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TOPIC | [Wavecrest] Cloud Card Readings - CLOSED
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[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]oooooooooooo[/color] [nextcol][center][font=satisfy][size=7][color=#b3536e ]Open April 14 - 27[/color][/size][/font][/center] [br][font=mali][size=5]Welcome to Cloud Card Readings! We are a collective of readers across the Water Flight who have come together to offer our services all in one place. All of our readers have their own unique style of divination, so you are sure to find something to your liking. Please take a look below at our participating diviners and click their profile to be brought to their post. [/size][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooooooooooooo[/color] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][size=7][font=satisfy][color=#b3536e ] Diviners [/color][/font][/size][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [columns][color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]EnglishRose[/b][br][size=2][i]Open both weeks[/i][/size] [color=#97beed]• [/color] Tarot [color=#ffa3af]• [/color] Divination for dragons [br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooooo[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol][b]Seamists[/b][br][size=2][i]Open both weeks[/i][/size] [color=#97beed]• [/color] Tarot [color=#ffa3af]• [/color] Divination for dragons [br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]incrdibledoodler[/b][br][size=2][i]Open April 14 - 20[/i][/size] [color=#97beed]• [/color] Tarot [color=#ffa3af]• [/color] Oracle [color=#ffc2cf]• [/color] Divination for dragons [nextcol] [color=transparent]oo[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Finifer[/b][br][size=2][i]Open April 21 - 27[/i][/size] [color=#97beed]• [/color] Tarot [color=#ffa3af]• [/color] Onion Divination [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]sunfishe[/b][br][size=2][i]Open both weeks[/i][/size] [color=#97beed]• [/color] Tarot [color=#ffa3af]• [/color] Dice [color=#ffc2cf]• [/color] Pendulum [color=#ffb882]• [/color] Cartomancy [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooooooooooo[/color] [nextcol][br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [url=][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]MHeptoxide[/b][br][size=2][i]Open both weeks[/i][/size] [color=#97beed]• [/color] Tarot [color=#ffa3af]• [/color] Bone Throwing [color=#ffc2cf]• [/color] Pendulum [color=#ffb882]• [/color] Palmistry [color=#97beed]• [/color] Divination for dragons [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]ooo[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Haitham[/b][br][size=2][i]Open both weeks[/i][/size] [color=#97beed]• [/color] Tarot [br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][size=7][font=satisfy][color=#b3536e ] About This Event [/color][/font][/size][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]ooooooooo[/color] [nextcol][font=mali][size=5] [LIST] [*][font=mali][size=5]This event will run from April 14th - April 27th. [/size][/font] [*][font=mali][size=5]Not all diviners will be accepting orders for both weeks. Please see their above profiles for the weeks they are open.[/size][/font] [*][font=mali][size=5]Each Diviner has their own set price. If you're unsure about the price please feel free to ask for a quote![/size][/font] [*][font=mali][size=5]Please ping your diviner when you order as we are not subbed.[/size][/font] [*][font=mali][size=5]Once you receive confirmation from your diviner then you may send payment.[/size][/font] [*][font=mali][size=5]Please be patient! Our diviners are busy, and some may not be able to finish readings until after the event ends.[/size][/font] [/LIST] [/size][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]oooooooooo[/color] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol][color=transparent]oooooooooooooooooooo[/color] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][size=7][font=satisfy][color=#b3536e ] Badge [/color][/font][/size][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=mali][size=4]If you purchased a reading from any of our diviners during this event you can add this badge to your collection![/size][/font][/center] [center][img alt= "Wavecrest Saturnalia 2024 Cloud Card Readings Badge and Mascot"][/img][/center] [code][img alt= "Wavecrest Saturnalia 2024 Cloud Card Readings Badge and Mascot"][/img][/code] [center][font=satisfy][size=4]Thank you Ogord for making this![/size][/font][/center] [nextcol][color=transparent]oooooooooooooooooooo[/color] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]ooooooooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=satisfy][size=4]Disclaimer[/size][/font][/center] [center][font=mali][size=2]This event is for entertainment purposes only. In no way do we offer professional help or assistance of any kind. A divination reading is never a substitute for medical, psychological, financial, or legal counseling. Futures shift with every choice we make. Your reading may not remain relevant for an extended period of time.[/size][/font][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooooooooo[/color] [/columns]

Open April 14 - 27

Welcome to Cloud Card Readings! We are a collective of readers across the Water Flight who have come together to offer our services all in one place. All of our readers have their own unique style of divination, so you are sure to find something to your liking. Please take a look below at our participating diviners and click their profile to be brought to their post.


k2WxUwe.pngKI6msVv.pngk2WxUwe.png Diviners v4VcBuv.pngcpq5NRN.pngv4VcBuv.png

ooo Fanncy-avatar-border-top.png
Open both weeks
Divination for dragons

ooooo Fanncy-avatar-border-top.png
Open both weeks
Divination for dragons

Open April 14 - 20
Divination for dragons

oo wALFyB9.png
Open April 21 - 27
Onion Divination

ooo tNXcGxa.png
Open both weeks

Open both weeks
Bone Throwing
Divination for dragons
ooo y5EKYrV.png
Open both weeks


tumblr_osqe959pr91v8lm95o1_75sq.gif About This Event tumblr_osqe959pr91v8lm95o1_75sq.gif
  • This event will run from April 14th - April 27th.
  • Not all diviners will be accepting orders for both weeks. Please see their above profiles for the weeks they are open.
  • Each Diviner has their own set price. If you're unsure about the price please feel free to ask for a quote!
  • Please ping your diviner when you order as we are not subbed.
  • Once you receive confirmation from your diviner then you may send payment.
  • Please be patient! Our diviners are busy, and some may not be able to finish readings until after the event ends.
tumblr_osqe959pr91v8lm95o2_75sq.gif Badge tumblr_osqe959pr91v8lm95o2_75sq.gif
If you purchased a reading from any of our diviners during this event you can add this badge to your collection!
Wavecrest Saturnalia 2024 Cloud Card Readings Badge and Mascot
[img alt= "Wavecrest Saturnalia 2024 Cloud Card Readings Badge and Mascot"][/img]
Thank you Ogord for making this!

