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TOPIC | I'd wave but you won't see it anyway
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Don't mind the name of this post. I couldn't come with anything better and my way of greeting people is usually either waving or saying "yo" which is not really a catchy word when you name a forum post, let's be real.

It seems logical to start with the reason I joined Flight Rising, and that would be because of a friend of mine convincing me. And it never hurts to try out new things, right, so I gave it a shot.
I never did really find time to introduce myself, due to upcoming exams and not actually knowing a good way to introduce myself. I thought about skipping an introduction and just starting a topic about a fandom I'm in, but in the end that didn't sit right with me. So I decided to introduce myself after all.

Kagu is one of the nicknames I came up with a year ago. I've never been good with those, so this is the result of combining two of my favourite words at that time. And not long after that I found out that Kagu can mean "great fool" in Japanese, and that seemed to fit me perfectly.
However, feel free to address me by my real name, Lena. I live in Europe, so I'm about 10 hours ahead of most of you guys. May make communication difficult, but I tend to pull all-nighters once summer hits so it shouldn't really be a problem. So feel free to talk to me.

I'm not sure what else there is to say about me.
I'm a sucker for fantasy, so it's only natural Flight Rising did pique my interest (needless to say, I love dragons). I do enjoy reading books (although that interest has shifted to mostly fanfictions and a book every now and then). Furthermore, I fill up my time watching gameplays, writing, watching animes, taking care of my animals, sporting and studying.

I guess that's all there is to know about me, but if you were to be interested, don't be shy to ask me anything.?????

Don't mind the name of this post. I couldn't come with anything better and my way of greeting people is usually either waving or saying "yo" which is not really a catchy word when you name a forum post, let's be real.

It seems logical to start with the reason I joined Flight Rising, and that would be because of a friend of mine convincing me. And it never hurts to try out new things, right, so I gave it a shot.
I never did really find time to introduce myself, due to upcoming exams and not actually knowing a good way to introduce myself. I thought about skipping an introduction and just starting a topic about a fandom I'm in, but in the end that didn't sit right with me. So I decided to introduce myself after all.

Kagu is one of the nicknames I came up with a year ago. I've never been good with those, so this is the result of combining two of my favourite words at that time. And not long after that I found out that Kagu can mean "great fool" in Japanese, and that seemed to fit me perfectly.
However, feel free to address me by my real name, Lena. I live in Europe, so I'm about 10 hours ahead of most of you guys. May make communication difficult, but I tend to pull all-nighters once summer hits so it shouldn't really be a problem. So feel free to talk to me.

I'm not sure what else there is to say about me.
I'm a sucker for fantasy, so it's only natural Flight Rising did pique my interest (needless to say, I love dragons). I do enjoy reading books (although that interest has shifted to mostly fanfictions and a book every now and then). Furthermore, I fill up my time watching gameplays, writing, watching animes, taking care of my animals, sporting and studying.

I guess that's all there is to know about me, but if you were to be interested, don't be shy to ask me anything.?????


Hey! Or...yo?? I am a "hey" sort of person myself.

I myself used to read books all the time, but now everything I read is fanfiction online with the occasional book here and there, too. So, I can safely say, I can relate!

When my relative showed me this place, I was ecstatic about joining when the registration opened. Having a game where you collect dragons? Who wouldn't join?

What fandom(s) are you a part of? I am always curious to know about what people are interested in. I myself have....quite a few... I am a little embarrassed. I won't post all of them in here, but I thought I would get the ball rolling and I will simply say I am a Marvel Comics Nerd (capitalized for reasons).

Hey! Or...yo?? I am a "hey" sort of person myself.

I myself used to read books all the time, but now everything I read is fanfiction online with the occasional book here and there, too. So, I can safely say, I can relate!

When my relative showed me this place, I was ecstatic about joining when the registration opened. Having a game where you collect dragons? Who wouldn't join?

