

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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Let's Start! Everyone is Accepted!
Blitz walked through the Ashfall Waste with his new companion, Koi the Wildclaw.
'When are we going to get there?! Hurry Up! The lava's burning my feet! How long are we going to walk?!' He'd hear in his ear the whole journey.
'The Windswept Plateau is RIGHT up here, stop your whining!' He thought.
'Don't worry- It's right... here,' He mumbled shyly, looking at Nebula with a sigh.
Kynareth was in the Viridian Labyrinth, 'Blitz?' He had gon searching for his son after his big journey for a map, Blitz had gone looking but had never returned. 'You there?' He called into the trees, getting looks from all the dragons that called the region home.

Let's Start! Everyone is Accepted!
Blitz walked through the Ashfall Waste with his new companion, Koi the Wildclaw.
'When are we going to get there?! Hurry Up! The lava's burning my feet! How long are we going to walk?!' He'd hear in his ear the whole journey.
'The Windswept Plateau is RIGHT up here, stop your whining!' He thought.
'Don't worry- It's right... here,' He mumbled shyly, looking at Nebula with a sigh.
Kynareth was in the Viridian Labyrinth, 'Blitz?' He had gon searching for his son after his big journey for a map, Blitz had gone looking but had never returned. 'You there?' He called into the trees, getting looks from all the dragons that called the region home.

Blitz sighs, stepping into Wind territory. 'Koi, We're here now.'

'It's about time!' She moans, rolling her red eyes at Blitz, 'Dusk! Keep up!' She demands, the Nightsky Fuiran quickly running ahead.

He feels a strong gust of wind and keeps his body on the ground to keep himself stable.

Kynareth gives up hope and starts wandering to the Tangled Wood to see if Blitz was there.

Blitz sighs, stepping into Wind territory. 'Koi, We're here now.'

'It's about time!' She moans, rolling her red eyes at Blitz, 'Dusk! Keep up!' She demands, the Nightsky Fuiran quickly running ahead.

He feels a strong gust of wind and keeps his body on the ground to keep himself stable.

Kynareth gives up hope and starts wandering to the Tangled Wood to see if Blitz was there.

Kajika was sleeping in his nest among the tall bamboo trees which sheltered the clan from the harsh breeze of the wind domain. He woke up surprised to find some fish by the entrance to his sleeping area. He got up to find the world a bit blurry until a few seconds later when he could actually smell the wonderful scent of fish. He sniffed the fish to see who had put it there for him...
"Oh..." He sighed smiling, FallenAngel had brought it for him. Fallenangel is his mentor and kind of like a father to him in some ways, he gulped down the fish and licked his lips.

He walked out to find Fallenangel gliding in the wind, Fallenangel noticed Kajika walk out."how'd you like the fish?"he asked landing in front of him. "It was good." Kajika replied, Fallenangel smiled at him, "Are you full?" he asked."YES." Said Kajika rolling his eyes at his mentor's stupid questions.

"Alright then c'mon, we need to practice your fighting skills...."


Kajika was sleeping in his nest among the tall bamboo trees which sheltered the clan from the harsh breeze of the wind domain. He woke up surprised to find some fish by the entrance to his sleeping area. He got up to find the world a bit blurry until a few seconds later when he could actually smell the wonderful scent of fish. He sniffed the fish to see who had put it there for him...
"Oh..." He sighed smiling, FallenAngel had brought it for him. Fallenangel is his mentor and kind of like a father to him in some ways, he gulped down the fish and licked his lips.

He walked out to find Fallenangel gliding in the wind, Fallenangel noticed Kajika walk out."how'd you like the fish?"he asked landing in front of him. "It was good." Kajika replied, Fallenangel smiled at him, "Are you full?" he asked."YES." Said Kajika rolling his eyes at his mentor's stupid questions.

"Alright then c'mon, we need to practice your fighting skills...."

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@KatLover4ever @AcedExpresso @HummingKnight @Splashnose @Rigz

The long flight from the Southern Icefield was every part exhausting and, so far, no part helpful. Orpheus and Nyx had flown to the Windswept Plateau based on a rumor that said this was where their clanmate, Eurydice, was last seen.

"Honestly, Orpheus," Nyx said loudly against the wind, "Eurydice was never that great a flyer. I really doubt she came all the way over here and then was able to beat these winds." She squinted into the air that whipped about and left the grass looking lake ocean waves with each blow.

Orpheus said nothing and scanned the horizon for a sign of any dragons. Even if they didn't find Eurydice right away, there was a chance they'd find someone who had seen her. "We keep moving," he said, walking into the wind. He kept his feathers flat against his side, wanting nothing to keep him back. "Wes'll find her."
@KatLover4ever @AcedExpresso @HummingKnight @Splashnose @Rigz

The long flight from the Southern Icefield was every part exhausting and, so far, no part helpful. Orpheus and Nyx had flown to the Windswept Plateau based on a rumor that said this was where their clanmate, Eurydice, was last seen.

"Honestly, Orpheus," Nyx said loudly against the wind, "Eurydice was never that great a flyer. I really doubt she came all the way over here and then was able to beat these winds." She squinted into the air that whipped about and left the grass looking lake ocean waves with each blow.

