

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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Amida swallowed as they reached his ship at last , clearly noticing Garrik's blatant worry on his face. Just their luck: an ex-captain with no gunner experience whatsoever. "What kinda captain doesn't know how to shoot a kriffin' ship gun?!" He said out loud, more to himself than to Garrik, and then actually processed what just came out of his mouth. "Stars--sorry. Not your fault."

He slammed the controls to close the ramp once they were both in. "Just let the--crink," He cursed as plasma fire from outside rocked the Aquilae. Without missing another beat , he pointed behind Garrik and then ran to the cockpit. No time to explain now. "Gunner's cradle is down that corridor!"

He began initiating takeoff protocols and activated the shields as soon as the energy readings were okay. He was greeted by alarms, of course- luckily the 'troopers hadn't damaged anything vital just yet. "Garrik!" He called over the comm once the ship started to rise, "
toggle on the left switches the weapons, aim's on the right- shoot with the triggers! Go crazy with the cannons, the autotargeting system will aim for ya!"

@BroomHare @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic
Amida swallowed as they reached his ship at last , clearly noticing Garrik's blatant worry on his face. Just their luck: an ex-captain with no gunner experience whatsoever. "What kinda captain doesn't know how to shoot a kriffin' ship gun?!" He said out loud, more to himself than to Garrik, and then actually processed what just came out of his mouth. "Stars--sorry. Not your fault."

He slammed the controls to close the ramp once they were both in. "Just let the--crink," He cursed as plasma fire from outside rocked the Aquilae. Without missing another beat , he pointed behind Garrik and then ran to the cockpit. No time to explain now. "Gunner's cradle is down that corridor!"

He began initiating takeoff protocols and activated the shields as soon as the energy readings were okay. He was greeted by alarms, of course- luckily the 'troopers hadn't damaged anything vital just yet. "Garrik!" He called over the comm once the ship started to rise, "
toggle on the left switches the weapons, aim's on the right- shoot with the triggers! Go crazy with the cannons, the autotargeting system will aim for ya!"

@BroomHare @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic
@BroomHare @morningstar666 @silentlyArctic

Termina swore and fired off more rounds at the ship. "We need to get out of here before they get the guns active."
@BroomHare @morningstar666 @silentlyArctic

Termina swore and fired off more rounds at the ship. "We need to get out of here before they get the guns active."
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
Sym6.png Blue // they/he Sym5.png

Sym5.png Goals and Link DirectorySym6.png
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Garrik didn't even acknowledge the accidental insult. No time, no use. Instead he barreled up the ramp so fast he nearly bounced off the far wall of the hallway. He did stumble into it as the ship rocked. Cripes, this was bad, but Amida was already giving orders.

"Gunner's cradle is down that corridor!"

Garrik followed his point down the hall and booked it, skidding to a halt as he found the cramped little space and scrambled in, pulling on the headset dangling off the controls and trying to remember the last time they'd made him do this. Luckily, Amida didn't make him work it all out on his own, and the ex-captian raked his eyes over the controls, looking for each of them as the smuggler called them out. "Got it!" he called back. Taking one last look over everything, Garrik muttered to himself. "OK, here we go...."

Piett could only watch as the ship's ramp closed, and he shook his head, cursing under his breath. He fished his comm from his pocket to call back to the shuttle pilot and get the some information on that ship out to the Star Destroyers. If he clouldn't catch him down here, at least he could get a good look at the ship he-

"We need to get out of here before they get the guns active."

No sooner had the words come out of her mouth than two stormtroopers went flying in burst of steam and fire.

The rest of them were already moving for cover.

Piett decided that wasn't a bad idea.

"Fall back to the shuttle! We're never going to stop that ship from down here!"

The captian rolled behind the corner of a nearby building, peaking around just enough to keep an eye on what was happening as everything seemed suddenly to go to Hell in a lovely little hand basket. This was not how this mission was supposed to go. At all.

He pulled out his comm as another laser bolt slammed into the ground, sending up a great cloud of steam as what used to be a large puddle vaporized. Clever. He couldn't get a good look at the damn thing. All he could do was call in what he had. "Radio up to the capital ships. Garrik's boarded some kind of Correlian freighter. Do not let it get away!"
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

Garrik didn't even acknowledge the accidental insult. No time, no use. Instead he barreled up the ramp so fast he nearly bounced off the far wall of the hallway. He did stumble into it as the ship rocked. Cripes, this was bad, but Amida was already giving orders.

