

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Heliacal [closed]
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze [i]The Heliacal is an event hosted by Clan Pleiades annually at the start of each spring. The Heliacal is a meeting of various mages and magic enthusiasts with the mages and magic scientists of clan Pleiades. Most come to meet and study under Styrka, a renowned alchemist and mage in the Arcane territories. This year, Pleiades has relocated to Water, and the convention was thrown together rather halfheartedly, as many of the clan are still only beginning to settle in. [/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Solros shifted uncomfortably, the pebbles underneath him rattling slightly. He and a few others had been dumped with the responsibility of the Heliacal this year. There was a big debate in the clan about whether or not to hold it this year. Styrka's stubbornness won out in the end though. Even if she couldn't make it, she wanted her celebration to persevere. It was unfortunate this year's spring came so late. It was far too close to the Wavecrest Saturnalia for anyone to take note of it. Solros hoped that was enough to keep at least a few guests away. The less he had to deal with the better. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A loud snore came from behind him. Lura was somehow sleeping comfortably on the pebbly beach. When Undae announced their move to Water, Solros had expected sparkling, sapphire beaches. He had forgotten the the Sea of a Thousand Currents was freshwater. This particular beach was incredibly pebbly, and it looked like it was going to rain. Solros idly scanned the sky, looking for any incoming visitors. The directions on the poster they had put up in the trading post had been very clear, but he wouldn't be surprised if some got lost. In fact, he was almost wishing they would. But anyway, Styrka had very sternly lectured the two of them to lead the guests to the tent that Ast was in and keep them happy and make sure no one got hurt. That happened sometimes. Hopefully Lura would wake up in time.
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze

The Heliacal is an event hosted by Clan Pleiades annually at the start of each spring. The Heliacal is a meeting of various mages and magic enthusiasts with the mages and magic scientists of clan Pleiades. Most come to meet and study under Styrka, a renowned alchemist and mage in the Arcane territories. This year, Pleiades has relocated to Water, and the convention was thrown together rather halfheartedly, as many of the clan are still only beginning to settle in.


Solros shifted uncomfortably, the pebbles underneath him rattling slightly. He and a few others had been dumped with the responsibility of the Heliacal this year. There was a big debate in the clan about whether or not to hold it this year. Styrka's stubbornness won out in the end though. Even if she couldn't make it, she wanted her celebration to persevere.
It was unfortunate this year's spring came so late. It was far too close to the Wavecrest Saturnalia for anyone to take note of it. Solros hoped that was enough to keep at least a few guests away. The less he had to deal with the better.


A loud snore came from behind him. Lura was somehow sleeping comfortably on the pebbly beach. When Undae announced their move to Water, Solros had expected sparkling, sapphire beaches. He had forgotten the the Sea of a Thousand Currents was freshwater. This particular beach was incredibly pebbly, and it looked like it was going to rain. Solros idly scanned the sky, looking for any incoming visitors. The directions on the poster they had put up in the trading post had been very clear, but he wouldn't be surprised if some got lost. In fact, he was almost wishing they would. But anyway, Styrka had very sternly lectured the two of them to lead the guests to the tent that Ast was in and keep them happy and make sure no one got hurt. That happened sometimes.
Hopefully Lura would wake up in time.

@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze
(in case the first one didnt work)
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracknorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze
(in case the first one didnt work)
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze Three dragons soon began to close in on the water territory, making their in coming presences known with the constant back and forth fighting of the friends. The loudest voice being that of them being the smallest, a Spiral flying in loops over the much bigger guardian, so as to avoid any unwanted air currents messing up her erratic 'patterns'. [img][/img] "I'm just saying, explosions make everything 10 times-" she was cut off by the Skydancer, who had heard the argument many times before. [img][/img] "10 times messier! Do you not remember our trip to Dragonhome? Ambrose and Chandler spent 3 days trying to fill that crater!" "At least it looked cool." They continued to bicker as they landed on the pebbly water side, the Spiral taking a perch on the tail of her Guardian friend, who manged the pebbles much better then she could. [img][/img] "Is this where the classes are taking place?" The Guardian asked over her friends.
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