This event is for entertainment purposes only. In no way do we offer professional help or assistance of any kind. A divination reading is never a substitute for medical, psychological, financial, or legal counseling. Futures shift with every choice we make. Your reading may not remain relevant for an extended period of time.
[columns] [img][/img] [br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][img][/img][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=7][font=Satisfy][color=#b3536e ][i][b]What is Divination?[/b][/i][/color][/font][/size][/center] [font=mali][size=4]Divination:[/size][/font] [indent][i]noun.[/i][font=mali] 1. the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens, specific tools, or by the aid of supernatural powers. 2. The art of knowing that which cannot be known by empirical or rational means.[/font][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] Divination is a practice that has been part of human history for as long as there has been evidence of humanity. Divination is used for a variety of reasons. Most use it to get a glimpse into the future, but others have used it to uncover the unknown in the past and present. Divination is a very broad term as there are hundreds of different ways to divine. Below is a list of different forms of divination and a bit of info about them. The methods that are underlined are what are offered in this event by our diviners. [/size][/font] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=#84a7d1][u][b]Bones / Osteomancy[/b][/u][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]The practice of seeking insight through bones. A diviner can gain insight through the individual details of a bone, or through the act of throwing the bones and interpreting how they land. This is a method of divination that is found around the world and dates back to the prehistoric times.[/size][/font][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=e6a675][u][b]Dice Casting / Astragalomancy[/b][/u][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]The act of casting or throwing dice and interpreting the answer based on the numbers or symbols of the sides that show upright. It is assumed to have come from Ancient Greece, where sheep or goat knuckles were originally used as the dice.[/size][/font][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=#D05F6B][b]Oil Divination / Lecanomancy[/b][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]Lecanomancy is technically an umbrella term for using a basin of water for divination, but Oil Divination is a sub-type of Lecanomancy. This method is performed by pouring oil (traditionally olive oil) into a basin of water and interpreting the shapes that form and the movement of the oil in the water. The earliest known use of Oil Divination is in Ancient Babylonia.[/size][/font][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=#84a7d1][u][b]Onion Divination / Cromniomancy[/b][/u][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]A method of divination that interpreted the sprouting and growing behavior of planted onions. Interpreting the thickness of the skin and other details of the onion is also used. This method is historically performed across Europe, Africa, and Asia, though its origin is unknown.[/size][/font][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=#e6a675][u][b]Oracle[/b][/u][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]A type of card based divination (cartomancy). Although it follows similar structures to Tarot, Oracle decks are more free-form and have a more straightforward interpretation. They are often described as the positive cousin of tarot and are said to be easier to understand and navigate. Although Oracle as we know it today is fairly modern, a potential predecessor of it originated from 19th century Europe.[/size][/font][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=#D05F6B][u][b]Palmistry / Cheiromancy[/b][/u][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]The practice of fortune telling through the study of the palm of the hand. Although the origin is uncertain, it is presumed to have started in Ancient India.[/size][/font][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=#84a7d1][u][b]Pendulum / Pendulum Dowsing[/b][/u][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]The use of a weighted object hung on a chain or rope whose movements are interpreted for answering a question. It is a method that has been dated back to Ancient Greece, with the Pythia of Delphi having said to use this tool in her fortunetelling.[/size][/font][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=#e6a675][b]Playlist Divination / Shufflemancy[/b][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]The use of electronic media (typically music on a playlist) where one skips a certain number of songs and the lyrics, tune, or title of the song is the answer to your question. Assumed to have started in the early 21st century with the creation of the shuffle function in portable music players.[/size][/font][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=#D05F6B][u][b]Tarot[/b][/u][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]A popular form of card based divination (cartomancy) that uses a universal structure for interpretation. A tarot deck is made up of 78 cards (22 Major Arcana, 56 Minor Arcana) and uses established archetypes and meanings for each card to interpret answers to queries or questions. Tarot dates back to 15th century Italy where it originated as a card game, then quickly became a popular form of divination and a way to showcase art.[/size][/font] [indent][color=#D05F6B][font=mali][size=4][b][u]Major Arcana[/u][/b][/color] - [font=mali][size=4]The 22 named cards of a tarot deck. They represent the journey of the soul and life lessons. They use big archetypal themes that could be influencing things related to your query.[br][/size][/font] [color=#D05F6B][font=mali][size=4][b][u]Minor Arcana/Lesser Arcana[/u][/b][/size][/font][/color]- [font=mali][size=4]These are the 56 suit cards (Swords, Pentacles, Cups, Wands), with 10 pip cards (1-10) and 4 court cards (Page, Knight, King, Queen). These typically represent details and subtleties in a reading, day-to-day insights, or temporary influences and energies.[/size][/font][/indent][/indent] [font=mali][size=5] [img][/img][color=#84a7d1][b]Tea Leaf Reading / Tasseography[/b][/color][indent][font=mali][size=5]A method of divination that interprets the pattern of tea leaves left over in a cup after a person drinks it (coffee grounds and wine sediment are also used). The origin of tea leaf reading is unknown, but it has a long history as a divination method in Ancient China and the Middle East.[/size][/font][/indent] [/font] [nextcol] [img][/img] [br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][img][/img][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [img][/img] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=mali][size=4] Themed splash images, dividers, signatures, and decor created by lizzytiki, mertisal, InkedMyths, moonthegoon, Ogord, Bluedragon, brit Header and otter friend created by Ogord Coding template created by Dreamclaws Coding done by EnglishRose Organizaion of the event done by Seamists and EnglishRose Diviner profile frames created by [url=]Poisonedpaper[/url] and [url=]Paladingineer[/url] Pixel Roses created by [url=]BadboyJesus[/url] Animated pixel jars created by [url=]juunebugs[/url] Seashell Decorations by [url=]Eucyon[/url] [/size][/font] [center][font=mali][size=5]Big thanks to seamists for creating this event, doing behind-the-scenes work, and being willing to host it again![/size][/font][/center]


What is Divination?

1. the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens, specific tools, or by the aid of supernatural powers.
2. The art of knowing that which cannot be known by empirical or rational means.

Divination is a practice that has been part of human history for as long as there has been evidence of humanity. Divination is used for a variety of reasons. Most use it to get a glimpse into the future, but others have used it to uncover the unknown in the past and present. Divination is a very broad term as there are hundreds of different ways to divine. Below is a list of different forms of divination and a bit of info about them. The methods that are underlined are what are offered in this event by our diviners.

118.pngBones / Osteomancy
The practice of seeking insight through bones. A diviner can gain insight through the individual details of a bone, or through the act of throwing the bones and interpreting how they land. This is a method of divination that is found around the world and dates back to the prehistoric times.

118.pngDice Casting / Astragalomancy
The act of casting or throwing dice and interpreting the answer based on the numbers or symbols of the sides that show upright. It is assumed to have come from Ancient Greece, where sheep or goat knuckles were originally used as the dice.

118.pngOil Divination / Lecanomancy
Lecanomancy is technically an umbrella term for using a basin of water for divination, but Oil Divination is a sub-type of Lecanomancy. This method is performed by pouring oil (traditionally olive oil) into a basin of water and interpreting the shapes that form and the movement of the oil in the water. The earliest known use of Oil Divination is in Ancient Babylonia.

118.pngOnion Divination / Cromniomancy
A method of divination that interpreted the sprouting and growing behavior of planted onions. Interpreting the thickness of the skin and other details of the onion is also used. This method is historically performed across Europe, Africa, and Asia, though its origin is unknown.

A type of card based divination (cartomancy). Although it follows similar structures to Tarot, Oracle decks are more free-form and have a more straightforward interpretation. They are often described as the positive cousin of tarot and are said to be easier to understand and navigate. Although Oracle as we know it today is fairly modern, a potential predecessor of it originated from 19th century Europe.

118.pngPalmistry / Cheiromancy
The practice of fortune telling through the study of the palm of the hand. Although the origin is uncertain, it is presumed to have started in Ancient India.

118.pngPendulum / Pendulum Dowsing
The use of a weighted object hung on a chain or rope whose movements are interpreted for answering a question. It is a method that has been dated back to Ancient Greece, with the Pythia of Delphi having said to use this tool in her fortunetelling.

118.pngPlaylist Divination / Shufflemancy
The use of electronic media (typically music on a playlist) where one skips a certain number of songs and the lyrics, tune, or title of the song is the answer to your question. Assumed to have started in the early 21st century with the creation of the shuffle function in portable music players.

A popular form of card based divination (cartomancy) that uses a universal structure for interpretation. A tarot deck is made up of 78 cards (22 Major Arcana, 56 Minor Arcana) and uses established archetypes and meanings for each card to interpret answers to queries or questions. Tarot dates back to 15th century Italy where it originated as a card game, then quickly became a popular form of divination and a way to showcase art.
Major Arcana - The 22 named cards of a tarot deck. They represent the journey of the soul and life lessons. They use big archetypal themes that could be influencing things related to your query.

Minor Arcana/Lesser Arcana- These are the 56 suit cards (Swords, Pentacles, Cups, Wands), with 10 pip cards (1-10) and 4 court cards (Page, Knight, King, Queen). These typically represent details and subtleties in a reading, day-to-day insights, or temporary influences and energies.

