

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | ~ Baekhyun's Coatl Adopts! ~
@Baekhyun I'm addicted. I plan to get all of wifey's Coatls done =v= and she has fifteen. No one can stop me. //evil laughter// [b]Link/Picture of your dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Codex [b]Apparel:[/b] All apparel seen ovo. [b]Accent/Skin:[/b] No accent. [b]Extra Info:[/b] ;v; Wifey's baby. [b]Link/Picture of your dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Dragon's name:[/b] Ricotta [b]Apparel:[/b] Silks, filigree, tufts, ice collar thing. [b]Accent/Skin:[/b] The accent included please ovo. [b]Extra Info:[/b] Thank you again! QvQ
I'm addicted.
I plan to get all of wifey's Coatls done =v= and she has fifteen.
No one can stop me. //evil laughter//

Link/Picture of your dragon:


Dragon's name: Codex
Apparel: All apparel seen ovo.
Accent/Skin: No accent.
Extra Info:
;v; Wifey's baby.

Link/Picture of your dragon:


Dragon's name: Ricotta
Apparel: Silks, filigree, tufts, ice collar thing.
Accent/Skin: The accent included please ovo.
Extra Info:
Thank you again! QvQ
mBiAc.gif xQmCT.gif 6l7qU.gif 3m3hy.gif 6DxWO.gif svQ5G.gif
These guys will die if they don't get clicks!
@IBiteBack- Omg, I'm honored *v* And I sure won't stop you, I am LOVING seeing all these pretty Coatls! It'd be 55k for everything on both babs! @nissin- Here's your bb! I am SO in love with her! She reminds me how awesome Crackle can look. [img][/img]
@IBiteBack- Omg, I'm honored *v* And I sure won't stop you, I am LOVING seeing all these pretty Coatls! It'd be 55k for everything on both babs!

@nissin- Here's your bb! I am SO in love with her! She reminds me how awesome Crackle can look.

Sending payment right away!
Sending payment right away!
mBiAc.gif xQmCT.gif 6l7qU.gif 3m3hy.gif 6DxWO.gif svQ5G.gif
These guys will die if they don't get clicks!
@Baekhyun hows it coming. :)
@Baekhyun hows it coming. :)

They're so cute! > w < and I like your username! XD

They're so cute! > w < and I like your username! XD
@Baekhyun These are so so so cute! Could you add me to the pinglist so i can come back when you reopen? ;v;
@Baekhyun These are so so so cute! Could you add me to the pinglist so i can come back when you reopen? ;v;
@Baekhyun Love these!! Could you make me one for this guy? Please and thank you! :) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Baekhyun Love these!! Could you make me one for this guy? Please and thank you! :)

Sorry guys, got deathly sick for a few days! Should be uploading a bunch of these guys today c: @DarkKingdom1263- Fantastic! Almost finished with yours, I'll be putting it up sometime tonight, if not earlier today~ @nyon- A slot has opened up, if you're still interested! @CandyButt- Of course! He'd be 11k in total! @upshur- I LOVE your baby girl, she's so pretty with that accent ;v; [img][/img]
Sorry guys, got deathly sick for a few days! Should be uploading a bunch of these guys today c:

@DarkKingdom1263- Fantastic! Almost finished with yours, I'll be putting it up sometime tonight, if not earlier today~

@nyon- A slot has opened up, if you're still interested!

@CandyButt- Of course! He'd be 11k in total!

@upshur- I LOVE your baby girl, she's so pretty with that accent ;v;

@Baekhyun Oh ye s please! I'd like the new base! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dragon's name: Lemongrab Apparel: just the tail bow please~ Accent: Sundae Topping Honey Extra info: pls let me know if the accent is too complex! I'll change my order if that's the case ;v; Let me know the total and I'll send it over !
Oh ye s please!
I'd like the new base!


Dragon's name: Lemongrab
Apparel: just the tail bow please~
Accent: Sundae Topping Honey
Extra info: pls let me know if the accent is too complex! I'll change my order if that's the case ;v;

Let me know the total and I'll send it over !
@nyon- No worries, it's not too complicated!! c: It's cute as heck on him, too.
It'd be 15k for everything!
@nyon- No worries, it's not too complicated!! c: It's cute as heck on him, too.
It'd be 15k for everything!