

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Closed] City of Thieves OOC
----- [center][font=Century Gothic][size=3]The[/size] [size=6][font=Century Gothic]City of Thieves[/size] [size=2]([url=]IC thread[/url])[/center] ----- [font=Century]The city was said to have been made of gold, forged by forgotten deities that had offered up a bit of their divinity in order for the city and the people within to prosper. The royal family, honourable and kind, was said to have been born with ichor in their blood, the first king himself a demigod. He passed on his divine blood so that there would always be the gods blessing in the palace. And then the usurper came. Like a virus, he corrupted the city. He bred filthy values into the people, spreading discontent, until the citizens began to wonder... Was there life in the city truly as blessed as they were told? They did not starve, nor suffer, but their was no growth. They did not prosper. They were stuck in a stasis of good fortune, but never going anywhere. Their loyalty to the crown remained true, though, for when the usurper's men came and slaughtered the royal family - right down to the youngest son - they cried out their outrage. And when the usurper himself took the throne, tainting the golden city, the people remained discontent. But they could do nothing, for the usurper's men were fierce and deadly. Years passed. Once a city of gold and prosperity, the King's City is now rife with debauchery. Trust no one, keep an eye on your coins, and stay inside at night. The city grew into a city of thieves, and the gods had long since abandoned the forsaken city. Only those with darkness in their hearts could survive such a place. ----- [font=Century]Welcome to the City of Thieves! Your journey, fiendish friend, starts here. With chaotic destruction rampant in the streets, you're keen on finding a way to survive that doesn't involve you taking on the entire city by yourself. Rest assured, thief, there is talk of a skilled lad with dirty hands taking on the task of starting up a guild! [b][/b]The lad in question seems to be quite talented in filthy deads, but keeps his head on straight. Perhaps he could be just the sort to wrestle together a band of misfits into something worth fearing in the streets of the City. Fiendish friend, it's time you pack up your bags and make the faithful leap... You might have a hard time trusting the city, but now it's time to trust in one another. Will you join the Thieve's Guild? Applications below! [code]@Mypilot [font=Century][b]Name or Nickname:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Preferred Gender:[/b] [b]Have you ever worked in a team before?[/b] Answer here. [b]What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?[/b] Answer here. [b]Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?[/b] Answer here. [b]Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?[/b] Yes or no here. [b]Please insert your picture or [i]detailed[/i] description of yourself below:[/b][/code] [font=Century][b]Note to all applicants:[/b] Please include a picture of yourself, your best attempt at drawing a picture of yourself, or have a friend write up what you look like in extensive detail. We don't want to leave anything to the imagination as we do have to find you later! (But it better be a picture of you and not some stolen thing! We may be thieves, but by the gods we have [i]morals[/i].) We look forward to viewing your submissions and will get back to you before the next city holiday. Whenever that may be. A few Thieve's Guild [i]rules[/i], although we can only hope they'll be followed: [LIST] [*][font=Century][b]Treat your fellow guildmates with respect[/b], and do your best to avoid insulting their character and moral ambiguity. It should also be said that they are their own people and you are not allowed to attempt to control your guildmates in any way at all. Leave that to our esteemed leader, yes? [*][font=Century]We are, first and foremost, a [i]thieves[/i] guild. [b]Let's try to keep the blood and misery to a minimum, if you please.[/b] Assassins are welcome, of course, but might not be as used as a good thief. [*][font=Century]If you'd like to join with a friend, that's entirely alright. However, [b]we have to limit it to [i]one[/i] friend you bring in[/b]. Two newcomers at a time is more than enough, I think. [*][font=Century]The Thieve's Guild prides itself on being morally grey while still maintaining a level of decency. This means [b]we accept all walks into the Guild[/b], be they man or mouse (although we'd prefer not to have mice), and will not discriminate. Having a blade in your hand is more than enough to join. [*][font=Century][b]We're looking for active members for the Guild.[/b] If you feel you can not participate in a helpful way each day, we might look for our thieves elsewhere. No buts! [*][font=Century]Given that our esteemed leader has never actually led a guild before, [b]we're only going to be accepting a handful of members right off that bat[/b]. That's right friends, you're going to have to fight to become a thief. Well, a Thieve's Guild thief. You can steal things whenever you want, but you won't have the name brand attached to it. [/LIST]

City of Thieves
(IC thread)

The city was said to have been made of gold, forged by forgotten deities that had offered up a bit of their divinity in order for the city and the people within to prosper. The royal family, honourable and kind, was said to have been born with ichor in their blood, the first king himself a demigod. He passed on his divine blood so that there would always be the gods blessing in the palace.

And then the usurper came.

Like a virus, he corrupted the city. He bred filthy values into the people, spreading discontent, until the citizens began to wonder... Was there life in the city truly as blessed as they were told? They did not starve, nor suffer, but their was no growth. They did not prosper. They were stuck in a stasis of good fortune, but never going anywhere.

Their loyalty to the crown remained true, though, for when the usurper's men came and slaughtered the royal family - right down to the youngest son - they cried out their outrage. And when the usurper himself took the throne, tainting the golden city, the people remained discontent. But they could do nothing, for the usurper's men were fierce and deadly.

Years passed.

Once a city of gold and prosperity, the King's City is now rife with debauchery. Trust no one, keep an eye on your coins, and stay inside at night. The city grew into a city of thieves, and the gods had long since abandoned the forsaken city.

Only those with darkness in their hearts could survive such a place.

Welcome to the City of Thieves! Your journey, fiendish friend, starts here. With chaotic destruction rampant in the streets, you're keen on finding a way to survive that doesn't involve you taking on the entire city by yourself. Rest assured, thief, there is talk of a skilled lad with dirty hands taking on the task of starting up a guild!

The lad in question seems to be quite talented in filthy deads, but keeps his head on straight. Perhaps he could be just the sort to wrestle together a band of misfits into something worth fearing in the streets of the City.

Fiendish friend, it's time you pack up your bags and make the faithful leap... You might have a hard time trusting the city, but now it's time to trust in one another. Will you join the Thieve's Guild?

Applications below!

@Mypilot [font=Century][b]Name or Nickname:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Preferred Gender:[/b] [b]Have you ever worked in a team before?[/b] Answer here. [b]What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?[/b] Answer here. [b]Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?[/b] Answer here. [b]Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?[/b] Yes or no here. [b]Please insert your picture or [i]detailed[/i] description of yourself below:[/b]

Note to all applicants: Please include a picture of yourself, your best attempt at drawing a picture of yourself, or have a friend write up what you look like in extensive detail. We don't want to leave anything to the imagination as we do have to find you later! (But it better be a picture of you and not some stolen thing! We may be thieves, but by the gods we have morals.)

We look forward to viewing your submissions and will get back to you before the next city holiday. Whenever that may be.

A few Thieve's Guild rules, although we can only hope they'll be followed:
  • Treat your fellow guildmates with respect, and do your best to avoid insulting their character and moral ambiguity. It should also be said that they are their own people and you are not allowed to attempt to control your guildmates in any way at all. Leave that to our esteemed leader, yes?
  • We are, first and foremost, a thieves guild. Let's try to keep the blood and misery to a minimum, if you please. Assassins are welcome, of course, but might not be as used as a good thief.
  • If you'd like to join with a friend, that's entirely alright. However, we have to limit it to one friend you bring in. Two newcomers at a time is more than enough, I think.
  • The Thieve's Guild prides itself on being morally grey while still maintaining a level of decency. This means we accept all walks into the Guild, be they man or mouse (although we'd prefer not to have mice), and will not discriminate. Having a blade in your hand is more than enough to join.
  • We're looking for active members for the Guild. If you feel you can not participate in a helpful way each day, we might look for our thieves elsewhere. No buts!
  • Given that our esteemed leader has never actually led a guild before, we're only going to be accepting a handful of members right off that bat. That's right friends, you're going to have to fight to become a thief. Well, a Thieve's Guild thief. You can steal things whenever you want, but you won't have the name brand attached to it.
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For your convenience, fiendish friend, I've included a couple of "sample" applications from yours truly and our esteemed leader. You can find his first, as I'm sure you'll notice! (For learning purposes, I've included a few notes in red.)

Name or Nickname: Archer
Age: 23
Preferred Gender: Male (See how young our esteemed leader is! I'm quite proud.)
Have you ever worked in a team before?
No. (It would be preferred, friend, if you added a little more than dearest Archer.)
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I specialize in running things, and I profit the Guild by running it.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
No. (Really? Quite impressive!)
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Jack here! In order to make sure Archer's description is perfectly detailed, I've been commissioned to write it! Now let's see... He has really lovely dark brown hair, near black I'd say. It'd straight and just long enough to touch his ears, but he actually keeps it quite styled. Surprising, I know. His eyes are much the same colour, a swirling chocolaty mess of brown. Contrasts rather nicely with his fair skin, although his scars sort of ruin the effect. Mostly on his neck they are, thin sharp lines. I'd say very much like an animal did it, but they're too neat. He's tall, too. Perhaps 5'10", 5'11"? And built as a thief would be, what with all the jumping and running around. Now, what else...

Ah, yes! His clothes are always dark and drab, yet annoyingly fashionable. Makes one question whether it's intentional or not. He rather likes coats that button up and hang to his knees. What do they call those? Trenchcoats? Yes, that must be it. That's it for now. Remember, lads and ladies and those inbetween: Archer is single and handsome and- and... Telling me I need to stop writing now. Farewell!