Three dragons soon began to close in on the water territory, making their in coming presences known with the constant back and forth fighting of the friends. The loudest voice being that of them being the smallest, a Spiral flying in loops over the much bigger guardian, so as to avoid any unwanted air currents messing up her erratic 'patterns'.
"I'm just saying, explosions make everything 10 times-" she was cut off by the Skydancer, who had heard the argument many times before.
"10 times messier! Do you not remember our trip to Dragonhome? Ambrose and Chandler spent 3 days trying to fill that crater!"
"At least it looked cool." They continued to bicker as they landed on the pebbly water side, the Spiral taking a perch on the tail of her Guardian friend, who manged the pebbles much better then she could.
"Is this where the classes are taking place?" The Guardian asked over her friends.
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracnorin @xxTatsuxx @nanamikiryuu [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The soft beating of wings signaled a dragon's approach. The Skydancer looked down, noting the pebbled shore. He stopped and hovered. [i]This must be the place, then.[/i] He thought to himself. He quickly began descending. As the distance between himself and the ground closed, he landed gracefully, his blue skin shimmering in the faint light. He shifted his weight to get used to the pebbly ground. He then folded his wings across his back, looking as if he wore a shimmering golden cape. As his face was masked underneath his hood, the sparkling Skydancer gazed around. His eyes landing on the other dragons already there, he carefully made his way over to them. His azure eyes glittered from the shadows of his hood. He spoke up as he approached. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this the place the classes are?"
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracnorin @xxTatsuxx @nanamikiryuu


The soft beating of wings signaled a dragon's approach. The Skydancer looked down, noting the pebbled shore. He stopped and hovered. This must be the place, then. He thought to himself. He quickly began descending. As the distance between himself and the ground closed, he landed gracefully, his blue skin shimmering in the faint light.
He shifted his weight to get used to the pebbly ground. He then folded his wings across his back, looking as if he wore a shimmering golden cape. As his face was masked underneath his hood, the sparkling Skydancer gazed around. His eyes landing on the other dragons already there, he carefully made his way over to them. His azure eyes glittered from the shadows of his hood. He spoke up as he approached.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this the place the classes are?"
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@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

The Skydancer lifted her head to the voices and the arguing stopped for now, "I would guess so, considering we came to the same place asking about classes." She nodded along with her words.
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

The Skydancer lifted her head to the voices and the arguing stopped for now, "I would guess so, considering we came to the same place asking about classes." She nodded along with her words.
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png
@XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze @technicaldragon

((Just a heads up, I may not be able to reply until tomorrow.))
@XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze @technicaldragon

((Just a heads up, I may not be able to reply until tomorrow.))
RP Clan!
+ 1 FR Time
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Clan Haven welcomes you.
@xxTatsuxx @technicaldragon @lacihparg @Scryzze @Dracknorin ((thats cool! doesnt look like theres a pressing need for our antagonists anyway :p ))
Solros was urgently kicking Lura, trying to wake him up for the crowd that had gathered before him. He should have known. People were always willing to miss the Saturnalia to see Styrka. Looks like all these guests would be in for a disappointment this year.
"Are you all here for the Heliacal?" Solros addressed the crowd. He took note of a large Imperial, the one he had seen before flying rather frivolously. And the spiral. Hopefully the Imperial wasn't as petty as his flying and hopefully the spiral wouldn't be as energetic as the ones he knew back home. Things could get messy if there was too much running around. He couldn't afford messes. He just wanted to go home.
Lura finally stirred after a particularly hard kick from Solros. He stood up, sleep in his eyes and a whine creeping up his throat, but stopped short after seeing the crowd. With a nervous chuckle, he sat beside his friend, frantically trying to remember everything Styrka had prepped him for the night before.

@xxTatsuxx @technicaldragon @lacihparg @Scryzze @Dracknorin ((thats cool! doesnt look like theres a pressing need for our antagonists anyway :p ))
Solros was urgently kicking Lura, trying to wake him up for the crowd that had gathered before him. He should have known. People were always willing to miss the Saturnalia to see Styrka. Looks like all these guests would be in for a disappointment this year.
"Are you all here for the Heliacal?" Solros addressed the crowd. He took note of a large Imperial, the one he had seen before flying rather frivolously. And the spiral. Hopefully the Imperial wasn't as petty as his flying and hopefully the spiral wouldn't be as energetic as the ones he knew back home. Things could get messy if there was too much running around. He couldn't afford messes. He just wanted to go home.
Lura finally stirred after a particularly hard kick from Solros. He stood up, sleep in his eyes and a whine creeping up his throat, but stopped short after seeing the crowd. With a nervous chuckle, he sat beside his friend, frantically trying to remember everything Styrka had prepped him for the night before.

