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TOPIC | Mistral Meals [Closed]
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If you would like to take part in People's Choice voting, please go HERE

Thank you everyone who entered the Cooking Contest, and a thanks to all the fine dragons that braved the Snack Bar! We may have set up this event, but you are the ones who made it an adventure!

@Eialyne @kickback @nika @maidofaspects @Toothless @serbii @Snek @arlip @Quib @cayra @sciencings @Vanathor @whamm @KalesMonster @LexiLopezi @Becsprite @skyarising @GibbysDragons @Serendipital @rentacles @JinxMoonstone @brain4puzzles @Adamanta @cayra

If you would like to take part in People's Choice voting, please go HERE

Thank you everyone who entered the Cooking Contest, and a thanks to all the fine dragons that braved the Snack Bar! We may have set up this event, but you are the ones who made it an adventure!

@Eialyne @kickback @nika @maidofaspects @Toothless @serbii @Snek @arlip @Quib @cayra @sciencings @Vanathor @whamm @KalesMonster @LexiLopezi @Becsprite @skyarising @GibbysDragons @Serendipital @rentacles @JinxMoonstone @brain4puzzles @Adamanta @cayra
Nudge up as the voting will be open for a week!
Nudge up as the voting will be open for a week!
Another nudge up! Users choice poll will be closed at rollover on Sunday, with the winners of the contest and raffles being announced on Monday!
Another nudge up! Users choice poll will be closed at rollover on Sunday, with the winners of the contest and raffles being announced on Monday!
Yet another voting nudge!
Yet another voting nudge!
Last day of voting! Get your people's choice vote in!
Last day of voting! Get your people's choice vote in!
Voting is now closed! Thank you everyone!
Voting is now closed! Thank you everyone!
Time to announce the winners! Thanks to all of you for being patient with us as we waited for the People's Choice to run it's allotted time, but it closed last night and I've got everything I need tally up the winners! I'm breaking it down into categories to hopefully make it a bit easier to search for your name if you're pinged here. To anyone who doesn't have to choose a prize (namely the raffle winners), you'll be getting your prizes as soon as the host in possession of them is able to get them to you (myself or @KomodoKumquat ). [center][img][/img][b][size=5][color=#61AB89][u]Best In Show[/u][/size][/color][/b][img][/img][/center] Now before I announce the winners, I need to fill you in on the adoptables you three have won. There are three options: [LIST] [*][url=]Cupcake Dragons[/url] by @Choco (no restrictions) [*][url=]Teacup Dragons[/url] by @Stormdragon (premade teacup, up to five apparel, and no skins or large accents) [*][url=]Pudgy Dragons[/url] by @Asmea (up to 3 apparel and no skins or large accents) [/LIST] Please choose your preference of artist (first place choose your favorite, second place pick your top two, and third place post your prefered order of all three) and ping @Eialyne to let me know. Once I have confirmed which one you're getting, go ahead and place your order in the thread and I'll take care of the payment! Now moving onwards! [center][b]First Place[/b]: [url=]Lemon Puffs[/url] by @Quib [b]Second Place: [/b][url=]Vegetable Yakisoba[/url] by @maidofaspects [b]Third Place: [/b][url=]Tundra Carrot Cake[/url] by @serbii[/center] [center][img][/img][b][size=5][color=#61AB89][u]Rest of the Cooking Contest Categories[/u][/size][/color][/b][img][/img][/center] [b]People's Choice:[/b] [url=]Wafu Past[/url]a by @arlip [b]Windy Dish:[/b] [url=]Dad's Festival Survival Kit[/url] by @cayra [b]Using Your Noodle:[/b] [url=]Italian Noodlesinger[/url] by @Toothless [b]Beautiful Bento:[/b] [url=]Nothin' Fancy[/url] by @Snek [b]Drinks to Go:[/b] [url=]Straberry Limeade[/url] by @whamm (You have also won a Teacup Dragon adoptable, so please read that section above!) [center][img][/img][b][size=5][color=#61AB89][u]Snack Bar Raffle[/u][/size][/color][/b][img][/img][/center] Congrats @LexiLopezi ! It seems your persistance at the Snack Bar paid off and as a result, you get a full stack of EVERY challenge items from the week! Hope you have the pantry space. [center][img][/img][b][size=5][color=#61AB89][u]Mistral Meals Raffle[/u][/size][/color][/b][img][/img][/center] More exposition before getting to the winners here. This is going to be run pretty much just like most raffles on Flight Rising. Each person drawn will have a number next to their name, so please post that many prizes in order of your preference (so first place chooses 1 prize, second place chooses 2, etc...). Please try to reply as quickly as possible, so that your fellow contestants don't have to wait too long to receive their prizes. [LIST=1] [*]@JinxMoonstone [*]@Serendipital [*]@rentacles [*]@Adamanta [*]@sciencings [*]@skyarising [*]@KalesMonster [*]@brain4puzzles [*]@Vanathor [*]@Becsprite [*]@GibbysDragons [/LIST] PS-Sorry if I pinged anyone twice! I had to edit the post to get rid of those scroll bars to make this wall of text easier to read ">>
Time to announce the winners! Thanks to all of you for being patient with us as we waited for the People's Choice to run it's allotted time, but it closed last night and I've got everything I need tally up the winners! I'm breaking it down into categories to hopefully make it a bit easier to search for your name if you're pinged here. To anyone who doesn't have to choose a prize (namely the raffle winners), you'll be getting your prizes as soon as the host in possession of them is able to get them to you (myself or @KomodoKumquat ).
tumblr_njy52tuJif1tffm1so8_r3_75sq.pngBest In Showtumblr_njy52tuJif1tffm1so7_r6_75sq.png