Name or Nickname: Jack Abel (Now isn't that a wonderful name?)
Age: 20 (Not quite as old as our esteemed leader, but works just as well!)
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Why, no! I dare say not many in the City have, but that's quite alright. I do think I'm very capable of teamwork and am open to good, old fashioned friendships.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
My specialty lies in guns and the like! I consider myself a sharpshooter of sorts, but flintlock runs in my blood. My father before me was quite talented with a gun, you know. I'm also quite handy with my, well, hands. Quick fingers help in the City of Thieves! (See how nice and detailed that was? Archer's the leader so he's not required, but neither am I and I still manage to not be so curt.)
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Not that I can think of. I, of course, have fears. What mortal man doesn't? But nothing that I can't handle and certainly nothing that will get in the way of a job well done!
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I insisted that I could write my own description, since I was certain whatever Archer wrote would be horrendously boring. Now, onto the good stuff. Unlike Archer, my hair is quite light in colour. I'd say dirty blond, wavy, and always swept back in that stylish unkept look the nobility likes. Also unlike Archer, I've got darker skin. I'd say a lovely tea colour when you've got a a few spoonfuls of milk in it. And my eyes are a lighter brown than Archer's, like an oak tree or mud. But pretty mud. I'm slightly shorter than Archer, but not by much. 5'8" and definitely more fit than he is. Then again, I do more of the dirty work.

My sense of style is more classy than Archer's, I think. I know I make more of an effort than he does, anyway. I'm a fan of waistcoats, but I like to wear them in a variety of greys and dark colours. Naturally I can't get too colourful, what with being in the Thieve's Guild, but I do try to keep it nice.
For your convenience, fiendish friend, I've included a couple of "sample" applications from yours truly and our esteemed leader. You can find his first, as I'm sure you'll notice! (For learning purposes, I've included a few notes in red.)

Name or Nickname: Archer
Age: 23
Preferred Gender: Male (See how young our esteemed leader is! I'm quite proud.)
Have you ever worked in a team before?
No. (It would be preferred, friend, if you added a little more than dearest Archer.)
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I specialize in running things, and I profit the Guild by running it.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
No. (Really? Quite impressive!)
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Jack here! In order to make sure Archer's description is perfectly detailed, I've been commissioned to write it! Now let's see... He has really lovely dark brown hair, near black I'd say. It'd straight and just long enough to touch his ears, but he actually keeps it quite styled. Surprising, I know. His eyes are much the same colour, a swirling chocolaty mess of brown. Contrasts rather nicely with his fair skin, although his scars sort of ruin the effect. Mostly on his neck they are, thin sharp lines. I'd say very much like an animal did it, but they're too neat. He's tall, too. Perhaps 5'10", 5'11"? And built as a thief would be, what with all the jumping and running around. Now, what else...

Ah, yes! His clothes are always dark and drab, yet annoyingly fashionable. Makes one question whether it's intentional or not. He rather likes coats that button up and hang to his knees. What do they call those? Trenchcoats? Yes, that must be it. That's it for now. Remember, lads and ladies and those inbetween: Archer is single and handsome and- and... Telling me I need to stop writing now. Farewell!

Name or Nickname: Jack Abel (Now isn't that a wonderful name?)
Age: 20 (Not quite as old as our esteemed leader, but works just as well!)
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Why, no! I dare say not many in the City have, but that's quite alright. I do think I'm very capable of teamwork and am open to good, old fashioned friendships.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
My specialty lies in guns and the like! I consider myself a sharpshooter of sorts, but flintlock runs in my blood. My father before me was quite talented with a gun, you know. I'm also quite handy with my, well, hands. Quick fingers help in the City of Thieves! (See how nice and detailed that was? Archer's the leader so he's not required, but neither am I and I still manage to not be so curt.)
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Not that I can think of. I, of course, have fears. What mortal man doesn't? But nothing that I can't handle and certainly nothing that will get in the way of a job well done!
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I insisted that I could write my own description, since I was certain whatever Archer wrote would be horrendously boring. Now, onto the good stuff. Unlike Archer, my hair is quite light in colour. I'd say dirty blond, wavy, and always swept back in that stylish unkept look the nobility likes. Also unlike Archer, I've got darker skin. I'd say a lovely tea colour when you've got a a few spoonfuls of milk in it. And my eyes are a lighter brown than Archer's, like an oak tree or mud. But pretty mud. I'm slightly shorter than Archer, but not by much. 5'8" and definitely more fit than he is. Then again, I do more of the dirty work.

My sense of style is more classy than Archer's, I think. I know I make more of an effort than he does, anyway. I'm a fan of waistcoats, but I like to wear them in a variety of greys and dark colours. Naturally I can't get too colourful, what with being in the Thieve's Guild, but I do try to keep it nice.
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Thieve's Roster

Mypilot's Characters
Name or Nickname: Archer
Age: 23
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I specialize in running things, and I profit the Guild by running it.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Jack here! In order to make sure Archer's description is perfectly detailed, I've been commissioned to write it! Now let's see... He has really lovely dark brown hair, near black I'd say. It'd straight and just long enough to touch his ears, but he actually keeps it quite styled. Surprising, I know. His eyes are much the same colour, a swirling chocolaty mess of brown. Contrasts rather nicely with his fair skin, although his scars sort of ruin the effect. Mostly on his neck they are, thin sharp lines. I'd say very much like an animal did it, but they're too neat. He's tall, too. Perhaps 5'10", 5'11"? And built as a thief would be, what with all the jumping and running around. Now, what else...

Ah, yes! His clothes are always dark and drab, yet annoyingly fashionable. Makes one question whether it's intentional or not. He rather likes coats that button up and hang to his knees. What do they call those? Trenchcoats? Yes, that must be it. That's it for now. Remember, lads and ladies and those inbetween: Archer is single and handsome and- and... Telling me I need to stop writing now. Farewell!

• • •

Name or Nickname: Jack Abel
Age: 20
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Why, no! I dare say not many in the City have, but that's quite alright. I do think I'm very capable of teamwork and am open to good, old fashioned friendships.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
My specialty lies in guns and the like! I consider myself a sharpshooter of sorts, but flintlock runs in my blood. My father before me was quite talented with a gun, you know. I'm also quite handy with my, well, hands. Quick fingers help in the City of Thieves!
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Not that I can think of. I, of course, have fears. What mortal man doesn't? But nothing that I can't handle and certainly nothing that will get in the way of a job well done!
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I insisted that I could write my own description, since I was certain whatever Archer wrote would be horrendously boring. Now, onto the good stuff. Unlike Archer, my hair is quite light in colour. I'd say dirty blond, wavy, and always swept back in that stylish unkept look the nobility likes. Also unlike Archer, I've got darker skin. I'd say a lovely tea colour when you've got a a few spoonfuls of milk in it. And my eyes are a lighter brown than Archer's, like an oak tree or mud. But pretty mud. I'm slightly shorter than Archer, but not by much. 5'8" and definitely more fit than he is. Then again, I do more of the dirty work.

My sense of style is more classy than Archer's, I think. I know I make more of an effort than he does, anyway. I'm a fan of waistcoats, but I like to wear them in a variety of greys and dark colours. Naturally I can't get too colourful, what with being in the Thieve's Guild, but I do try to keep it nice.

lilMama's Character
Name or Nickname: Evelyn Myers (Ev for short)
Age: 21
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
No...I prefer to work for myself but realized that that became somewhat boring!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Sneak craft! I can pick a lock and a pocket before you even know I was there...but I can't all. a master of running away.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
None that would keep me from doing my job..! Though, I am somewhat avoidant of situations that would put me in the face of ridicule. I hate being put down as it causes me to be...reclusive.. sometimes she can be flighty and go her own way, sometiemes she is distracted by her own wants, an dmost of the time she has a sharp and sarcastic tongue due to years of being her own boss, but lord this child is scared of nothing.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
well of course

*scrawled on a yellowed and crumpled piece of parchment that smells faintly of roses and Iris flowers*

Ev is a gem. I would have to say, anyway, and if you do find her please let me know- she's a lithe spirit and it shows on her physical appearance as well! Short and thin, maybe about 5'1 or 2 if she stands up straight, wavy ebony hair that often holds a feather or two, her ears carry several piercings and bars...Her round face, pale as it might be does hold a line of freckles and her eyes...oh! her eyes are a bold emerald green, often lined with that thick black makeup always combed into a perfect point with three dots under each eye and a dot on either sides of the bridge of her small nose. She has a prominent collarbone, and her hips are slightly rounded in comparison to her small waist but that may be because she prefers not to eat much. Her fair skin, milky and pristine like a china doll on a cabinet, IS interrupted consistently, as it is covered by a few scars from a..less than honorable upbringing, several small ones littering her shoulders and chests but large ones rake her back like rivers scarring an empty earthen field. Several small but prominent scars stand out on her hips as well, and she prefers to keep them covered at all costs. A long scar decorates her knee from an attempt at jumping from one old pine tree to another, and a small one runs just down from her hairline from an ipact with a wall when she was learning to run and dodge aorund obsticals. Her limbs are thin and not too defined, though the nimble features all add to the fact that she is a master of never being caught. Of course this branches from her constant *sneaking out* all the time. What a brat. While she is small and not..entirely lean, she is athletic! but the poor dear can't fight close combat to save her life! she doesn't exactly pack a punch. She's really more or less built like a cat! Anywho, if you do catch the lovely dear let me know, tell her the old florist on the corner of the Ratway says hello!~

