

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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((It's okay, man. Happens to the best of us))
@BroomHare @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

The Aquilae swifted through the oncoming wave of TIEs, then did a hard 90 degree turn to shake some of its pursuers off...which worked for a grand total of ten seconds. Amida groaned in frustration as the dots in his radar only seemed to increase, no matter how many turns he made. He didn't even bother to try and see how many TIEs they were up against. For all he knew, there were enough to make this a living hell.

He chuckled at Garrik's coment. If he knew what he was doing, they'd be out of the system already. But alas. He didn't want to admit it, but he was growing anxious by the minute. "I'm a pilot. Gotta keep the ship moving, Garrik. Otherwise we won't make our stellar escape."

Well, it appeared that his sense of humor worked even under the unrelenting pressure of an Imperial fleet. He decided this was a good thing. Amida quickly brushed the thought aside as he swerved to -unsuccessfully- avoid another flurry of plasma and broke into yet another barrell roll. This only made aiming more difficult to Garrik, but Amida couldn't afford standing still under heavy fire. He had tried to help the ex-captain by shooting from the only laser cannon linked to the console, but his awful aim wasn't of much help. So instead he redirected the energy from the single cannon to the shields, and went back to piloting.

"Kriffin' finally!" He snapped as he saw how a starfighter got rid of a couple of annoyingly persistent TIEs. He couldn't hold back a whistle when he identified the model. "Holy-- that's a Preybird! First time being so close to one of 'em. What an idiot, wastin' a perfectly good ship like this," He added, sighing. He was happy to have any help at all, but still. Poor *******. "Garrik, focus on the TIEs closer to us."

It was an unnecessary gesture, but he still supposed he owed the other ship his thanks, even if the battle was far from over. He sent the Preybird a message. "Much obliged for the help, whoever you are--I'll let you have the farther ones, yeah?"
((It's okay, man. Happens to the best of us))
@BroomHare @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

The Aquilae swifted through the oncoming wave of TIEs, then did a hard 90 degree turn to shake some of its pursuers off...which worked for a grand total of ten seconds. Amida groaned in frustration as the dots in his radar only seemed to increase, no matter how many turns he made. He didn't even bother to try and see how many TIEs they were up against. For all he knew, there were enough to make this a living hell.

He chuckled at Garrik's coment. If he knew what he was doing, they'd be out of the system already. But alas. He didn't want to admit it, but he was growing anxious by the minute. "I'm a pilot. Gotta keep the ship moving, Garrik. Otherwise we won't make our stellar escape."

Well, it appeared that his sense of humor worked even under the unrelenting pressure of an Imperial fleet. He decided this was a good thing. Amida quickly brushed the thought aside as he swerved to -unsuccessfully- avoid another flurry of plasma and broke into yet another barrell roll. This only made aiming more difficult to Garrik, but Amida couldn't afford standing still under heavy fire. He had tried to help the ex-captain by shooting from the only laser cannon linked to the console, but his awful aim wasn't of much help. So instead he redirected the energy from the single cannon to the shields, and went back to piloting.

"Kriffin' finally!" He snapped as he saw how a starfighter got rid of a couple of annoyingly persistent TIEs. He couldn't hold back a whistle when he identified the model. "Holy-- that's a Preybird! First time being so close to one of 'em. What an idiot, wastin' a perfectly good ship like this," He added, sighing. He was happy to have any help at all, but still. Poor *******. "Garrik, focus on the TIEs closer to us."

It was an unnecessary gesture, but he still supposed he owed the other ship his thanks, even if the battle was far from over. He sent the Preybird a message. "Much obliged for the help, whoever you are--I'll let you have the farther ones, yeah?"
@BroomHare @Morningstar666 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Termina nodded respectfully at Vader as he stalked off. "Close one, sir," she whispered to Piett. "Do you want me to work as a gunner in a TIE fighter? Or stay aboard the Destroyer?"
@BroomHare @Morningstar666 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Termina nodded respectfully at Vader as he stalked off. "Close one, sir," she whispered to Piett. "Do you want me to work as a gunner in a TIE fighter? Or stay aboard the Destroyer?"
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
Sym6.png Blue // they/he Sym5.png

Sym5.png Goals and Link DirectorySym6.png
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @BroomHare @Namalucibai

A few good shots from P4NK were enough to shake some of the attention away from the Aquilae. The pilots were too focused on accomplishing the mission to really avoid an attack from the Zero angle, but that was only for the first shots. When the wing became aware of their presence, that luck ended and the fire started to split between the two rebels. It was an improvement anyway: less fire for the package.

But more bees around the Preybird.

The concentration of the Blind Pilot was still on the multiple points driving around and around them. A better gunner would have been able to shake those bucketheads off but, sadly, she was stuck with the medi-droid. P4NK was doing a wonderful job though, for a robot designed to treat injuries more than to cause them.

A message popped out and was read out loud by the computer. "Much obliged for the help, whoever you are--I'll let you have the farther ones, yeah?".

Perfect. The important fish bit the bait, now the only thing she needed to do was to sloowly pull from it and the money was hers. That and survive the battle, which was getting more and more intense with every second.

Details. The answer was more important than the self-security.

"0H 17 15 4LW4Y5 4 PL345UR3 70 H4V3 4 CH4NC3 0F 5QU15H1N6 50M3 1MP5 0N 7H3 BL4CK. 1'LL 74K3 C4R3 0F 7H053 P35KY BUCK375, 5U64RL1P5 <3"

A l33t speaking flirty nerd. Perfect. Pathetic, easy to control, just the image she wanted to give to her prey. Now she only had to fight to the middle intensity and then-

"... What is that?"

