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TOPIC | Fluent German speakers?
@BloodyAngel12 Food: many meats (if you're vegitarian/vegan I'm so sorry)

What my relatives mostly make us when we come over is some mix of sausage, schnitzel, meatloaf, pizza and mashed potatoes. lots of potatoes. potatoes with almost every meal. mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes with carrot pieces, boiled potatoes, fries and home fries are all regularly eaten. And if you go out to eat there's usually a fries stand somewhere, or a curry wurst stand. And we always eat our fries with mayo (which is the superior condiment) Germans also love Döner kebabs from what I've seen. In north America I usually see pizza with thick crusts/bottom but in Germany its almost always really thin. and there's a lot of weird toppings (my aunt once made spinach salmon pizza? and once with egg slices?).

For takeout we usually get chicken and fries or curry wurst. And its usually way too much for me to eat on my own.

I'm probably forgetting something important but that's all I can think of right now
@BloodyAngel12 Food: many meats (if you're vegitarian/vegan I'm so sorry)

What my relatives mostly make us when we come over is some mix of sausage, schnitzel, meatloaf, pizza and mashed potatoes. lots of potatoes. potatoes with almost every meal. mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes with carrot pieces, boiled potatoes, fries and home fries are all regularly eaten. And if you go out to eat there's usually a fries stand somewhere, or a curry wurst stand. And we always eat our fries with mayo (which is the superior condiment) Germans also love Döner kebabs from what I've seen. In north America I usually see pizza with thick crusts/bottom but in Germany its almost always really thin. and there's a lot of weird toppings (my aunt once made spinach salmon pizza? and once with egg slices?).

For takeout we usually get chicken and fries or curry wurst. And its usually way too much for me to eat on my own.

I'm probably forgetting something important but that's all I can think of right now
Actual Satan
@BloodyAngel12 oh and temperature wise I think its a pretty mild country. Like whenever I've been there in the winter it usually doesn't go below -20 degrees Celsius (-4 Fahrenheit) and I don't really remember much of my trip in the summer. Whenever we visit in the winter it always seems warmer cuz here in Canada it gets to roughly -20 to -30 daily. when my grandma flew to us here in Canada like a week ago she said it was like 14ish while here in Canada its been around 30 everyday for the past week.

I just consider it to be like in the middle usually? as far as I know it doesn't have really extreme temperatures but I'm not there year round so i might not be the best person to ask.
@BloodyAngel12 oh and temperature wise I think its a pretty mild country. Like whenever I've been there in the winter it usually doesn't go below -20 degrees Celsius (-4 Fahrenheit) and I don't really remember much of my trip in the summer. Whenever we visit in the winter it always seems warmer cuz here in Canada it gets to roughly -20 to -30 daily. when my grandma flew to us here in Canada like a week ago she said it was like 14ish while here in Canada its been around 30 everyday for the past week.

I just consider it to be like in the middle usually? as far as I know it doesn't have really extreme temperatures but I'm not there year round so i might not be the best person to ask.
Actual Satan

Basically you hear it so much and so often wherever you are it kinds of makes you feel horrid all the time and at the same time leads to a deadening of your feelings towards the whole topic. You can't really 'live' with thinking you are a horrid person for being born the great grandchild of a) a murderer or b) an supporter or c) a person to afraid to do anything to close your eyes. So you have to take the logical approach and remind yourself that you can't do anything to it anymore. No matter who or what your great grandparents were at that time - you are not them. Like you can't/shouldn't be mad at the child of a criminal why should you hate yourself for somthing that you were not even born yet? It is horrid what happened. Words can't even describe it. We ALL have to make sure it never happens again. Sadly it does. In countries not our own. In places where we have no right to make a moove. You are powerless to do anything - if you don't want a war. Story never stopped itself from repeating. It happens in some places - and might happen in even more others. Yes even in the USA. I've heard things from people that were there for a few months.

They were at times quite shocked how (some) people behaved and what their views where - and the fact that they were allowed to walk around making propaganda for these same anti-human views. In germany you of course can think what you want (how could you ever controll/govern that?). But if someone is going around spreading stuff like that they are VERY fast labeled Nazi/extreme right-wing and will be heavily frowned uppon. Sadly even after all that happened our government has no interest to forbid the extreme right-wing parties that still exist and come up - something about the evil you know... They have 'secret agents' in these groups and hope to prevent any actions that way if they do more than spreading evil toxic lies and halftruths.

The sad thing is that all these people get their power off of peoples fears. And they grow these fears to make themself more powerful. It was that way back in 1930 and its still the same all over the world. Until Humanity can finally 'grow up' and come to terms with their fears these will be used against us all.

