
General Discussion

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TOPIC | what are YOU procrastinating on????

Ah- I need to update my website, project skype meeting, pay some old bills off, and call the day hospital for an invoice

Ah- I need to update my website, project skype meeting, pay some old bills off, and call the day hospital for an invoice
-My Economics project that is due next week
-My writing project that is also due next week (At least I've got some of that done)
-MY senior exit project that I do not know the due date of

I also have a Health project that was due a while ago but I learned it was basically 1% of my grade and I have too much other work to waste my time on a class that had so many inaccuracies.
-My Economics project that is due next week
-My writing project that is also due next week (At least I've got some of that done)
-MY senior exit project that I do not know the due date of

I also have a Health project that was due a while ago but I learned it was basically 1% of my grade and I have too much other work to waste my time on a class that had so many inaccuracies.
Ahh, that's cool! I only know basic phrases, I'm ok at writing it down but when it comes to speaking it I'm abosolutely terrible xD Swedish is a great language though, I want to learn more of it.
Ahh, that's cool! I only know basic phrases, I'm ok at writing it down but when it comes to speaking it I'm abosolutely terrible xD Swedish is a great language though, I want to learn more of it.
playing dragon age
i don't know why i'm procrastinating on it
i really want to play dragon age
but i'm procrastinating
playing dragon age
i don't know why i'm procrastinating on it
i really want to play dragon age
but i'm procrastinating
coatls are dead to me
Writing a book. Just.....sit.....and.....write already!
Writing a book. Just.....sit.....and.....write already!
1. A new series of stories to put in my fanfiction series (already have the plans plotted out, just having trouble sitting down and actually starting to write them).
2. Filling out the last of the paperwork I have for a course I'm planning to do to help with work stuff.
3. Reading. I procrastinate from reading too much, even though I love reading so much too ;____;
1. A new series of stories to put in my fanfiction series (already have the plans plotted out, just having trouble sitting down and actually starting to write them).
2. Filling out the last of the paperwork I have for a course I'm planning to do to help with work stuff.
3. Reading. I procrastinate from reading too much, even though I love reading so much too ;____;
1.Working on any of my cosplays for this summers cons
2. counting my change jar to know how much I need for a tattoo
3. getting up to get something to eat
4. looking for a 2nd and possible 3rd job
5. updating flash so I can play games on this site and make gold.
1.Working on any of my cosplays for this summers cons
2. counting my change jar to know how much I need for a tattoo
3. getting up to get something to eat
4. looking for a 2nd and possible 3rd job
5. updating flash so I can play games on this site and make gold.
Doing my over-the-break homework of maths,irish and art :P I really need to get in gear but THIS GAME I CAN'T STOP HELP
Doing my over-the-break homework of maths,irish and art :P I really need to get in gear but THIS GAME I CAN'T STOP HELP
The Biology test I have tomorrow, a huuuge essay we have to do in pairs for a grade that counts for half of one of my exam grades, finishing my art class assignment, practicing for my CAE exam, other homework..
The Biology test I have tomorrow, a huuuge essay we have to do in pairs for a grade that counts for half of one of my exam grades, finishing my art class assignment, practicing for my CAE exam, other homework..

I'm supposed to be learning Ruby and cleaning my kitchen. I'd be more motivated if I could make Ruby clean my kitchen.
I'm supposed to be learning Ruby and cleaning my kitchen. I'd be more motivated if I could make Ruby clean my kitchen.