The Preybird suddenly stopped in the middle of the fight, letting the TIE's pass them for a minute before recovering the control of the ship. Vealde couldn't really fly that well now, there was something on the battlefield. Something... different. It was big, dense, black like the darkest night. A man... no.

A monster. Flying with them. Hunting. Them. Down.

"... P4NK I WANT ALL THE ENERGY ON THE SHIELDS". The droid looked back at her master, confused by the sudden change in her mood. "But miss Vealde, that would leave the cannons with no ener-" "DID I KRIFFING STUTTER!? GO TO THE SHIELD STATION AND PREPARE FOR IMPACT."

The movements of the Preybird were, at first, really soft and relaxed, almost like she had everything under control... it changed. The grey and blue ship, with the illustration of a ram on each wing, suddenly did an aileron roll while changing its course to a little cloud of TIE's. The shields on that ancient ship, The revenge of Mr. Friedrich, were so strong that for a second were vissible to the naked eye, right before the insane woman rammed right into the ships, leaving a big explotion behind.

There was no time to play arround with lasers anymore.
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @BroomHare @Namalucibai

A few good shots from P4NK were enough to shake some of the attention away from the Aquilae. The pilots were too focused on accomplishing the mission to really avoid an attack from the Zero angle, but that was only for the first shots. When the wing became aware of their presence, that luck ended and the fire started to split between the two rebels. It was an improvement anyway: less fire for the package.

But more bees around the Preybird.

The concentration of the Blind Pilot was still on the multiple points driving around and around them. A better gunner would have been able to shake those bucketheads off but, sadly, she was stuck with the medi-droid. P4NK was doing a wonderful job though, for a robot designed to treat injuries more than to cause them.

A message popped out and was read out loud by the computer. "Much obliged for the help, whoever you are--I'll let you have the farther ones, yeah?".

Perfect. The important fish bit the bait, now the only thing she needed to do was to sloowly pull from it and the money was hers. That and survive the battle, which was getting more and more intense with every second.

Details. The answer was more important than the self-security.

"0H 17 15 4LW4Y5 4 PL345UR3 70 H4V3 4 CH4NC3 0F 5QU15H1N6 50M3 1MP5 0N 7H3 BL4CK. 1'LL 74K3 C4R3 0F 7H053 P35KY BUCK375, 5U64RL1P5 <3"

A l33t speaking flirty nerd. Perfect. Pathetic, easy to control, just the image she wanted to give to her prey. Now she only had to fight to the middle intensity and then-

"... What is that?"

The Preybird suddenly stopped in the middle of the fight, letting the TIE's pass them for a minute before recovering the control of the ship. Vealde couldn't really fly that well now, there was something on the battlefield. Something... different. It was big, dense, black like the darkest night. A man... no.

A monster. Flying with them. Hunting. Them. Down.

"... P4NK I WANT ALL THE ENERGY ON THE SHIELDS". The droid looked back at her master, confused by the sudden change in her mood. "But miss Vealde, that would leave the cannons with no ener-" "DID I KRIFFING STUTTER!? GO TO THE SHIELD STATION AND PREPARE FOR IMPACT."

The movements of the Preybird were, at first, really soft and relaxed, almost like she had everything under control... it changed. The grey and blue ship, with the illustration of a ram on each wing, suddenly did an aileron roll while changing its course to a little cloud of TIE's. The shields on that ancient ship, The revenge of Mr. Friedrich, were so strong that for a second were vissible to the naked eye, right before the insane woman rammed right into the ships, leaving a big explotion behind.