What fandom(s) are you a part of? I am always curious to know about what people are interested in. I myself have....quite a few... I am a little embarrassed. I won't post all of them in here, but I thought I would get the ball rolling and I will simply say I am a Marvel Comics Nerd (capitalized for reasons).
@Kagu Hey! Welcome to FR! I'm actually a newbie myself, so I've just been kind of drifting around trying to get to know other newbies XD

What books (other than fanfiction) do you read? I actually haven't read a good fanfiction in a while. I started getting frustrated at the fact that when I found a good one and I started getting really into it, the author stopped writing it halfway through and never finished it XS

And you said you spend a lot of time taking care of your animals. You have any pets? I'm a bit of an animal freak myself, so I've got 2 dogs, a cat, and a parakeet~
@Kagu Hey! Welcome to FR! I'm actually a newbie myself, so I've just been kind of drifting around trying to get to know other newbies XD

What books (other than fanfiction) do you read? I actually haven't read a good fanfiction in a while. I started getting frustrated at the fact that when I found a good one and I started getting really into it, the author stopped writing it halfway through and never finished it XS

And you said you spend a lot of time taking care of your animals. You have any pets? I'm a bit of an animal freak myself, so I've got 2 dogs, a cat, and a parakeet~

Hahaha, hello.
And yeah, I still enjoy reading books, but after joining college it has become hard focusing on one story at a time. And I really started to get into fanfictions when I got my first smartphone, which allowed me to download them.

And yeah, I actually heard about this site long ago, but wasn't that interested to join at that time. I don't even remember why I wasn't, since I'm totally hooked to this game now (even though I'm still in the middle of my exams hahaha).

Hmm, you could say I'm a diehard anime fan, but strangely that interest has kind of dulled after starting my study funny, since I study Japanese. But I still watch a lot of animes, and read more mangas than before. Y'know, actually, it didn't really fade (my interest, I mean).
I do love Marvel, although I haven't read any of the comics yet. I wouldn't even know with what to start. I absolutely loved the Captain America movies, as well as the Avenger and Iron Man. And ofcourse I watched Spiderman when I was a lot younger. Maybe I should consider reading the comics after all. XD So what flight are you part of and why? I myself am part of the fire flight (I could look up your flight, ofcourse, but it's nicer to ask I guess).

However, my fandoms are mostly animes like Gintama, Shingeki no Kyojin, Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyuu, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hunter x Hunter, Boku no hero academia, One-punch man and a lot more. But I also like Star Trek (the original series).
There's no need to be embarrassed about your fandoms. So if you'd like to share them, then I'd be glad to hear you out.


Nice to meet you! I see we can get along as fellow newbies. XD

My favourite books are the Harry Potter novels (that's, by the way, another fandom I consider myself part of), but I also read the Hunger Games series and am still reading the Mortal Instruments series. I actually have a lot of books in my bookshelve, including the Interview with the Vampire series, but I haven't really gotten around to reading them yet.
Feel free to recommend me some books, btw. Oh, and what kind of books do you like?

And I do know the frustration of those fanfictions. Do you have certain fanfictions you like, because I can perhaps send you some (if we share the same interest ofcourse).

I do spend some time taking care of them. I currently have 2 horses, 4 dogs and a cat (though the cat kind of moved to my grandparents' place, which is next to our house, because our dog doesn't like cats that much). I also have some chickens, but my grandpa takes care of those. I'm really a dog-person, though, so in vacations I spend time going jogging with my dog and keeping my horse from getting fat (the other one is already too old to work with, so he's enjoying his good old days with my younger horse).
What kind of dogs do you have?

Hahaha, hello.
And yeah, I still enjoy reading books, but after joining college it has become hard focusing on one story at a time. And I really started to get into fanfictions when I got my first smartphone, which allowed me to download them.

And yeah, I actually heard about this site long ago, but wasn't that interested to join at that time. I don't even remember why I wasn't, since I'm totally hooked to this game now (even though I'm still in the middle of my exams hahaha).

