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TOPIC | What element/clan did you choose?
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@Heeroku This one is so so pretty, never even would have thought about those color combos! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

This one is so so pretty, never even would have thought about those color combos!

I am suuddenly distracted by that sig of yours @CoyoteMoon Its fitting and fun at the same time.

Welcome everyone though. Skydancers are pretty awesome, though not my favourite dragon. I am more a noc, coatl, and mirror fan myself
I am suuddenly distracted by that sig of yours @CoyoteMoon Its fitting and fun at the same time.

Welcome everyone though. Skydancers are pretty awesome, though not my favourite dragon. I am more a noc, coatl, and mirror fan myself
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Thank you! i was finding it hard to decide what to put there. it actually came from a book about a Coyote shapeshifter that i love to read.

I have a friend in the plague flight that has like, 5 breeding pairs of Coatls. she used to have 6 but gave me one as a welcome gift. I think they're pretty but Nocs and Imps and Pearlcatchers are my go to favs though.

Thank you! i was finding it hard to decide what to put there. it actually came from a book about a Coyote shapeshifter that i love to read.

I have a friend in the plague flight that has like, 5 breeding pairs of Coatls. she used to have 6 but gave me one as a welcome gift. I think they're pretty but Nocs and Imps and Pearlcatchers are my go to favs though.
When I first started I picked Arcane because of a friend's suggestion. I later picked Lightning because of the eye color the flight has and because my other friend was in Lightning.
When I first started I picked Arcane because of a friend's suggestion. I later picked Lightning because of the eye color the flight has and because my other friend was in Lightning.
I love hearing why people choose their Flight :D
I love hearing why people choose their Flight :D

and I decided to go with the Wind element/clan, mostly because I have always loved the wind, and even believed when I was younger that I could control it

also I gotta say that I love your dragon RyZora, very pretty...I love the colours and the skin you have on her! ^.^

and I decided to go with the Wind element/clan, mostly because I have always loved the wind, and even believed when I was younger that I could control it

also I gotta say that I love your dragon RyZora, very pretty...I love the colours and the skin you have on her! ^.^
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Many thanks @Astronomy
Your dragons are lovely!!


@Rose6060 I love purple too! : ) Arcane has been known to be a good clan, so I'm glad you chose it
Many thanks @Astronomy
Your dragons are lovely!!


@Rose6060 I love purple too! : ) Arcane has been known to be a good clan, so I'm glad you chose it
@LostDream0 Your welcome, and thank you! ^,^
@LostDream0 Your welcome, and thank you! ^,^
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