Farceur's Character
Name or Nickname: Sal Ghidos / Sal
Age: 28
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
I have not, no. It is only recent that has led me to believe that I require much more than my own set of skills to acquire my mark. I only come to present myself in hopes of achieving what I cannot do alone. Currently, that endeavor I speak of is amassing enough gold in a short amount of time. I’m sure your guild is capable of doing so, yes?
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Do you see this gladiolus I pulled out of my cloak? I admit it has faced better days when its petals were not pressed and colorless and stem, not bent like the knee of a lazy horse. In the market, it would fetch… a door slam to the face or a polite decline if the merchant had airs to keep. Would it interest you if I sold one of these decrepit flowers for a pocket full of gold? Understand that my specialty is not selling dead flowers. It’s purely dealing with a person’s emotions to yield a gain. The noblewomen who bought one my gladioli, believed a worthless flower like this will endow her with courage to leave her estranged husband for her lover. It took several moons and goblets of ale, but soon enough, she left her husband for her forbidden tryst and I left with my purse bloated. If not for gold, I could have acquired information or leverage. I believe you know the value of secrets, am I right?
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Toss a spider my way and I would cower as any common fool. Otherwise, no, I do not have any fears that will hinder the completion of my directives.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Let it be known that what you say is no different from the life anyone lives now. A mere child born into this forsaken land who carries an ounce of loyalty would do that much. It’s quite insulting to asked that question.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I am the man who stands in front of you. I find it crass to commission another to describe what your eyes could better understand, but I’ll do so since you asked. I have this letter here detailing me from head to toe, but I’ll spare you the frippery in this note. I am a 28 year old man with brown eyes as dark as my straight, burnt umber hair. If I remove my hood, you see that I am finely groomed with my my hair combed to the side and beard hair trimmed to a modest goatee and mustache. If I am to mingle with our targets, I’d do well to be agreeable to the eye, though there are things I can’t change. My button nose and bushy eyebrows stick out from all the pointed noses and equally sharp brows of the common folk. My stature is comparable to lean donkey which proved difficult in the past to be intimidating. There’s also the apparel under my cloak. I should purchase a new outfit because some of the buckles of my coat and trousers have twisted beyond use. Not to mention the once dark brown cloth has faded to a soft tawny color like my skin at the cuffs. There is a saying--the clothes make the man. Don’t let these ragged clothes fool you. I can be refined, dignified, and influential. You do not need to take my word for it because I’m sure you are a better judge of character than the author of this letter.

Elthemar's Character
Name or Nickname: Meredith Aope (Merry)
Age: 22
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Ayup, certainly. A poor, frail, soul ike me must rely on someone or another, after all. I have friends in high and low places, most with whom I have worked with once, or twice, then parted with, cordially. While I have no intention of being on my lonesome, as the saying goes, friends come and go, but family is forever. Unless you don't have a family, of course.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I can do plenty, dearie, but of course, I aim to not dirty my hands more than I need to. Why take the lucre of on another's hand, when you can have them willingly hand them to you? Guess you can call me a con artist, although I can pick a pocket if needs call me to. Not well, but I won't likely be discovered. Outside of people talk, I can also deliver your messages wherever you want them delivered, save for military strongholds and the like. Anywhere, darling, as long as you pay the price.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Course I do, dal. Everyone has a fear of the unknown and the unknowable, after all! Fears that will hamper me in the field, however, are few. I must say, though, that I extremely being alone in a large room, and more importantly require detailed information to function at my peak. If I feel a mission may cause harm to myself in ways not previously recognised, I will certainly aim to preserve my own interests.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I would first like to say that Merry is quite vain, almost as bad as me, for a common street thief. It is quite evident, from the very start, that she has not endured the harsh life of a street brat, although she cannot claim the visage of a merchant's daughter, either. Her palms are calloused, but at the very least, her face is not sun-browned or worn at by the wind. Her eyes are a dreamer's hazel, though the shrewd glint in her eyes destroys all sense of innocence, unless she deliberately acts so, which she does often. Her face is framed by lovely light brown hair, marred only by the fact that she keeps it cut short. The mischievous smile should not make you wary of her - a serious face would be the most worrying on her. Her schadenfreudal tendencies means she wouldn't dare make her next source of humour be disturbed.

She is small and fast, everywhere where she needs to be, and quite often when she isn't, to the annoyance of others. A small, skinny figure makes it easy for her to maneuver around, when she needs to escape, but most useful when she needs to get somewhere she shouldn't be. Wiggling through cracks, whether in conversations or physically, has always been her greatest talent. As stated before, she is not the kind that lets scars blemish her, and indeed you will not find any remaining marks of previus wounds. It is doubtful, however that she ever suffered a wound large or seriois enough to leave a lasting marks.

She dresses to fit the occasion, and although I approve of her antics to attempt to fot in, I doubt she can afford the more finer wears she dona at times. If she is not working on a scheme or actively wanted, you can find her wearing an overly dramatic black cloak that even I know to be far too showy for a thief.

scrawled faintly beneath it in a different, messier handwriting, are the words 'love ya too'

Altair's Character
Name or Nickname: Juodas Amador (Jude)
Age: 21
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Yes, I have been involved in another group prior to writing this application, but it has long been dissolved due to...ah, lack of personnel, if you will.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I have a fondness for daggers. Short, easy to conceal, yet still deadly enough to kill. I would like to believe that I can fend for myself just fine when the circumstances see fit. Other than that, I can pick a lock and sneak in the shadows. The basics that any person in this city would have learnt by now. I also come from a family that descended from one of the noblemen in the past. Thus, I do have access to a certain level of connections in the higher caste of society. God knows the thievery there is a different kind of game.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Hm. On the field? Little, besides the usual fear of death. I still have someone in this world that I care about, after all. It would break his heart if my life had passed somewhere in the dark alleyways of the city.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
I jest -- but I would really rather not get caught and/or die, obviously.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I know what you are going to say.
I'm not cute. The artist, for some reason or another, decided to interpret my features as more of effeminate, it seems. I will not deny that, but I am not that baby faced! Also yes, this is one of my usual attires. My mother, despite disapproving of my choice of career, still likes to clothe me with something a little fancier than the rest.

Wait, you were asking for a picture? Sorry, mother's pretty old fashioned.

VIII's Characters
Name or Nickname: Yo! Luo here - our boy Reno is a man of few words, and I usually call him Rat.. But for a rat, he certainly is quiet.
Age: He claims to be 51 years old ..he is lying. But I think we are about the same age - eh, Rat?
Preferred Gender: He is a dumb brat!
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Well, he has worked with me for the past few years, so I suppose that counts. We make a good team, too!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Rats are actually super smart, you know? Reno is no exception! I know I just called him dumb, but actually he is -like- super smart. Whenever I have any crazy ideas, I always let him in on them. And man, magic happens! He sees the small details. He is also quick too, have you seen his legs? That said, he can’t with math. Nor can I. We need a professor!
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Ehh - he used to be scared of spiders as a kid, but I can’t work with a guy who’s afraid of insects. So he is over that now! I’m not too sure if he is actually really scared about anything. Maybe farting out loud during a death match or something. (…) You’re right, that’s what I’m scared of. Sorry!
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
He does. And hey, one minute with this guy and we’ll all know he won’t ever drop a word. That said, I don’t agree with the terms. I’ll never leave him behind.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Rat is scared of cameras - hey, I have to add that to the previous list - so taking a picture of him is impossible. He is sitting right in front of me now, so I’ll try and get his appearance down with all my might!
Okay, 1. He is a tall lad. Even sitting down on a barrel you can see he is tall. I think he stands around 1.85cm? Eh? And he is very pale and with yellow undertones. He has a birthmark above his — oh, I think he wants us to leave that part out. Yeah, go back and sit on your damn barrel. Put that knife down too. (…) Okay, we continue! Pst, it is shaped like a bear. All right! 2. His hair is black. Or really dark brown, it is hard to judge in this lightning. I think we’ll go with black. It is also long and smooth - going all the way down to his waist! I can’t braid, but he is good at it, and often styles it as such. Right now it is in a ponytail, though. He used to have messy bangs too, but it has been quite some time since I last saw his face. 3! Speaking of his face, he is actually sort-of pretty. And I have really high standards! He has a baby face, yeah. And big dark eyes. Years ago, during summer, he even managed to get a little bit of freckles. His cheekbones are fairly high, too. 4. About his face… Rat likes to wear a mask. Somewhat ironically, it is shaped like a dark cat. With some golden lines around the edge, down the nose and stuff. Sorry I’m so vague about it, but he changes it all the time.. I’ve told him he needs to stay in character so he’ll be easier to remember and draw, but he bluntly refuses. He just really loves his masks. But he succeeds in never changing his clothing! It is always the same. Or so similar that I don’t notice he changes it, who cares. It is always dark, long and loose. Don’t be fooled, underneath all those layers he hides a six pack! He likes his combat boots big, too. Making him look a little intimidating. Is there anything else I should add? (…) Oh yeah, he got some knives too. He is actually pointing on of them at me right now! He has his two main tantos and then a third betw-

• • •

Name or Nickname: Okay, I’m back! My real name is Rori! (…) Okay no it is not, it’s Luo Faulkner. Unlike that other loser, I actually have a surname. I picked it myself and everything.
Age: I’m 18 years I think, but Rat claims I still think like a kid.
Preferred Gender: Well, I’m a lady so.. But should you take me for a pretty boy I wouldn’t mind!
Have you ever worked in a team before? Of course I have! Not for very long though. I move around a lot. But I have been stuck with Rat for the past 7 years, so I guess that settles my high score.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
You’ll need me to translate what Rat is (not) rambling about. That is probably the only thing I’m good at. I like to think that I’m a super cool thief, but I’m really not. I do have long fingers though and no morals to stand in my way.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Not really. If I had, i wouldn’t be here in the first place.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Hah, of course! But those lazy arses will have to catch me first.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I’m not scared of cameras, but I have terrible self-confidence, so you’ll wait to see me when we meet! Until then, I would describe myself as a petite girl. With thin hands and feet and stuff! I also have narrow hips. To be honest, I look more like a boy than Rat do. Apparently my body hasn’t realised I’m not 12 anymore. I’m also pale, but I can get tan, unlike Rat. I have thick eyebrows and they are natural, hah! But I do also sort of have a babyface. A lot of people considers me cute, or so they say. I have dark eyes too, a little doll-like. My hair is blonde! But I’m not sure how blonde. It has cold tones, so I guess we’ll go with ash blonde. I also have bangs to match Rat’s, but only recently! I’m also thinking about cutting my hair, but right now it is just above my waist. Also I’m at 1.74cm, isn’t that something?
I wouldn’t really say I’m pretty, but I know Rat is digging my face (…) - we have to support each other after all. My little sister is a goddess, though. I wish I had been as lucky with my looks as her.. Guess I’m fine as I am, however!

