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TOPIC | I'd wave but you won't see it anyway
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@Kagu It's just one of those things where you gotta weigh the pros against the cons. How long would you be staying?
And I've never heard of those series either, sorry :/ Maybe I'll check for a plot synopsis online somewhere.

I don't have a tumblr. I'm a bit too scared to get a tumblr XD I never was on dA much either, hence why I got rid of it. I've thought about getting another, but I don't draw as much as I used to, which would explain why I'm stalling.

XD Nice. For freshman orientation, they were showing Winter Soldier in one of the concert halls, so I went with a friend of mine. I liked the marvel movies at that point, but then as soon as I saw Bucky I was all like "omg Bucky you poor brainwashed baby" and then I started becoming obsessed XD
I will defend him though. He's not necessarily evil, he's just brainwashed. For 70 years, he had been having his brain wiped and reprogrammed to the point where he wasn't even Bucky anymore. Fortunately, though, that means there's hope for him. Do you recall how he saved Cap at the end of the movie from drowning? He was starting to come back. Steve literally broke through 70 years of brainwashing and found Bucky.

Sorry, can you tell I get emotional over this stuff? XD Just a little obsessed, don't mind me~
@Kagu It's just one of those things where you gotta weigh the pros against the cons. How long would you be staying?
And I've never heard of those series either, sorry :/ Maybe I'll check for a plot synopsis online somewhere.

I don't have a tumblr. I'm a bit too scared to get a tumblr XD I never was on dA much either, hence why I got rid of it. I've thought about getting another, but I don't draw as much as I used to, which would explain why I'm stalling.

XD Nice. For freshman orientation, they were showing Winter Soldier in one of the concert halls, so I went with a friend of mine. I liked the marvel movies at that point, but then as soon as I saw Bucky I was all like "omg Bucky you poor brainwashed baby" and then I started becoming obsessed XD
I will defend him though. He's not necessarily evil, he's just brainwashed. For 70 years, he had been having his brain wiped and reprogrammed to the point where he wasn't even Bucky anymore. Fortunately, though, that means there's hope for him. Do you recall how he saved Cap at the end of the movie from drowning? He was starting to come back. Steve literally broke through 70 years of brainwashing and found Bucky.

Sorry, can you tell I get emotional over this stuff? XD Just a little obsessed, don't mind me~

I'll be staying for a year. So I'll probably travel to Japan in september and come back in the end of august.

It's okay. I barely do something on tumblr either. I do enjoy the fanart and stuff like that tho. But I have my tumblr for 2 years now and I'm still too lazy to change my layout. That says a lot.

Yeah, I know he was brainwashed, but he was nevertheless the antagonist in The Winter Soldier. And that's what I was aiming at. I know he's not evil, don't worry. I love the relationship between those two. I actually have some fanfics saved on my phone of those two.

And everyone has a thing they're practically obsessed about, right? For me, that would be Gintama. It's an anime, but I've been hooked to it for almost 2 years and my behaviour has started to annoy my friends. It's not really a popular anime here, but it is in Japan.

I'll be staying for a year. So I'll probably travel to Japan in september and come back in the end of august.

It's okay. I barely do something on tumblr either. I do enjoy the fanart and stuff like that tho. But I have my tumblr for 2 years now and I'm still too lazy to change my layout. That says a lot.

Yeah, I know he was brainwashed, but he was nevertheless the antagonist in The Winter Soldier. And that's what I was aiming at. I know he's not evil, don't worry. I love the relationship between those two. I actually have some fanfics saved on my phone of those two.

And everyone has a thing they're practically obsessed about, right? For me, that would be Gintama. It's an anime, but I've been hooked to it for almost 2 years and my behaviour has started to annoy my friends. It's not really a popular anime here, but it is in Japan.
@Kagu well, it sounds awesome, but like I said, pros and cons.

Layouts are hard to change. Lots of coding and testing and whatnot. Nobody blames you ;)

Agh Kay gotcha. Yes, he was definitely the antagonist, but I hope that changes. He and Steve need to be best buddies again <3

I was never able to get into anime. I know the anime following is huge though, so I'm positive you're not the only one. And hey, if it's popular in Japan, maybe you'll meet fellow fans if you go? ;D
@Kagu well, it sounds awesome, but like I said, pros and cons.

Layouts are hard to change. Lots of coding and testing and whatnot. Nobody blames you ;)

Agh Kay gotcha. Yes, he was definitely the antagonist, but I hope that changes. He and Steve need to be best buddies again <3

I was never able to get into anime. I know the anime following is huge though, so I'm positive you're not the only one. And hey, if it's popular in Japan, maybe you'll meet fellow fans if you go? ;D

My friend promised me she'd help me out with my tumblr layout, but she's just as lazy as I am. She's got a nice layout, though. I have to give her that.