Hmm, you could say I'm a diehard anime fan, but strangely that interest has kind of dulled after starting my study funny, since I study Japanese. But I still watch a lot of animes, and read more mangas than before. Y'know, actually, it didn't really fade (my interest, I mean).
I do love Marvel, although I haven't read any of the comics yet. I wouldn't even know with what to start. I absolutely loved the Captain America movies, as well as the Avenger and Iron Man. And ofcourse I watched Spiderman when I was a lot younger. Maybe I should consider reading the comics after all. XD So what flight are you part of and why? I myself am part of the fire flight (I could look up your flight, ofcourse, but it's nicer to ask I guess).

However, my fandoms are mostly animes like Gintama, Shingeki no Kyojin, Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyuu, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hunter x Hunter, Boku no hero academia, One-punch man and a lot more. But I also like Star Trek (the original series).
There's no need to be embarrassed about your fandoms. So if you'd like to share them, then I'd be glad to hear you out.


Nice to meet you! I see we can get along as fellow newbies. XD

My favourite books are the Harry Potter novels (that's, by the way, another fandom I consider myself part of), but I also read the Hunger Games series and am still reading the Mortal Instruments series. I actually have a lot of books in my bookshelve, including the Interview with the Vampire series, but I haven't really gotten around to reading them yet.
Feel free to recommend me some books, btw. Oh, and what kind of books do you like?

And I do know the frustration of those fanfictions. Do you have certain fanfictions you like, because I can perhaps send you some (if we share the same interest ofcourse).

I do spend some time taking care of them. I currently have 2 horses, 4 dogs and a cat (though the cat kind of moved to my grandparents' place, which is next to our house, because our dog doesn't like cats that much). I also have some chickens, but my grandpa takes care of those. I'm really a dog-person, though, so in vacations I spend time going jogging with my dog and keeping my horse from getting fat (the other one is already too old to work with, so he's enjoying his good old days with my younger horse).
What kind of dogs do you have?

First off, as an Honorary College Student Survivor (A.K.A A college graduate) I would like to give you all the luck in the world, advice (such as drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep), and my condolences.

I think, to be honest, whatever study one goes into in college, the magic or the interest dies a little. Some don't, but with others, like myself, it becomes a struggle. I love art and doing artwork, mainly traditional pieces, but towards my senior year I found it a struggle to want to do any artwork. There could be many reasons why, and I think it was mainly that I was going to school on a 24/7 basis. Now that I am out, I am falling in love with artwork again.

That was a roundabout way of saying, don't worry. The interest for your study may still be there, but may dull. And, if your interest changes, no worries! That's what happens in college sometimes.

Oh! Also, find a good friend and vent like hardcore. That always helped me get over my frustration. :)

Now on to nerdy things!

I know how hard it is to get into comics. I have a lot of friends who have been into comics a lot longer than I have. And it can be a pretty expensive hobby, too. There are a lot of series coming out, story arcs, etc. I would say if you have a local comic book store nearby, ask one of the workers about it. Say you like Captain America (or whatever character you are interested in) and wish to get started on reading the series. They should know what they are doing and hook you up. One comic favorite of mine, and it is an Indie comic that has nothing to do with marvel or dc, is called Rat Queens. If you have a chance or interest, look it up and see if you would like it. So far, there are only two book volumes out of the whole series.

Speaking of Captain America....I just....he's my hero. Everyone has their own favorite, and Steve Rogers is mine. I love the movies and the portrayal of his character so far, and these movies have been a wild ride. I cannot wait for Captain America: Civil War.

I used to be into anime and manga years ago, and it sort of....tapered off. I feel bad for not knowing anything now. I'm sorry I can't talk to you about that particular hobby. Because I am a moron in that area. So I have to apologize.

Many, many galaxy stars for you liking the original Star Trek. I bought all three original seasons for cheap and I have not regretted this decision yet.

Oh! Almost forgot. I joined the Arcane flight. I liked the idea of mages and magic so I decided to join that one. There were so many to choose from, and it was a difficult decision, to be honest. But that had been a deciding factor.