Basically you hear it so much and so often wherever you are it kinds of makes you feel horrid all the time and at the same time leads to a deadening of your feelings towards the whole topic. You can't really 'live' with thinking you are a horrid person for being born the great grandchild of a) a murderer or b) an supporter or c) a person to afraid to do anything to close your eyes. So you have to take the logical approach and remind yourself that you can't do anything to it anymore. No matter who or what your great grandparents were at that time - you are not them. Like you can't/shouldn't be mad at the child of a criminal why should you hate yourself for somthing that you were not even born yet? It is horrid what happened. Words can't even describe it. We ALL have to make sure it never happens again. Sadly it does. In countries not our own. In places where we have no right to make a moove. You are powerless to do anything - if you don't want a war. Story never stopped itself from repeating. It happens in some places - and might happen in even more others. Yes even in the USA. I've heard things from people that were there for a few months.

They were at times quite shocked how (some) people behaved and what their views where - and the fact that they were allowed to walk around making propaganda for these same anti-human views. In germany you of course can think what you want (how could you ever controll/govern that?). But if someone is going around spreading stuff like that they are VERY fast labeled Nazi/extreme right-wing and will be heavily frowned uppon. Sadly even after all that happened our government has no interest to forbid the extreme right-wing parties that still exist and come up - something about the evil you know... They have 'secret agents' in these groups and hope to prevent any actions that way if they do more than spreading evil toxic lies and halftruths.

The sad thing is that all these people get their power off of peoples fears. And they grow these fears to make themself more powerful. It was that way back in 1930 and its still the same all over the world. Until Humanity can finally 'grow up' and come to terms with their fears these will be used against us all.

The pizza toppings seem really.....scary to be honest but got to try it at least once. I mean we have Hawaiian pizza (pineapple and ham). I don't like that but I tired it! What's curry wurst? Luckily I'm not vegetarian/vegan, so that's good. XD

The food seems pretty good! I mean it super depends on how it's prepared, if it's boring or not.

The pizza toppings seem really.....scary to be honest but got to try it at least once. I mean we have Hawaiian pizza (pineapple and ham). I don't like that but I tired it! What's curry wurst? Luckily I'm not vegetarian/vegan, so that's good. XD

The food seems pretty good! I mean it super depends on how it's prepared, if it's boring or not.

-4 Fahrenheit is cold. I'm from the east coast of the U.S (so I'm sure other places in the U.S gets much colder) but I don't remember ever getting negative degrees. It's interesting how it differs for people. ^_^


When I was little, I've never considered what it would be like to be raised in that history for Germans. As I did get older, its difficult for me to describe how I feel about the situation. I think, to an extent, not all the blame can be kept solely in Germany (but a ton) since other countries did side with Germany. But it happened so long ago...History forgotten is history repeated, I agree with that but I don't think people's hands should be painted with blood when they weren't even born yet. I have some German in me, and I remember being young and like having some shame when it came to it which is kind of horrible when you think about it since that's just a part of who I am.

But also, I think every country (especially what I've learned from the U.S's history) has the pile(s) of bodies and blood stains. It's one of the reasons why I'm trying so hard to get over these hurdles that was set up against Germany. This is why it's so much better to be able to actually converse with others from the country or of the history because it helps bring us back to earth and not to have this mental image of what we think something is.

Am I making any sense? (I hope I'm coming off right. That's the problem with the internet, one can't read or see emotions or hear tones so yeah...>_>)

-4 Fahrenheit is cold. I'm from the east coast of the U.S (so I'm sure other places in the U.S gets much colder) but I don't remember ever getting negative degrees. It's interesting how it differs for people. ^_^


When I was little, I've never considered what it would be like to be raised in that history for Germans. As I did get older, its difficult for me to describe how I feel about the situation. I think, to an extent, not all the blame can be kept solely in Germany (but a ton) since other countries did side with Germany. But it happened so long ago...History forgotten is history repeated, I agree with that but I don't think people's hands should be painted with blood when they weren't even born yet. I have some German in me, and I remember being young and like having some shame when it came to it which is kind of horrible when you think about it since that's just a part of who I am.

But also, I think every country (especially what I've learned from the U.S's history) has the pile(s) of bodies and blood stains. It's one of the reasons why I'm trying so hard to get over these hurdles that was set up against Germany. This is why it's so much better to be able to actually converse with others from the country or of the history because it helps bring us back to earth and not to have this mental image of what we think something is.

Am I making any sense? (I hope I'm coming off right. That's the problem with the internet, one can't read or see emotions or hear tones so yeah...>_>)
@BloodyAngel12 currywurst is a kind of sausage topped with curry powder and I think ketchup? or some other sauce. It's usually paired with fries [img][/img]
@BloodyAngel12 currywurst is a kind of sausage topped with curry powder and I think ketchup? or some other sauce. It's usually paired with fries

Actual Satan

That looks super good.

