layout! Feel free to ask for more or less frequent updates if you like. I'll message you again once I have your draft ready.
Thank you!
Thank you!
@princoxx thank you very much! [b]Order type[/b]: painterly, half body [b]Body type[/b]: Skinny kid! [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] He's a young kid with hair like the kid in [url=]this pic[/url], only white-ish/blonde instead of orange. He wears a [url=]toga and sandals[/url] and has a pair of small Cloudy Wings on his back [center][item=Cloudy Wings][/center] Paying in [b]gems[/b], please :) Let me know if 2kg is the final price and I'll send payment whenever you want.
@princoxx thank you very much!

Order type: painterly, half body
Body type: Skinny kid!

He's a young kid with hair like the kid in this pic, only white-ish/blonde instead of orange. He wears a toga and sandals and has a pair of small Cloudy Wings on his back

Cloudy Wings

Paying in gems, please :) Let me know if 2kg is the final price and I'll send payment whenever you want.

Fantastic! I'll send you updates after the draft sketch, linework, and color layout so you can correct any mistakes at each stage. Feel free to request more or less updates if you want! I'll be asking for payment after the linework. And I'll message you again once the draft sketch is done!

Fantastic! I'll send you updates after the draft sketch, linework, and color layout so you can correct any mistakes at each stage. Feel free to request more or less updates if you want! I'll be asking for payment after the linework. And I'll message you again once the draft sketch is done!
your art is so pretty I'm crying.

i'm literally so broke right now, but i was wondering if i can offer you an art trade for a flat-colored?
your art is so pretty I'm crying.

i'm literally so broke right now, but i was wondering if i can offer you an art trade for a flat-colored?


I would love to!! Just pm me your character details and I'll try to get around to it sometime this week!


I would love to!! Just pm me your character details and I'll try to get around to it sometime this week!