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TOPIC | [T] Familiars not bonding
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Finally got it to work yesterday but it's back today. :(
Finally got it to work yesterday but it's back today. :(
This has been going on for quite a bit now. Can we please fix this?
This has been going on for quite a bit now. Can we please fix this?
Yea I keep getting it too. *sighs* Have been for a bit
Yea I keep getting it too. *sighs* Have been for a bit
"Mistakes were made. You can probably try that again though."

I have a rather finicky moth who keeps giving this error message. Received it on a few of my others but with them I was able to get it to go through on the second or third tries. The one moth I've tried upwards of 10 times and it still won't give me my treasure chest. ):
"Mistakes were made. You can probably try that again though."

I have a rather finicky moth who keeps giving this error message. Received it on a few of my others but with them I was able to get it to go through on the second or third tries. The one moth I've tried upwards of 10 times and it still won't give me my treasure chest. ):
Don't know if anyone else has said this, but I've found a bit of a workaround that seems to let me get most of my familiars moving again. I find that if I remove the familiar from the dragon it's on and move it to another dragon, then try bonding again, sometimes that will get it to go through. though in some cases I've had to move it repeatedly before it worked.
Don't know if anyone else has said this, but I've found a bit of a workaround that seems to let me get most of my familiars moving again. I find that if I remove the familiar from the dragon it's on and move it to another dragon, then try bonding again, sometimes that will get it to go through. though in some cases I've had to move it repeatedly before it worked.
Darn, I'd hoped to avoid this problem, but it's happening to me now, too. My Amaranth Moth is set to move up from tolerant to relaxed today, but every single attempt to bond with it so far fails. I have tried it on different dragons, removing and adding it back again, named dragon, unnamed dragon, adult dragon, baby dragon, no difference so far. Have tried at least 10 times over a spread of 20+ minutes. All of my other familiars (including other ones who moved from tolerant to relaxed today) went through with a maximum of three tries (many on the first try).

I'll just keep trying....
Darn, I'd hoped to avoid this problem, but it's happening to me now, too. My Amaranth Moth is set to move up from tolerant to relaxed today, but every single attempt to bond with it so far fails. I have tried it on different dragons, removing and adding it back again, named dragon, unnamed dragon, adult dragon, baby dragon, no difference so far. Have tried at least 10 times over a spread of 20+ minutes. All of my other familiars (including other ones who moved from tolerant to relaxed today) went through with a maximum of three tries (many on the first try).

I'll just keep trying....
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I started having this problem recently and I have a feeling it's because I have so many familiars now. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I have to try over and over again.

Like the issue with too many battle items keeping them from loading in the Coliseum section for applying experience points, perhaps with too many familiars, the connections in the database start to brown out. Just a guess tho.
I started having this problem recently and I have a feeling it's because I have so many familiars now. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I have to try over and over again.

Like the issue with too many battle items keeping them from loading in the Coliseum section for applying experience points, perhaps with too many familiars, the connections in the database start to brown out. Just a guess tho.
I'm having the issue myself and there are a few of the reoccurring familiars and some different ones. It really annoys me sometimes when I try to bond with all 60+ familiars in one go and it takes me about an hour or more (depending on how fast the site is).

Wished they have a Bond All Familiar button or something. Bonding with familiars isn't as fun as it used to be anymore. When I have to do the daily things now, I always have the familiar bonding as the last task.
I'm having the issue myself and there are a few of the reoccurring familiars and some different ones. It really annoys me sometimes when I try to bond with all 60+ familiars in one go and it takes me about an hour or more (depending on how fast the site is).

Wished they have a Bond All Familiar button or something. Bonding with familiars isn't as fun as it used to be anymore. When I have to do the daily things now, I always have the familiar bonding as the last task.
I have Shame humanity and put us all in Agony because of my Dream!
(Big thanks for the Quote to MythGriffin24)
I've been having this problem as well for a few days, and it seems to happen with just about every other one of my familiars. It isn't necessarily the same ones every day, either. Moving them from dragon to dragon doesn't seem to make any difference, either. I kind of have to agree, it's making bonding with familiars into a tedious task. :(
I've been having this problem as well for a few days, and it seems to happen with just about every other one of my familiars. It isn't necessarily the same ones every day, either. Moving them from dragon to dragon doesn't seem to make any difference, either. I kind of have to agree, it's making bonding with familiars into a tedious task. :(
Man, I concur with EVERYTHING @Scorpius said. I have been having this problem for almost a week and a half now. It can take hours and multiple attempts into my dragon lair to get all of my familiars to bond, not to mention the multiple attempts on the same familiar. I know that with games in development, things like this are going to happen, but I really wish there was a "Bond All Familiars" button at least while this is going on. At this point, it's really begun to grate on my enjoyment of the game. Doing my dailies (which are supposed to be easy, quick tasks) should not be a wince-worthy chore.
Man, I concur with EVERYTHING @Scorpius said. I have been having this problem for almost a week and a half now. It can take hours and multiple attempts into my dragon lair to get all of my familiars to bond, not to mention the multiple attempts on the same familiar. I know that with games in development, things like this are going to happen, but I really wish there was a "Bond All Familiars" button at least while this is going on. At this point, it's really begun to grate on my enjoyment of the game. Doing my dailies (which are supposed to be easy, quick tasks) should not be a wince-worthy chore.
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