"Gunner's cradle is down that corridor!"

Garrik followed his point down the hall and booked it, skidding to a halt as he found the cramped little space and scrambled in, pulling on the headset dangling off the controls and trying to remember the last time they'd made him do this. Luckily, Amida didn't make him work it all out on his own, and the ex-captian raked his eyes over the controls, looking for each of them as the smuggler called them out. "Got it!" he called back. Taking one last look over everything, Garrik muttered to himself. "OK, here we go...."

Piett could only watch as the ship's ramp closed, and he shook his head, cursing under his breath. He fished his comm from his pocket to call back to the shuttle pilot and get the some information on that ship out to the Star Destroyers. If he clouldn't catch him down here, at least he could get a good look at the ship he-

"We need to get out of here before they get the guns active."

No sooner had the words come out of her mouth than two stormtroopers went flying in burst of steam and fire.

The rest of them were already moving for cover.

Piett decided that wasn't a bad idea.

"Fall back to the shuttle! We're never going to stop that ship from down here!"

The captian rolled behind the corner of a nearby building, peaking around just enough to keep an eye on what was happening as everything seemed suddenly to go to Hell in a lovely little hand basket. This was not how this mission was supposed to go. At all.

He pulled out his comm as another laser bolt slammed into the ground, sending up a great cloud of steam as what used to be a large puddle vaporized. Clever. He couldn't get a good look at the damn thing. All he could do was call in what he had. "Radio up to the capital ships. Garrik's boarded some kind of Correlian freighter. Do not let it get away!"
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@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @BroomHare @Namalucibai

The boredom was getting to her, fast and lethal like a laser pointed to her face. She just wasn't sure of what take she whould use to actually accomplish the mission with the biggest amount of money possible on her hands. She was blind, why hiring her to search for a person with no eyeballs working on her at all!? Pure, unadulterated shab.

She was starting to think of simply killing the guy and handing the body to the Imps. Probably that would be easier, and more profitable after all. The Mira Luka was actually thinking of a way of doing this without getting caught by the rebels, when suddenly a transmission got intercepted by the antena on the ship.

"Radio up to the capital ships. Garrik's boarded some kind of Correlian freighter. Do not let it get away!"

- Wait. What?

Dense minutes of awkward silence passed between that moment and the instant when the Stardestroyer appeared. A successful jump, apparently... holy shab that thing was massive, the Preybird was a nice sized ship for a smuggler, but that giant capital ship was too much even for her.

This was bad. Really bad. And the fact that the guy was already picked up by some Correlian scum was even worst. Her money, her money was going away already!

She quickly started to turn on every system on her ship, trying to fly low while sending a new transmission to the Rebels through an encripted channel.

- Uhm. Yo. Leon here, uh... we may have a problem in the whole "retrieve the package" thing. Vultures appeared everywhere...
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @BroomHare @Namalucibai

The boredom was getting to her, fast and lethal like a laser pointed to her face. She just wasn't sure of what take she whould use to actually accomplish the mission with the biggest amount of money possible on her hands. She was blind, why hiring her to search for a person with no eyeballs working on her at all!? Pure, unadulterated shab.

She was starting to think of simply killing the guy and handing the body to the Imps. Probably that would be easier, and more profitable after all. The Mira Luka was actually thinking of a way of doing this without getting caught by the rebels, when suddenly a transmission got intercepted by the antena on the ship.

"Radio up to the capital ships. Garrik's boarded some kind of Correlian freighter. Do not let it get away!"

- Wait. What?

Dense minutes of awkward silence passed between that moment and the instant when the Stardestroyer appeared. A successful jump, apparently... holy shab that thing was massive, the Preybird was a nice sized ship for a smuggler, but that giant capital ship was too much even for her.

This was bad. Really bad. And the fact that the guy was already picked up by some Correlian scum was even worst. Her money, her money was going away already!

She quickly started to turn on every system on her ship, trying to fly low while sending a new transmission to the Rebels through an encripted channel.