There was no time to play arround with lasers anymore.
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @BroomHare [center]In an instant, twelve Incom T-65 X-wings dropped out of hyperspace on the edge of the gravity well Axxila bore. The lights from the planet's cityscape illuminated the grey bellies of these Rebel X-wings as they slowly rolled about and formed into a long V shape. Emblazoned in red and decorated with numerous kill marks on their noses, there was only one squadron that could go toe-to-toe against the might of the Empire alone. They were [url=][i]Rogue Squadron[/i][/url]. [/center] "All wings, report in." "Rogue Six, standing by." A Sullustan female from Coruscant, [b]Gyvv Mrub[/b]. "Rogue Nine, reporting." A Human male from Kuat, [b]Garen Luciria[/b]. "Three awaiting orders, boss." A Human male from Raltiir, [b]Derek "Hobbie" Klivian[/b]. "Rogue Eight, standing by." A Human female from Thyferra, [b]Arwyn Laer[/b]. "Seven, reporting in." A Human male from Bespin, [b]Pom Daminns[/b]. "Two, checking in." A Human male from Alderaan, [b]Tycho Celchu[/b]. "Twelve, standing by." A Duros female from Duro, [b]Mayria Stoor[/b]. "Rogue Five, ready." A Shistavanen female from Uvena Prime, [b]Bleek Harrir[/b]. "I don't think they're ready Four this." A Human male from Tanaab, [b]Wes Janson[/b]. "Rogue Ten, green lights." A Bith male from Taris, [b]Kaven Drees[/b]. "Eleven, on." A cybernetic human from Corellia, [b]Taym[/b]. [b]Wedge[/b] glanced down at his readouts. Though it was hard for him to discern what firefight was going on, it was no doubt that the three Star Destroyers were bearing in to engage. That probably was the contact they were sent to rescue. Data scrolled passed his face as [b]Mynock[/b] whined piteously, jostling in his astromech socket. "Listen up, Rogues. Plans have changed, so keep things tactical. We've got not just one Impstar, but three. Stay close to me and lets get our guy out." Lights of green played along his face as the squadron acknowledged. "Accelerate to full throttle, shields on double front. Seven, Nine, break off left; Eight and Ten, right. Boom and zoom before they have a chance to react. The rest of us, power on through and mix it up. Draw fire away from that YT. Prioritize squints before eyeballs. Give their gunners an easier time." As he finished talking, warning klaxons sounded in his cockpit. Rebel intel spewed across his main computer. [b]Tycho[/b]'s voice resounded through comm system. "I know that Star Destroyer anywhere, Lead. That's [b]Vader[/b]'s." Ice shot through his spine at the word [i]Vader[/i], his skin tightening with goosebumps. Brief memories of Yavin flickered into his mind before an immediate banishment as adrenaline set in. "Belay my last order. Stay together and keep on the lookout for a Bright out there. If you see him, Two, you're with me. We'll take him on while the rest of you work under Four." More acknowledgement lights. All twelve. A grim reminder to him that some of them would not be flashing by the end of this mission; maybe not even his own. [center]The X-wings fanned out into smaller flights of four as they moved closer and closer. Already, long-range laserfire lanced out to meet them, but never once did they make contact. Ship-to-ship batteries were worthless against fighters even in optimal distance; only the luckiest of gunners would even hope to scorch one of the Rebel craft. [b]Daminns[/b] waggled the wings of his X-wing, repeated by [b]Janson[/b] in kind, if only to give the gunners burning feelings of ire.[/center] [quote]"- Uhm. Yo. Leon here, uh... we may have a problem in the whole "retrieve the package" thing. Vultures appeared everywhere..."[/quote] A grimace took over his face. Two versus three Star Destroyers? [b]Vader[/b] could have obliterated them before the Rogues even got there. They must really want that man alive- as did the Rebels. "Check your fire, people. Looks like we've got an allied craft covering our contact. The Preybird, by the looks of it." [b]Janson[/b]'s voice crackled in [b]Wedge[/b]'s ear as he said aloud, "Whoever's flying it must have a death wish- ramming TIE fighters like that will get anyone killed. Even a Corvette won't last that long. [b]Wedge[/b], I think you'd better say something smart." "Preybird, this is Commander [b]Wedge Antilles[/b] of Rogue Squadron. Engage the Interceptors. We'll handle the rest." "Distance is twenty-three klicks from target. Locking S-foils in attack position." [center]In fluid movement, the twelve fighters took on their signature form, laser cannons spreading to increase their arc of fire. The X-wings seemed to shift from graceful craft to powerful war machines with a flick of a switch. [/center] "Prepare to engage. Lock proton torpedoes on our contact-" [b]Gyvv[/b] made a confused sound in the comms, but did not speak. "-and set detonation range to twenty meters from target. Airbursts. Second wave of torpedoes, lock onto targets of opportunity and fire at my second command." "Eighteen klicks." "Fire." [center]Twenty-four plumes of purple smoke spat out from the fuselages of Rogue Squadron, the torpedoes sprinting towards the tangled mat of TIE fighters. Though silence was all that eminated in space, the sensors inside the nose played out the tracking noises of the warheads as they closed in on their nonexistant targets. [/center] The battle was on.
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @BroomHare

In an instant, twelve Incom T-65 X-wings dropped out of hyperspace on the edge of the gravity well Axxila bore. The lights from the planet's cityscape illuminated the grey bellies of these Rebel X-wings as they slowly rolled about and formed into a long V shape. Emblazoned in red and decorated with numerous kill marks on their noses, there was only one squadron that could go toe-to-toe against the might of the Empire alone.

They were Rogue Squadron.
"All wings, report in."
"Rogue Six, standing by." A Sullustan female from Coruscant, Gyvv Mrub.
"Rogue Nine, reporting." A Human male from Kuat, Garen Luciria.
"Three awaiting orders, boss." A Human male from Raltiir, Derek "Hobbie" Klivian.
"Rogue Eight, standing by." A Human female from Thyferra, Arwyn Laer.
"Seven, reporting in." A Human male from Bespin, Pom Daminns.
"Two, checking in." A Human male from Alderaan, Tycho Celchu.
"Twelve, standing by." A Duros female from Duro, Mayria Stoor.
"Rogue Five, ready." A Shistavanen female from Uvena Prime, Bleek Harrir.
"I don't think they're ready Four this." A Human male from Tanaab, Wes Janson.
"Rogue Ten, green lights." A Bith male from Taris, Kaven Drees.
"Eleven, on." A cybernetic human from Corellia, Taym.

Wedge glanced down at his readouts. Though it was hard for him to discern what firefight was going on, it was no doubt that the three Star Destroyers were bearing in to engage. That probably was the contact they were sent to rescue. Data scrolled passed his face as Mynock whined piteously, jostling in his astromech socket.

"Listen up, Rogues. Plans have changed, so keep things tactical. We've got not just one Impstar, but three. Stay close to me and lets get our guy out."

Lights of green played along his face as the squadron acknowledged.

"Accelerate to full throttle, shields on double front. Seven, Nine, break off left; Eight and Ten, right. Boom and zoom before they have a chance to react. The rest of us, power on through and mix it up. Draw fire away from that YT. Prioritize squints before eyeballs. Give their gunners an easier time."