Oh, I also own a tanto by the way! I got it many years ago from the rodent back when we met. To imagine a 12 year old carrying all these murder weapons, eh? Though I don’t really like using it. Unlike others, I don’t have sadistic tendencies (..)
I have a gun too, but it is made out of plastic.

Lyxla's Characters
Name or Nickname: Kayla (Pft, last names. Who needs them?)
Age: 19
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Um, no. Well, I guess their was that one time... I'm not going to mention it, it didn't turn out well... Oh, I do have a "friend" I work with. Sometimes. Hey can she join? Great!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Well first, I'm just amazing, and second, I'm well trained in swords and fists, it's a bit anoying being younger than most people I'm fighting, but I make do. Usally I cause distracions while my parter, or friend as she calls herself steals stuff for us.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
OK, Kira said she'd do it, because if I did it would be inaccurate, I don't know what she means. Hello, I'm Kira, ok, so Kayla has lonng black hair and fairly plae skin. But the weirdest thing is her eyes. I mean really, how does someone have gold eyes? Is that really an eye color? I guess it is. Anyway, for all her bravado she is really small, I mean really, she's 5'0 maybe shorter, but don't tell her that, she hates being called short. Like nock your lights out hate. Anyway, she dresses in plain clothes, but is suprisingly fit. I guess it's from practicing so much. She doesn't seem like it, but she takes sword fighting very seriously, and never draws her swords if she doesn't have to. Thanks Kira, wait what did you write?

• • •

Name or Nickname: Kirena Kasai (Please call me Kira, I hate my name.)
Age: 19
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Kinda of. Not anymore though, it's just me and Kayla now!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Well, um, I'm a pretty good thief, I guess. I'm also pretty good at misdirection. But not that good! I'm just ok at both.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
I, um, I guess I'm afraid of not being good enough...
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Yes, of course!
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
OK, Kira wasn't to mean when she described me, so here we go! She has long blonde hair, and wide green eyes, kind of like an elf, but without the pointy ears. She wears light colors, I guess. Really, if I saw her I'd never guess she'd be able to pickpocket anything. But I guess that's the point. Her skin is darker than mine, quite a bit darker. And she's really skiny. With all she steals who would think she was that small. She's also taller than me. 5'6, or so she told me. And when she talked about her skills don't listen to her. She's being modest. She's saved me several times with her misdirection. Although, if she haden't I'd be perfectly fine, but whatever...

Glidget's Character
Name or Nickname: Rosalie Skipper
Age: 27
Preferred Gender: Female, but with some fluidity. She/her for convenience.
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Yes, but never long term. Mostly for legal activities like minstrel groups and whatnot
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Legally, musicianship. Mostly lute, voice, and some tin whistle. Illegally, conning people. The best job is where the target leaves feeling like they got something out of it. Some pickpocketing as well, but that's mostly for stingy audience members. Probably won't have any big hauls, but can also provide distractions and entertainment.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Not so much a fear, but if anything happens to the lute, there will be blood. Or at least an exceedingly rude song detailing the various shortcomings of the offending party. And, no, leaving the lute at home isn't an option. That would be like asking a man to leave the house naked!
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please, death? Unlikely. And convincing coppers of innocence is just acting. Acting is just as important as actual musicianship for a street performer.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Getting descriptions for the police sketches already? Uh, long-ish ringlet-y black hair, brown eyes, and dark tan skin. Sorta slender frame, but not too scrawny looking. Usually wearing bright colors. Gotta attract attention as a street performer and conning people doesn't need stealth.

Thieve's Roster

Mypilot's Characters
Name or Nickname: Archer
Age: 23
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I specialize in running things, and I profit the Guild by running it.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Jack here! In order to make sure Archer's description is perfectly detailed, I've been commissioned to write it! Now let's see... He has really lovely dark brown hair, near black I'd say. It'd straight and just long enough to touch his ears, but he actually keeps it quite styled. Surprising, I know. His eyes are much the same colour, a swirling chocolaty mess of brown. Contrasts rather nicely with his fair skin, although his scars sort of ruin the effect. Mostly on his neck they are, thin sharp lines. I'd say very much like an animal did it, but they're too neat. He's tall, too. Perhaps 5'10", 5'11"? And built as a thief would be, what with all the jumping and running around. Now, what else...

Ah, yes! His clothes are always dark and drab, yet annoyingly fashionable. Makes one question whether it's intentional or not. He rather likes coats that button up and hang to his knees. What do they call those? Trenchcoats? Yes, that must be it. That's it for now. Remember, lads and ladies and those inbetween: Archer is single and handsome and- and... Telling me I need to stop writing now. Farewell!

• • •

Name or Nickname: Jack Abel
Age: 20
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Why, no! I dare say not many in the City have, but that's quite alright. I do think I'm very capable of teamwork and am open to good, old fashioned friendships.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
My specialty lies in guns and the like! I consider myself a sharpshooter of sorts, but flintlock runs in my blood. My father before me was quite talented with a gun, you know. I'm also quite handy with my, well, hands. Quick fingers help in the City of Thieves!
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Not that I can think of. I, of course, have fears. What mortal man doesn't? But nothing that I can't handle and certainly nothing that will get in the way of a job well done!
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I insisted that I could write my own description, since I was certain whatever Archer wrote would be horrendously boring. Now, onto the good stuff. Unlike Archer, my hair is quite light in colour. I'd say dirty blond, wavy, and always swept back in that stylish unkept look the nobility likes. Also unlike Archer, I've got darker skin. I'd say a lovely tea colour when you've got a a few spoonfuls of milk in it. And my eyes are a lighter brown than Archer's, like an oak tree or mud. But pretty mud. I'm slightly shorter than Archer, but not by much. 5'8" and definitely more fit than he is. Then again, I do more of the dirty work.

My sense of style is more classy than Archer's, I think. I know I make more of an effort than he does, anyway. I'm a fan of waistcoats, but I like to wear them in a variety of greys and dark colours. Naturally I can't get too colourful, what with being in the Thieve's Guild, but I do try to keep it nice.

lilMama's Character
Name or Nickname: Evelyn Myers (Ev for short)
Age: 21
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
No...I prefer to work for myself but realized that that became somewhat boring!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Sneak craft! I can pick a lock and a pocket before you even know I was there...but I can't all. a master of running away.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
None that would keep me from doing my job..! Though, I am somewhat avoidant of situations that would put me in the face of ridicule. I hate being put down as it causes me to be...reclusive.. sometimes she can be flighty and go her own way, sometiemes she is distracted by her own wants, an dmost of the time she has a sharp and sarcastic tongue due to years of being her own boss, but lord this child is scared of nothing.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
well of course

*scrawled on a yellowed and crumpled piece of parchment that smells faintly of roses and Iris flowers*

Ev is a gem. I would have to say, anyway, and if you do find her please let me know- she's a lithe spirit and it shows on her physical appearance as well! Short and thin, maybe about 5'1 or 2 if she stands up straight, wavy ebony hair that often holds a feather or two, her ears carry several piercings and bars...Her round face, pale as it might be does hold a line of freckles and her eyes...oh! her eyes are a bold emerald green, often lined with that thick black makeup always combed into a perfect point with three dots under each eye and a dot on either sides of the bridge of her small nose. She has a prominent collarbone, and her hips are slightly rounded in comparison to her small waist but that may be because she prefers not to eat much. Her fair skin, milky and pristine like a china doll on a cabinet, IS interrupted consistently, as it is covered by a few scars from a..less than honorable upbringing, several small ones littering her shoulders and chests but large ones rake her back like rivers scarring an empty earthen field. Several small but prominent scars stand out on her hips as well, and she prefers to keep them covered at all costs. A long scar decorates her knee from an attempt at jumping from one old pine tree to another, and a small one runs just down from her hairline from an ipact with a wall when she was learning to run and dodge aorund obsticals. Her limbs are thin and not too defined, though the nimble features all add to the fact that she is a master of never being caught. Of course this branches from her constant *sneaking out* all the time. What a brat. While she is small and not..entirely lean, she is athletic! but the poor dear can't fight close combat to save her life! she doesn't exactly pack a punch. She's really more or less built like a cat! Anywho, if you do catch the lovely dear let me know, tell her the old florist on the corner of the Ratway says hello!~

Farceur's Character
Name or Nickname: Sal Ghidos / Sal
Age: 28
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
I have not, no. It is only recent that has led me to believe that I require much more than my own set of skills to acquire my mark. I only come to present myself in hopes of achieving what I cannot do alone. Currently, that endeavor I speak of is amassing enough gold in a short amount of time. I’m sure your guild is capable of doing so, yes?
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Do you see this gladiolus I pulled out of my cloak? I admit it has faced better days when its petals were not pressed and colorless and stem, not bent like the knee of a lazy horse. In the market, it would fetch… a door slam to the face or a polite decline if the merchant had airs to keep. Would it interest you if I sold one of these decrepit flowers for a pocket full of gold? Understand that my specialty is not selling dead flowers. It’s purely dealing with a person’s emotions to yield a gain. The noblewomen who bought one my gladioli, believed a worthless flower like this will endow her with courage to leave her estranged husband for her lover. It took several moons and goblets of ale, but soon enough, she left her husband for her forbidden tryst and I left with my purse bloated. If not for gold, I could have acquired information or leverage. I believe you know the value of secrets, am I right?
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Toss a spider my way and I would cower as any common fool. Otherwise, no, I do not have any fears that will hinder the completion of my directives.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Let it be known that what you say is no different from the life anyone lives now. A mere child born into this forsaken land who carries an ounce of loyalty would do that much. It’s quite insulting to asked that question.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I am the man who stands in front of you. I find it crass to commission another to describe what your eyes could better understand, but I’ll do so since you asked. I have this letter here detailing me from head to toe, but I’ll spare you the frippery in this note. I am a 28 year old man with brown eyes as dark as my straight, burnt umber hair. If I remove my hood, you see that I am finely groomed with my my hair combed to the side and beard hair trimmed to a modest goatee and mustache. If I am to mingle with our targets, I’d do well to be agreeable to the eye, though there are things I can’t change. My button nose and bushy eyebrows stick out from all the pointed noses and equally sharp brows of the common folk. My stature is comparable to lean donkey which proved difficult in the past to be intimidating. There’s also the apparel under my cloak. I should purchase a new outfit because some of the buckles of my coat and trousers have twisted beyond use. Not to mention the once dark brown cloth has faded to a soft tawny color like my skin at the cuffs. There is a saying--the clothes make the man. Don’t let these ragged clothes fool you. I can be refined, dignified, and influential. You do not need to take my word for it because I’m sure you are a better judge of character than the author of this letter.

