

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Heliacal [closed]
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze
Solros grimaced at Skyshine's rudeness and ignored him. He turned back to the group and ran their names through his head. Lavender, Lovely, Comet, Skyshine, Ryu, and Erwyn. Seemed easy enough. Hopefully Skyshine's attitude would not sour this experience for him. Sure, this year wasn't as extravagant as the year before, but it was still an honor to be included in the festival.
"We are, " Solros answered Comet. "Along with one of our friends who's waiting for us." Solros turned to Lura. "Anymore guests coming?"
"Nah." Lura looked up at him with tired eyes. They were quite young and were about the same size although eventually Solros was bound to grow larger than him. Lura scratched at the frills on his neck and hummed a little. Solros felt the tiniest bits of magic spark off of him and he turned back to the skydancer. "Nah, let's go." Solros nodded.
"Out of curiosity, how many of you are from Arcane clans?" He addressed the crowd as he began to move forward towards Ast's tent.
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze
Solros grimaced at Skyshine's rudeness and ignored him. He turned back to the group and ran their names through his head. Lavender, Lovely, Comet, Skyshine, Ryu, and Erwyn. Seemed easy enough. Hopefully Skyshine's attitude would not sour this experience for him. Sure, this year wasn't as extravagant as the year before, but it was still an honor to be included in the festival.
"We are, " Solros answered Comet. "Along with one of our friends who's waiting for us." Solros turned to Lura. "Anymore guests coming?"
"Nah." Lura looked up at him with tired eyes. They were quite young and were about the same size although eventually Solros was bound to grow larger than him. Lura scratched at the frills on his neck and hummed a little. Solros felt the tiniest bits of magic spark off of him and he turned back to the skydancer. "Nah, let's go." Solros nodded.
"Out of curiosity, how many of you are from Arcane clans?" He addressed the crowd as he began to move forward towards Ast's tent.
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracnorin @xxTatsuxx @nanamikiryuu

"I am not of Arcane origin, but my clan resides in the Starfall Isles." He spoke softer, knowing full well his message didn't come across very nicely. He scolded himself inwardly, knowing that he had a habit of speaking his mind, and that usually came out wrong. Well, It always came out wrong. Oh dear, I'm already making enemies. 'Course, they had to send me of all people... He gave a soft sigh and stepped towards the back, staying quiet. He pretended to take interest of his feet instead of the scenery around him. He'd already messed up once and magic wasn't even involved yet.
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracnorin @xxTatsuxx @nanamikiryuu

"I am not of Arcane origin, but my clan resides in the Starfall Isles." He spoke softer, knowing full well his message didn't come across very nicely. He scolded himself inwardly, knowing that he had a habit of speaking his mind, and that usually came out wrong. Well, It always came out wrong. Oh dear, I'm already making enemies. 'Course, they had to send me of all people... He gave a soft sigh and stepped towards the back, staying quiet. He pretended to take interest of his feet instead of the scenery around him. He'd already messed up once and magic wasn't even involved yet.
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@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

"Our clan began in Arcane, but it got a little..." Lovely left her sentence drift off, unsure where to end it. "We reside in Shadow at the moment, but our clan is a little... Wayward." The word caused the three to break into a small fit of laughter. "Excuse that, inside joke."
After her giggling had died down, Comet untangled from Lavender's dark horns and went back to her tail, which swayed gentled near the back of the group. The speckled Spiral took perch there again, hoping to get the attention of the shiny winged Skydancer.
"Hello!" She chirped, "do you have something on your claws?" Comet fluttered with excitement with the possibility of a new friend.
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

"Our clan began in Arcane, but it got a little..." Lovely left her sentence drift off, unsure where to end it. "We reside in Shadow at the moment, but our clan is a little... Wayward." The word caused the three to break into a small fit of laughter. "Excuse that, inside joke."
After her giggling had died down, Comet untangled from Lavender's dark horns and went back to her tail, which swayed gentled near the back of the group. The speckled Spiral took perch there again, hoping to get the attention of the shiny winged Skydancer.
"Hello!" She chirped, "do you have something on your claws?" Comet fluttered with excitement with the possibility of a new friend.
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @technicaldragon @Scryzze

Emerus hid towards the back of the group, listening to the introductions. "My name is Emerus. My Clan has lived in the shadows of the Crystalspine Reaches since its founding, but I only found my way there recently. It is more a home for me than the Plateau ever was." It was as much as he was willing to share about his current situation.