[url=][img][/img][/url] [i]Late late late late late![/i] Emerus cursed himself as he flapped his wings harder, trying to find the new location of the Heliacal. First, he couldn't understand what Clan in their right minds would move from Arcane. Second, he didn't realize the shores of the Sea of a Thousand Currents were so far away from his Clan's home. He flew harder, dragons appearing on the shoreline in his vision. He landed on the shoreline with a few uncertain steps as he regained his footing. Folding his wings behind him, Emerus joined the others milling around. He felt small, looking up and around at all the other larger, prettier dragons around him. They all had fancy outfits and genes and accessories, whereas he was just...him. Okay, sure, his clutch with Akasya had just hatched, and he gave her a son that looked just like her (maybe the secondary was just a few shades off, but that wouldn't be too big of a deal, right?). That [i]had[/i] to count for something. Besides that, their daughter would be Akasya's ninth child to go serve the Arcanist. But Emerus still felt like it wasn't enough. Which is why he was here. Trying to learn magic. Trying to prove that he could belong, because even though he was a wind dragon, he was worthy of Akasya's praise. If he could learn magic, it would raise him above Marondath, and then he'd feel like he actually belonged in the Clan, and not just flitting around like some outsider. He clawed the ground, somewhat anxious to get started. ((@xxTatsuxx @technicaldragon @nanamikiryuu @Scryzze @Dracknorin))

Late late late late late! Emerus cursed himself as he flapped his wings harder, trying to find the new location of the Heliacal. First, he couldn't understand what Clan in their right minds would move from Arcane. Second, he didn't realize the shores of the Sea of a Thousand Currents were so far away from his Clan's home. He flew harder, dragons appearing on the shoreline in his vision.

He landed on the shoreline with a few uncertain steps as he regained his footing. Folding his wings behind him, Emerus joined the others milling around. He felt small, looking up and around at all the other larger, prettier dragons around him. They all had fancy outfits and genes and accessories, whereas he was just...him. Okay, sure, his clutch with Akasya had just hatched, and he gave her a son that looked just like her (maybe the secondary was just a few shades off, but that wouldn't be too big of a deal, right?). That had to count for something. Besides that, their daughter would be Akasya's ninth child to go serve the Arcanist.

But Emerus still felt like it wasn't enough. Which is why he was here. Trying to learn magic. Trying to prove that he could belong, because even though he was a wind dragon, he was worthy of Akasya's praise. If he could learn magic, it would raise him above Marondath, and then he'd feel like he actually belonged in the Clan, and not just flitting around like some outsider. He clawed the ground, somewhat anxious to get started.

((@xxTatsuxx @technicaldragon @nanamikiryuu @Scryzze @Dracknorin))
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracnorin @xxTatsuxx @nanamikiryuu

"Yes, we are here for the Heliacal. I am, at least." He spoke softer, noting the look on the other Skydancer's face. He took a moment to study the two dragons before him. He spoke after a few seconds of silence.
"My name is Skyshine. This is my first time here." He gave a faint nod to them. "Judging from your looks... I'd really have to say this for both of you; once this event is over, everything will be fine and you can go home. But until then... you mind want to make it look as if you're pleased." He paused, knowing he sounded a bit harsh. "Just so no enemies are made." He quickly added at the end.
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracnorin @xxTatsuxx @nanamikiryuu

"Yes, we are here for the Heliacal. I am, at least." He spoke softer, noting the look on the other Skydancer's face. He took a moment to study the two dragons before him. He spoke after a few seconds of silence.
"My name is Skyshine. This is my first time here." He gave a faint nod to them. "Judging from your looks... I'd really have to say this for both of you; once this event is over, everything will be fine and you can go home. But until then... you mind want to make it look as if you're pleased." He paused, knowing he sounded a bit harsh. "Just so no enemies are made." He quickly added at the end.
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@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

The light blue Skydancer stepped forward, again shushing the Spiral that had since climbed upon their Guardian friend's head and tangled herself in their horns, "Yes! I'm Lovely, the Guardian is Lavender, and the Spiral is Comet. We are very happy to meet you today!" Lovely shifted on her feet, causing the trinkets that littered her outfit to jingle.
"Who are you? Are you two our teachers for today?" The Spiral asked, excited about the coming events
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

The light blue Skydancer stepped forward, again shushing the Spiral that had since climbed upon their Guardian friend's head and tangled herself in their horns, "Yes! I'm Lovely, the Guardian is Lavender, and the Spiral is Comet. We are very happy to meet you today!" Lovely shifted on her feet, causing the trinkets that littered her outfit to jingle.
"Who are you? Are you two our teachers for today?" The Spiral asked, excited about the coming events
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png