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TOPIC | Halloween Discussion!
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I like to buy Halloween decorations and use them as normal decorations. Right now, I have two skeletons, a skull and other smaller Halloween decorations from last year.

There's probably going to be a Halloween party of some sort, at least some event where it's appropriate for me to dress up in a Halloween costume.
I'm already working on the costume; so far, all I have is a white t-shirt with real blood on it.
I like to buy Halloween decorations and use them as normal decorations. Right now, I have two skeletons, a skull and other smaller Halloween decorations from last year.

There's probably going to be a Halloween party of some sort, at least some event where it's appropriate for me to dress up in a Halloween costume.
I'm already working on the costume; so far, all I have is a white t-shirt with real blood on it.
Currently buying these, click here for thread
Shale Skitter Pillbug Silt Sifter Hardshell
For a long while, my friend and I did reverse trick or treating on Halloween. We'd dress up and take pillow cases of candy. We'd walk through the neighbourhood and every kid in a costume got a handful of goodies!

Nowadays, my boyfriend and I do Halloween sushi. We don't do costumes, but I like to slap on some black lipstick to eat some inari,
For a long while, my friend and I did reverse trick or treating on Halloween. We'd dress up and take pillow cases of candy. We'd walk through the neighbourhood and every kid in a costume got a handful of goodies!

Nowadays, my boyfriend and I do Halloween sushi. We don't do costumes, but I like to slap on some black lipstick to eat some inari,
[quote name="ProbablyDead" date=2016-09-03 08:04:21] For a long while, my friend and I did reverse trick or treating on Halloween. We'd dress up and take pillow cases of candy. We'd walk through the neighbourhood and every kid in a costume got a handful of goodies! [/quote] Omg, that's literally the cutest thing I've ever heard! That sounds really fun for people who feel too old to trick or treat but still want to do the rounds. And unfortunately for me, my usual Halloween buddies won't be in town with me during the holiday, so I probably won't do anything. I might just help my mom hand out candy, although it would be fun to go out since it'll be my first Halloween as a 21 year old. No one to go out with though. :'/
ProbablyDead wrote on 2016-09-03:
For a long while, my friend and I did reverse trick or treating on Halloween. We'd dress up and take pillow cases of candy. We'd walk through the neighbourhood and every kid in a costume got a handful of goodies!

Omg, that's literally the cutest thing I've ever heard! That sounds really fun for people who feel too old to trick or treat but still want to do the rounds.

And unfortunately for me, my usual Halloween buddies won't be in town with me during the holiday, so I probably won't do anything. I might just help my mom hand out candy, although it would be fun to go out since it'll be my first Halloween as a 21 year old. No one to go out with though. :'/
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*claps hands together* MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY~~

I'm a cosplayer - a genuine nerd. All the Halloween events and whatnot throughout the month give me plenty of excuses to dress up and not get looked at funny (like going to Katsucon in costume in the middle of February...). I'm not much of a sweet tooth and I'm a total wimp when it comes to horror movies, but I love Halloween~ The carved pumpkins, the costumes, the crunchy leaves, pumpkin spice smelling things everywhere. Yassss
*claps hands together* MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY~~

I'm a cosplayer - a genuine nerd. All the Halloween events and whatnot throughout the month give me plenty of excuses to dress up and not get looked at funny (like going to Katsucon in costume in the middle of February...). I'm not much of a sweet tooth and I'm a total wimp when it comes to horror movies, but I love Halloween~ The carved pumpkins, the costumes, the crunchy leaves, pumpkin spice smelling things everywhere. Yassss
x x x
Ceremonial Scythe Sharpened Scythe
x x
Ooooh I'm so excited for halloween! Me and a friend of mine will try to craft matching costumes (Kindred from LoL) but I'm not sure about what to do, since the place I'm living now has few children and I have classes on monday night. Maybe I'll wear the mask to class, or trick or treat at the campus? Idk. There's no such thing as being too old for halloween.
Ooooh I'm so excited for halloween! Me and a friend of mine will try to craft matching costumes (Kindred from LoL) but I'm not sure about what to do, since the place I'm living now has few children and I have classes on monday night. Maybe I'll wear the mask to class, or trick or treat at the campus? Idk. There's no such thing as being too old for halloween.
> +4h FR time
> Check out my Dragon Cave!
> or my Chicken Smoothie!
I might actually dress up this year, since my work allows it. Debating if it's worth $85 to dress up though.
I might actually dress up this year, since my work allows it. Debating if it's worth $85 to dress up though.
Halloween isn't my favorite holiday. I prefer Christmas. and it's not the "I'm gonna get presents from people!" Or anything. No. I love Christmas over halloween for one reason and one reason only. Candy canes.