118.pngTea Leaf Reading / Tasseography
A method of divination that interprets the pattern of tea leaves left over in a cup after a person drinks it (coffee grounds and wine sediment are also used). The origin of tea leaf reading is unknown, but it has a long history as a divination method in Ancient China and the Middle East.




Themed splash images, dividers, signatures, and decor created by lizzytiki, mertisal, InkedMyths, moonthegoon, Ogord, Bluedragon, brit

Header and otter friend created by Ogord

Coding template created by Dreamclaws

Coding done by EnglishRose

Organizaion of the event done by Seamists and EnglishRose

Diviner profile frames created by Poisonedpaper and Paladingineer

Pixel Roses created by BadboyJesus

Animated pixel jars created by juunebugs

Seashell Decorations by Eucyon

Big thanks to seamists for creating this event, doing behind-the-scenes work, and being willing to host it again!
[center][color=97beed]Please note: Responses will be slow 4/14 - 4/15 due to Life![/color][/center] [center][color=97beed]ONLINE [emoji=blue star size=1] [b][OFFLINE][/b][/color][/center] [url=][img alt="Crystal Pools Venue Banner"][/img][/url] [center] [url=][img alt="Pixie Procession Left"][/img][/url][color=97beed][font=Mistral][size=7]Star Searcher's Divination[/size][/font][/color][url=][img alt="Pixie Procession Right"][/img][/url] [url=][img alt="Seashell Drapes Simple Horizontal Divider"][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Perseid Big"][/img][/url][/center] [center] [url=][img alt="Rainy Day Vista White Clouds"][/img][/url][url=][img alt="Twilight Fireflies Vista Gif"][/img][/url][url=][img alt="Rainy Day Vista White Clouds"][/img][/url] [/center] [color=b3536e] [i]You stand before a yawning cave entrance decorated in colorful banners bearing the Water Flight's emblem. Inside, among glowing candles and crystals, you can see a handful of dragons wandering around and getting prepared--an Imperial dragon bringing potions to his cheerful mates, a flock of Veilspuns chattering as they hang paintings on the walls, and a Guardian who eyes you warily from her post. From all of the organized chaos, a Tundra dragon comes trotting out to meet you, his cape flying in the wind behind him as he stuffs various papers in his satchel. He slows his pace as he nears you, and you see he is clutching two decks of cards to his chest. "H-hello!" he says tentatively, "A-are--you must be here for a-a reading! This is my first Wavecrest Saturnalia, so we're still setting up the cave, but Mari said I should try to-to offer my divination to any visitors who come by! Are you interested at all?" He pulls out a periwinkle colored cloth and places the two purple-colored decks on it, bashfully awaiting your response.[/i] [/color] [url=][img alt="Scrying Workshop Banner"][/img][/url] [columns] [url=][img alt="Top Left Cloud"][/img][/url] [url=][img alt="Crystal Pools Circular Left"][/img][/url] [url=][img alt="Bottom Left Cloud"][/img][/url] [nextcol] [center][color=97beed][size=7][font=Mistral]Rules & Background Info[/font][/size][/center][/color] [color=97beed] - I will be using either the [url=][color=97beed][u]Star Seeker Tarot Deck[/color][/u][/url][/color] [center][color=97beed]OR[/color][/center] [color=97beed]the [url=][color=97beed][u]Star Seeker Oracle Deck[/color][/u][/url] upon request - I've been practicing divination since 2020, when I got my first deck! - [b]Readings are for dragons ONLY![/b] Thank you for your understanding! - 1 Reading per order - All readings will be discussed over PMs - [i]"What's with the bottom of the deck?"[/i] I read the card on the bottom of the deck as the overall theme/message of the spread as a whole, and frequently include it in readings. - [b][u]Disclaimer:[/u][/b] These readings are merely suggestions & advice and should not be viewed as requirements or demands - I reserve the right to decline any order requests for any reason [/color] [center][color=ffa3af][size=7][font=Mistral]Prices[/font][/size][/color] [color=ffa3af] [size=5][u]Tarot Reading:[/u][/size] 1 Card: 5k [emoji=treasure size=1] / 5 [emoji=gem size=1] 3 Card: 20k [emoji=treasure size=1] / 20 [emoji=gem size=1] [size=5][u]Oracle Reading:[/u][/size] 1 Card: 10k [emoji=treasure size=1] / 10 [emoji=gem size=1] 3 Card: 30k [emoji=treasure size=1] / 30 [emoji=gem size=1] [size=5][u]Bottom of the Deck:[/u][/size] Free with Order! [/color][/center] [nextcol] [url=][img alt="Top Right Cloud"][/img][/url] [url=][img alt="Crystal Pools Circular Right"][/img][/url] [url=][img alt="Bottom Right Cloud"][/img][/url] [/columns] [url=][img alt="Wavecrest Saturnalia 24 Horizontal Divider"][/img][/url] [columns] [url=][img alt="Wavecrest Saturnalia 24 Vertical Divider"][/img][/url] [nextcol] [center][color=ffb882][size=7][font=Mistral]Order Form:[/font][/size] [b]Send me a Private Message with the Info Below![/b][/color][/center] [color=ffb882] [b][size=4][u]Subject:[/u][/size][/b] WCS 2024 Cloud Card Readings [b][u]username:[/u][/b] [b][u]deck:[/u][/b] [i]tarot or oracle?[/i] [b][u]type of reading:[/u][/b] [i]how many cards?[/i] [b][u]dragon:[/u][/b] [i]what dragon do you want the reading for? feel free to include a picture![/i] [b][u]info (optional):[/u][/b] [i]a little bit about your dragon, if they have lore![/i] [b][u]question for the deck:[/u][/b] [i]what is the dragon looking for guidance on?[/i] [/color] [nextcol] [url=][img alt="Wavecrest Saturnalia 24 Vertical Divider"][/img][/url] [/columns] [url=][img alt="Wavecrest Saturnalia 24 Horizontal Divider"][/img][/url]
Please note: Responses will be slow 4/14 - 4/15 due to Life!

Crystal Pools Venue Banner
Pixie Procession LeftStar Searcher's DivinationPixie Procession Right
Seashell Drapes Simple Horizontal Divider
Perseid Big
Rainy Day Vista White CloudsTwilight Fireflies Vista GifRainy Day Vista White Clouds

You stand before a yawning cave entrance decorated in colorful banners bearing the Water Flight's emblem. Inside, among glowing candles and crystals, you can see a handful of dragons wandering around and getting prepared--an Imperial dragon bringing potions to his cheerful mates, a flock of Veilspuns chattering as they hang paintings on the walls, and a Guardian who eyes you warily from her post.

From all of the organized chaos, a Tundra dragon comes trotting out to meet you, his cape flying in the wind behind him as he stuffs various papers in his satchel. He slows his pace as he nears you, and you see he is clutching two decks of cards to his chest.

"H-hello!" he says tentatively, "A-are--you must be here for a-a reading! This is my first Wavecrest Saturnalia, so we're still setting up the cave, but Mari said I should try to-to offer my divination to any visitors who come by! Are you interested at all?" He pulls out a periwinkle colored cloth and places the two purple-colored decks on it, bashfully awaiting your response.

Scrying Workshop Banner
Top Left Cloud
Crystal Pools Circular Left
Bottom Left Cloud
Rules & Background Info

- I will be using either the Star Seeker Tarot Deck
the Star Seeker Oracle Deck upon request

- I've been practicing divination since 2020, when I got my first deck!

- Readings are for dragons ONLY! Thank you for your understanding!

- 1 Reading per order

- All readings will be discussed over PMs

- "What's with the bottom of the deck?"
I read the card on the bottom of the deck as the overall theme/message of the spread as a whole, and frequently include it in readings.