- Uhm. Yo. Leon here, uh... we may have a problem in the whole "retrieve the package" thing. Vultures appeared everywhere...
@BroomHare @silentlyArctic @morningstar666 @Namalucibai
(BTW Morningstar, been meaning to ask... Why do you keep calling Amida a raven? His image is a human, and a raven is not Star Wars spices I'm familiar with... :3)

Termina darted to where Piett was. "Should we get back to the ship so we can chase them, sir?" She took up her formal tone once more.
@BroomHare @silentlyArctic @morningstar666 @Namalucibai
(BTW Morningstar, been meaning to ask... Why do you keep calling Amida a raven? His image is a human, and a raven is not Star Wars spices I'm familiar with... :3)

Termina darted to where Piett was. "Should we get back to the ship so we can chase them, sir?" She took up her formal tone once more.
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
Sym6.png Blue // they/he Sym5.png

Sym5.png Goals and Link DirectorySym6.png
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

The captain was on his way toward the nearest alley when his trooper darted in, and his brows darted up at her question. "Yes! Quickly now! Move!" He waived for her to get moving. "Keep yourself in it, soldier, I haven't got the time to be giving orders twice." That said the captain took off back toward the lambda at a run. He didn't have time to stand around and talk. This entire mission had be come a disaster. If they didn't stop that ship before it made it out of the system.... The captain felt his blood turn cold. If they didn't catch that ship before it made it out of the system Vader was going to kill him. Vader might kill him anyway.... The captain pushed his pace.
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

The captain was on his way toward the nearest alley when his trooper darted in, and his brows darted up at her question. "Yes! Quickly now! Move!" He waived for her to get moving. "Keep yourself in it, soldier, I haven't got the time to be giving orders twice." That said the captain took off back toward the lambda at a run. He didn't have time to stand around and talk. This entire mission had be come a disaster. If they didn't stop that ship before it made it out of the system.... The captain felt his blood turn cold. If they didn't catch that ship before it made it out of the system Vader was going to kill him. Vader might kill him anyway.... The captain pushed his pace.
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@BroomHare @silentlyArctic @ImpossibleJedi4 @Namalucibai
(Ah, Blue! Raven = black haired -as far as I know, anyways-. It's a word that rubbed off on me because of a previous RP haha. Sorry for the confusion!)

Despite the maddening cacophony of alarms (Where was the blasted button to shut them off?), Amida grinned. Garrik had managed to get the Imps and drive them away. "Nice shot!" He called over the comm. "Not bad for a beginner, dude".

He angled his ship and shot for the sky. He knew they'd be on their tail anytime soon, and he didn't want to waste another second in this damn planet. He felt exhilarated, both from the thrill of the chase and from the fact that he was finally leaving, for good. It was almost unbelievable. He just hoped he lived long enough to get out of this system...

..and then he wished he hadn't said that. "Famous last words, huh," He muttered to himself, chuckling ruefully. A swarm of TIE fighters was heading his way, and behind them floated a massive Star Destroyer, surely wanting to give them both a warm welcome. Well, there goes his plan of jumping to another system altogether. "Crink. Wellp, Garrik, you know what to do. Hang on tight- I'm gonna get you closer to them."

Reaching over the console, Amida turned on his sensor jammers, hoping they were still functioning. They weren't the best, but hopefully they'd mess with the TIE's aim. He barrel-rolled his way out of the first enemy blasts, and drove straight toward the TIEs.
@BroomHare @silentlyArctic @ImpossibleJedi4 @Namalucibai
(Ah, Blue! Raven = black haired -as far as I know, anyways-. It's a word that rubbed off on me because of a previous RP haha. Sorry for the confusion!)

Despite the maddening cacophony of alarms (Where was the blasted button to shut them off?), Amida grinned. Garrik had managed to get the Imps and drive them away. "Nice shot!" He called over the comm. "Not bad for a beginner, dude".

He angled his ship and shot for the sky. He knew they'd be on their tail anytime soon, and he didn't want to waste another second in this damn planet. He felt exhilarated, both from the thrill of the chase and from the fact that he was finally leaving, for good. It was almost unbelievable. He just hoped he lived long enough to get out of this system...

..and then he wished he hadn't said that. "Famous last words, huh," He muttered to himself, chuckling ruefully. A swarm of TIE fighters was heading his way, and behind them floated a massive Star Destroyer, surely wanting to give them both a warm welcome. Well, there goes his plan of jumping to another system altogether. "Crink. Wellp, Garrik, you know what to do. Hang on tight- I'm gonna get you closer to them."