And yeah, they have to be buddies and fight side by side like they used to do.

I already noticed some people on FR are into some animes, so that shouldn't be a problem. And it's not like I'm all anime either anyway. And maybe I'll meet some indeed, although I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. XD

My friend promised me she'd help me out with my tumblr layout, but she's just as lazy as I am. She's got a nice layout, though. I have to give her that.

And yeah, they have to be buddies and fight side by side like they used to do.

I already noticed some people on FR are into some animes, so that shouldn't be a problem. And it's not like I'm all anime either anyway. And maybe I'll meet some indeed, although I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. XD
@Kagu I'm supposed to start some computer science courses in the fall, but until then, I'm not much help XD

YES. BEST FRIENDS *rainbows and happiness*

And I've noticed the same. Like I said, I know anime has a huge following, so I'm sure there are plenty more fans out there ;)
@Kagu I'm supposed to start some computer science courses in the fall, but until then, I'm not much help XD

YES. BEST FRIENDS *rainbows and happiness*

And I've noticed the same. Like I said, I know anime has a huge following, so I'm sure there are plenty more fans out there ;)

Sorry for the late reply. RL

Yeah, sure! I would love to show you my work. I am really shy about it, and a slave driver to myself. A perfectionist by nature, so everything I do I always criticize. It's one of the reasons that I am a little lazy in doing artwork, because I think it never looks good. I am going to create a tumblr for my convention work (in progress atm) but I have all of my senior exhibit work from college still lying around. Since most of it is traditional work instead of digital (or actually....all of it is traditional >_<) I will have to take photos of them and then post them somewhere on here. When I get that done, I'll send you a ping. :)

I think that is really exciting that you are going to study abroad. I always wanted to do that, but I hold myself back more times than not. Really working on that this year. It's a little daunting to put oneself out there. I really hope you enjoy it, and that you get to go! How exciting. :)

Also, I am sorry, I read over your other notes to other people on here, and I have to say Bucky is not evil. He was captured, a tortured WWII Veteran, that was brainwashed to do Hydra's bidding. Not evil. Loki is evil. Bucky is not.

Sorry, had to say something. There is a huge difference between the two. I had to say something. Bucky and Steve....they are my life. Like I said, HUGE Captain America nerd fan. He has been my hero and someone I look up to for many years now. Ever since I got into comics in high school.

When Winter Soldier came out, I knew. I just knew. Watching other people's reactions though had been hilarious. My friends were upset with me when I didn't react with them. Or, at the very least, act surprised. That whole movie made me cry. (not ashamed to admit that.)

(Edit: I know that issue where Bucky is "evil" was later resolved, but.....had to say something! Sorry! Gah! Those two. I think the worst part is, if Steve dies in Civil War without being able to know true happiness by being reunited with his friend, I think a little part of me will die inside)

Sorry for the late reply. RL

Yeah, sure! I would love to show you my work. I am really shy about it, and a slave driver to myself. A perfectionist by nature, so everything I do I always criticize. It's one of the reasons that I am a little lazy in doing artwork, because I think it never looks good. I am going to create a tumblr for my convention work (in progress atm) but I have all of my senior exhibit work from college still lying around. Since most of it is traditional work instead of digital (or actually....all of it is traditional >_<) I will have to take photos of them and then post them somewhere on here. When I get that done, I'll send you a ping. :)

I think that is really exciting that you are going to study abroad. I always wanted to do that, but I hold myself back more times than not. Really working on that this year. It's a little daunting to put oneself out there. I really hope you enjoy it, and that you get to go! How exciting. :)

Also, I am sorry, I read over your other notes to other people on here, and I have to say Bucky is not evil. He was captured, a tortured WWII Veteran, that was brainwashed to do Hydra's bidding. Not evil. Loki is evil. Bucky is not.

Sorry, had to say something. There is a huge difference between the two. I had to say something. Bucky and Steve....they are my life. Like I said, HUGE Captain America nerd fan. He has been my hero and someone I look up to for many years now. Ever since I got into comics in high school.

When Winter Soldier came out, I knew. I just knew. Watching other people's reactions though had been hilarious. My friends were upset with me when I didn't react with them. Or, at the very least, act surprised. That whole movie made me cry. (not ashamed to admit that.)

(Edit: I know that issue where Bucky is "evil" was later resolved, but.....had to say something! Sorry! Gah! Those two. I think the worst part is, if Steve dies in Civil War without being able to know true happiness by being reunited with his friend, I think a little part of me will die inside)
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