- Disclaimer: These readings are merely suggestions & advice and should not be viewed as requirements or demands

- I reserve the right to decline any order requests for any reason


Tarot Reading:
1 Card: 5k / 5
3 Card: 20k / 20

Oracle Reading:
1 Card: 10k / 10
3 Card: 30k / 30

Bottom of the Deck:
Free with Order!
Top Right Cloud
Crystal Pools Circular Right
Bottom Right Cloud
Wavecrest Saturnalia 24 Horizontal Divider
Wavecrest Saturnalia 24 Vertical Divider
Order Form:
Send me a Private Message with the Info Below!

Subject: WCS 2024 Cloud Card Readings

deck: tarot or oracle?
type of reading: how many cards?
dragon: what dragon do you want the reading for? feel free to include a picture!
info (optional): a little bit about your dragon, if they have lore!
question for the deck: what is the dragon looking for guidance on?
Wavecrest Saturnalia 24 Vertical Divider
Wavecrest Saturnalia 24 Horizontal Divider
this is my art
Pastel Shells Break
They/Them (Nonbinary flag) Fae/Faer (Nonbinary flag)
Trans (Trans flag) Avatar Dragon
Taken Water Flight
Wind/Water Gull Push 2024: Tuesday Exalt Badge
[center] [font=cochin][size=7]Fishy Fortunes[/size] [i][size=5]Open 4/14-4/27[/size][/i] [img][/img] [i][size=4]All you need to know, is you were born of water, you are made of water, you are living water.[/size][/i] [img][/img] [/center] [columns][color=transparent]ooooooooo[/color][url=][img][/img][/url][color=transparent]oooooo[/color][nextcol][font=monospace]hello & welcome to my fishy fortunes! my name is bubble, & i am my clan's diviner. i'm here to tell you all about our clan's Wavecrest Saturnalia divination booth![/font][nextcol][color=transparent]ooooooooo[/color][/columns] [center][font=cochin][size=7]Offerings[/size] [columns][color=transparent]ooooooooooooo[/color][nextcol] [center][font=cochin][size=5][b]Tarot Readings[/size][/b][/font] 1 card spread: 10kt 3 card spread: 25kt 5 card spread: 50kt other spreads: ask![/font] [font=cochin][size=5][b]Pendulum Readings[/size][/b][/font] 1 reading: 10kt 3 reading bundle: 25kt [font=cochin][size=5][b]Dice Reading[/size][/b][/font] 3 dice reading: 30kt [font=cochin][size=5][b]Cartomancy Readings[/size][/b][/font] 1 card reading: 15kt 3 card reading: 25kt 5 card reading: 50kt *I will also take payments in gems or fodder. [nextcol][color=transparent]oooooooooooo[/color][img][/img][/columns][center][i][font=mono][/i] [font=cochin][size=7]More About my Practice[/size][/font] [img][/img] [columns] [color=transparent]oooo[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]oooo[/color] [nextcol][center] I have been performing Tarot and Pendulum readings for roughly 7 years. Cartomancy and dice readings are newer practices, which I've picked up in the last 2-3 years. While I love divination, it has always been a hobby. I never recommend that anybody takes their reading too seriously. I perform Tarot readings with the Star Spinner deck, and I will include photos of your spread with your reading. Most readings will be past/present/future(/reason/potential) unless otherwise requested. I use an amethyst pendulum, which I perform over a grid of seashells and rocks that I have found along the coast of Lake Michigan and the Atlantic. For cartomancy and dice readings, I use a classic approach to the practices, while also incorporating my own knowledge of Jewish Numerology in readings. So if my takeaway from a reading is different from what you expect, this may be the reason. My religion impacts all of my divination, and if this makes you uncomfortable I recommend you utilize somebody else's stall! [font=cochin][size=7]Shop Notes[/size][/font] Readings will be delivered either here on the thread, or in PMs. I take payments in gems as well, with a conversion rate of 1g:1kt. I will also take leveled fodder, please inquire for more info! I reserve the right to decline certain questions if they seem beyond my breadth. This will most likely be the case if a question does not fit the format of a reading (ie; an open ended question for my Pendulum) or if it seems to big/serious of a question. [nextcol] [color=transparent]oooo[/color][img][/img][color=transparent]oooo[/color][/columns] [img][/img] [font=cochin][size=7]Order Form[/size][/font][/center] [columns][color=transparent]ooooooo[/color][img][/img][nextcol] [quote] @sunfishe I would like a reading! [b]Divination Type:[/b] Tarot / Dice / Pendulum / Cartomancy [b]Type of Reading:[/b] One / Three / Five [b]Payment:[/b] Treasure / Gems / Fodder [b]Query:[/b] (Feel free to send in DMs with payment) [b]Where should I post your reading?[/b] DMs / in thread [b]Notes:[/b] [/quote] [nextcol][img][/img][color=transparent]ooooooo[/color] [/columns] [center][font=cochin][size=7]Credits[/size][/font] [url=]Chanzlyn: Animated dividers[/url] [url=]Poisonedpaper: All other decorations[/url] [img][/img] [/center]
Fishy Fortunes
Open 4/14-4/27

All you need to know,
is you were born of water,
you are made of water,
you are living water.


ooooooooo80774300.pngoooooo hello & welcome to my fishy fortunes! my name is bubble, & i am my clan's diviner. i'm here to tell you all about our clan's Wavecrest Saturnalia divination booth! ooooooooo

Tarot Readings
1 card spread: 10kt
3 card spread: 25kt
5 card spread: 50kt
other spreads: ask!

Pendulum Readings
1 reading: 10kt
3 reading bundle: 25kt

Dice Reading
3 dice reading: 30kt

Cartomancy Readings
1 card reading: 15kt
3 card reading: 25kt
5 card reading: 50kt

*I will also take payments in gems or fodder.

More About my Practice

I have been performing Tarot and Pendulum readings for roughly 7 years. Cartomancy and dice readings are newer practices, which I've picked up in the last 2-3 years. While I love divination, it has always been a hobby. I never recommend that anybody takes their reading too seriously.

I perform Tarot readings with the Star Spinner deck, and I will include photos of your spread with your reading. Most readings will be past/present/future(/reason/potential) unless otherwise requested.

I use an amethyst pendulum, which I perform over a grid of seashells and rocks that I have found along the coast of Lake Michigan and the Atlantic.

For cartomancy and dice readings, I use a classic approach to the practices, while also incorporating my own knowledge of Jewish Numerology in readings. So if my takeaway from a reading is different from what you expect, this may be the reason. My religion impacts all of my divination, and if this makes you uncomfortable I recommend you utilize somebody else's stall!

Shop Notes

Readings will be delivered either here on the thread, or in PMs.

I take payments in gems as well, with a conversion rate of 1g:1kt. I will also take leveled fodder, please inquire for more info!

I reserve the right to decline certain questions if they seem beyond my breadth. This will most likely be the case if a question does not fit the format of a reading (ie; an open ended question for my Pendulum) or if it seems to big/serious of a question.