Elthemar's Character
Name or Nickname: Meredith Aope (Merry)
Age: 22
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Ayup, certainly. A poor, frail, soul ike me must rely on someone or another, after all. I have friends in high and low places, most with whom I have worked with once, or twice, then parted with, cordially. While I have no intention of being on my lonesome, as the saying goes, friends come and go, but family is forever. Unless you don't have a family, of course.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I can do plenty, dearie, but of course, I aim to not dirty my hands more than I need to. Why take the lucre of on another's hand, when you can have them willingly hand them to you? Guess you can call me a con artist, although I can pick a pocket if needs call me to. Not well, but I won't likely be discovered. Outside of people talk, I can also deliver your messages wherever you want them delivered, save for military strongholds and the like. Anywhere, darling, as long as you pay the price.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Course I do, dal. Everyone has a fear of the unknown and the unknowable, after all! Fears that will hamper me in the field, however, are few. I must say, though, that I extremely being alone in a large room, and more importantly require detailed information to function at my peak. If I feel a mission may cause harm to myself in ways not previously recognised, I will certainly aim to preserve my own interests.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I would first like to say that Merry is quite vain, almost as bad as me, for a common street thief. It is quite evident, from the very start, that she has not endured the harsh life of a street brat, although she cannot claim the visage of a merchant's daughter, either. Her palms are calloused, but at the very least, her face is not sun-browned or worn at by the wind. Her eyes are a dreamer's hazel, though the shrewd glint in her eyes destroys all sense of innocence, unless she deliberately acts so, which she does often. Her face is framed by lovely light brown hair, marred only by the fact that she keeps it cut short. The mischievous smile should not make you wary of her - a serious face would be the most worrying on her. Her schadenfreudal tendencies means she wouldn't dare make her next source of humour be disturbed.

She is small and fast, everywhere where she needs to be, and quite often when she isn't, to the annoyance of others. A small, skinny figure makes it easy for her to maneuver around, when she needs to escape, but most useful when she needs to get somewhere she shouldn't be. Wiggling through cracks, whether in conversations or physically, has always been her greatest talent. As stated before, she is not the kind that lets scars blemish her, and indeed you will not find any remaining marks of previus wounds. It is doubtful, however that she ever suffered a wound large or seriois enough to leave a lasting marks.

She dresses to fit the occasion, and although I approve of her antics to attempt to fot in, I doubt she can afford the more finer wears she dona at times. If she is not working on a scheme or actively wanted, you can find her wearing an overly dramatic black cloak that even I know to be far too showy for a thief.

scrawled faintly beneath it in a different, messier handwriting, are the words 'love ya too'

Altair's Character
Name or Nickname: Juodas Amador (Jude)
Age: 21
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Yes, I have been involved in another group prior to writing this application, but it has long been dissolved due to...ah, lack of personnel, if you will.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I have a fondness for daggers. Short, easy to conceal, yet still deadly enough to kill. I would like to believe that I can fend for myself just fine when the circumstances see fit. Other than that, I can pick a lock and sneak in the shadows. The basics that any person in this city would have learnt by now. I also come from a family that descended from one of the noblemen in the past. Thus, I do have access to a certain level of connections in the higher caste of society. God knows the thievery there is a different kind of game.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Hm. On the field? Little, besides the usual fear of death. I still have someone in this world that I care about, after all. It would break his heart if my life had passed somewhere in the dark alleyways of the city.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
I jest -- but I would really rather not get caught and/or die, obviously.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I know what you are going to say.
I'm not cute. The artist, for some reason or another, decided to interpret my features as more of effeminate, it seems. I will not deny that, but I am not that baby faced! Also yes, this is one of my usual attires. My mother, despite disapproving of my choice of career, still likes to clothe me with something a little fancier than the rest.

Wait, you were asking for a picture? Sorry, mother's pretty old fashioned.

VIII's Characters
Name or Nickname: Yo! Luo here - our boy Reno is a man of few words, and I usually call him Rat.. But for a rat, he certainly is quiet.
Age: He claims to be 51 years old ..he is lying. But I think we are about the same age - eh, Rat?
Preferred Gender: He is a dumb brat!
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Well, he has worked with me for the past few years, so I suppose that counts. We make a good team, too!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Rats are actually super smart, you know? Reno is no exception! I know I just called him dumb, but actually he is -like- super smart. Whenever I have any crazy ideas, I always let him in on them. And man, magic happens! He sees the small details. He is also quick too, have you seen his legs? That said, he can’t with math. Nor can I. We need a professor!
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Ehh - he used to be scared of spiders as a kid, but I can’t work with a guy who’s afraid of insects. So he is over that now! I’m not too sure if he is actually really scared about anything. Maybe farting out loud during a death match or something. (…) You’re right, that’s what I’m scared of. Sorry!
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
He does. And hey, one minute with this guy and we’ll all know he won’t ever drop a word. That said, I don’t agree with the terms. I’ll never leave him behind.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Rat is scared of cameras - hey, I have to add that to the previous list - so taking a picture of him is impossible. He is sitting right in front of me now, so I’ll try and get his appearance down with all my might!
Okay, 1. He is a tall lad. Even sitting down on a barrel you can see he is tall. I think he stands around 1.85cm? Eh? And he is very pale and with yellow undertones. He has a birthmark above his — oh, I think he wants us to leave that part out. Yeah, go back and sit on your damn barrel. Put that knife down too. (…) Okay, we continue! Pst, it is shaped like a bear. All right! 2. His hair is black. Or really dark brown, it is hard to judge in this lightning. I think we’ll go with black. It is also long and smooth - going all the way down to his waist! I can’t braid, but he is good at it, and often styles it as such. Right now it is in a ponytail, though. He used to have messy bangs too, but it has been quite some time since I last saw his face. 3! Speaking of his face, he is actually sort-of pretty. And I have really high standards! He has a baby face, yeah. And big dark eyes. Years ago, during summer, he even managed to get a little bit of freckles. His cheekbones are fairly high, too. 4. About his face… Rat likes to wear a mask. Somewhat ironically, it is shaped like a dark cat. With some golden lines around the edge, down the nose and stuff. Sorry I’m so vague about it, but he changes it all the time.. I’ve told him he needs to stay in character so he’ll be easier to remember and draw, but he bluntly refuses. He just really loves his masks. But he succeeds in never changing his clothing! It is always the same. Or so similar that I don’t notice he changes it, who cares. It is always dark, long and loose. Don’t be fooled, underneath all those layers he hides a six pack! He likes his combat boots big, too. Making him look a little intimidating. Is there anything else I should add? (…) Oh yeah, he got some knives too. He is actually pointing on of them at me right now! He has his two main tantos and then a third betw-

• • •

Name or Nickname: Okay, I’m back! My real name is Rori! (…) Okay no it is not, it’s Luo Faulkner. Unlike that other loser, I actually have a surname. I picked it myself and everything.
Age: I’m 18 years I think, but Rat claims I still think like a kid.
Preferred Gender: Well, I’m a lady so.. But should you take me for a pretty boy I wouldn’t mind!
Have you ever worked in a team before? Of course I have! Not for very long though. I move around a lot. But I have been stuck with Rat for the past 7 years, so I guess that settles my high score.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
You’ll need me to translate what Rat is (not) rambling about. That is probably the only thing I’m good at. I like to think that I’m a super cool thief, but I’m really not. I do have long fingers though and no morals to stand in my way.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Not really. If I had, i wouldn’t be here in the first place.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Hah, of course! But those lazy arses will have to catch me first.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I’m not scared of cameras, but I have terrible self-confidence, so you’ll wait to see me when we meet! Until then, I would describe myself as a petite girl. With thin hands and feet and stuff! I also have narrow hips. To be honest, I look more like a boy than Rat do. Apparently my body hasn’t realised I’m not 12 anymore. I’m also pale, but I can get tan, unlike Rat. I have thick eyebrows and they are natural, hah! But I do also sort of have a babyface. A lot of people considers me cute, or so they say. I have dark eyes too, a little doll-like. My hair is blonde! But I’m not sure how blonde. It has cold tones, so I guess we’ll go with ash blonde. I also have bangs to match Rat’s, but only recently! I’m also thinking about cutting my hair, but right now it is just above my waist. Also I’m at 1.74cm, isn’t that something?
I wouldn’t really say I’m pretty, but I know Rat is digging my face (…) - we have to support each other after all. My little sister is a goddess, though. I wish I had been as lucky with my looks as her.. Guess I’m fine as I am, however!

Oh, I also own a tanto by the way! I got it many years ago from the rodent back when we met. To imagine a 12 year old carrying all these murder weapons, eh? Though I don’t really like using it. Unlike others, I don’t have sadistic tendencies (..)
I have a gun too, but it is made out of plastic.