As he finished talking, warning klaxons sounded in his cockpit. Rebel intel spewed across his main computer.
Tycho's voice resounded through comm system. "I know that Star Destroyer anywhere, Lead. That's Vader's."
Ice shot through his spine at the word Vader, his skin tightening with goosebumps. Brief memories of Yavin flickered into his mind before an immediate banishment as adrenaline set in.

"Belay my last order. Stay together and keep on the lookout for a Bright out there. If you see him, Two, you're with me. We'll take him on while the rest of you work under Four."

More acknowledgement lights. All twelve. A grim reminder to him that some of them would not be flashing by the end of this mission; maybe not even his own.

The X-wings fanned out into smaller flights of four as they moved closer and closer. Already, long-range laserfire lanced out to meet them, but never once did they make contact. Ship-to-ship batteries were worthless against fighters even in optimal distance; only the luckiest of gunners would even hope to scorch one of the Rebel craft. Daminns waggled the wings of his X-wing, repeated by Janson in kind, if only to give the gunners burning feelings of ire.
"- Uhm. Yo. Leon here, uh... we may have a problem in the whole "retrieve the package" thing. Vultures appeared everywhere..."

A grimace took over his face. Two versus three Star Destroyers? Vader could have obliterated them before the Rogues even got there. They must really want that man alive- as did the Rebels.

"Check your fire, people. Looks like we've got an allied craft covering our contact. The Preybird, by the looks of it."

Janson's voice crackled in Wedge's ear as he said aloud, "Whoever's flying it must have a death wish- ramming TIE fighters like that will get anyone killed. Even a Corvette won't last that long. Wedge, I think you'd better say something smart."

"Preybird, this is Commander Wedge Antilles of Rogue Squadron. Engage the Interceptors. We'll handle the rest."

"Distance is twenty-three klicks from target. Locking S-foils in attack position."

In fluid movement, the twelve fighters took on their signature form, laser cannons spreading to increase their arc of fire. The X-wings seemed to shift from graceful craft to powerful war machines with a flick of a switch.

"Prepare to engage. Lock proton torpedoes on our contact-"

Gyvv made a confused sound in the comms, but did not speak.

"-and set detonation range to twenty meters from target. Airbursts. Second wave of torpedoes, lock onto targets of opportunity and fire at my second command."

"Eighteen klicks."

Twenty-four plumes of purple smoke spat out from the fuselages of Rogue Squadron, the torpedoes sprinting towards the tangled mat of TIE fighters. Though silence was all that eminated in space, the sensors inside the nose played out the tracking noises of the warheads as they closed in on their nonexistant targets.

The battle was on.
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Piett didn't turn around as he answered her question. "Stay on the ship!"


Garrik was having one hell of a time as Amida kept them moving, and he was very quickly developing a new found respect for starfighter pilots. A bright explosion flashed before him as he managed to take out one of the TIE's and he smirked in satisfaction. Finally. That smirk very quickly fell away as a pun crackled over the line. The ex-captain allowed himself a moment to roll his eyes. "Pardon me for feeling a little less appreciative just now," he replied, pressing the triggers again as an Interceptor zipped past.


Garrik growled again.

Then he watched as the TIE erupted anyway. He blinked for a moment before he caught sight of the Preybird that had done it.

"Holy-- that's a Preybird!"

Garrik didn't care what it was; he was just glad they were on his side.

"Garrik, focus on the TIEs closer to us."

The ex-captain nodded to himself. "Copy that."


Finally on striding onto the bridge, Piett strode straight to the main viewport to get a good look at the situation. "Fill me in."

"Our fighters are engaging the Correlian ship, sir. Ship is moving into optimal range to engage with ship-to-ship defenses."

The captain nodded. "Good." That Correlian ship wouldn't last long against all of this, no matter how good that smuggler was. The two of them were outmatched, plain and simple.

Unless they had help. Some craft Piett had never seen before came rocketing out from behind one of Axxila's moons and all the captain could do was give it a puzzled look. "What in blazes is that?" The look only intensified as it changed strategy. "What in blazes are they doing?" One more ship did not concern him...but the fact that they'd taken to slamming their ship through his was somewhat disconcerting.

"When we get into range," he said slowly, "Take a moment and focus on the mad one." He did not feel the need to explain that.


If Vader had his way, he wouldn't even need to. He'd already taken note of the Preybird and it's unconventional strategy. "Stay with me and let the others handle the freighter," he called to his wingmen. "We are going after that Preybird." The change of pace was refreshing, he admitted privately, but he didn't have time for it. This chase had gone on for too long already. Swinging around wide, Vader moved his wing around behind the new fighter where her shields would be weakest and where he might catch her off guard.

"Fire on my mark."

Something caught him off guard first.

The wink of an entire squadron of X-wings jumping in nearby just snagged his peripheral vision. Rebel Rescue had finally arrived. Vader didn't change his tactic – yet – but he kept a good eye on them as he closed in on the Preybird, and he warned his wingmen to do the same. He was glad he had when those missals went off.


Garrik, on the other hand, had yet to notice them (partially because he had yet to actually catch sight of them in the whirling dance that the ship seemed to be engaged in), but he had noticed something else. As the ship swung around one more time, the ex-captain got a good look at the Star Destroyers. His own ex-ship was still there among them, along with another, (could have been any of the others, he couldn't tell from the angle he got) and one that looked something out of place between the other two. It took him a moment to figure out why. He didn't get to look for long enough, but he had definitely seen a difference, and his brain wouldn't let it go as they spun by another group of TIE's. It hit him like a bucket of ice when it clicked.