Order Form
@sunfishe I would like a reading!
Divination Type: Tarot / Dice / Pendulum / Cartomancy
Type of Reading: One / Three / Five
Payment: Treasure / Gems / Fodder
Query: (Feel free to send in DMs with payment)
Where should I post your reading? DMs / in thread
[center][font=Satisfy][size=5]Online[emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][b][Offline][/b] [/size][/font][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#846AA0][font=satisfy][size=7][b]Ra's Feathered Fortunes[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [columns][color=transparent]ooooooooooooooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=mali][size=4]As you walk down the lanes of cloudy stalls, you notice a small tent draped in silks in the purple colors of dusk. As you enter, you hear the gentle ringing of wind chimes. The tent smells lightly of the sea on a frosty winter morning. As you approach the feathered dragon before you, he looks up.[br] [color=#C381AC][i]Oh! A customer! Welcome![/i][/color] His voice rings bright like the chimes and as you get closer the smell becomes slightly stronger. [color=#C381AC][i]You must be here for a tarot reading. Here, have a seat.[/i][/color] The dragon points to a soft cushion at the table in front of you. As you settle into the plush seat, the dragon pours you a cup of tea and pulls out a shimmering tarot deck. [color=#C381AC][i]Now, where would you like to begin?[/i][/color] [/size][/font][/center] [nextcol][color=transparent]ooooooooooooooo[/color] [/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#7F337D][font=satisfy][size=7][b]About Me[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/columns] [center][font=mali][size=4] Welcome! My name is Rose, I've been reading tarot for about 4 years. I've spent a lot of time studying the history of tarot and its archetypes, but tend to lean on intuition for my interpretations. For this year's Wavecrest Saturnalia I'll be reading tarot for people and dragons. I will have a few decks for you to choose from so please peruse. If you want to know more about a certain deck and my relationship with it please feel free to message me.[/size][/font][/center] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#7F337D][font=satisfy][size=7][b]What to Expect[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]oooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=mali][size=5]Choose your type of reading, pick your deck, and fill out the order form! Once I confirm with you the fun begins![/size][/font][/center] [indent][font=mali][size=5] [emoji=cloud size=1] Readings for players will be in 1, 3, and 5 card spreads. [emoji=cloud size=1] Readings for dragons will be 1 and 3 card spreads. [emoji=cloud size=1] Dragons readings are specifically meant to focus on lore or potential lore for you dragon, you may include info or pre-existing lore for your dragon if you want it to influence the interpretation, or you can leave it up to the cards! [emoji=cloud size=1] 1 card dragon readings will always be a Major Arcana card and focuses on the interpretation of the archetype. [emoji=cloud size=1] 3 card dragon readings will focus on past, present, and future for the dragon. [/size][/font][/indent] [nextcol] [color=transparent]oooo[/color] [/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#7F337D][font=satisfy][size=7][b]Rules[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]ooooo[/color] [nextcol][font=mali][size=5] [emoji=cloud size=1] Please post your order form in the thread. If you wish your query to be between us, wait to send it to me with your payment in a PM until after I confirm your order in the thread. [emoji=cloud size=1] Once I have confirmed your order in the thread please send me a private message with the total payment and (if applicable) your query [emoji=cloud size=1] You may post an order when I am offline, just expect a longer wait for a confirmation. [emoji=cloud size=1] Please specify which tarot deck you want your reading to be done, if you want me to choose write [i]Diviner's Choice[/i]. Orders that do no specify the deck or Diviner's Choice will not be accepted. [emoji=cloud size=1] 1 reading per order per post. You may place multiple orders separately, but please be aware that it may increase your wait time. I must confirm each order before payment is sent. [emoji=cloud size=1] Dragons must be owned by / in the lair of the person paying for the reading [emoji=cloud size=1] I will not accept queries regarding romance, family planning, or celebrities (applies to dragon and player). [emoji=cloud size=1] Please specify in your order whether you want your reading posted in the forum or privately in a PM. [emoji=cloud size=1] Orders will take on average 24-48 hours, but could take up to 1 week. Timeframes for orders that will exceed 48hrs will be communicated about with the player. [emoji=cloud size=1] I have the right to refuse any order I do not feel comfortable with.[/size][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooooo[/color] [/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#7F337D][font=satisfy][size=7][b]Prices[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]ooooooooooooooooo[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=mali][size=5][u]Dragon Readings[/u][/size][/font] [indent][indent][left][font=mali][size=4]1 Card: 8kt | 8g[br] 3 Cards: 24kt | 24g[/size][/font][/left][/indent][/indent] [center][font=mali][size=5][u]Player Readings[/u][/size][/font][/center] [indent][indent][left][font=mali][size=4]1 Card: 10kt | 10g[br] 3 Cards: 30kt | 25g[br] 5 Cards: 50kt | 45g[br] 5+ Cards: 20kt | 15g per additional card[br](example spreads: horseshoe, Celtic cross, horoscope wheel, tree of life)[/size][/font][/left][/indent][/indent] [/center] [nextcol][color=transparent]ooooooooooooooo[/color] [/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#7F337D][font=satisfy][size=7][b]The Decks[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/columns] [center][font=mali]There will be two categories of decks. Decks for players, and decks for dragons. Please choose from the category based on what type of reading you are getting[br](Reading for yourself: choose from Player Decks. Reading for your dragon: choose from Dragon Decks).[/font][/center] [columns][emoji=cloud size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=cloud size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=cloud size=1] [nextcol] [center][color=#7F337D][font=monospace][size=6][b]Player Decks[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][size=4][font=mali][color=#7F6498][b][u]The Reigning Rouge[/u][/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/center] [font=mali]A deck inspired by nature and the occult. The Reigning Rouge uses different animals and other parts of nature to convey the story of the tarot. I personally find this deck very intense in that if you are not serious about taking action from the insight it gives you, it will not take your query seriously. Bossy would be a good word for it. I definitely get matronly vibes from it, in a tough love type of way. [/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][size=4][font=mali][color=#7F6498][b][u]The Children of Litha[/u][/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/center][font=mali] This deck was created to explore humankind's relationship with nature, and was heavily influenced by ancient cross-cultural mythologies. This is one of my favorite decks. It has always given me the feeling of about to open up a thick hardcover book with an epic fantasy story between its pages. I am still new to working with it, but I can tell it is excited to be read for others. [/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][size=4][font=mali][color=#7F6498][b][u]The Unfolding Path Tarot[/u][/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/center][font=mali] This deck was created to realistically reflect the world around us, while at the same time holding a mystical touch. The creator's intention was to make a deck that felt like an old friend. Joy is the first word that comes to mind with this deck. This deck is happy, joyful, and a social butterfly. It is excited to read for others and loves giving readings to others. [/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][size=4][font=mali][color=#7F6498][b][u]Tarot Vintage[/u][/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/center][font=mali] Tarot vintage is the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith pictorial deck. The design was intentionally stained to give a historical feel. To be honest I have not spent much time with this deck, so I don't know it's vibes well. However, other RWS decks I have worked with have always given me grumpy or even miffed vibes. The RWS style is a very old type of tarot, so these decks can be like crotchety old men. [/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol][emoji=cloud size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=cloud size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=cloud size=1] [nextcol] [center][color=#7F337D][font=monospace][size=6][b]Dragon Decks[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][size=4][font=mali][color=#7F6498][b][u]Gold Foil Tarot[/u][/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/center][font=mali] This is a traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck done in gold foil card stock. It is meant to look luxurious and fancy; perfect for a dragon horde. Like other RWS decks, this deck is like a crotchety and melancholy old man. RWS is an old and classic type of tarot that has been around for a long time, so decks made with the RWS imagery tend to feel a little grumpy. This deck will still give you a fair reading, he might just grumble about it while doing it. [/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][size=4][font=mali][color=#7F6498][b][u]The Spheres of Heaven Tarot[/u][/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/center][font=mali] This deck is actually for a card game that uses a tarot deck. The creators drew from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the Marseille deck, Judaic Kabbalah, and esoteric lore to explore the deep roots of the archetypes and symbolism in tarot. This deck is further unique as there are two additional Major Arcana Cards (The Tree and The Abyss) and Judgement was replace with The Gate. This deck is young and sleepy. It is almost childlike in how it is playful in its readings. It can be finicky to read with because of how young it is and because it is still waking up being a newly conceptualized deck. However, it is a sweet and well meaning deck. [/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [nextcol][emoji=cloud size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=cloud size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=cloud size=1] [/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#7F337D][font=satisfy][size=7][b]Order Form[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/columns] [code] [quote=Order Form][font=mali][size=4] @EnglishRose | I would like a reading! [b]Username:[/b] [b]This Reading is for:[/b] Me OR My Dragon (please link the dragon) [b]Dragon Info:[/b] (if applicable) [b]Deck:[/b] Deck Name OR Diviner's Choice [b]Type of Reading:[/b] 1, 3, or 5 card spread (five+ card spreads are only for players. Additional Cards is 25kt/20g per card) [b]Currency:[/b] (treasure or gems) [b]Query:[/b] (optional: send in a PM after order is confirmed) [b]Send me my reading via:[/b] PM or Cloud Card Readings Thread [/size][/font][/quote] [/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Ra's Feathered Fortunes
As you walk down the lanes of cloudy stalls, you notice a small tent draped in silks in the purple colors of dusk. As you enter, you hear the gentle ringing of wind chimes. The tent smells lightly of the sea on a frosty winter morning. As you approach the feathered dragon before you, he looks up.