Orpheus said nothing and scanned the horizon for a sign of any dragons. Even if they didn't find Eurydice right away, there was a chance they'd find someone who had seen her. "We keep moving," he said, walking into the wind. He kept his feathers flat against his side, wanting nothing to keep him back. "Wes'll find her."
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@AcedExpresso @KatLover4ever @HummingKnight @MyPilot @Splashnose

He had been walking around, silently, with his wings wrapped tight around his slim body. A dark purple pair of eyes gazed upon everything he passed even though none of it were really that special. He had never been here before. When one mostly stick to the shadows and actually feel slightly uncomfortable about anything new and unknown, it's not often one move away from the calm and safe. Especially not from the darkness.

The dark dragon stopped and stretched his body before yawning. ,,What are you even doing here, crazy?" He mumbled to himself and looked down on his feet. He stood against the sudden blow of a hard wind before moving on, slowly, step by step. Enthusiastic about this? Not really. But he was far lost from everything known and had been wandering about for quite some time.-
@AcedExpresso @KatLover4ever @HummingKnight @MyPilot @Splashnose

He had been walking around, silently, with his wings wrapped tight around his slim body. A dark purple pair of eyes gazed upon everything he passed even though none of it were really that special. He had never been here before. When one mostly stick to the shadows and actually feel slightly uncomfortable about anything new and unknown, it's not often one move away from the calm and safe. Especially not from the darkness.

The dark dragon stopped and stretched his body before yawning. ,,What are you even doing here, crazy?" He mumbled to himself and looked down on his feet. He stood against the sudden blow of a hard wind before moving on, slowly, step by step. Enthusiastic about this? Not really. But he was far lost from everything known and had been wandering about for quite some time.-
Ariana lay, looking over a cliff. Riene was sitting on top of her head, hiding behind the red feathers. He chirped indicating that he was hungry. "Alright then," Ariana said, heaving herself up. She walked away from the cliff, looking at the foliage and bugs. Riene poked her head, pulling one of her feathers. Ariana dropped her head, near the plant Riene wanted. The grey otter-like creature took some of the berries, not leaving her dragon friends head. Once he had enough berried, Riene padded back to his spot behind the pink dragon's mask.

Pinklace clutched her pearl close her her chest. Soltriance looked at her dragon friend, not too far behind where she was sitting. The plane dragon turned to her friend and smiled, "Where do you think we should go now?" Soltriance pointed in a Westerly direction. "Ok, let's see what's that way," she replied, smiling. Pinklace held her pearl in her back foot wandering into the unknown.
Ariana lay, looking over a cliff. Riene was sitting on top of her head, hiding behind the red feathers. He chirped indicating that he was hungry. "Alright then," Ariana said, heaving herself up. She walked away from the cliff, looking at the foliage and bugs. Riene poked her head, pulling one of her feathers. Ariana dropped her head, near the plant Riene wanted. The grey otter-like creature took some of the berries, not leaving her dragon friends head. Once he had enough berried, Riene padded back to his spot behind the pink dragon's mask.

Pinklace clutched her pearl close her her chest. Soltriance looked at her dragon friend, not too far behind where she was sitting. The plane dragon turned to her friend and smiled, "Where do you think we should go now?" Soltriance pointed in a Westerly direction. "Ok, let's see what's that way," she replied, smiling. Pinklace held her pearl in her back foot wandering into the unknown.
//waits patiently//
//waits patiently//
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Pinklace moved forward, spotting two dragons fighting. Her pink scales didn't giver her any cover within the bambpoo. Soltriance stood behind her dragon friend, close to her pearl. Pinklace looked back at Soltriance, asking what she should do. Soltriance's gaze didn't help. Pinklace moved towards the dragons, now holding her pearl in her right paw. She felt like she should stop the fight

Ariana kept walking forwards, keeping her guard up.

Pinklace moved forward, spotting two dragons fighting. Her pink scales didn't giver her any cover within the bambpoo. Soltriance stood behind her dragon friend, close to her pearl. Pinklace looked back at Soltriance, asking what she should do. Soltriance's gaze didn't help. Pinklace moved towards the dragons, now holding her pearl in her right paw. She felt like she should stop the fight

Ariana kept walking forwards, keeping her guard up.

Fallenangel ducked as Kajika reared up on his hind legs and swiped at his head, seeing his chance Fallenangel charged into Kajikas the side of Kajikas waist throwing him off balance then pulling him down to the ground only to pin him down laughing.
"Try to keep your balance next time.", Fallenangel said smiling. "Again!" Fallenangel ordered. As they started again a pink dragon walked towards them, unaware of this the kept practicing.


Fallenangel ducked as Kajika reared up on his hind legs and swiped at his head, seeing his chance Fallenangel charged into Kajikas the side of Kajikas waist throwing him off balance then pulling him down to the ground only to pin him down laughing.
"Try to keep your balance next time.", Fallenangel said smiling. "Again!" Fallenangel ordered. As they started again a pink dragon walked towards them, unaware of this the kept practicing.


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