Sweet stars, it was a Class II. It was probably....

"Ah, Amida, we might have a bigger problem than we thought. One of those Star Destroyers is a Class II.... I didn't get a good look, but that ship could be the Avenger. You remember when you brought up Vader when we first met? Ehe...."
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Piett didn't turn around as he answered her question. "Stay on the ship!"


Garrik was having one hell of a time as Amida kept them moving, and he was very quickly developing a new found respect for starfighter pilots. A bright explosion flashed before him as he managed to take out one of the TIE's and he smirked in satisfaction. Finally. That smirk very quickly fell away as a pun crackled over the line. The ex-captain allowed himself a moment to roll his eyes. "Pardon me for feeling a little less appreciative just now," he replied, pressing the triggers again as an Interceptor zipped past.


Garrik growled again.

Then he watched as the TIE erupted anyway. He blinked for a moment before he caught sight of the Preybird that had done it.

"Holy-- that's a Preybird!"

Garrik didn't care what it was; he was just glad they were on his side.

"Garrik, focus on the TIEs closer to us."

The ex-captain nodded to himself. "Copy that."


Finally on striding onto the bridge, Piett strode straight to the main viewport to get a good look at the situation. "Fill me in."

"Our fighters are engaging the Correlian ship, sir. Ship is moving into optimal range to engage with ship-to-ship defenses."

The captain nodded. "Good." That Correlian ship wouldn't last long against all of this, no matter how good that smuggler was. The two of them were outmatched, plain and simple.

Unless they had help. Some craft Piett had never seen before came rocketing out from behind one of Axxila's moons and all the captain could do was give it a puzzled look. "What in blazes is that?" The look only intensified as it changed strategy. "What in blazes are they doing?" One more ship did not concern him...but the fact that they'd taken to slamming their ship through his was somewhat disconcerting.

"When we get into range," he said slowly, "Take a moment and focus on the mad one." He did not feel the need to explain that.


If Vader had his way, he wouldn't even need to. He'd already taken note of the Preybird and it's unconventional strategy. "Stay with me and let the others handle the freighter," he called to his wingmen. "We are going after that Preybird." The change of pace was refreshing, he admitted privately, but he didn't have time for it. This chase had gone on for too long already. Swinging around wide, Vader moved his wing around behind the new fighter where her shields would be weakest and where he might catch her off guard.

"Fire on my mark."

Something caught him off guard first.

The wink of an entire squadron of X-wings jumping in nearby just snagged his peripheral vision. Rebel Rescue had finally arrived. Vader didn't change his tactic – yet – but he kept a good eye on them as he closed in on the Preybird, and he warned his wingmen to do the same. He was glad he had when those missals went off.


Garrik, on the other hand, had yet to notice them (partially because he had yet to actually catch sight of them in the whirling dance that the ship seemed to be engaged in), but he had noticed something else. As the ship swung around one more time, the ex-captain got a good look at the Star Destroyers. His own ex-ship was still there among them, along with another, (could have been any of the others, he couldn't tell from the angle he got) and one that looked something out of place between the other two. It took him a moment to figure out why. He didn't get to look for long enough, but he had definitely seen a difference, and his brain wouldn't let it go as they spun by another group of TIE's. It hit him like a bucket of ice when it clicked.

Sweet stars, it was a Class II. It was probably....

"Ah, Amida, we might have a bigger problem than we thought. One of those Star Destroyers is a Class II.... I didn't get a good look, but that ship could be the Avenger. You remember when you brought up Vader when we first met? Ehe...."
wind_banner.png qvTNuJR.png wind_banner.png
@BroomHare @morningstar666 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Termina nodded and strode off to a window to watch the crazy battle take place

(New character coming soon!)
@BroomHare @morningstar666 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Termina nodded and strode off to a window to watch the crazy battle take place

(New character coming soon!)
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
Sym6.png Blue // they/he Sym5.png

Sym5.png Goals and Link DirectorySym6.png
@BroomHare @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Amida only frowned in confusion as his computer displayed a string of gibberish, supposedly from the Preybird. Shrugging, he didn't bother to decypher the message and instead focused on his usual evasive maneuvers to try and keep them alive.

The Preybird was an immense help, yes, but it still wasn't enough. TIEs were still coming every direction, albeit in slightly less numbers now as they divided between pursuing the Aquilae and the Preybird. If anything, they would be able to get rid of a couple more Imps before the Impstars blasted them out of existence. The biggest ships floated towards the battle field, ominously silent. He knew he was done for the minute they started firing- his shields were good, but not enough to fend off three Star Destroyers.

His stomach sank as his radar beeped, thinking it was confirming his suspicions, but after a closer look he realized it was informing him of the arrival of twelve new ships, and they were moving fast. He couldn't get a good look between the laser blasts and the hectic movement of his ship, but he caught a flash of silver and red...and suddenly TIEs around him were exploding left and right.

"Holy sith, Garrik!" He exclaimed over the comms once realization dawned upon him. "It's the Rebels!"

He could scarcely believe it himself. But it was true: his radar displayed a significantly lower number of enemy ships. Almost to the point of being manageable. For a second he thought they actually had a chance and forced himself to bite back the excited laughter that wanted to get out. The odds had turned, yes, but the battle was still far from over.