First off, as an Honorary College Student Survivor (A.K.A A college graduate) I would like to give you all the luck in the world, advice (such as drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep), and my condolences.

I think, to be honest, whatever study one goes into in college, the magic or the interest dies a little. Some don't, but with others, like myself, it becomes a struggle. I love art and doing artwork, mainly traditional pieces, but towards my senior year I found it a struggle to want to do any artwork. There could be many reasons why, and I think it was mainly that I was going to school on a 24/7 basis. Now that I am out, I am falling in love with artwork again.

That was a roundabout way of saying, don't worry. The interest for your study may still be there, but may dull. And, if your interest changes, no worries! That's what happens in college sometimes.

Oh! Also, find a good friend and vent like hardcore. That always helped me get over my frustration. :)

Now on to nerdy things!

I know how hard it is to get into comics. I have a lot of friends who have been into comics a lot longer than I have. And it can be a pretty expensive hobby, too. There are a lot of series coming out, story arcs, etc. I would say if you have a local comic book store nearby, ask one of the workers about it. Say you like Captain America (or whatever character you are interested in) and wish to get started on reading the series. They should know what they are doing and hook you up. One comic favorite of mine, and it is an Indie comic that has nothing to do with marvel or dc, is called Rat Queens. If you have a chance or interest, look it up and see if you would like it. So far, there are only two book volumes out of the whole series.

Speaking of Captain America....I just....he's my hero. Everyone has their own favorite, and Steve Rogers is mine. I love the movies and the portrayal of his character so far, and these movies have been a wild ride. I cannot wait for Captain America: Civil War.

I used to be into anime and manga years ago, and it sort of....tapered off. I feel bad for not knowing anything now. I'm sorry I can't talk to you about that particular hobby. Because I am a moron in that area. So I have to apologize.

Many, many galaxy stars for you liking the original Star Trek. I bought all three original seasons for cheap and I have not regretted this decision yet.

Oh! Almost forgot. I joined the Arcane flight. I liked the idea of mages and magic so I decided to join that one. There were so many to choose from, and it was a difficult decision, to be honest. But that had been a deciding factor.

Don't worry, it's not like my interest in Japanese is lacking. In fact, I kind of started this study on a whim, but ended up getting more and more interested. It's that my interest in manga and anime (usually one of the reasons one starts studying Japanese) has faded quite a bit.
I'm really interested in the Japanese Culture and History, and chances are I'll be going to Japan to study at a university there. So I'm really looking forward to it.

So you studied art, or am I wrong? Either way, it sounds amazing. I never had to patience to draw, but my sister has always been kind of creative. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I gave up on drawing. No matter how hard I tried, I never seemed to reach my sister's level, and right now I kind of lost my interest. Ofcourse, I have a lot of respect for people who can draw (even my sister has been slacking off lately). And a lot of my friends are currently following an art/graphic design education. If it's not too much trouble, can I see one of your artworks?

I myself am more into writing, however. I never really considered it back when I was younger. Ofcourse, I remember the times famous authors would come to our school and motivated us that, if you had the inspiration, you should just write it down, but I was just not really into it at that time. I did enjoy reading their books though.
It's only later I started writing. First in my mother tongue, but afterwards in English. It was really hard at the beginning (I've never been really good at it) but as time passed and I started to read English books and analyze the language, I started getting better at it. Ofcourse, I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a pro or "good", but I enjoy writing and that's all that matters to me. I also like experimenting with different types of writings, like simple with a focus on the character's thoughts, or longer sentences.
Anyway, I hope to get better one day.

I'll check out the comic later. Thanks for the suggestion, though. And I have a few friends who are reading the comics as well, so I'll ask them for some advice. Besides, I've been attending a few comic cons so far, so maybe, when I go there next time, I'll see if I can find some cheap comic books.

Don't worry about the anime, though. I have enough friends that share the same interest as me. But if you ever were to get interested again, I can always give you a few recommendations.

