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TOPIC | arosaceae's coli grinding - slots full!
[center][img alt="arosaceae's coli grinding"][/img] [size=5]paused for now!![/size] [i]thanks for putting in orders everyone! I will be finishing up the rest of the orders from Friday, but I won't be taking any more for Saturday bc I know I have a busier day then! Hope you had a lovely Rockbreaker's!![/i] Hey yall! Get yourself some lovely lovely coli loot with a quick turnaround! I love to coli in my free time but at this point have no use for most of the drops I'm getting... so why don't you get them instead? [emoji=rose size=1] [size=5]Slots ~[/size] 1. Hilldigarde - 300 RC fest - PMs + PA sent 2. Ponnie - 300 FC fest - PMs + PA sent 3. starfire0 - 300 FC fest only - complete! 4. Mystyic - 300 FC fest only dc 5. slot available! [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [columns][color=transparent]X[/color][nextcol][center][pinglist=34360] [i]click to be notified of open slots + updates![/i][/center] [nextcol][color=transparent]X[/color][nextcol][img alt="arosaceae's coli grinding"][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]X[/color][nextcol][center][pinglist=34361] [i]click to be notified of fest + microholiday openings![/i][/center][/columns] [img][/img] [size=2][color=transparent]XXXXX[/color][color=#fadadd]credits: [url=][color=#fadadd]rose dividers[/url] | [url=][color=#fadadd]vista pixels[/url] | [url=][color=#fadadd]venue bars[/url] | header + icon edited by me[/size]
arosaceae's coli grinding
paused for now!!
thanks for putting in orders everyone! I will be finishing up the rest of the orders from Friday, but I won't be taking any more for Saturday bc I know I have a busier day then! Hope you had a lovely Rockbreaker's!!

Hey yall! Get yourself some lovely lovely coli loot with a quick turnaround! I love to coli in my free time but at this point have no use for most of the drops I'm getting... so why don't you get them instead?

Slots ~

1. Hilldigarde - 300 RC fest - PMs + PA sent

2. Ponnie - 300 FC fest - PMs + PA sent

3. starfire0 - 300 FC fest only - complete!

4. Mystyic - 300 FC fest only dc

5. slot available!


click to be notified of open slots + updates!
X arosaceae's coli grinding X

click to be notified of fest + microholiday openings!
XXXXXcredits: rose dividers | vista pixels | venue bars | header + icon edited by me

wind exalt lair
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cloudsong corgis

plushie adopt by alkylic
[columns][img][/img][nextcol] [indent][indent][indent][emoji=rose size=1] [size=5]General Info ~[/size][/indent][/indent][/indent]  [b]»[/b] I'm subscribed to this thread, so pings aren't required!  [b]»[/b] Price is per 100 battles, with an upper limit of [u][b]300 battles per order[/b][/u]  [b]» Drops that are more expensive (LAH) than the price of your grind aren't automatically included in your loot delivery[/b] (generally eggs, boss fams, elims, the like). In the event something expensive drops during your grind, you can choose to either: forfeit the drop and get your grind for 1 treasure OR pay an extra 50% of that item's LAH to get it with your loot.  [b]»[/b] I do log on every day, and I'll usually grind between 12:00 and 15:00 site time on weekdays. I always try to get your loot back sent back to you the same day you've ordered and I'll let you know if that won't be possible due to extenuating circumstances.  [b]»[/b] Once I'm done with your grind, I'll send the first CR with your loot as a two-way with a reminder for the price in the CR message and a notice on whether or not an expensive item dropped during your grind. Once you've attached the required payment to that CR, I will send the rest of your loot via one-ways! [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [/columns]
General Info ~

» I'm subscribed to this thread, so pings aren't required!

» Price is per 100 battles, with an upper limit of 300 battles per order

» Drops that are more expensive (LAH) than the price of your grind aren't automatically included in your loot delivery (generally eggs, boss fams, elims, the like). In the event something expensive drops during your grind, you can choose to either: forfeit the drop and get your grind for 1 treasure OR pay an extra 50% of that item's LAH to get it with your loot.