Reaching over the console, Amida turned on his sensor jammers, hoping they were still functioning. They weren't the best, but hopefully they'd mess with the TIE's aim. He barrel-rolled his way out of the first enemy blasts, and drove straight toward the TIEs.
@BroomHare @morningstar666 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai
(Ah thanks! XD I really should make a club for black haired one eyed characters. My persona Evan fits that description, LOL. XD)

Termina took off, outstripping Piett quickly. She dashed aboard the Lambda, then called back, "Any other surviving troopers?"

(GAH I feel like my posts are too short. ;_;)
@BroomHare @morningstar666 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai
(Ah thanks! XD I really should make a club for black haired one eyed characters. My persona Evan fits that description, LOL. XD)

Termina took off, outstripping Piett quickly. She dashed aboard the Lambda, then called back, "Any other surviving troopers?"

(GAH I feel like my posts are too short. ;_;)
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
Sym6.png Blue // they/he Sym5.png

Sym5.png Goals and Link DirectorySym6.png
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @BroomHare @Namalucibai

"You hear me? Avoid this sector at all cost, unless you are ready to engage. There's a swarm of vac-heads and a kriffing Impstar!! I wouldn't discard the possibility of a second coming right here... Gotta go. The wind is howling..."

A completely out of place metafor in the worst of any moments. At least one last joke before her mood changed from jokey to feral. A hungry grin formed on the lips of the smuggler while she started to crack her knuckles and get more comfortable on the seat, just waiting for the signal on her radar to change.

She just needed to enter the battle in the right time, while her ship was still on the zero angle of that wing. "P4NK, What's the situation out there?". The attention of the pilot didn't even shift from the outsides of the ship, while a droid inmediatelly answered from the gunner's seat, their voice being kind and sweet like a matron droid. "Oh it is the most wonderful of days!" said the android, a bulky BENK series droid, moving arround the cannons and preparing them for the innevitable fight

"The sun is shinning and the TIE series are flying through the black like flies arround decomposed organic matter! Isn't that wonderful?~". The Mira Luka was about to shout an angry answer when the droid added another detail. "Oh, and now there's another fancy ship on the camp! A YT-1930, such a nice model!"

A correllian model. Bingo.

"Should I prepare tea for our visitors? They must be so hungry...". The only response from the pilot was an abrupt acceleration and an even bigger grin on her face. She dived right into the fight while most of the TIE fighters where focused on their objetive, firing the lasers to the closest Imp in the YT's range, just to get the other pilot's attention.

"Let's make us some new friends, P4NK."
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @BroomHare @Namalucibai

"You hear me? Avoid this sector at all cost, unless you are ready to engage. There's a swarm of vac-heads and a kriffing Impstar!! I wouldn't discard the possibility of a second coming right here... Gotta go. The wind is howling..."

A completely out of place metafor in the worst of any moments. At least one last joke before her mood changed from jokey to feral. A hungry grin formed on the lips of the smuggler while she started to crack her knuckles and get more comfortable on the seat, just waiting for the signal on her radar to change.

She just needed to enter the battle in the right time, while her ship was still on the zero angle of that wing. "P4NK, What's the situation out there?". The attention of the pilot didn't even shift from the outsides of the ship, while a droid inmediatelly answered from the gunner's seat, their voice being kind and sweet like a matron droid. "Oh it is the most wonderful of days!" said the android, a bulky BENK series droid, moving arround the cannons and preparing them for the innevitable fight

"The sun is shinning and the TIE series are flying through the black like flies arround decomposed organic matter! Isn't that wonderful?~". The Mira Luka was about to shout an angry answer when the droid added another detail. "Oh, and now there's another fancy ship on the camp! A YT-1930, such a nice model!"

A correllian model. Bingo.

"Should I prepare tea for our visitors? They must be so hungry...". The only response from the pilot was an abrupt acceleration and an even bigger grin on her face. She dived right into the fight while most of the TIE fighters where focused on their objetive, firing the lasers to the closest Imp in the YT's range, just to get the other pilot's attention.

"Let's make us some new friends, P4NK."
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

((Enormous post incoming for the sake of space battle! I'll put it in the right place this time.))