Now before I announce the winners, I need to fill you in on the adoptables you three have won. There are three options:
Please choose your preference of artist (first place choose your favorite, second place pick your top two, and third place post your prefered order of all three) and ping @Eialyne to let me know. Once I have confirmed which one you're getting, go ahead and place your order in the thread and I'll take care of the payment!

Now moving onwards!
First Place: Lemon Puffs by @Quib

Second Place: Vegetable Yakisoba by @maidofaspects

Third Place: Tundra Carrot Cake by @serbii

tumblr_njy52tuJif1tffm1so8_r3_75sq.pngRest of the Cooking Contest Categoriestumblr_njy52tuJif1tffm1so7_r6_75sq.png

People's Choice: Wafu Pasta by @arlip

Windy Dish: Dad's Festival Survival Kit by @cayra

Using Your Noodle: Italian Noodlesinger by @Toothless

Beautiful Bento: Nothin' Fancy by @Snek

Drinks to Go: Straberry Limeade by @whamm (You have also won a Teacup Dragon adoptable, so please read that section above!)
tumblr_njy52tuJif1tffm1so8_r3_75sq.pngSnack Bar Raffletumblr_njy52tuJif1tffm1so7_r6_75sq.png

Congrats @LexiLopezi ! It seems your persistance at the Snack Bar paid off and as a result, you get a full stack of EVERY challenge items from the week! Hope you have the pantry space.

tumblr_njy52tuJif1tffm1so8_r3_75sq.pngMistral Meals Raffletumblr_njy52tuJif1tffm1so7_r6_75sq.png

More exposition before getting to the winners here. This is going to be run pretty much just like most raffles on Flight Rising. Each person drawn will have a number next to their name, so please post that many prizes in order of your preference (so first place chooses 1 prize, second place chooses 2, etc...). Please try to reply as quickly as possible, so that your fellow contestants don't have to wait too long to receive their prizes.
  1. @JinxMoonstone
  2. @Serendipital
  3. @rentacles
  4. @Adamanta
  5. @sciencings
  6. @skyarising
  7. @KalesMonster
  8. @brain4puzzles
  9. @Vanathor
  10. @Becsprite
  11. @GibbysDragons

PS-Sorry if I pinged anyone twice! I had to edit the post to get rid of those scroll bars to make this wall of text easier to read ">>
Woohoo I got Using Your Noodle! :D Congrats to all the other winners and thanks for hosting this!
Woohoo I got Using Your Noodle! :D Congrats to all the other winners and thanks for hosting this!
84d669668790b279a1734f4a81a8e75e9ae50900.png fLdYOuE.png
Some current special interests: Dokibird, Fuwamoco, magical girls, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation.. more here!
Previous usernames: MystaRias, dokidokibunni, Sylphiette, Toothless
Yaaaay! I was so hoping for the Bento. :D Thank you~
Yaaaay! I was so hoping for the Bento. :D Thank you~
I'm so excited I got second place! Congratulations to everyone who won!
I'm so excited I got second place! Congratulations to everyone who won!
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