As if reading his thoughts, Garrik's warning crackled over the comm. "I jinxed it, didn't I?" He muttered. "Stars...just- Let the rebels handle the bastardd. You keep blasting the TIEs and I'll try to keep us alive, alright?"
@BroomHare @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Amida only frowned in confusion as his computer displayed a string of gibberish, supposedly from the Preybird. Shrugging, he didn't bother to decypher the message and instead focused on his usual evasive maneuvers to try and keep them alive.

The Preybird was an immense help, yes, but it still wasn't enough. TIEs were still coming every direction, albeit in slightly less numbers now as they divided between pursuing the Aquilae and the Preybird. If anything, they would be able to get rid of a couple more Imps before the Impstars blasted them out of existence. The biggest ships floated towards the battle field, ominously silent. He knew he was done for the minute they started firing- his shields were good, but not enough to fend off three Star Destroyers.

His stomach sank as his radar beeped, thinking it was confirming his suspicions, but after a closer look he realized it was informing him of the arrival of twelve new ships, and they were moving fast. He couldn't get a good look between the laser blasts and the hectic movement of his ship, but he caught a flash of silver and red...and suddenly TIEs around him were exploding left and right.

"Holy sith, Garrik!" He exclaimed over the comms once realization dawned upon him. "It's the Rebels!"

He could scarcely believe it himself. But it was true: his radar displayed a significantly lower number of enemy ships. Almost to the point of being manageable. For a second he thought they actually had a chance and forced himself to bite back the excited laughter that wanted to get out. The odds had turned, yes, but the battle was still far from over.

As if reading his thoughts, Garrik's warning crackled over the comm. "I jinxed it, didn't I?" He muttered. "Stars...just- Let the rebels handle the bastardd. You keep blasting the TIEs and I'll try to keep us alive, alright?"
@BroomHare @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @morningstar666
The X-wing's torpedoes screamed closer and closer in the soundless vacuum, closing on their single target with precision. Alerted TIE fighters that spotted the plumes banked and pulled away from the oncoming fire, but an unfortunate few caught stray torpedoes with their panels and were atomized in an instant. The rest detonated in a brilliant display of pyrotechnics that engulfed numerous TIE fighters and interceptors. Some were tossed around with bent solar panels and struts. Some had their transparisteel canopies shattered, shredding the unfortunate pilots inside.

"Confirmed hits, Lead!" shouted Mayria. "Let's blast 'em!"

Moments after the torpedo clouds started to dissipate, the X-wings were upon the disoriented TIEs. Red laser fire lanced through the bunches, skewering TIEs and blasting them apart with precision. Thrust vectoring kept the X-wings from colliding with the scrambling fighters, jinking and rolling through the mess without once holding fire. Bright puffs of lives winking out trailed in their wake.

"Stay close to me, Six!"
"Hooah! That was close!"
"Four more, from below!"
"Escape vector, point-three-five. Punch it!"

Rogue Squadron was about two thirds through when confusion was replaced with angry intent. Rebels just tore through the Imperial ranks with no return fire, and wiped out over two dozen! Like an angry swarm of gnats, several wings of TIEs turned off the YT-1930 and banked in to pursue the slower T-65s with vengeance. Green counter-fire arced out to chase the escaping X-wings, impacting shields that sparked and lit up blue.

Wedge grimaced. The TIEs were a bit better than he expected. But no matter. They had not prepared themselves for the tactic, and now the rest would be a cakewalk.
"All wings, engage. Pattern four."
He cut throttle and flipped his fighter around off it's left wing, bringing his guns to bear on the encroaching force. The numbers weren't good, but much better than when they started. Flicking a switch changed his settings to quad-fire; the few shots he'd get before maneuvering would have to be guaranteed kills. No luxury here. He painted the nearest squint with his target computer and squeezed off a burst, not taking the time to watch the results that he created. Two more timed attacks brought down a TIE that twisted in front of his nose in an unfortunate dodge, scattering bits of duranium across the fore shields. "Lead, one bearing on your left. Cut right." Tycho's words were met with cool efficiency as the fighter corkscrewed over the green attack.

Tycho whipped in and near-rammed the fighter, his lasers single firing away at the foes presented. Wedge's pursuer whipped out of control and veered into an Interceptor, exploding piteously. Tycho figured the pilot did not get a chance to even know what hit him. They're in standard formation. Dipping right and scissoring with Bleek will get an easy shot. "Five, roll left and converge!" he ordered. Without waiting, his wingman banked inwards and started firing, picking off the closest fighter who focused directly on Tycho. He returned in kind, shooting off several lasers that gored the grey hull straight through the central eye. "Scratch one eyeball."

"We're going to need more of that, Two. My shields ar-" Static filled the comms; a static that made Janson wince in pain. His shields did not stop a glancing blast that singed his rear circuits. "Sithspawn, of course that happens." At least his acknowledgement light was working. He hoped. He corkscrewed the X-wing up and unleashed a spray of fire into the belly of an Interceptor, it letting out a gout of flame as the O2 tanks were ruptured. "That looked important. Sorry, buddy." And, even more importantly, he spotted the worst one of the bunch. On the Preybird. The TIE Advanced of Darth Vader himself. Where was Wedge?

