@Volve you've got the most gorgeous lair... oh my gosh. It was super hard to decide, so many of them have my favorite color/apparel combinations and really nice accents!
I ended up picking Hel. The apparel you put over her accent compliments it so well, especially the copper jewelry and that hood! She looks so mystical and earthy. Honorable mentions are Lykt and Opium, for some of the same reasons. Great accents and earthy tones, I especially love the layering of the headress/windbound mask/doctor mask on Opium!
(P.S. Best dragon without apparel: Leire. Those colors!)
Volve you've got the most gorgeous lair... oh my gosh. It was super hard to decide, so many of them have my favorite color/apparel combinations and really nice accents!
I ended up picking Hel. The apparel you put over her accent compliments it so well, especially the copper jewelry and that hood! She looks so mystical and earthy. Honorable mentions are Lykt and Opium, for some of the same reasons. Great accents and earthy tones, I especially love the layering of the headress/windbound mask/doctor mask on Opium!
(P.S. Best dragon without apparel: Leire. Those colors!)
She's rocking that purple apparel!
She's rocking that purple apparel!
This girl just looks plain wicked :3
This girl just looks plain wicked :3
His armor and feathered wings match his primary beaufifully!
His armor and feathered wings match his primary beaufifully!
I love his swampy look, and his accent completes it perfectly.
I love his swampy look, and his accent completes it perfectly.
Your dragons are all so well dressed! I'll cheat and pick more than one!
Just look at this two! They look so mysterious and amazing! The apparel goes so well with their colors <3
Your dragons are all so well dressed! I'll cheat and pick more than one!
Just look at this two! They look so mysterious and amazing! The apparel goes so well with their colors <3
You've utilised the Sylvan dress so well here, it matches her secondary perfectly, I love the little details you've added, too!
You've utilised the Sylvan dress so well here, it matches her secondary perfectly, I love the little details you've added, too!
I love the silks with that belly!! <3
I love the silks with that belly!! <3
All the colors go so well together, I love her c:
All the colors go so well together, I love her c:
Ebb is simply wonderful! The combination of apparel here creates a great outfit, I love well the wooly pieces go with the roving seafarer's items, so cute!
Ebb is simply wonderful! The combination of apparel here creates a great outfit, I love well the wooly pieces go with the roving seafarer's items, so cute!
Juli •
21 •
she/her •
FR + 4 •