My dad recently bought all 10 seasons on Blue-ray, and I've been planning to watch them. So far, I've only seen a couple of episodes (my friend somehow convinced me to have a 2 day long marathon 2 years ago, but ofcourse it's impossible to watch 3 seasons in 2 days. But I was greatly entertained by William Shatner. I have yet to watch a couple of movies though.

Don't worry, it's not like my interest in Japanese is lacking. In fact, I kind of started this study on a whim, but ended up getting more and more interested. It's that my interest in manga and anime (usually one of the reasons one starts studying Japanese) has faded quite a bit.
I'm really interested in the Japanese Culture and History, and chances are I'll be going to Japan to study at a university there. So I'm really looking forward to it.

So you studied art, or am I wrong? Either way, it sounds amazing. I never had to patience to draw, but my sister has always been kind of creative. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I gave up on drawing. No matter how hard I tried, I never seemed to reach my sister's level, and right now I kind of lost my interest. Ofcourse, I have a lot of respect for people who can draw (even my sister has been slacking off lately). And a lot of my friends are currently following an art/graphic design education. If it's not too much trouble, can I see one of your artworks?

I myself am more into writing, however. I never really considered it back when I was younger. Ofcourse, I remember the times famous authors would come to our school and motivated us that, if you had the inspiration, you should just write it down, but I was just not really into it at that time. I did enjoy reading their books though.
It's only later I started writing. First in my mother tongue, but afterwards in English. It was really hard at the beginning (I've never been really good at it) but as time passed and I started to read English books and analyze the language, I started getting better at it. Ofcourse, I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a pro or "good", but I enjoy writing and that's all that matters to me. I also like experimenting with different types of writings, like simple with a focus on the character's thoughts, or longer sentences.
Anyway, I hope to get better one day.

I'll check out the comic later. Thanks for the suggestion, though. And I have a few friends who are reading the comics as well, so I'll ask them for some advice. Besides, I've been attending a few comic cons so far, so maybe, when I go there next time, I'll see if I can find some cheap comic books.

Don't worry about the anime, though. I have enough friends that share the same interest as me. But if you ever were to get interested again, I can always give you a few recommendations.

My dad recently bought all 10 seasons on Blue-ray, and I've been planning to watch them. So far, I've only seen a couple of episodes (my friend somehow convinced me to have a 2 day long marathon 2 years ago, but ofcourse it's impossible to watch 3 seasons in 2 days. But I was greatly entertained by William Shatner. I have yet to watch a couple of movies though.
@Kagu THE FANFICTION STRUGGLE IS REAL. I haven't read any in a while, haven't had much time, and I'll be honest, I kinda lost interest :/ I read a lot dystopian novels though. The Hunger Games was the first dystopian series I read and I LOVED IT. If you're looking for a new book to start, I loved Cinder, Slated, The Sky Inside, Uglies, Legend, and The Maze Runner to name a few :P Trust me, if you ever need a book recommendation, I've got plenty XD And believe me, don't feel guilty about unread books. I've got at least 10 unread books on my shelf waiting for me as we speak, and I still go to the library and check out like 5 novels at a time, which doesn't help at all...

And What kind of dogs? I've got a German Shepherd/Husky mix who's getting pretty elderly, so he usually spends a lot of time napping, and a little Morkie, who's only about 2 years old I think. I swear I've never seen a dog happier or more friendly than him XD And horses? Gosh I love horses. So pretty~

Aaaaand I saw that you love the Marvel movies. I'm quite the fan myself ^^ However, I've never started on the comics. Considering there's over 60 years of Marvel comics out there, I guess I'm a bit intimidated on where to start XS I did read a few of the Hawkeye comics though. Definitely don't regret that. I love Hawkeye so much XD Who's your favorite Avenger, if you don't mind me asking?
@Kagu THE FANFICTION STRUGGLE IS REAL. I haven't read any in a while, haven't had much time, and I'll be honest, I kinda lost interest :/ I read a lot dystopian novels though. The Hunger Games was the first dystopian series I read and I LOVED IT. If you're looking for a new book to start, I loved Cinder, Slated, The Sky Inside, Uglies, Legend, and The Maze Runner to name a few :P Trust me, if you ever need a book recommendation, I've got plenty XD And believe me, don't feel guilty about unread books. I've got at least 10 unread books on my shelf waiting for me as we speak, and I still go to the library and check out like 5 novels at a time, which doesn't help at all...

