
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | [W] GEMS. I NEED GEMS. [H] 24 million t
@Astralspider @TheNerdyBat
@Astralspider @TheNerdyBat
@disease tagged you in another post. just saw it, thought i'd be helpful.
@disease tagged you in another post. just saw it, thought i'd be helpful.
gBiG1sU.png Preview Accents On Scrys!
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Thanks! Wish I would have seen it earlier
Thanks! Wish I would have seen it earlier

I've got 500 gems I'm willing to part with. :)

I've got 500 gems I'm willing to part with. :)


After this I am going offline for sleep; more tomorrow


After this I am going offline for sleep; more tomorrow

I have 1500 gems for sell.

I have 1500 gems for sell.
jA0Unwf.png lfpb_by_anuacyl-d889j33.png 2h6gdhe.png

I have 920 gems here I'd like to part with :)

I have 920 gems here I'd like to part with :)
2015_10_13_raj4.png Help Me Find Faether!
GMT (+8 FR)

hello again! I just got 30 more gems!

hello again! I just got 30 more gems!
For dragon share posts
Please only pick dragons that aren't for sale/has a familiar.
Thank you!
@Silverskeejee @TheNerdyBat
@Silverskeejee @TheNerdyBat
@Disease Would you possibly take 600g at a 1:600 ratio? If not, no worries. : )
@Disease Would you possibly take 600g at a 1:600 ratio? If not, no worries. : )
I'm looking for a female Yellow/Amber/Grapefruit Nocturne with Light eyes and Circuit. First two genes don't matter because I'm going to remove them.

If you have a dragon like this, or dragons that could breed this, please let me know!