Garrik could hardly believe he'd hit anything either, and a shocked chuckle burst out from deep in his chest as Amida praised him over the comms and he watched the ground fall away. "Thanks. Your auto target did a good load of the work, I'm sure," he chuckled back. The ex-captain took the moment to flop back in his seat and breath as they pulled well out of blaster range and up into the atmosphere. They did it. They'd made it off the all they had to do was make it out past the Charybdis and whatever ship those Imps had come in on...

He didn't have long to wonder about that. Almost as soon as they made it through the atmosphere, Amida crackled over the comms again.

"Crink. Welp, Garrik, you know what to do."

Garrik sat back up and saw exactly what the smuggler was talking about. "Oh, kark..."

"Hang on tight – I'm gonna get you closer to them."

Garrik gripped the controls, pressed himself into the seat as the ship maneuvered, and swallowed hard. Something told him this was going to be a lot harder than firing on troopers.


By the time Piett made it to the shuttle, the last three remaining troopers were shuffling in, a wounded man suspended between the other two by his shoulders. The captain watched them shuffle in, and did a quick head count. Not grand...but there was someone missing who shouldn't have been, and the captain whipped his gaze around to find him. Where was Vader?

There! He spotted him. Stalking out of one of the several dark alleyways near the landing pad came the Sith Lord. Piett swallowed. Even through the helmet and armor, it was not difficult to read the man's mood. Stiff gate, clenched fists: Vader was fuming.

And he was. She'd gotten away. That blasted Jedi-Child had gotten away. He didn't know how, but now, on top of this disaster with the turncoat he'd have her to deal with her later. He focused in on the scene before him as he approached the shuttle. There was Piett. The troopers he could feel inside...and that was it. Vader's mechanical fists clenched even tighter.

"Where is Captain Garrik?"

Piett swallowed. He checked his words over and over in his head before finally taking a breath. "He's on a Corellian Freighter, M'Lord, currently attempting to flee the system." No use least not from what he'd heard. "The Accuser and the Charybdis-"

"He escaped then..."

The captain didn't move, silent for a long moment. "For the moment, M'Lord...yes."

Vader grabbed him by the throat.

"This operation was your plan, Captain. I am most disappointed."

Piett's only option for response was a strangled squeal.

The Sith Lord lifted him off his feet and pulled his petrified face within an inch of his mask. "You will go back to your ship and take care of the situation from there, and you will not let this happen again!" With that he turned and dropped the diminutive man roughly onto the shuttle's ramp and strode inside as he crumpled.

Piett could only lay there as his body fought to pull enough oxygen back into his lungs for it to function. Never. He was never working with Vader again. He stayed where he was just long enough for the spots to clear away from his vision. Then, without a word, he pulled himself up to his feet, staggered up to the second auxiliary chair and collapsed into it.

"Take me back to the Avenger before returning to the Accuser," snapped the Sith. "I have matters to attend to there."

"Aye, sir."

The Lambda took a wide berth around the already ensuing battle once it cleared the atmosphere, but the captain and Vader both got a good look at the situation.


Garrik was right. This was a lot harder than hitting troopers. TIE's were faster - much faster. The auto-target was helping...but not necessarily...much...or maybe there were really that many. Things were moving so quickly and so much that Garrik was having trouble keeping track. "Cripes, man, I don't know how you do this!" he snapped over the comms. "How do you do anything with your ship moving underneath you this much?" Not, perhaps, the most helpful thing to say, he mused.

He didn't muse for long though as another TIE whipped through his field of vision. The ex-captain grit his teeth as he clenched the triggers, following the stupid thing until he couldn't any more and growling in frustration at the miss.

His eyes locked onto something else as he turned back from the fighter though - something he'd never seen before. "Amida..." he called over the comms. "What sort of ship is that?" Never once, had he seen anything like a Preybird.


With the ships as close as they were, it didn't take the shuttle long to make its runs, and Piett hurried straight for the bridge the second the ramp hit the ground, turning around only long enough to give Termina one last order. "See to it that the injured make it to the med bay."


Vader, by that time, had taken control of his own ship: his own, significantly smaller ship. The Sith Lord adjusted a few last things in the cramped cockpit of his fighter before he took off, a select few other pilots in tow. The captain had failed him once already. It was time to take matters into his own hands.
@Morningstar666 @ImpossibleJedi4 @silentlyArctic @Namalucibai

((Enormous post incoming for the sake of space battle! I'll put it in the right place this time.))