Lyxla's Characters
Name or Nickname: Kayla (Pft, last names. Who needs them?)
Age: 19
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Um, no. Well, I guess their was that one time... I'm not going to mention it, it didn't turn out well... Oh, I do have a "friend" I work with. Sometimes. Hey can she join? Great!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Well first, I'm just amazing, and second, I'm well trained in swords and fists, it's a bit anoying being younger than most people I'm fighting, but I make do. Usally I cause distracions while my parter, or friend as she calls herself steals stuff for us.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
OK, Kira said she'd do it, because if I did it would be inaccurate, I don't know what she means. Hello, I'm Kira, ok, so Kayla has lonng black hair and fairly plae skin. But the weirdest thing is her eyes. I mean really, how does someone have gold eyes? Is that really an eye color? I guess it is. Anyway, for all her bravado she is really small, I mean really, she's 5'0 maybe shorter, but don't tell her that, she hates being called short. Like nock your lights out hate. Anyway, she dresses in plain clothes, but is suprisingly fit. I guess it's from practicing so much. She doesn't seem like it, but she takes sword fighting very seriously, and never draws her swords if she doesn't have to. Thanks Kira, wait what did you write?

• • •

Name or Nickname: Kirena Kasai (Please call me Kira, I hate my name.)
Age: 19
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Kinda of. Not anymore though, it's just me and Kayla now!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Well, um, I'm a pretty good thief, I guess. I'm also pretty good at misdirection. But not that good! I'm just ok at both.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
I, um, I guess I'm afraid of not being good enough...
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Yes, of course!
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
OK, Kira wasn't to mean when she described me, so here we go! She has long blonde hair, and wide green eyes, kind of like an elf, but without the pointy ears. She wears light colors, I guess. Really, if I saw her I'd never guess she'd be able to pickpocket anything. But I guess that's the point. Her skin is darker than mine, quite a bit darker. And she's really skiny. With all she steals who would think she was that small. She's also taller than me. 5'6, or so she told me. And when she talked about her skills don't listen to her. She's being modest. She's saved me several times with her misdirection. Although, if she haden't I'd be perfectly fine, but whatever...

Glidget's Character
Name or Nickname: Rosalie Skipper
Age: 27
Preferred Gender: Female, but with some fluidity. She/her for convenience.
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Yes, but never long term. Mostly for legal activities like minstrel groups and whatnot
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Legally, musicianship. Mostly lute, voice, and some tin whistle. Illegally, conning people. The best job is where the target leaves feeling like they got something out of it. Some pickpocketing as well, but that's mostly for stingy audience members. Probably won't have any big hauls, but can also provide distractions and entertainment.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Not so much a fear, but if anything happens to the lute, there will be blood. Or at least an exceedingly rude song detailing the various shortcomings of the offending party. And, no, leaving the lute at home isn't an option. That would be like asking a man to leave the house naked!
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please, death? Unlikely. And convincing coppers of innocence is just acting. Acting is just as important as actual musicianship for a street performer.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Getting descriptions for the police sketches already? Uh, long-ish ringlet-y black hair, brown eyes, and dark tan skin. Sorta slender frame, but not too scrawny looking. Usually wearing bright colors. Gotta attract attention as a street performer and conning people doesn't need stealth.
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Name or Nickname: Evelyn Myers (Ev for short)
Age: 21
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
No...I prefer to work for myself but realized that that became somewhat boring!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Sneak craft! I can pick a lock and a pocket before you even know I was there...but I can't all. a master of running away.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
None that would keep me from doing my job..! Though, I am somewhat avoidant of situations that would put me in the face of ridicule. I hate being put down as it causes me to be...reclusive.. sometimes she can be flighty and go her own way, sometiemes she is distracted by her own wants, an dmost of the time she has a sharp and sarcastic tongue due to years of being her own boss, but lord this child is scared of nothing.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
well of course

*scrawled on a yellowed and crumpled piece of parchment that smells faintly of roses and Iris flowers

Ev is a gem. I would have to say, anyway, and if you do find her please let me know- she's a lithe spirit and it shows on her physical appearance as well! Short and thin, maybe about 5'1 or 2 if she stands up straight, wavy ebony hair that often holds a feather or two, her ears carry several piercings and bars...Her round face, pale as it might be does hold a line of freckles and her eyes...oh! her eyes are a bold emerald green, often lined with that thick black makeup always combed into a perfect point with three dots under each eye and a dot on either sides of the bridge of her small nose. She has a prominent collarbone, and her hips are slightly rounded in comparison to her small waist but that may be because she prefers not to eat much. Her fair skin, milky and pristine like a china doll on a cabinet, IS interrupted consistently, as it is covered by a few scars from a..less than honorable upbringing, several small ones littering her shoulders and chests but large ones rake her back like rivers scarring an empty earthen field. Several small but prominent scars stand out on her hips as well, and she prefers to keep them covered at all costs. A long scar decorates her knee from an attempt at jumping from one old pine tree to another, and a small one runs just down from her hairline from an ipact with a wall when she was learning to run and dodge aorund obsticals. Her limbs are thin and not too defined, though the nimble features all add to the fact that she is a master of never being caught. Of course this branches from her constant *sneaking out* all the time. What a brat. While she is small and not..entirely lean, she is athletic! but the poor dear can't fight close combat to save her life! she doesn't exactly pack a punch. She's really more or less built like a cat! Anywho, if you do catch the lovely dear let me know, tell her the old florist on the corner of the Ratway says hello!~

Name or Nickname: Evelyn Myers (Ev for short)
Age: 21
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
No...I prefer to work for myself but realized that that became somewhat boring!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Sneak craft! I can pick a lock and a pocket before you even know I was there...but I can't all. a master of running away.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
None that would keep me from doing my job..! Though, I am somewhat avoidant of situations that would put me in the face of ridicule. I hate being put down as it causes me to be...reclusive.. sometimes she can be flighty and go her own way, sometiemes she is distracted by her own wants, an dmost of the time she has a sharp and sarcastic tongue due to years of being her own boss, but lord this child is scared of nothing.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
well of course

*scrawled on a yellowed and crumpled piece of parchment that smells faintly of roses and Iris flowers

Ev is a gem. I would have to say, anyway, and if you do find her please let me know- she's a lithe spirit and it shows on her physical appearance as well! Short and thin, maybe about 5'1 or 2 if she stands up straight, wavy ebony hair that often holds a feather or two, her ears carry several piercings and bars...Her round face, pale as it might be does hold a line of freckles and her eyes...oh! her eyes are a bold emerald green, often lined with that thick black makeup always combed into a perfect point with three dots under each eye and a dot on either sides of the bridge of her small nose. She has a prominent collarbone, and her hips are slightly rounded in comparison to her small waist but that may be because she prefers not to eat much. Her fair skin, milky and pristine like a china doll on a cabinet, IS interrupted consistently, as it is covered by a few scars from a..less than honorable upbringing, several small ones littering her shoulders and chests but large ones rake her back like rivers scarring an empty earthen field. Several small but prominent scars stand out on her hips as well, and she prefers to keep them covered at all costs. A long scar decorates her knee from an attempt at jumping from one old pine tree to another, and a small one runs just down from her hairline from an ipact with a wall when she was learning to run and dodge aorund obsticals. Her limbs are thin and not too defined, though the nimble features all add to the fact that she is a master of never being caught. Of course this branches from her constant *sneaking out* all the time. What a brat. While she is small and not..entirely lean, she is athletic! but the poor dear can't fight close combat to save her life! she doesn't exactly pack a punch. She's really more or less built like a cat! Anywho, if you do catch the lovely dear let me know, tell her the old florist on the corner of the Ratway says hello!~

Name or Nickname: Sal Ghidos / Sal
Age: 28
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
I have not, no. It is only recent that has led me to believe that I require much more than my own set of skills to acquire my mark. I only come to present myself in hopes of achieving what I cannot do alone. Currently, that endeavor I speak of is amassing enough gold in a short amount of time. I’m sure your guild is capable of doing so, yes?
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Do you see this gladiolus I pulled out of my cloak? I admit it has faced better days when its petals were not pressed and colorless and stem, not bent like the knee of a lazy horse. In the market, it would fetch… a door slam to the face or a polite decline if the merchant had airs to keep. Would it interest you if I sold one of these decrepit flowers for a pocket full of gold? Understand that my specialty is not selling dead flowers. It’s purely dealing with a person’s emotions to yield a gain. The noblewomen who bought one my gladioli, believed a worthless flower like this will endow her with courage to leave her estranged husband for her lover. It took several moons and goblets of ale, but soon enough, she left her husband for her forbidden tryst and I left with my purse bloated. If not for gold, I could have acquired information or leverage. I believe you know the value of secrets, am I right?
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Toss a spider my way and I would cower as any common fool. Otherwise, no, I do not have any fears that will hinder the completion of my directives.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Let it be known that what you say is no different from the life anyone lives now. A mere child born into this forsaken land who carries an ounce of loyalty would do that much. It’s quite insulting to asked that question.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I am the man who stands in front of you. I find it crass to commission another to describe what your eyes could better understand, but I’ll do so since you asked. I have this letter here detailing me from head to toe, but I’ll spare you the frippery in this note. I am a 28 year old man with brown eyes as dark as my straight, burnt umber hair. If I remove my hood, you see that I am finely groomed with my my hair combed to the side and beard hair trimmed to a modest goatee and mustache. If I am to mingle with our targets, I’d do well to be agreeable to the eye, though there are things I can’t change. My button nose and bushy eyebrows stick out from all the pointed noses and equally sharp brows of the common folk. My stature is comparable to lean donkey which proved difficult in the past to be intimidating. There’s also the apparel under my cloak. I should purchase a new outfit because some of the buckles of my coat and trousers have twisted beyond use. Not to mention the once dark brown cloth has faded to a soft tawny color like my skin at the cuffs. There is a saying--the clothes make the man. Don’t let these ragged clothes fool you. I can be refined, dignified, and influential. You do not need to take my word for it because I’m sure you are a better judge of character than the author of this letter.