But enough of that! Halloween is the (second) best! I might get to meet my friend Jack el lantern (Basically a pumpkin). Even though we're "Too old" To trick-or-treat. I still get to eat all the tasty stuff that stocks in stores to hold me off till Christmas. And even better, it's usually cooler around Halloween. So I get to wear my hoodie, despite not even feeling the cold in the first place. (I wear my hoodie all the way from Autumn until sometime where it gets to be too warm in the spring.)
Halloween isn't my favorite holiday. I prefer Christmas. and it's not the "I'm gonna get presents from people!" Or anything. No. I love Christmas over halloween for one reason and one reason only. Candy canes.

But enough of that! Halloween is the (second) best! I might get to meet my friend Jack el lantern (Basically a pumpkin). Even though we're "Too old" To trick-or-treat. I still get to eat all the tasty stuff that stocks in stores to hold me off till Christmas. And even better, it's usually cooler around Halloween. So I get to wear my hoodie, despite not even feeling the cold in the first place. (I wear my hoodie all the way from Autumn until sometime where it gets to be too warm in the spring.)
[quote name="Rammstein" date=2016-09-03 07:31:01] I like to buy Halloween decorations and use them as normal decorations. Right now, I have two skeletons, a skull and other smaller Halloween decorations from last year. There's probably going to be a Halloween party of some sort, at least some event where it's appropriate for me to dress up in a Halloween costume. I'm already working on the costume; so far, all I have is a white t-shirt with real blood on it. [/quote] Sounds like my sister with Christmas! She would have christmas lights and snowflakes and a christmas tree up all year if she could. But Halloween this year should be interesting. My friends have somehow convinced me to dress up as Sam Smith (the singer) so I have a list of things I have to get for that (and I have to figure out how to get the look of his widows peak, I already have the "how am I going to keep my hair off the sides of my head" issue cleared up). One of my friend is gonna either be a fairy queen with a homemade crown and a white dress that she's gonna alter, or Lana Kane from Archer. The other friend isn't sure yet of her costume. Plus I'm ready for horror movies.
Rammstein wrote on 2016-09-03:
I like to buy Halloween decorations and use them as normal decorations. Right now, I have two skeletons, a skull and other smaller Halloween decorations from last year.

There's probably going to be a Halloween party of some sort, at least some event where it's appropriate for me to dress up in a Halloween costume.
I'm already working on the costume; so far, all I have is a white t-shirt with real blood on it.

Sounds like my sister with Christmas! She would have christmas lights and snowflakes and a christmas tree up all year if she could.

But Halloween this year should be interesting. My friends have somehow convinced me to dress up as Sam Smith (the singer) so I have a list of things I have to get for that (and I have to figure out how to get the look of his widows peak, I already have the "how am I going to keep my hair off the sides of my head" issue cleared up). One of my friend is gonna either be a fairy queen with a homemade crown and a white dress that she's gonna alter, or Lana Kane from Archer. The other friend isn't sure yet of her costume.
Plus I'm ready for horror movies.
I'm surprised this many people actually are talking about Halloween rn haha
I'm surprised this many people actually are talking about Halloween rn haha
Oooh Halloween. I'm way too old to trick or treat, but I'm gonna wear one of my cosplays anyway.
Oooh Halloween. I'm way too old to trick or treat, but I'm gonna wear one of my cosplays anyway.
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