Oh! A customer! Welcome! His voice rings bright like the chimes and as you get closer the smell becomes slightly stronger. You must be here for a tarot reading. Here, have a seat. The dragon points to a soft cushion at the table in front of you. As you settle into the plush seat, the dragon pours you a cup of tea and pulls out a shimmering tarot deck. Now, where would you like to begin?

About Me

Welcome! My name is Rose, I've been reading tarot for about 4 years. I've spent a lot of time studying the history of tarot and its archetypes, but tend to lean on intuition for my interpretations. For this year's Wavecrest Saturnalia I'll be reading tarot for people and dragons.

I will have a few decks for you to choose from so please peruse. If you want to know more about a certain deck and my relationship with it please feel free to message me.

What to Expect
Choose your type of reading, pick your deck, and fill out the order form! Once I confirm with you the fun begins!

Readings for players will be in 1, 3, and 5 card spreads.
Readings for dragons will be 1 and 3 card spreads.
Dragons readings are specifically meant to focus on lore or potential lore for you dragon, you may include info or pre-existing lore for your dragon if you want it to influence the interpretation, or you can leave it up to the cards!
1 card dragon readings will always be a Major Arcana card and focuses on the interpretation of the archetype.
3 card dragon readings will focus on past, present, and future for the dragon.

Please post your order form in the thread. If you wish your query to be between us, wait to send it to me with your payment in a PM until after I confirm your order in the thread.

Once I have confirmed your order in the thread please send me a private message with the total payment and (if applicable) your query

You may post an order when I am offline, just expect a longer wait for a confirmation.

Please specify which tarot deck you want your reading to be done, if you want me to choose write Diviner's Choice. Orders that do no specify the deck or Diviner's Choice will not be accepted.

1 reading per order per post. You may place multiple orders separately, but please be aware that it may increase your wait time. I must confirm each order before payment is sent.

Dragons must be owned by / in the lair of the person paying for the reading

I will not accept queries regarding romance, family planning, or celebrities (applies to dragon and player).

Please specify in your order whether you want your reading posted in the forum or privately in a PM.

Orders will take on average 24-48 hours, but could take up to 1 week. Timeframes for orders that will exceed 48hrs will be communicated about with the player.

I have the right to refuse any order I do not feel comfortable with.

Dragon Readings
1 Card: 8kt | 8g

3 Cards: 24kt | 24g
Player Readings
1 Card: 10kt | 10g

3 Cards: 30kt | 25g

5 Cards: 50kt | 45g

5+ Cards: 20kt | 15g per additional card
(example spreads: horseshoe, Celtic cross, horoscope wheel, tree of life)
The Decks
There will be two categories of decks. Decks for players, and decks for dragons. Please choose from the category based on what type of reading you are getting
(Reading for yourself: choose from Player Decks. Reading for your dragon: choose from Dragon Decks).


Player Decks

A deck inspired by nature and the occult. The Reigning Rouge uses different animals and other parts of nature to convey the story of the tarot.

I personally find this deck very intense in that if you are not serious about taking action from the insight it gives you, it will not take your query seriously. Bossy would be a good word for it. I definitely get matronly vibes from it, in a tough love type of way.

This deck was created to explore humankind's relationship with nature, and was heavily influenced by ancient cross-cultural mythologies.

This is one of my favorite decks. It has always given me the feeling of about to open up a thick hardcover book with an epic fantasy story between its pages. I am still new to working with it, but I can tell it is excited to be read for others.

This deck was created to realistically reflect the world around us, while at the same time holding a mystical touch. The creator's intention was to make a deck that felt like an old friend.

Joy is the first word that comes to mind with this deck. This deck is happy, joyful, and a social butterfly. It is excited to read for others and loves giving readings to others.

Tarot vintage is the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith pictorial deck. The design was intentionally stained to give a historical feel.

To be honest I have not spent much time with this deck, so I don't know it's vibes well. However, other RWS decks I have worked with have always given me grumpy or even miffed vibes. The RWS style is a very old type of tarot, so these decks can be like crotchety old men.


Dragon Decks

This is a traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck done in gold foil card stock. It is meant to look luxurious and fancy; perfect for a dragon horde.

Like other RWS decks, this deck is like a crotchety and melancholy old man. RWS is an old and classic type of tarot that has been around for a long time, so decks made with the RWS imagery tend to feel a little grumpy. This deck will still give you a fair reading, he might just grumble about it while doing it.

This deck is actually for a card game that uses a tarot deck. The creators drew from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the Marseille deck, Judaic Kabbalah, and esoteric lore to explore the deep roots of the archetypes and symbolism in tarot. This deck is further unique as there are two additional Major Arcana Cards (The Tree and The Abyss) and Judgement was replace with The Gate.

This deck is young and sleepy. It is almost childlike in how it is playful in its readings. It can be finicky to read with because of how young it is and because it is still waking up being a newly conceptualized deck. However, it is a sweet and well meaning deck.



Order Form

[quote=Order Form][font=mali][size=4] @EnglishRose | I would like a reading! [b]Username:[/b] [b]This Reading is for:[/b] Me OR My Dragon (please link the dragon) [b]Dragon Info:[/b] (if applicable) [b]Deck:[/b] Deck Name OR Diviner's Choice [b]Type of Reading:[/b] 1, 3, or 5 card spread (five+ card spreads are only for players. Additional Cards is 25kt/20g per card) [b]Currency:[/b] (treasure or gems) [b]Query:[/b] (optional: send in a PM after order is confirmed) [b]Send me my reading via:[/b] PM or Cloud Card Readings Thread [/size][/font][/quote]
[center][size=6][font=cochin][i][b]Whispers from the Abyss[/b][/i][/font][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]oooooooooooo[/color] [nextcol] [font=monospace]The dragons who train under the Prophet Kintsukuroi are known for their ability to divine uncertain futures. Step into their caves and hear what the future has in store![/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]ooooooooooooo[/color] [/columns] [center][font = Cochin][size=6][i][b]Rules, Types and Cost[/i][/b][/size][/font][/center] I have been personally reading futures for over 20 years, having been taught by my family as a child. The Aquarian Tarot is actually an heirloom. I will try to get to your order as soon as possible, and I will not accept the payment until you get yours. [font=monospace][size=5]Tarot[/font][/size] [LIST] [*]15kt/g for the first card, 5kt/g for every one drawn after. [*] Up to seven cards. [*]Dragon readings are one to three cards, starting at 10kt/g + 5kt/g per additional card. [*] I accept all questions within Flight Rising's TOS. [*] Please fill in the form and then send me your query and payment via PM once confirmed. [/LIST] The decks are either the Aquarian Tarot, Flora Tarot, or the Tarot of the Abyss. [font=monospace][size=5]Bones[/font][/size] [LIST] [*] I have one set of bones. That is what will be thrown. [*] They are all ethical (no human or endangered species) and well preserved. [*] 30g/kt for players and dragons. They're a difficult method to interpret, which is why they're the most expensive. [*] I accept all questions within Flight Rising's TOS. [*] Please fill in the form and then send me your query and payment via PM once confirmed. [/LIST] [font=monospace][size=5]Pendulum[/font][/size] [LIST] [*] 5kt/g per question. [*] Feel free to ask follow up questions. [*] The board I use has Yes, No, Rephrase, and Uncertain. [*] I accept all questions within Flight Rising's TOS. [*] Please fill in the form and then send me your query and payment via PM once confirmed. [/LIST] [font=monospace][size=5]Palmistry[/font][/size] [LIST] [*]This method requires Discord for image sending. [*] Fill out the form and my discord will be provided with the confirmation. [*] This method is only for humans. [*] 20kt/g [*] Please fill in the form and then send me your query and payment via PM once confirmed [/LIST] [center][font = Cochin][size=6][i][b]Order Forms[/i][/b][/size][/font][/center] [quote]Type: Tarot Deck: Aquarian / Flora / Abyss Number of Cards: For a dragon?: Provide link, otherwise leave blank Payment Type: Gems / Treasure Username: @MHeptoxide [/quote] [quote]Type: Bones For a dragon?: Provide link, otherwise leave blank Payment Type: Gems / Treasure Username: @MHeptoxide [/quote] [quote]Type: Pendulum Number of Questions: For a dragon?: Provide link, otherwise leave blank Payment Type: Gems / Treasure Username: @MHeptoxide [/quote] [quote]Type: Palmistry Dominant Hand: Do you wear hand jewelry?: Payment Type: Gems / Treasure Username: @MHeptoxide [/quote] [center][img][/img][/center]
Whispers from the Abyss