"Lead, I found the bright. I have a bad-" Wait, his comms were down. Fierfek! "Blast, R4, let Wedge know!"
@BroomHare @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @morningstar666
The X-wing's torpedoes screamed closer and closer in the soundless vacuum, closing on their single target with precision. Alerted TIE fighters that spotted the plumes banked and pulled away from the oncoming fire, but an unfortunate few caught stray torpedoes with their panels and were atomized in an instant. The rest detonated in a brilliant display of pyrotechnics that engulfed numerous TIE fighters and interceptors. Some were tossed around with bent solar panels and struts. Some had their transparisteel canopies shattered, shredding the unfortunate pilots inside.

"Confirmed hits, Lead!" shouted Mayria. "Let's blast 'em!"

Moments after the torpedo clouds started to dissipate, the X-wings were upon the disoriented TIEs. Red laser fire lanced through the bunches, skewering TIEs and blasting them apart with precision. Thrust vectoring kept the X-wings from colliding with the scrambling fighters, jinking and rolling through the mess without once holding fire. Bright puffs of lives winking out trailed in their wake.

"Stay close to me, Six!"
"Hooah! That was close!"
"Four more, from below!"
"Escape vector, point-three-five. Punch it!"

Rogue Squadron was about two thirds through when confusion was replaced with angry intent. Rebels just tore through the Imperial ranks with no return fire, and wiped out over two dozen! Like an angry swarm of gnats, several wings of TIEs turned off the YT-1930 and banked in to pursue the slower T-65s with vengeance. Green counter-fire arced out to chase the escaping X-wings, impacting shields that sparked and lit up blue.

Wedge grimaced. The TIEs were a bit better than he expected. But no matter. They had not prepared themselves for the tactic, and now the rest would be a cakewalk.
"All wings, engage. Pattern four."
He cut throttle and flipped his fighter around off it's left wing, bringing his guns to bear on the encroaching force. The numbers weren't good, but much better than when they started. Flicking a switch changed his settings to quad-fire; the few shots he'd get before maneuvering would have to be guaranteed kills. No luxury here. He painted the nearest squint with his target computer and squeezed off a burst, not taking the time to watch the results that he created. Two more timed attacks brought down a TIE that twisted in front of his nose in an unfortunate dodge, scattering bits of duranium across the fore shields. "Lead, one bearing on your left. Cut right." Tycho's words were met with cool efficiency as the fighter corkscrewed over the green attack.

Tycho whipped in and near-rammed the fighter, his lasers single firing away at the foes presented. Wedge's pursuer whipped out of control and veered into an Interceptor, exploding piteously. Tycho figured the pilot did not get a chance to even know what hit him. They're in standard formation. Dipping right and scissoring with Bleek will get an easy shot. "Five, roll left and converge!" he ordered. Without waiting, his wingman banked inwards and started firing, picking off the closest fighter who focused directly on Tycho. He returned in kind, shooting off several lasers that gored the grey hull straight through the central eye. "Scratch one eyeball."

"We're going to need more of that, Two. My shields ar-" Static filled the comms; a static that made Janson wince in pain. His shields did not stop a glancing blast that singed his rear circuits. "Sithspawn, of course that happens." At least his acknowledgement light was working. He hoped. He corkscrewed the X-wing up and unleashed a spray of fire into the belly of an Interceptor, it letting out a gout of flame as the O2 tanks were ruptured. "That looked important. Sorry, buddy." And, even more importantly, he spotted the worst one of the bunch. On the Preybird. The TIE Advanced of Darth Vader himself. Where was Wedge?

"Lead, I found the bright. I have a bad-" Wait, his comms were down. Fierfek! "Blast, R4, let Wedge know!"
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Garrik, heard the despair on the other end of the line and grimaced. "Copy that," was all he had. It wasn't like he'd meant to get Vader involved...He hadn't really meant to get anyone involved. Karking nonsense, this was turning into. Gritting his teeth, the ex-captian slammed down on the triggers just in time to catch a TIE's wing as it whipped past. leaving the poor thing to spiral out of control into the nearest starfighter, or maybe to the planet below: he didn't get the chance to look.

"Let's just hope...Ah, never mind. Say it it'll happen, right?" he muttered, over the comms. He Put his focus back into catching the eyeballs as they flew past and making sure not to hit their allies. A task, he found, was not exactly easy, as he aimed for a TIE running toward the Preybird only to have it pull away and leave the bolt running very close to their backup indeed. "Sithspit!"

Vader, in the meantime had been keeping a good eye on those X-wings, and they were making more of an impact than he'd thought they would. More of an impact than the Preybird.... Vader fired off a couple of parting blasts at the back of the oddball ship before pulling an immelmann turn and twisting up and away from the lone fighter, relaying the new plan to his wingmates. "Those Rebels are causing more trouble than expected. Focus your fire on the T-65's and let the other squadrons handle the freighter and the Preybird for now. Stay close and follow my lead."

The Sith Lord pushed the throttle on his fighter and weaved his way from one end of the battle to the other. Dodging his own ships and their debris on the way up, including a very unfortunate TIE with two panels missing from one of its wings, he aimed for the underbelly of the closest X-wing before doubling back and pulling away. Taking the fighter out was less important than pulling their attention. There were more than enough fighters in those Star Destroyers to handle the freighter and the squadron, but not if the Rebels were going to punch through them three-dozen at a run unchecked. Time to run a bit of interference.
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Garrik, heard the despair on the other end of the line and grimaced. "Copy that," was all he had. It wasn't like he'd meant to get Vader involved...He hadn't really meant to get anyone involved. Karking nonsense, this was turning into. Gritting his teeth, the ex-captian slammed down on the triggers just in time to catch a TIE's wing as it whipped past. leaving the poor thing to spiral out of control into the nearest starfighter, or maybe to the planet below: he didn't get the chance to look.