And What kind of dogs? I've got a German Shepherd/Husky mix who's getting pretty elderly, so he usually spends a lot of time napping, and a little Morkie, who's only about 2 years old I think. I swear I've never seen a dog happier or more friendly than him XD And horses? Gosh I love horses. So pretty~

Aaaaand I saw that you love the Marvel movies. I'm quite the fan myself ^^ However, I've never started on the comics. Considering there's over 60 years of Marvel comics out there, I guess I'm a bit intimidated on where to start XS I did read a few of the Hawkeye comics though. Definitely don't regret that. I love Hawkeye so much XD Who's your favorite Avenger, if you don't mind me asking?

IKR. Well, I still read a lot of fanfictions, because some of them are even better than normal books, imo.
Oh, I've been planning to read the Maze Runner yes. But since I'll probably study in Japan next year I've been planning to buy an e-reader. At least then I can still enjoy an english book every now and then. So the Maze Runner is probably for when I got that e-reader.
If you like dystopian novels, I'd suggest "The Passage" from Justin Cronin. It's perhaps a bit long and it's a lot like Stephen King, but it's a good book overall. I haven't finished it yet (because finishing a book of a thousand pages isn't all too easy and especially during school. And the plot is confusing, so I end up rereading a lot of parts).
I myself read several books at the same time, but try to focus on one of them. Simply because I tend to stop halfway and have to start from the beginning the next time I pick it up again.

Hmmm~ Your dogs sound really cute. I'd love to see a picture of them (but you don't have to, ofcourse).

Ofcourse, I haven't seen all the movies yet. But I've seen some, and so far I'm really not disappointed. And yeah, Hawkeye is great. I'm a bit ashamed to say it, but when I saw the first Avengers movie, I kept forgetting who Hawkeye was and every single time my friends mentioned him I got confused, so I ended up calling him "arrow-guy".
My favourite Avenger is definitely Tony Stark. He's quite popular, but I just like him for his attitude.

IKR. Well, I still read a lot of fanfictions, because some of them are even better than normal books, imo.
Oh, I've been planning to read the Maze Runner yes. But since I'll probably study in Japan next year I've been planning to buy an e-reader. At least then I can still enjoy an english book every now and then. So the Maze Runner is probably for when I got that e-reader.
If you like dystopian novels, I'd suggest "The Passage" from Justin Cronin. It's perhaps a bit long and it's a lot like Stephen King, but it's a good book overall. I haven't finished it yet (because finishing a book of a thousand pages isn't all too easy and especially during school. And the plot is confusing, so I end up rereading a lot of parts).
I myself read several books at the same time, but try to focus on one of them. Simply because I tend to stop halfway and have to start from the beginning the next time I pick it up again.

Hmmm~ Your dogs sound really cute. I'd love to see a picture of them (but you don't have to, ofcourse).

Ofcourse, I haven't seen all the movies yet. But I've seen some, and so far I'm really not disappointed. And yeah, Hawkeye is great. I'm a bit ashamed to say it, but when I saw the first Avengers movie, I kept forgetting who Hawkeye was and every single time my friends mentioned him I got confused, so I ended up calling him "arrow-guy".
My favourite Avenger is definitely Tony Stark. He's quite popular, but I just like him for his attitude.
@Kagu oh my word, Japan?! I'm so jealous. I'd love to study abroad, but I'm too much of a homebody :/ And I get what you're saying with the books. There have been several books where I started them, couldn't get into them, and stopped halfway through and never finished. I'll have to look into "The Passage" though. I haven't heard of that one yet.