Garrik could hardly believe he'd hit anything either, and a shocked chuckle burst out from deep in his chest as Amida praised him over the comms and he watched the ground fall away. "Thanks. Your auto target did a good load of the work, I'm sure," he chuckled back. The ex-captain took the moment to flop back in his seat and breath as they pulled well out of blaster range and up into the atmosphere. They did it. They'd made it off the all they had to do was make it out past the Charybdis and whatever ship those Imps had come in on...

He didn't have long to wonder about that. Almost as soon as they made it through the atmosphere, Amida crackled over the comms again.

"Crink. Welp, Garrik, you know what to do."

Garrik sat back up and saw exactly what the smuggler was talking about. "Oh, kark..."

"Hang on tight – I'm gonna get you closer to them."

Garrik gripped the controls, pressed himself into the seat as the ship maneuvered, and swallowed hard. Something told him this was going to be a lot harder than firing on troopers.


By the time Piett made it to the shuttle, the last three remaining troopers were shuffling in, a wounded man suspended between the other two by his shoulders. The captain watched them shuffle in, and did a quick head count. Not grand...but there was someone missing who shouldn't have been, and the captain whipped his gaze around to find him. Where was Vader?

There! He spotted him. Stalking out of one of the several dark alleyways near the landing pad came the Sith Lord. Piett swallowed. Even through the helmet and armor, it was not difficult to read the man's mood. Stiff gate, clenched fists: Vader was fuming.

And he was. She'd gotten away. That blasted Jedi-Child had gotten away. He didn't know how, but now, on top of this disaster with the turncoat he'd have her to deal with her later. He focused in on the scene before him as he approached the shuttle. There was Piett. The troopers he could feel inside...and that was it. Vader's mechanical fists clenched even tighter.

"Where is Captain Garrik?"

Piett swallowed. He checked his words over and over in his head before finally taking a breath. "He's on a Corellian Freighter, M'Lord, currently attempting to flee the system." No use least not from what he'd heard. "The Accuser and the Charybdis-"

"He escaped then..."

The captain didn't move, silent for a long moment. "For the moment, M'Lord...yes."

Vader grabbed him by the throat.

"This operation was your plan, Captain. I am most disappointed."

Piett's only option for response was a strangled squeal.

The Sith Lord lifted him off his feet and pulled his petrified face within an inch of his mask. "You will go back to your ship and take care of the situation from there, and you will not let this happen again!" With that he turned and dropped the diminutive man roughly onto the shuttle's ramp and strode inside as he crumpled.

Piett could only lay there as his body fought to pull enough oxygen back into his lungs for it to function. Never. He was never working with Vader again. He stayed where he was just long enough for the spots to clear away from his vision. Then, without a word, he pulled himself up to his feet, staggered up to the second auxiliary chair and collapsed into it.

"Take me back to the Avenger before returning to the Accuser," snapped the Sith. "I have matters to attend to there."

"Aye, sir."

The Lambda took a wide berth around the already ensuing battle once it cleared the atmosphere, but the captain and Vader both got a good look at the situation.


Garrik was right. This was a lot harder than hitting troopers. TIE's were faster - much faster. The auto-target was helping...but not necessarily...much...or maybe there were really that many. Things were moving so quickly and so much that Garrik was having trouble keeping track. "Cripes, man, I don't know how you do this!" he snapped over the comms. "How do you do anything with your ship moving underneath you this much?" Not, perhaps, the most helpful thing to say, he mused.

He didn't muse for long though as another TIE whipped through his field of vision. The ex-captain grit his teeth as he clenched the triggers, following the stupid thing until he couldn't any more and growling in frustration at the miss.

His eyes locked onto something else as he turned back from the fighter though - something he'd never seen before. "Amida..." he called over the comms. "What sort of ship is that?" Never once, had he seen anything like a Preybird.


With the ships as close as they were, it didn't take the shuttle long to make its runs, and Piett hurried straight for the bridge the second the ramp hit the ground, turning around only long enough to give Termina one last order. "See to it that the injured make it to the med bay."


Vader, by that time, had taken control of his own ship: his own, significantly smaller ship. The Sith Lord adjusted a few last things in the cramped cockpit of his fighter before he took off, a select few other pilots in tow. The captain had failed him once already. It was time to take matters into his own hands.
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