"Let's just hope...Ah, never mind. Say it it'll happen, right?" he muttered, over the comms. He Put his focus back into catching the eyeballs as they flew past and making sure not to hit their allies. A task, he found, was not exactly easy, as he aimed for a TIE running toward the Preybird only to have it pull away and leave the bolt running very close to their backup indeed. "Sithspit!"

Vader, in the meantime had been keeping a good eye on those X-wings, and they were making more of an impact than he'd thought they would. More of an impact than the Preybird.... Vader fired off a couple of parting blasts at the back of the oddball ship before pulling an immelmann turn and twisting up and away from the lone fighter, relaying the new plan to his wingmates. "Those Rebels are causing more trouble than expected. Focus your fire on the T-65's and let the other squadrons handle the freighter and the Preybird for now. Stay close and follow my lead."

The Sith Lord pushed the throttle on his fighter and weaved his way from one end of the battle to the other. Dodging his own ships and their debris on the way up, including a very unfortunate TIE with two panels missing from one of its wings, he aimed for the underbelly of the closest X-wing before doubling back and pulling away. Taking the fighter out was less important than pulling their attention. There were more than enough fighters in those Star Destroyers to handle the freighter and the squadron, but not if the Rebels were going to punch through them three-dozen at a run unchecked. Time to run a bit of interference.
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@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @BroomHare @Namalucibai

Thanks stars.


The sweat was running through the Mira Luka's head while she tried to keep avoiding the enemy fire, not because of the difficulty of the task really. The Ramming was her main move, she was used to a few seconds without shields while the system recharged, but this battle was really, REALLY different than the others. All because of the monster that was right behind her back. She felt that thing looking through her like no other person had EVER before, it was like its eyes were shooting pure, red-hot plasma through her soul... and it was smiling.

Smiling because she was right on his range and totally uncovered. Vealde practically saw the finger of the Monster slowly caress the FIRE button, just a little pressure, and it was over. The captain closed her empty eyes. And whispered. "I... regret... NOTHING."

And then, the boom.

But there wasn't a boom. Not on her ship, at least. She scanned the battlefield again, the rules suddenly had changed. A new ship... no, more. An entire squad, allies. Wedge.

Kriffing. Wedge.

A mix between livid fury and everlasting relief filled her chest, and she immediately started sound communication with the squad leader while the TIEs exploded all around the black. "WEDGE YOU MAGNIFICENT SON OF A HUTT" she started, a big grin on her face. Her voice was kind of ****** up. "TAKE THIS LONG TO APPEAR AGAIN AND I SWEAR TO THE STARS, I AM NEVER ACCEPTING ANOTHER WORK FROM YOU."

The lasers beamed right next to the wings of the Preybird, but this time she didn't fear. Hell, she even let slide some impacts here and there, before a beeping sound notified the return of her shields. Time for a little payback.

And this time, she knew exactly who she was going after. The Revenge of Mister Friedrich performed a sudden U-Turn, again the shields blazing in a little green light. In the radars of the squad, and probably that Correlian ship, there was now a little sign. A circle arround the exact ship they had to avoid, or destroy.

Vader's ship.

"I AM GOING FOR YOU, MONSTER." She screamed into the radio, knowing he probably didn't hear her but pretty sure he FELT that, while the ship literally tackled multiple ships on its way to the sith lord's. All or nothing.
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @BroomHare @Namalucibai

Thanks stars.


The sweat was running through the Mira Luka's head while she tried to keep avoiding the enemy fire, not because of the difficulty of the task really. The Ramming was her main move, she was used to a few seconds without shields while the system recharged, but this battle was really, REALLY different than the others. All because of the monster that was right behind her back. She felt that thing looking through her like no other person had EVER before, it was like its eyes were shooting pure, red-hot plasma through her soul... and it was smiling.

Smiling because she was right on his range and totally uncovered. Vealde practically saw the finger of the Monster slowly caress the FIRE button, just a little pressure, and it was over. The captain closed her empty eyes. And whispered. "I... regret... NOTHING."

And then, the boom.

But there wasn't a boom. Not on her ship, at least. She scanned the battlefield again, the rules suddenly had changed. A new ship... no, more. An entire squad, allies. Wedge.

Kriffing. Wedge.

A mix between livid fury and everlasting relief filled her chest, and she immediately started sound communication with the squad leader while the TIEs exploded all around the black. "WEDGE YOU MAGNIFICENT SON OF A HUTT" she started, a big grin on her face. Her voice was kind of ****** up. "TAKE THIS LONG TO APPEAR AGAIN AND I SWEAR TO THE STARS, I AM NEVER ACCEPTING ANOTHER WORK FROM YOU."

The lasers beamed right next to the wings of the Preybird, but this time she didn't fear. Hell, she even let slide some impacts here and there, before a beeping sound notified the return of her shields. Time for a little payback.

And this time, she knew exactly who she was going after. The Revenge of Mister Friedrich performed a sudden U-Turn, again the shields blazing in a little green light. In the radars of the squad, and probably that Correlian ship, there was now a little sign. A circle arround the exact ship they had to avoid, or destroy.

Vader's ship.

"I AM GOING FOR YOU, MONSTER." She screamed into the radio, knowing he probably didn't hear her but pretty sure he FELT that, while the ship literally tackled multiple ships on its way to the sith lord's. All or nothing.
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