I know Germany is very well-known for it's beer. Is it just beer or other alcohol as well?

That looks super good.

I know Germany is very well-known for it's beer. Is it just beer or other alcohol as well?
@BloodyAngel12 We're getting better in the non-meat department though. My hometown has one or two 100% vegetarian/vegan restaurants already. Oh, and expect lots of different varieties of bread. LOTS of bread. Weather also depends on where you are; the closer you get to the sea the more windy it gets (people from the less windy parts of Germany have commented on wind we barely even feel xD) and there's also not such a huge gap between summer and winter temparatures. As for WWII, at least in my school this topic has been covered ad nauseam in what felt like all of my classes, to the point that I feel physical repulsion just from reading the word outside of strictly talking about history (and even then, really). Sorry about that, I should care more, but they're beaten me over the head with it so much I'd like to press assault charges. (And no, I'm not guilty of anything people did before my parents were even born, so don't even think of going there. That was not directed at you, BloodyAngel12, just a general rant.) And to end this on a more positive note, I'll stay true to my droplet nature and post some pics of my home: [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
We're getting better in the non-meat department though. My hometown has one or two 100% vegetarian/vegan restaurants already. Oh, and expect lots of different varieties of bread. LOTS of bread.

Weather also depends on where you are; the closer you get to the sea the more windy it gets (people from the less windy parts of Germany have commented on wind we barely even feel xD) and there's also not such a huge gap between summer and winter temparatures.

As for WWII, at least in my school this topic has been covered ad nauseam in what felt like all of my classes, to the point that I feel physical repulsion just from reading the word outside of strictly talking about history (and even then, really). Sorry about that, I should care more, but they're beaten me over the head with it so much I'd like to press assault charges. (And no, I'm not guilty of anything people did before my parents were even born, so don't even think of going there. That was not directed at you, BloodyAngel12, just a general rant.)

And to end this on a more positive note, I'll stay true to my droplet nature and post some pics of my home:







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@BloodyAngel12 Oh wow you come from a pretty warm region then. I'm used to the cold so I consider Germany to be warmer than where I live.

(just want to kinda say my thing on the other discussion happening right now) I remember that whenever WW2 was mentioned in school or we had remembrance day ceremonies in Canada I always felt really guilty. Like all these kids were talking about their grandparents that fought in the war and I couldn't stop thinking about how some of my distant relatives might have been fighting on the other side. To my knowledge none of my close family (grandparents) were actually involved in the war. My grandma was just a kid when it happened, she always told us stories of having to hide in rubble and being terrified of sleeping during the bombings. when i was in grade 7 I think we took a field trip to the city and watched this presentation on the horrors of WW2 and i started crying halfway through and felt really embarrassed and horrified. I mean I knew most of the stuff that they talked about in the presentation but the pictures and stuff really hit hard.

I've never gone drinking in Germany but pretty much all my dad drinks is beer. I think beer is disgusting though, I prefer sweeter drinks.
@BloodyAngel12 Oh wow you come from a pretty warm region then. I'm used to the cold so I consider Germany to be warmer than where I live.

(just want to kinda say my thing on the other discussion happening right now) I remember that whenever WW2 was mentioned in school or we had remembrance day ceremonies in Canada I always felt really guilty. Like all these kids were talking about their grandparents that fought in the war and I couldn't stop thinking about how some of my distant relatives might have been fighting on the other side. To my knowledge none of my close family (grandparents) were actually involved in the war. My grandma was just a kid when it happened, she always told us stories of having to hide in rubble and being terrified of sleeping during the bombings. when i was in grade 7 I think we took a field trip to the city and watched this presentation on the horrors of WW2 and i started crying halfway through and felt really embarrassed and horrified. I mean I knew most of the stuff that they talked about in the presentation but the pictures and stuff really hit hard.

I've never gone drinking in Germany but pretty much all my dad drinks is beer. I think beer is disgusting though, I prefer sweeter drinks.
Actual Satan
@BloodyAngel12 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Here's the pics from my phone! Sadly I was mostly interested in taking pics of residential areas to show my fiance so there isn't much of the big city. The last two pictures were taken on a market in Munster where you can buy fresh fruits/vegetables etc. it was located an a plaza in the middle of the city surrounded by older buildings. (sorry about the orientation of the pics haha)







Here's the pics from my phone! Sadly I was mostly interested in taking pics of residential areas to show my fiance so there isn't much of the big city. The last two pictures were taken on a market in Munster where you can buy fresh fruits/vegetables etc. it was located an a plaza in the middle of the city surrounded by older buildings. (sorry about the orientation of the pics haha)
Actual Satan