
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | LF: eggs! O: swaps, lvls, melting, fest$
Me and my partner (@Vaszarraena) are collecting eggs for a mass hatch that will be happening in three stages, one "stage" for both of our birthdays and one for a 5th anniversary hatch! The catch is, we're only looking for eggs of a specific kind.

  • November 26th 2024: hatching Shadow and Arcane eggs.
  • February 3rd 2025: hatching Shadow and Ice eggs.
  • August 18th 2025: hatching Arcane and Fire eggs.

We're going to be scavenging and coli grinding to gather as many eggs as possible from now until then, but the majority of the eggs we find aren't gonna be helpful to the cause. So, I'm setting up a trading thread! Whenever one of us finds an egg that we can't use, we'll post it here, and if you have one of the eggs we need, we'll trade!

No need for messing around on the Auction House, just a good old two-way CR.

Any dragons that we don't keep, we'll be selling or giving away. Anyone who swaps an egg to us will be added to a 48 hour first dibs pinglist for the giveaway before it's opened to the public.

Anyone who donates an egg will be added to the pinglist AND can pick any dragon listed on the AH under 250g for free, OR will get a 250g discount on dragons listed for more. After the first hatch, this will NOT stack.

We're also looking to buy or trade services for specific eggs, such as levelling, and Baldwin material melting or crafting.

Currently, we're offering to train two dragons to level 25 for a single Shadow or Arcane egg with a turn around up to two weeks (usually about a week but we're both pretty busy right now!), or one level 25 for any other elemental egg. We can take up to four dragons at a time, two for Vee and two for me! These dragons will not be stoned.

We're also both available to melt down stacks of Baldwin mats at a rate of two stacks per egg. I am able to craft Baldwin items up to level 16, exchange rates will vary based on what you're asking me to craft! For each Holiday Festival, we'll also be grinding festival currency to trade, at a rate of 5 stacks per egg.

  • Vaszarraena is queuing for Coliseum levelling services!
  • Helviiryn is queuing for Coliseum levelling services!
  • Vaszarraena is open for Baldwin melting services!
  • Helviiryn is open for Baldwin melting services!

  • Unhatched Plague Egg
Me and my partner (@Vaszarraena) are collecting eggs for a mass hatch that will be happening in three stages, one "stage" for both of our birthdays and one for a 5th anniversary hatch! The catch is, we're only looking for eggs of a specific kind.

  • November 26th 2024: hatching Shadow and Arcane eggs.
  • February 3rd 2025: hatching Shadow and Ice eggs.
  • August 18th 2025: hatching Arcane and Fire eggs.

We're going to be scavenging and coli grinding to gather as many eggs as possible from now until then, but the majority of the eggs we find aren't gonna be helpful to the cause. So, I'm setting up a trading thread! Whenever one of us finds an egg that we can't use, we'll post it here, and if you have one of the eggs we need, we'll trade!

No need for messing around on the Auction House, just a good old two-way CR.

Any dragons that we don't keep, we'll be selling or giving away. Anyone who swaps an egg to us will be added to a 48 hour first dibs pinglist for the giveaway before it's opened to the public.

Anyone who donates an egg will be added to the pinglist AND can pick any dragon listed on the AH under 250g for free, OR will get a 250g discount on dragons listed for more. After the first hatch, this will NOT stack.

We're also looking to buy or trade services for specific eggs, such as levelling, and Baldwin material melting or crafting.

Currently, we're offering to train two dragons to level 25 for a single Shadow or Arcane egg with a turn around up to two weeks (usually about a week but we're both pretty busy right now!), or one level 25 for any other elemental egg. We can take up to four dragons at a time, two for Vee and two for me! These dragons will not be stoned.

We're also both available to melt down stacks of Baldwin mats at a rate of two stacks per egg. I am able to craft Baldwin items up to level 16, exchange rates will vary based on what you're asking me to craft! For each Holiday Festival, we'll also be grinding festival currency to trade, at a rate of 5 stacks per egg.

  • Vaszarraena is queuing for Coliseum levelling services!
  • Helviiryn is queuing for Coliseum levelling services!
  • Vaszarraena is open for Baldwin melting services!
  • Helviiryn is open for Baldwin melting services!

  • Unhatched Plague Egg

Feel free to add yourself to the pinglist to be notified when the mass hatches happen!


Feel free to add yourself to the pinglist to be notified when the mass hatches happen!

[center][b][emoji=shadow rune size=1] From this point on, the thread is open! [emoji=shadow rune size=1][/b][/center]
From this point on, the thread is open!
Im happy to trade it :D
Im happy to trade it :D
@Leatiki aaah, fancy seeing you here! I assume you wanted to trade that for the wind egg, or were you looking at the levelling service?
@Leatiki aaah, fancy seeing you here! I assume you wanted to trade that for the wind egg, or were you looking at the levelling service?
hi hi!! :D

i think levelling please
i have two in progress but its been SLOW going lol
hi hi!! :D

i think levelling please
i have two in progress but its been SLOW going lol
@Leatiki That's a mood, levelling your own dragons can be such a pain honestly.

But thank you so much!

If you send the dragons you want levelled to @Vaszarraena along with the egg on a CR, I'll put down your name for the first dibs list.
@Leatiki That's a mood, levelling your own dragons can be such a pain honestly.

But thank you so much!

If you send the dragons you want levelled to @Vaszarraena along with the egg on a CR, I'll put down your name for the first dibs list.
ill send the egg and the dergs asap :D

Im about halfway but aaa my brain lol
ill send the egg and the dergs asap :D

Im about halfway but aaa my brain lol
[center][emoji=left wing size=1] [size=6][font=candara][b]QUEST COMPLETE![/b][/size] [emoji=right wing size=1] [size=4][url=]Love[/url] leveled up to [b]25![/b] [url=]Peach[/url] leveled up to [b]25![/b][/size] Completed in [b]1[/b] [i]day[/i] [b]1[/b] [i]hour[/i] [b]57[/b] [i]minutes[/i] [center][img][/img][/center]

Love leveled up to 25!
Peach leveled up to 25!

Completed in 1 day 1 hour 57 minutes

YbBLFmK.pngx xxxx ›› Vee

› he/him, 21+
› FR +2
› about & wishlist
coli/baldwin/exchange services for eggs