And I sadly don't have a image hosting site I could use to upload a pic of my boys, sorry :/ Getting a new dA account (deleted the last one) is on my list of things to do. I actually have been accumulating quite the extensive list of things to do...

Arrow-Guy! Omg that's great! XD Perfect nickname. And I wasn't all that into the movies at first, but I have friends who are super obsessed, and thus their obsession kind of rubbed off on me. What really started absorbing me into the movies was The Winter Soldier (2nd Cap movie). I was like so stunned and so emotional afterwords I just couldn't help it. And Tony Stark is classic. Gotta love him. RDJ plays him so well it's just hard not to love Iron Man <3
@Kagu oh my word, Japan?! I'm so jealous. I'd love to study abroad, but I'm too much of a homebody :/ And I get what you're saying with the books. There have been several books where I started them, couldn't get into them, and stopped halfway through and never finished. I'll have to look into "The Passage" though. I haven't heard of that one yet.

And I sadly don't have a image hosting site I could use to upload a pic of my boys, sorry :/ Getting a new dA account (deleted the last one) is on my list of things to do. I actually have been accumulating quite the extensive list of things to do...

Arrow-Guy! Omg that's great! XD Perfect nickname. And I wasn't all that into the movies at first, but I have friends who are super obsessed, and thus their obsession kind of rubbed off on me. What really started absorbing me into the movies was The Winter Soldier (2nd Cap movie). I was like so stunned and so emotional afterwords I just couldn't help it. And Tony Stark is classic. Gotta love him. RDJ plays him so well it's just hard not to love Iron Man <3

Well, it's still a big question whether I can go or not. There are some difficulties and misunderstandings, but I still hope I can go. I myself never left the house for that long, tbh. I don't even have a lodging, which means I have to travel to my university by train every day. This will without a doubt be hard on me, but it's the perfect chance to improve my Japanese, and it's a once in a lifetime experience.
If you ever were to read The Passage, I'll have to advice you not to get attached to the characters too quickly. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin, but it's kind of the same setting.

It's okay. Well, if you have tumblr, I'd gladly give you mine (and even if you don't have it, I'll give it if you want to). I'm not that active on dA after finally getting a tumblr account. X3

The same goes for me, though. My best friends are really into it, and I remember one of them dragging me along to Captain America: The Winter Soldier. But I hadn't seen the first movie yet, so we watched that at my house before going to the movies (my dad collects movies as a hobby, so we have about everything).
Anyway, I remember that, when seeing Bucky, I instantly claimed he'd either die or become evil. So I was prepared for his death. And later, when Bucky returned, I remember everyone going silent and I just didn't recognize him. So I kept staring at the screen all confused until I heard my friend whisper "No way... It's Bucky." And then it hit me and I instantly said "Son of a--" since I was right about him both dying and becoming evil.

Well, it's still a big question whether I can go or not. There are some difficulties and misunderstandings, but I still hope I can go. I myself never left the house for that long, tbh. I don't even have a lodging, which means I have to travel to my university by train every day. This will without a doubt be hard on me, but it's the perfect chance to improve my Japanese, and it's a once in a lifetime experience.
If you ever were to read The Passage, I'll have to advice you not to get attached to the characters too quickly. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin, but it's kind of the same setting.

It's okay. Well, if you have tumblr, I'd gladly give you mine (and even if you don't have it, I'll give it if you want to). I'm not that active on dA after finally getting a tumblr account. X3

The same goes for me, though. My best friends are really into it, and I remember one of them dragging me along to Captain America: The Winter Soldier. But I hadn't seen the first movie yet, so we watched that at my house before going to the movies (my dad collects movies as a hobby, so we have about everything).
Anyway, I remember that, when seeing Bucky, I instantly claimed he'd either die or become evil. So I was prepared for his death. And later, when Bucky returned, I remember everyone going silent and I just didn't recognize him. So I kept staring at the screen all confused until I heard my friend whisper "No way... It's Bucky." And then it hit me and I instantly said "Son of a--" since I was right about him both dying and becoming evil.
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