» I do log on every day, and I'll usually grind between 12:00 and 15:00 site time on weekdays. I always try to get your loot back sent back to you the same day you've ordered and I'll let you know if that won't be possible due to extenuating circumstances.

» Once I'm done with your grind, I'll send the first CR with your loot as a two-way with a reminder for the price in the CR message and a notice on whether or not an expensive item dropped during your grind. Once you've attached the required payment to that CR, I will send the rest of your loot via one-ways!

wind exalt lair
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cloudsong corgis

plushie adopt by alkylic
[columns][img][/img][nextcol] [emoji=rose size=1] [size=5]Pricing ~[/size]   » [b]Training Fields - Sandswept Delta[/b]: 20kt/g per 100 battles   » [b]Silk-Strewn Wreckage - Arena[/b]: 40kt/g per 100 battles   » [b]Volcanic Vents - Mire[/b]: 60kt/g per 100 battles   » [b]Kelp Beds - Forbidden Portal[/b]: 80kt/g per 100 battles   » [b]Fest / Microholiday grinding[/b]: additional 20kt/g per 100 battles [emoji=rose size=1] [size=5]Discounts ~[/size]   » [b]1st Dom Flight[/b]: 10% off!   » [b]Returning Customer (3+ visits!)[/b]: 10% off! [emoji=rose size=1] [size=5]Order Form ~[/size] [code][b]Username[/b]: [b]Venue[/b]: [b]No. of Battles[/b]: [b]Grind Type[/b]: Regular | Fest | Fest Only [b]Payment Type[/b]: Treasure | Gems [b]Applicable Discount[/b]: [/code] [color=transparent]XXX[/color][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/columns]
Pricing ~
  » Training Fields - Sandswept Delta: 20kt/g per 100 battles
  » Silk-Strewn Wreckage - Arena: 40kt/g per 100 battles
  » Volcanic Vents - Mire: 60kt/g per 100 battles
  » Kelp Beds - Forbidden Portal: 80kt/g per 100 battles
  » Fest / Microholiday grinding: additional 20kt/g per 100 battles

Discounts ~
  » 1st Dom Flight: 10% off!
  » Returning Customer (3+ visits!): 10% off!

Order Form ~
[b]Username[/b]: [b]Venue[/b]: [b]No. of Battles[/b]: [b]Grind Type[/b]: Regular | Fest | Fest Only [b]Payment Type[/b]: Treasure | Gems [b]Applicable Discount[/b]:

wind exalt lair
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cloudsong corgis

plushie adopt by alkylic
hi! are you open for fest grinding right now?
hi! are you open for fest grinding right now?
@Hiii Yup! I'm planning on being open pretty much every day this fest!
@Hiii Yup! I'm planning on being open pretty much every day this fest!

wind exalt lair
click for wishlist!
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cloudsong corgis

plushie adopt by alkylic

Username: Mirna
Venue: Thunderhead Savanna
No. of Battles: 500
Grind Type: Fest
Payment Type: Treasure
Applicable Discount: None

Total: 30kt * 5 = 150kt

Username: Mirna
Venue: Thunderhead Savanna
No. of Battles: 500
Grind Type: Fest
Payment Type: Treasure
Applicable Discount: None

Total: 30kt * 5 = 150kt
Grey cat holding Wind Flight banner, by squidragon #48487
Username: Negligence
Venue: Blooming Grove
No. of Battles: 500
Grind Type: Regular
Payment Type: Gems
Applicable Discount: None :P

Total: 15g * 5 = 75g
Username: Negligence
Venue: Blooming Grove
No. of Battles: 500
Grind Type: Regular
Payment Type: Gems
Applicable Discount: None :P

Total: 15g * 5 = 75g
@Mirna Cool thanks! I'll start that asap!
@Mirna Cool thanks! I'll start that asap!

wind exalt lair
click for wishlist!
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cloudsong corgis

plushie adopt by alkylic
@Negligence Just saw your post! Added to the queue!
@Negligence Just saw your post! Added to the queue!

wind exalt lair
click for wishlist!
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cloudsong corgis

plushie adopt by alkylic
Thanks ^^
Thanks ^^