The dragons who train under the Prophet Kintsukuroi are known for their ability to divine uncertain futures. Step into their caves and hear what the future has in store!
Rules, Types and Cost
I have been personally reading futures for over 20 years, having been taught by my family as a child. The Aquarian Tarot is actually an heirloom.

I will try to get to your order as soon as possible, and I will not accept the payment until you get yours.
  • 15kt/g for the first card, 5kt/g for every one drawn after.
  • Up to seven cards.
  • Dragon readings are one to three cards, starting at 10kt/g + 5kt/g per additional card.
  • I accept all questions within Flight Rising's TOS.
  • Please fill in the form and then send me your query and payment via PM once confirmed.
The decks are either the Aquarian Tarot, Flora Tarot, or the Tarot of the Abyss.

  • I have one set of bones. That is what will be thrown.
  • They are all ethical (no human or endangered species) and well preserved.
  • 30g/kt for players and dragons. They're a difficult method to interpret, which is why they're the most expensive.
  • I accept all questions within Flight Rising's TOS.
  • Please fill in the form and then send me your query and payment via PM once confirmed.

  • 5kt/g per question.
  • Feel free to ask follow up questions.
  • The board I use has Yes, No, Rephrase, and Uncertain.
  • I accept all questions within Flight Rising's TOS.
  • Please fill in the form and then send me your query and payment via PM once confirmed.

  • This method requires Discord for image sending.
  • Fill out the form and my discord will be provided with the confirmation.
  • This method is only for humans.
  • 20kt/g
  • Please fill in the form and then send me your query and payment via PM once confirmed
Order Forms
Type: Tarot
Deck: Aquarian / Flora / Abyss
Number of Cards:
For a dragon?: Provide link, otherwise leave blank
Payment Type: Gems / Treasure

Type: Bones
For a dragon?: Provide link, otherwise leave blank
Payment Type: Gems / Treasure

Type: Pendulum
Number of Questions:
For a dragon?: Provide link, otherwise leave blank
Payment Type: Gems / Treasure

Type: Palmistry
Dominant Hand:
Do you wear hand jewelry?:
Payment Type: Gems / Treasure


Certified Ridgeback Aficionado (pm me pretty ridgies please i beg)

Status: open & active

I am fairly new to divination and mostly do it for pondering myself and using it as a tool for self improvement.

Tarot I have two decks, which both lean to being spooky in art. They are either direct or a bit more obfuscated in their meanings.

The Marigold tarot deck by Amrit Barr/13th Press. It features gold and white lines on black backgrounds and all skeletal figures and Punjabi imagery.

Catacomb's end by Coey Kuhn. Almost monochrome in nature with black, white, grey, and splashes of silver this deck is the spookier of the two. While not graphic I do not recommend this to anyone who is not a fan of the macabre.

Tarot prices:
1 card 12kt/g
3 card 30kt/g


There are many types of onion divination, my method is growing onions and divining my answers based on how lively they sprout, a quicker and greener sprout means a more positive/favorable answer. Whereas if the growth is slow and weak i feel it’s more negative in nature. It’s a bit of a binary from an enthusiastic yes to a more absolutely not for an answer. I personally mark the onion with a ruin and or thread. And watch it while it grows.

While a yes/no may not be the most existing interpretation I tend to use this for question I tend to use it for matters that the degree of success is important or how well something will go.

Onion slots 2/10 available. Order time has extended but know results will come in after the end of wavecrest. (Roughly 5 days from order).

onion pricing 15kt/g.

For both Onion and Tarot I will not take requests that involve: family planning, relationships, or celebrities. I also hold the right to reject any request.

Order forms
Deck: Marigold or Catacomb's End
Spread: 1 or 3 cards
Method of Communication: Post or PM
Query: (if PM just mention PM and I will respond via PM to PM requests).

Method of Communication:
Query: (if PM just mention PM if PM I will respond via PM).

(My post looks plain mostly I’m on mobile and I find bbc coding difficult in mobile).
Status: open & active

I am fairly new to divination and mostly do it for pondering myself and using it as a tool for self improvement.

Tarot I have two decks, which both lean to being spooky in art. They are either direct or a bit more obfuscated in their meanings.

The Marigold tarot deck by Amrit Barr/13th Press. It features gold and white lines on black backgrounds and all skeletal figures and Punjabi imagery.

Catacomb's end by Coey Kuhn. Almost monochrome in nature with black, white, grey, and splashes of silver this deck is the spookier of the two. While not graphic I do not recommend this to anyone who is not a fan of the macabre.

Tarot prices:
1 card 12kt/g
3 card 30kt/g


There are many types of onion divination, my method is growing onions and divining my answers based on how lively they sprout, a quicker and greener sprout means a more positive/favorable answer. Whereas if the growth is slow and weak i feel it’s more negative in nature. It’s a bit of a binary from an enthusiastic yes to a more absolutely not for an answer. I personally mark the onion with a ruin and or thread. And watch it while it grows.

While a yes/no may not be the most existing interpretation I tend to use this for question I tend to use it for matters that the degree of success is important or how well something will go.

Onion slots 2/10 available. Order time has extended but know results will come in after the end of wavecrest. (Roughly 5 days from order).

onion pricing 15kt/g.

For both Onion and Tarot I will not take requests that involve: family planning, relationships, or celebrities. I also hold the right to reject any request.

Order forms
Deck: Marigold or Catacomb's End
Spread: 1 or 3 cards
Method of Communication: Post or PM
Query: (if PM just mention PM and I will respond via PM to PM requests).

Method of Communication:
Query: (if PM just mention PM if PM I will respond via PM).