Name or Nickname: Sal Ghidos / Sal
Age: 28
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
I have not, no. It is only recent that has led me to believe that I require much more than my own set of skills to acquire my mark. I only come to present myself in hopes of achieving what I cannot do alone. Currently, that endeavor I speak of is amassing enough gold in a short amount of time. I’m sure your guild is capable of doing so, yes?
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Do you see this gladiolus I pulled out of my cloak? I admit it has faced better days when its petals were not pressed and colorless and stem, not bent like the knee of a lazy horse. In the market, it would fetch… a door slam to the face or a polite decline if the merchant had airs to keep. Would it interest you if I sold one of these decrepit flowers for a pocket full of gold? Understand that my specialty is not selling dead flowers. It’s purely dealing with a person’s emotions to yield a gain. The noblewomen who bought one my gladioli, believed a worthless flower like this will endow her with courage to leave her estranged husband for her lover. It took several moons and goblets of ale, but soon enough, she left her husband for her forbidden tryst and I left with my purse bloated. If not for gold, I could have acquired information or leverage. I believe you know the value of secrets, am I right?
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Toss a spider my way and I would cower as any common fool. Otherwise, no, I do not have any fears that will hinder the completion of my directives.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Let it be known that what you say is no different from the life anyone lives now. A mere child born into this forsaken land who carries an ounce of loyalty would do that much. It’s quite insulting to asked that question.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I am the man who stands in front of you. I find it crass to commission another to describe what your eyes could better understand, but I’ll do so since you asked. I have this letter here detailing me from head to toe, but I’ll spare you the frippery in this note. I am a 28 year old man with brown eyes as dark as my straight, burnt umber hair. If I remove my hood, you see that I am finely groomed with my my hair combed to the side and beard hair trimmed to a modest goatee and mustache. If I am to mingle with our targets, I’d do well to be agreeable to the eye, though there are things I can’t change. My button nose and bushy eyebrows stick out from all the pointed noses and equally sharp brows of the common folk. My stature is comparable to lean donkey which proved difficult in the past to be intimidating. There’s also the apparel under my cloak. I should purchase a new outfit because some of the buckles of my coat and trousers have twisted beyond use. Not to mention the once dark brown cloth has faded to a soft tawny color like my skin at the cuffs. There is a saying--the clothes make the man. Don’t let these ragged clothes fool you. I can be refined, dignified, and influential. You do not need to take my word for it because I’m sure you are a better judge of character than the author of this letter.

Name or Nickname: Juodas Amador (Jude)
Age: 21
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Yes, I have been involved in another group prior to writing this application, but it has long been dissolved due to...ah, lack of personnel, if you will.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I have a fondness for daggers. Short, easy to conceal, yet still deadly enough to kill. I would like to believe that I can fend for myself just fine when the circumstances see fit. Other than that, I can pick a lock and sneak in the shadows. The basics that any person in this city would have learnt by now. I also come from a family that descended from one of the noblemen in the past. Thus, I do have access to a certain level of connections in the higher caste of society. God knows the thievery there is a different kind of game.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Hm. On the field? Little, besides the usual fear of death. I still have someone in this world that I care about, after all. It would break his heart if my life had passed somewhere in the dark alleyways of the city.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
I jest -- but I would really rather not get caught and/or die, obviously.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I know what you are going to say.
I'm not cute. The artist, for some reason or another, decided to interpret my features as more of effeminate, it seems. I will not deny that, but I am not that baby faced! Also yes, this is one of my usual attires. My mother, despite disapproving of my choice of career, still likes to clothe me with something a little fancier than the rest.

Wait, you were asking for a picture? Sorry, mother's pretty old fashioned.

Name or Nickname: Juodas Amador (Jude)
Age: 21
Preferred Gender: Male
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Yes, I have been involved in another group prior to writing this application, but it has long been dissolved due to...ah, lack of personnel, if you will.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
I have a fondness for daggers. Short, easy to conceal, yet still deadly enough to kill. I would like to believe that I can fend for myself just fine when the circumstances see fit. Other than that, I can pick a lock and sneak in the shadows. The basics that any person in this city would have learnt by now. I also come from a family that descended from one of the noblemen in the past. Thus, I do have access to a certain level of connections in the higher caste of society. God knows the thievery there is a different kind of game.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Hm. On the field? Little, besides the usual fear of death. I still have someone in this world that I care about, after all. It would break his heart if my life had passed somewhere in the dark alleyways of the city.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
I jest -- but I would really rather not get caught and/or die, obviously.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
I know what you are going to say.
I'm not cute. The artist, for some reason or another, decided to interpret my features as more of effeminate, it seems. I will not deny that, but I am not that baby faced! Also yes, this is one of my usual attires. My mother, despite disapproving of my choice of career, still likes to clothe me with something a little fancier than the rest.

Wait, you were asking for a picture? Sorry, mother's pretty old fashioned.
This RP seems like a breath of fresh air! Would you mind holding a spot for me while I make my character?

And quick question! My bird brain never really caught onto whenever we can have more than one character - as I got it, two was acceptable, but I'm not sure?
This RP seems like a breath of fresh air! Would you mind holding a spot for me while I make my character?

And quick question! My bird brain never really caught onto whenever we can have more than one character - as I got it, two was acceptable, but I'm not sure?
Pst, I went by and introduced both of them. If it doesn't work, I'll just scratch one of them.

Name or Nickname: Yo! Luo here - our boy Reno is a man of few words, and I usually call him Rat.. But for a rat, he certainly is quiet.

Age: He claims to be 51 years old ..he is lying. But I think we are about the same age - eh, Rat?

Preferred Gender: He is a dumb brat!

Have you ever worked in a team before? Well, he has worked with me for the past few years, so I suppose that counts. We make a good team, too!

What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild? Rats are actually super smart, you know? Reno is no exception! I know I just called him dumb, but actually he is -like- super smart. Whenever I have any crazy ideas, I always let him in on them. And man, magic happens! He sees the small details. He is also quick too, have you seen his legs? That said, he can’t with math. Nor can I. We need a professor!

Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field? Ehh - he used to be scared of spiders as a kid, but I can’t work with a guy who’s afraid of insects. So he is over that now! I’m not too sure if he is actually really scared about anything. Maybe farting out loud during a death match or something. (…) You’re right, that’s what I’m scared of. Sorry!

Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter? He does. And hey, one minute with this guy and we’ll all know he won’t ever drop a word. That said, I don’t agree with the terms. I’ll never leave him behind.

Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Rat is scared of cameras - hey, I have to add that to the previous list - so taking a picture of him is impossible. He is sitting right in front of me now, so I’ll try and get his appearance down with all my might!
Okay, 1. He is a tall lad. Even sitting down on a barrel you can see he is tall. I think he stands around 1.85cm? Eh? And he is very pale and with yellow undertones. He has a birthmark above his — oh, I think he wants us to leave that part out. Yeah, go back and sit on your damn barrel. Put that knife down too. (…) Okay, we continue! Pst, it is shaped like a bear. All right! 2. His hair is black. Or really dark brown, it is hard to judge in this lightning. I think we’ll go with black. It is also long and smooth - going all the way down to his waist! I can’t braid, but he is good at it, and often styles it as such. Right now it is in a ponytail, though. He used to have messy bangs too, but it has been quite some time since I last saw his face. 3! Speaking of his face, he is actually sort-of pretty. And I have really high standards! He has a baby face, yeah. And big dark eyes. Years ago, during summer, he even managed to get a little bit of freckles. His cheekbones are fairly high, too. 4. About his face… Rat likes to wear a mask. Somewhat ironically, it is shaped like a dark cat. With some golden lines around the edge, down the nose and stuff. Sorry I’m so vague about it, but he changes it all the time.. I’ve told him he needs to stay in character so he’ll be easier to remember and draw, but he bluntly refuses. He just really loves his masks. But he succeeds in never changing his clothing! It is always the same. Or so similar that I don’t notice he changes it, who cares. It is always dark, long and loose. Don’t be fooled, underneath all those layers he hides a six pack! He likes his combat boots big, too. Making him look a little intimidating. Is there anything else I should add? (…) Oh yeah, he got some knives too. He is actually pointing on of them at me right now! He has his two main tantos and then a third betw-

Name or Nickname: Okay, I’m back! My real name is Rori! (…) Okay no it is not, it’s Luo Faulkner. Unlike that other loser, I actually have a surname. I picked it myself and everything.
Age: I’m 18 years I think, but Rat claims I still think like a kid.
Preferred Gender: Well, I’m a lady so.. But should you take me for a pretty boy I wouldn’t mind!
Have you ever worked in a team before? Of course I have! Not for very long though. I move around a lot. But I have been stuck with Rat for the past 7 years, so I guess that settles my high score.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild? You’ll need me to translate what Rat is (not) rambling about. That is probably the only thing I’m good at. I like to think that I’m a super cool thief, but I’m really not. I do have long fingers though and no morals to stand in my way.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field? Not really. If I had, i wouldn’t be here in the first place.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter? Hah, of course! But those lazy arses will have to catch me first.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below: I’m not scared of cameras, but I have terrible self-confidence, so you’ll wait to see me when we meet! Until then, I would describe myself as a petite girl. With thin hands and feet and stuff! I also have narrow hips. To be honest, I look more like a boy than Rat do. Apparently my body hasn’t realised I’m not 12 anymore. I’m also pale, but I can get tan, unlike Rat. I have thick eyebrows and they are natural, hah! But I do also sort of have a babyface. A lot of people considers me cute, or so they say. I have dark eyes too, a little doll-like. My hair is blonde! But I’m not sure how blonde. It has cold tones, so I guess we’ll go with ash blonde. I also have bangs to match Rat’s, but only recently! I’m also thinking about cutting my hair, but right now it is just above my waist. Also I’m at 1.74cm, isn’t that something?
I wouldn’t really say I’m pretty, but I know Rat is digging my face (…) - we have to support each other after all. My little sister is a goddess, though. I wish I had been as lucky with my looks as her.. Guess I’m fine as I am, however!

