

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Come One, Come All (closed)
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

I'm actually about to go to bed myself. Chatting in different time zones makes things difficult
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

I'm actually about to go to bed myself. Chatting in different time zones makes things difficult
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @technicaldragon

Then we could finish up any details and officially start tomorrow? I would probably be on around 10:00 FR time.
Then again, I do like sleeping in late...
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @technicaldragon

Then we could finish up any details and officially start tomorrow? I would probably be on around 10:00 FR time.
Then again, I do like sleeping in late...
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@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

I'm selling my brother off early, so I'll be on about the same time.

I think all we need is the clean thread. We could pick out which dragons and show them really quick in the mean time
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

I'm selling my brother off early, so I'll be on about the same time.

I think all we need is the clean thread. We could pick out which dragons and show them really quick in the mean time
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @technicaldragon To be completely honest, I really don't have any good dragons to roleplay this with. I guess I'm going with my little buddy here, since 1. He's bad at magic and wants to learn more, and 2. He wanders a lot so he'll most likely not choose a side. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @technicaldragon

To be completely honest, I really don't have any good dragons to roleplay this with. I guess I'm going with my little buddy here, since 1. He's bad at magic and wants to learn more, and 2. He wanders a lot so he'll most likely not choose a side.

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@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze I like him! He looks so snazzy. I think I'll go with Comet, Lavender, and Lovely. Because every class needs their clown and their friend that nobody is sure why they hang out. And nerd magics of course. So Comet the Clown [img][/img] her bff5eva, Lavender [img][/img] And Lovely, who is kind of hoping for a manuscript to show off when they get home [img][/img]
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

I like him! He looks so snazzy.

I think I'll go with Comet, Lavender, and Lovely. Because every class needs their clown and their friend that nobody is sure why they hang out. And nerd magics of course.

So Comet the Clown

her bff5eva, Lavender

And Lovely, who is kind of hoping for a manuscript to show off when they get home
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png

Looks good!
I'll be online tomorrow, then. Good night!

Looks good!
I'll be online tomorrow, then. Good night!
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I am typically not
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if unsure!

Good night

Good night
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @technicaldragon @Scryzze I'm just gonna go with Emerus here: [url=][img][/img][/url] He's a bit unsure of himself but really wants to impress my progen (she's a bit snooty). They have a nest together that hatches tomorrow, but I run my weyr rather like the Dragonriders of Pern series so there wasn't any affection involved, just a need. Basically he wants to convince her that he's worth something, so learning magic is a good way to do that. He's also a nature dragon, so the magic might be hard for him, but he hopes that developing his skills will show that even though he's not Arcane, he can still learn.
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @technicaldragon @Scryzze

I'm just gonna go with Emerus here:


He's a bit unsure of himself but really wants to impress my progen (she's a bit snooty). They have a nest together that hatches tomorrow, but I run my weyr rather like the Dragonriders of Pern series so there wasn't any affection involved, just a need. Basically he wants to convince her that he's worth something, so learning magic is a good way to do that.

He's also a nature dragon, so the magic might be hard for him, but he hopes that developing his skills will show that even though he's not Arcane, he can still learn.
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

Aw, that's cute!
@Dracknorin @XxTatsuxX @nanamikiryuu @lacihparg @Scryzze

Aw, that's cute!
tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.pngIf I Don't Die In A Fire, I'll Lose a Bettumblr_inline_paefnd80ee1r16a5d_540.png
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracnorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze
im seriously stumped for names someone help me
@technicaldragon @lacihpard @Dracnorin @xxTatsuxx @Scryzze
im seriously stumped for names someone help me