He felt slightly better about himself as his Clan had been in Arcane for its entirety, but he still wished that his eyes were pink. He just had to seek equality in a way that his children would not have to struggle with.

((FYI guys my name is @lacihparg. Y'all have all been copy and pasting my name wrong xD))
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @technicaldragon @Scryzze

Emerus hid towards the back of the group, listening to the introductions. "My name is Emerus. My Clan has lived in the shadows of the Crystalspine Reaches since its founding, but I only found my way there recently. It is more a home for me than the Plateau ever was." It was as much as he was willing to share about his current situation.

He felt slightly better about himself as his Clan had been in Arcane for its entirety, but he still wished that his eyes were pink. He just had to seek equality in a way that his children would not have to struggle with.

((FYI guys my name is @lacihparg. Y'all have all been copy and pasting my name wrong xD))
@technicaldragon @lacihparg @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze
Solros felt uncomfortable at Lovely's strange response and decided it would be best not to pursue the answer. He decided instead to continue his lecture.
"Ah well, you are most likely familiar with the manner of Arcane dragons and they way they have a knack for gaining information. It's no coincidence, Arcane dragons like myself have a natural ability to read magical energies." Solros felt his face flush as he realized he hadn't even introduced himself. "By the way this is Lura and I'm Solros." He gulped nervously and continued.
"Anyway that'll be the main focus of Lura's class today." At the mention of his name Lura flinched slightly, probably spacing out again. "My class is about growth magic which is another natural Arcane ability. We also have another friend who will be teaching the basics of alchemy." Solros shuddered as a brisk wind blew over them. The winds were so much warmer back in the Starfall Isles. And it was looking more and more like it was going to rain.
"There we go." Lura piped up, pointing to a canvas tent set up rather carelessly. "Ast is inside."
@technicaldragon @lacihparg @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze
Solros felt uncomfortable at Lovely's strange response and decided it would be best not to pursue the answer. He decided instead to continue his lecture.
"Ah well, you are most likely familiar with the manner of Arcane dragons and they way they have a knack for gaining information. It's no coincidence, Arcane dragons like myself have a natural ability to read magical energies." Solros felt his face flush as he realized he hadn't even introduced himself. "By the way this is Lura and I'm Solros." He gulped nervously and continued.
"Anyway that'll be the main focus of Lura's class today." At the mention of his name Lura flinched slightly, probably spacing out again. "My class is about growth magic which is another natural Arcane ability. We also have another friend who will be teaching the basics of alchemy." Solros shuddered as a brisk wind blew over them. The winds were so much warmer back in the Starfall Isles. And it was looking more and more like it was going to rain.
"There we go." Lura piped up, pointing to a canvas tent set up rather carelessly. "Ast is inside."
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

Lavender had her interest piqued at the mention of alchemy, making sure to pay attention to their instructors now that she had heard a part of this cared more for. Though Lovely faltered slightly, looking towards the sky, lightening and thunder she was used to, rain made her nervous.
"Do you know if there will be rain?" Lavender laughed, "It's water domain, it will probably rain. But about the alchemy?"
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

Lavender had her interest piqued at the mention of alchemy, making sure to pay attention to their instructors now that she had heard a part of this cared more for. Though Lovely faltered slightly, looking towards the sky, lightening and thunder she was used to, rain made her nervous.
"Do you know if there will be rain?" Lavender laughed, "It's water domain, it will probably rain. But about the alchemy?"
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png
(( @Dracknorin now would be a good time to introduce our antagonists ))
(( @Dracknorin now would be a good time to introduce our antagonists ))
@lacihparg @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @technicaldragon @Scryzze [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A sudden sound of pebbles shifting on the wide beach announced the arrival of a pair of wildclaws. Neither one seemed to be affected much by the unstable terrain, and seemed to be in a hurry. They skidded to a halt just beside the main group of dragons. "Sorry, sorry!" panted the grey-hued wildclaw. "We aren't too late are we?" Every time he moved the skulls affixed to his clothes rattled and swayed. He seemed to be wearing Some sort of breathing apparatus. In fact, he seemed to be dressed for a plague. The second wildclaw just bobbed his head quietly. He seemed tense, and was constantly watching the other dragons. His attire seemed to hint at a life as something other than a magic user, but both were rather peculiar. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@lacihparg @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @technicaldragon @Scryzze


A sudden sound of pebbles shifting on the wide beach announced the arrival of a pair of wildclaws. Neither one seemed to be affected much by the unstable terrain, and seemed to be in a hurry. They skidded to a halt just beside the main group of dragons.