Oh, I also own a tanto by the way! I got it many years ago from the rodent back when we met. To imagine a 12 year old carrying all these murder weapons, eh? Though I don’t really like using it. Unlike others, I don’t have sadistic tendencies (..)
I have a gun too, but it is made out of plastic.
Pst, I went by and introduced both of them. If it doesn't work, I'll just scratch one of them.

Name or Nickname: Yo! Luo here - our boy Reno is a man of few words, and I usually call him Rat.. But for a rat, he certainly is quiet.

Age: He claims to be 51 years old ..he is lying. But I think we are about the same age - eh, Rat?

Preferred Gender: He is a dumb brat!

Have you ever worked in a team before? Well, he has worked with me for the past few years, so I suppose that counts. We make a good team, too!

What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild? Rats are actually super smart, you know? Reno is no exception! I know I just called him dumb, but actually he is -like- super smart. Whenever I have any crazy ideas, I always let him in on them. And man, magic happens! He sees the small details. He is also quick too, have you seen his legs? That said, he can’t with math. Nor can I. We need a professor!

Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field? Ehh - he used to be scared of spiders as a kid, but I can’t work with a guy who’s afraid of insects. So he is over that now! I’m not too sure if he is actually really scared about anything. Maybe farting out loud during a death match or something. (…) You’re right, that’s what I’m scared of. Sorry!

Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter? He does. And hey, one minute with this guy and we’ll all know he won’t ever drop a word. That said, I don’t agree with the terms. I’ll never leave him behind.

Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
Rat is scared of cameras - hey, I have to add that to the previous list - so taking a picture of him is impossible. He is sitting right in front of me now, so I’ll try and get his appearance down with all my might!
Okay, 1. He is a tall lad. Even sitting down on a barrel you can see he is tall. I think he stands around 1.85cm? Eh? And he is very pale and with yellow undertones. He has a birthmark above his — oh, I think he wants us to leave that part out. Yeah, go back and sit on your damn barrel. Put that knife down too. (…) Okay, we continue! Pst, it is shaped like a bear. All right! 2. His hair is black. Or really dark brown, it is hard to judge in this lightning. I think we’ll go with black. It is also long and smooth - going all the way down to his waist! I can’t braid, but he is good at it, and often styles it as such. Right now it is in a ponytail, though. He used to have messy bangs too, but it has been quite some time since I last saw his face. 3! Speaking of his face, he is actually sort-of pretty. And I have really high standards! He has a baby face, yeah. And big dark eyes. Years ago, during summer, he even managed to get a little bit of freckles. His cheekbones are fairly high, too. 4. About his face… Rat likes to wear a mask. Somewhat ironically, it is shaped like a dark cat. With some golden lines around the edge, down the nose and stuff. Sorry I’m so vague about it, but he changes it all the time.. I’ve told him he needs to stay in character so he’ll be easier to remember and draw, but he bluntly refuses. He just really loves his masks. But he succeeds in never changing his clothing! It is always the same. Or so similar that I don’t notice he changes it, who cares. It is always dark, long and loose. Don’t be fooled, underneath all those layers he hides a six pack! He likes his combat boots big, too. Making him look a little intimidating. Is there anything else I should add? (…) Oh yeah, he got some knives too. He is actually pointing on of them at me right now! He has his two main tantos and then a third betw-

Name or Nickname: Okay, I’m back! My real name is Rori! (…) Okay no it is not, it’s Luo Faulkner. Unlike that other loser, I actually have a surname. I picked it myself and everything.
Age: I’m 18 years I think, but Rat claims I still think like a kid.
Preferred Gender: Well, I’m a lady so.. But should you take me for a pretty boy I wouldn’t mind!
Have you ever worked in a team before? Of course I have! Not for very long though. I move around a lot. But I have been stuck with Rat for the past 7 years, so I guess that settles my high score.
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild? You’ll need me to translate what Rat is (not) rambling about. That is probably the only thing I’m good at. I like to think that I’m a super cool thief, but I’m really not. I do have long fingers though and no morals to stand in my way.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field? Not really. If I had, i wouldn’t be here in the first place.
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter? Hah, of course! But those lazy arses will have to catch me first.
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below: I’m not scared of cameras, but I have terrible self-confidence, so you’ll wait to see me when we meet! Until then, I would describe myself as a petite girl. With thin hands and feet and stuff! I also have narrow hips. To be honest, I look more like a boy than Rat do. Apparently my body hasn’t realised I’m not 12 anymore. I’m also pale, but I can get tan, unlike Rat. I have thick eyebrows and they are natural, hah! But I do also sort of have a babyface. A lot of people considers me cute, or so they say. I have dark eyes too, a little doll-like. My hair is blonde! But I’m not sure how blonde. It has cold tones, so I guess we’ll go with ash blonde. I also have bangs to match Rat’s, but only recently! I’m also thinking about cutting my hair, but right now it is just above my waist. Also I’m at 1.74cm, isn’t that something?
I wouldn’t really say I’m pretty, but I know Rat is digging my face (…) - we have to support each other after all. My little sister is a goddess, though. I wish I had been as lucky with my looks as her.. Guess I’m fine as I am, however!

Oh, I also own a tanto by the way! I got it many years ago from the rodent back when we met. To imagine a 12 year old carrying all these murder weapons, eh? Though I don’t really like using it. Unlike others, I don’t have sadistic tendencies (..)
I have a gun too, but it is made out of plastic.
Name or Nickname: Kayla (Pft, last names. Who needs them?)
Age: 19
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Um, no. Well, I guess their was that one time... I'm not going to mention it, it didn't turn out well... Oh, I do have a "friend" I work with. Sometimes. Hey can she join? Great!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Well first, I'm just amazing, and second, I'm well trained in swords and fists, it's a bit anoying being younger than most people I'm fighting, but I make do. Usally I cause distracions while my parter, or friend as she calls herself steals stuff for us.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
OK, Kira said she'd do it, because if I did it would be inaccurate, I don't know what she means. Hello, I'm Kira, ok, so Kayla has lonng black hair and fairly plae skin. But the weirdest thing is her eyes. I mean really, how does someone have gold eyes? Is that really an eye color? I guess it is. Anyway, for all her bravado she is really small, I mean really, she's 5'0 maybe shorter, but don't tell her that, she hates being called short. Like nock your lights out hate. Anyway, she dresses in plain clothes, but is suprisingly fit. I guess it's from practicing so much. She doesn't seem like it, but she takes sword fighting very seriously, and never draws her swords if she doesn't have to. Thanks Kira, wait what did you write?

Name or Nickname: Kirena Kasai (Please call me Kira, I hate my name.)
Age: 19
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Kinda of. Not anymore though, it's just me and Kayla now!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Well, um, I'm a pretty good thief, I guess. I'm also pretty good at misdirection. But not that good! I'm just ok at both.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
I, um, I guess I'm afraid of not being good enough...
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Yes, of course!
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
OK, Kira wasn't to mean when she described me, so here we go! She has long blonde hair, and wide green eyes, kind of like an elf, but without the pointy ears. She wears light colors, I guess. Really, if I saw her I'd never guess she'd be able to pickpocket anything. But I guess that's the point. Her skin is darker than mine, quite a bit darker. And she's really skiny. With all she steals who would think she was that small. She's also taller than me. 5'6, or so she told me. And when she talked about her skills don't listen to her. She's being modest. She's saved me several times with her misdirection. Although, if she haden't I'd be perfectly fine, but whatever...
Name or Nickname: Kayla (Pft, last names. Who needs them?)
Age: 19
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Um, no. Well, I guess their was that one time... I'm not going to mention it, it didn't turn out well... Oh, I do have a "friend" I work with. Sometimes. Hey can she join? Great!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Well first, I'm just amazing, and second, I'm well trained in swords and fists, it's a bit anoying being younger than most people I'm fighting, but I make do. Usally I cause distracions while my parter, or friend as she calls herself steals stuff for us.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
OK, Kira said she'd do it, because if I did it would be inaccurate, I don't know what she means. Hello, I'm Kira, ok, so Kayla has lonng black hair and fairly plae skin. But the weirdest thing is her eyes. I mean really, how does someone have gold eyes? Is that really an eye color? I guess it is. Anyway, for all her bravado she is really small, I mean really, she's 5'0 maybe shorter, but don't tell her that, she hates being called short. Like nock your lights out hate. Anyway, she dresses in plain clothes, but is suprisingly fit. I guess it's from practicing so much. She doesn't seem like it, but she takes sword fighting very seriously, and never draws her swords if she doesn't have to. Thanks Kira, wait what did you write?

Name or Nickname: Kirena Kasai (Please call me Kira, I hate my name.)
Age: 19
Preferred Gender: Female
Have you ever worked in a team before?
Kinda of. Not anymore though, it's just me and Kayla now!
What do you specialize in and how can you profit the Guild?
Well, um, I'm a pretty good thief, I guess. I'm also pretty good at misdirection. But not that good! I'm just ok at both.
Do you have any fears we need to work out before you go into the field?
I, um, I guess I'm afraid of not being good enough...
Do you acknowledge that this will be a dangerous job and you may die? Do you accept that, should you be caught by the guards, you are to forsake all knowledge of the Guild and declare ignorance on the matter?
Yes, of course!
Please insert your picture or detailed description of yourself below:
OK, Kira wasn't to mean when she described me, so here we go! She has long blonde hair, and wide green eyes, kind of like an elf, but without the pointy ears. She wears light colors, I guess. Really, if I saw her I'd never guess she'd be able to pickpocket anything. But I guess that's the point. Her skin is darker than mine, quite a bit darker. And she's really skiny. With all she steals who would think she was that small. She's also taller than me. 5'6, or so she told me. And when she talked about her skills don't listen to her. She's being modest. She's saved me several times with her misdirection. Although, if she haden't I'd be perfectly fine, but whatever...

Yes, two characters is acceptable! I tried to write it in a way that was in character but I admit it may have been more trouble than it was worth. ;;

Yes, two characters is acceptable! I tried to write it in a way that was in character but I admit it may have been more trouble than it was worth. ;;
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