
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Coliseum!
[b]Queen Imperion[/b], leader of the clan [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Lord Roe[/b] who like to dress as a cowboy [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And [b]Lord Ahnzin[/b] who doesn't give one care [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Queen Imperion, leader of the clan


Lord Roe who like to dress as a cowboy


And Lord Ahnzin who doesn't give one care

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Raolin is my random progen [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And his mate is Genera, who was gifted to me when I first joined the site from one of those newbie dragon giveaways. They're both level 25 glass cannons, but there's little they can't handle. I don't have a healer because the 3rd slot is usually reserved for fodder or a dragon I'm trying to level instead so these two are just massively powerful and take stuff down quick.


Raolin is my random progen


And his mate is Genera, who was gifted to me when I first joined the site from one of those newbie dragon giveaways.

They're both level 25 glass cannons, but there's little they can't handle. I don't have a healer because the 3rd slot is usually reserved for fodder or a dragon I'm trying to level instead so these two are just massively powerful and take stuff down quick.
This bunch of nerds are my Coli team: Nevarks, leader of the team [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Unia, his daughter [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And Dhaenys [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
This bunch of nerds are my Coli team:

Nevarks, leader of the team


Unia, his daughter


And Dhaenys

Eren | xey/xem | FR + 3
I don't coli much but here's the current team [url=] [img][/img] [/url] she's not only the clan co-leader and healer of my team, she's my random progen [url=] [img][/img] [/url] my strong boy Noverca and the first dreg i bought [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Iridesent, the resident team carrier
I don't coli much but here's the current team


she's not only the clan co-leader and healer of my team, she's my random progen

my strong boy Noverca and the first dreg i bought


Iridesent, the resident team carrier
My main coliseum team has these three: [img][/img] Lilac [img][/img] Asgore [img][/img] Domino
My main coliseum team has these three:






Sabath and Varda are really the only dragons I have for the Coliseum, and they usually train those that decide to give their life to the Shadowbinder [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sabath thinks he's the dashing rogue, and Varda is the one that keeps him out of trouble, but in battle, Sab's fast and Varda is strong, they work well with each other. They're also my Progen
Sabath and Varda are really the only dragons I have for the Coliseum, and they usually train those that decide to give their life to the Shadowbinder



Sabath thinks he's the dashing rogue, and Varda is the one that keeps him out of trouble, but in battle, Sab's fast and Varda is strong, they work well with each other. They're also my Progen
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]



[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Exavier, the try-hard. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Delfina, the literal assassin. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Even though she's not leveled yet, Acacia, the warrior princess.


Exavier, the try-hard.


Delfina, the literal assassin.


Even though she's not leveled yet, Acacia, the warrior princess.
This is my original farmer team from when I was new. I decided it would be all Wildclaws and these guys were my picks out of my little lair. :P I'm.. very slowly training other farmer teams (and two exalt trainers) for lore, but it's these guys who've been doing the work around here. Songsplash - Her colors and name may be soft and sweet but she has a lot of bite. She's the one starting the battle off with the first scratch or eliminate, but due to the turn glitch she only gets one shot. So if she misses that eliminate, she'll be gathering breath for a while. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Renegade, the Clan's assassin/spy - He's the team leader, but being the middle dragon (carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders using the Culex build) he tends to miss the enemy more than the others. And get teased for it. He's actually really good at fighting in general, though. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Mystery - She's psychic, but she tends not to use her predictions to win battles in the coliseum. That's no fun. She does, however, use them to know when Renegade will miss the enemy so she and Songsplash can snicker about it. Being the end dragon on the team, she often sits and watches once the other two have enough breath for eliminate, and when one of them misses she cleans up after them with a few scratches. Therefore she usually has by far the most breath and is the safety catch. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
This is my original farmer team from when I was new. I decided it would be all Wildclaws and these guys were my picks out of my little lair. :P
I'm.. very slowly training other farmer teams (and two exalt trainers) for lore, but it's these guys who've been doing the work around here.

Songsplash - Her colors and name may be soft and sweet but she has a lot of bite. She's the one starting the battle off with the first scratch or eliminate, but due to the turn glitch she only gets one shot. So if she misses that eliminate, she'll be gathering breath for a while.


Renegade, the Clan's assassin/spy - He's the team leader, but being the middle dragon (carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders using the Culex build) he tends to miss the enemy more than the others. And get teased for it. He's actually really good at fighting in general, though.


Mystery - She's psychic, but she tends not to use her predictions to win battles in the coliseum. That's no fun. She does, however, use them to know when Renegade will miss the enemy so she and Songsplash can snicker about it. Being the end dragon on the team, she often sits and watches once the other two have enough breath for eliminate, and when one of them misses she cleans up after them with a few scratches. Therefore she usually has by far the most breath and is the safety catch.

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Devishtari, my progen and Clan Leader. She is the support/healer. After all, she has to make sure that her fragile fighters are safe! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Naoki and Sanguine are mates, and have of a daughter of their own, training her to protect the Clan borders!


Devishtari, my progen and Clan Leader. She is the support/healer. After all, she has to make sure that her fragile fighters are safe!



Naoki and Sanguine are mates, and have of a daughter of their own, training her to protect the Clan borders!
CTK's Starlit Shop for Accents & Skins