"Sorry, sorry!" panted the grey-hued wildclaw. "We aren't too late are we?" Every time he moved the skulls affixed to his clothes rattled and swayed. He seemed to be wearing Some sort of breathing apparatus. In fact, he seemed to be dressed for a plague.

The second wildclaw just bobbed his head quietly. He seemed tense, and was constantly watching the other dragons. His attire seemed to hint at a life as something other than a magic user, but both were rather peculiar.

RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
Please ping me for attention!
Clan Haven welcomes you.
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

Lovely looked at the newest arrivals with interest, rather intrigued by their clothing choices. "We hadn't started yet, so I would think it would be fine." She turned to their instructors, becoming more and more uneasy as time began to drag on.
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

Lovely looked at the newest arrivals with interest, rather intrigued by their clothing choices. "We hadn't started yet, so I would think it would be fine." She turned to their instructors, becoming more and more uneasy as time began to drag on.
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png
@technicaldragon @lacihparg @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze Solros' eyes widened with surprise as he turned to Lura. "I thought you said no one else was coming." He grimaced. The nocturne merely yawned. "Guess I was wrong." Lura's response did little for Solros' rising panic. He was already scanning their energies and he was not receiving promising signals. No doubt Lura would be too tired to do it himself so Solros uneasily continued towards the tent. Ast was waiting for them. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He eyed the strangers carefully, the wildclaws in particular, before he greeted the guests. "Hello and welcome to the Heliacal. We will begin our lessons momentarily. For now you can have a look at Clan Pleiades' Magic Encyclopedia, " He gestured with his tail to a sturdy table underneath the canvas ceiling of the tent. " Styrka herself has not arrived yet but she will be here momentarily." Even for a fae, Ast's voice lacked any emotion. His crests stood absolutely still without the slightest twitch. Solros shuddered a little as Ast's colorless eyes met his. Why had Styrka chosen him to be the alchemy representative? Solros didn't exactly have a distaste for him but there was something off about him. To him, most of Styrka's decisions were shrouded in mystery. Styrka. Solros nearly snorted. She had most likely slept in and forgotten all about the Heliacal. He wondered how Ast was going to cover that up later on. Solros tapped Lura's shoulder and walked to the back of the tent to set up the materials. Growth magic was first. Lura turned to the guests, still a little lethargic but managing his best smile. "Any questions while we wait?"
@technicaldragon @lacihparg @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze
Solros' eyes widened with surprise as he turned to Lura.
"I thought you said no one else was coming." He grimaced. The nocturne merely yawned.
"Guess I was wrong."
Lura's response did little for Solros' rising panic. He was already scanning their energies and he was not receiving promising signals. No doubt Lura would be too tired to do it himself so Solros uneasily continued towards the tent. Ast was waiting for them.


He eyed the strangers carefully, the wildclaws in particular, before he greeted the guests.
"Hello and welcome to the Heliacal. We will begin our lessons momentarily. For now you can have a look at Clan Pleiades' Magic Encyclopedia, " He gestured with his tail to a sturdy table underneath the canvas ceiling of the tent. " Styrka herself has not arrived yet but she will be here momentarily."
Even for a fae, Ast's voice lacked any emotion. His crests stood absolutely still without the slightest twitch. Solros shuddered a little as Ast's colorless eyes met his. Why had Styrka chosen him to be the alchemy representative? Solros didn't exactly have a distaste for him but there was something off about him. To him, most of Styrka's decisions were shrouded in mystery.
Styrka. Solros nearly snorted. She had most likely slept in and forgotten all about the Heliacal. He wondered how Ast was going to cover that up later on. Solros tapped Lura's shoulder and walked to the back of the tent to set up the materials. Growth magic was first.
Lura turned to the guests, still a little lethargic but managing his best smile.
"Any questions while we wait?"