(My post looks plain mostly I’m on mobile and I find bbc coding difficult in mobile).
[center][size=7][color=blue][font=Baskerville Old Face]Tidelord's Prophecies[/font][/color][/size][/center] [b]Tarot Reading![/b] In honor of the festival I will be doing 3 card tarot readings. Each card can be assigned a question, or I will read for a "past, present, future" array. I am comfortable reading for you, the person, or your dragon characters as I find it insightful in both ways. Please let me know what your preferences are when you order! [font=Baskerville Old Face][color=blue][size=5]Prices[/font][/color][/size] 3 card reading: 30kt or 20g More than 3 cards: 30kt + 2kt for each additional card or 20g + 1g for each additional card [img][/img] [font=Baskerville Old Face][color=blue][size=5]How does it work?[/font][/color][/size] I will pull 3 cards. You are welcome to specify a question or a topic for each card or I can default to a Past/Present/Future outlook! I will post which cards and my thorough interpretation for them in a post or a PM, whatever your preference. [font=Baskerville Old Face][color=blue][size=6] Ping me and I will get back to you as soon as I can![/font][/color][/size] [code]Order Form: @haitham Type of Reading (3 card or something else): Type of Payment (gems or treasure): Where the reading should go (PM or forum post): Link to your dragon (if you're asking for a dragon reading it helps me to see it!): What each card should mean: [/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] Albrecht the Fortune Teller (he/him) List: Solune - Reading sent Reithya - Sent, paid
Tidelord's Prophecies

Tarot Reading!

In honor of the festival I will be doing 3 card tarot readings. Each card can be assigned a question, or I will read for a "past, present, future" array. I am comfortable reading for you, the person, or your dragon characters as I find it insightful in both ways. Please let me know what your preferences are when you order!

3 card reading: 30kt or 20g
More than 3 cards: 30kt + 2kt for each additional card or 20g + 1g for each additional card


How does it work?

I will pull 3 cards. You are welcome to specify a question or a topic for each card or I can default to a Past/Present/Future outlook! I will post which cards and my thorough interpretation for them in a post or a PM, whatever your preference.

Ping me and I will get back to you as soon as I can!
Order Form: @haitham Type of Reading (3 card or something else): Type of Payment (gems or treasure): Where the reading should go (PM or forum post): Link to your dragon (if you're asking for a dragon reading it helps me to see it!): What each card should mean:
Albrecht the Fortune Teller (he/him)

Solune - Reading sent
Reithya - Sent, paid
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][font=Satisfy][size=5][b][Online][/b] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] Offline [/size][/font][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#b3536e][font=satisfy][size=7][b]Sireana’s Soothsaying Services[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][font=Mali][size=4]As you wander the stalls and tents the Water Flight has so delicately placed atop clouds, you see a tent tucked away in a quiet corner. Intrigued, you approach. As you do, you notice the tent seems to fade in and out of the clouds. A few steps closer reveals this effect is cleverly achieved with an array of soft pink, orange and blue star silks that perfectly mimic the clouds movements in the wind. Something pulls at you and you enter. You are surprised to find that, despite its pastel exterior, the inside is dark. Incense fills the air with a soft haze and the scent of lotus and jasmine tickles your nose. As your eyes adjust, you notice a bogsneak wearing a skull and draped in golden beads seated atop a pile of cushions at the back of the tent. She appears to be sleeping. As you approach, her eyes snap open. Their swirling depths remind you of the Spiral Keep. “Come to seek your fortune, have you?” She moves ever so slightly, beads clinking, revealing a set of decks beside her. “Come. Sit. Be comfortable. I will see what the cards have in store for you.”[/size][/font][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#b3536e][font=Satisfy][size=6][b]About Me[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][font=Mali][size=4]Welcome to my lovely divination booth! You may call me Sea or Seamists. I’ve been reading tarot for about 8 years now, but it’s only been in the past couple of years that I’ve begun reading for others. While I know the archetypes of the traditional tarot well, I prefer to use my intuition to read the cards regardless of deck. For this year’s Wavecrest Saturnalia, I’ll be offering readings for players and their dragons alike. I have a few decks you may choose from, so feel free to take your time and choose the one that calls to you most. If you’d like to know more about the deck or how I work with it, please feel free to contact me.[/size][/font][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#b3536e][font=Satisfy][size=6][b]What To Expect[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][font=Mali][size=4]Choose your reading, a deck, and fill out the order form! Simple as that. I will confirm with you before starting the reading.[/size][/font][/center] [font=Mali][size=4][emoji=cloud size=1] Readings for players are available in 1, 3, or 5 card spreads ONLY. [emoji=cloud size=1] Readings for dragons are available in 1 or 3 cards. [emoji=cloud size=1] Dragons readings are meant to focus on lore for your dragon. Feel free to include any information or pre-existing lore if you want it to influence the interpretation. Or, you can choose to let the cards decide! [emoji=cloud size=1] 1-card dragon readings will always use the Major Arcana and the Court Cards, with a focus on archetypes and overarching themes. [emoji=cloud size=1] 3-card dragon readings will focus on a dragon’s past, present, and future.[/size][/font] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#b3536e][font=Satisfy][size=6][b]Rules[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [font=Mali][size=4][emoji=cloud size=1] All order forms should be posted in the thread. If you have a query you wish to remain between us/private, wait to send it to me in a PM after I confirm your order in the thread. [emoji=cloud size=1] You may order while I’m offline; just expect a delay in confirmation. [emoji=cloud size=1] Once I’ve confirmed your order in the thread, please send me a private message with the total payment and your query (if applicable). [emoji=cloud size=1] Please specify which deck you would like me to use in your order form. If you want me to choose, please write [i]Reader’s Choice[/i]. Orders that do not specify a deck or Reader’s Choice will be ignored. [emoji=cloud size=1] 1 order per post, please. I am one person. Doing this will help me keep things organized so I can fulfill orders in a timely manner. [emoji=cloud size=1] Please specify whether you want your reading posted in the thread or sent privately through PM. [emoji=cloud size=1] Orders will take 24-48 hours on average, but may take longer depending on demand. If I expect longer wait times, I will let the player(s) know. [emoji=cloud size=1] I will not be doing readings on romance, family planning, marriage, or celebrities. [emoji=cloud size=1] I have the right to refuse any order I do not feel comfortable with.[/size][/font] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#b3536e][font=Satisfy][size=6][b]Prices[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][font=Mali][size=4][u]Dragon Readings[/u] 1 card: 8kt | 8g 3 card: 25kt | 25g [u]Player Readings[/u] 1 card: 10kt | 10g 3 card: 30kt | 30g 5 card: 50kt | 50g 5+ card: 50kt | 50g + 10g per additional card[/size][/font][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#b3536e][font=Satisfy][size=6][b]The Decks[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [columns][color=transparent]ooooo[/color] [nextcol] [quote= Cirque du Tarot] [url=]Cirque du Tarot[/url] A deck inspired by the circus. The art is whimsical and journeys through different acts representing the elements. This deck tends to be soft-spoken and dreamlike in its messages. Its strength lies in advising you gently, but allowing you room to grow and learn. Don’t mistake its soft demeanor though! It will definitely provide you with insight into your situation, even if those things you do not want to confront. [/quote] [quote=The Weaver Journeyer] [url=]The Weaver Journeyer[/url] This deck is meant to capture the feeling of dreams and cloudy skies. Ephemeral and ever-changing, the art reflects a variety of animals, flora, and crystals found on earth, tied symbolically to each card. I call this deck my ‘dawn’ deck. It perfectly captures the moment when the sun is coming up and lights the sky a soft pink and yellow, just past the blue hour. That in-between place where you’re not yet fully awake, but no longer asleep either. It does particularly well with dreams, both the kind you have at night and the kind also called ‘goals.’ [/quote] [quote=Phantasma Tarot] [url=]Phantasma Tarot[/url] Phantasma is meant to capture the feelings of daydreams. It’s a little bit weird, a bit kooky, but all around a fun place to explore. Like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but with fewer murderous queens. I have worked a little with this deck and from what I gather, it loves helping people find growth and healing. Like the others, it is a soothing deck, but also offers comfort to anyone hurting. If you need a gentle nudge rather than a blunt read, this deck is perfect! [/quote] [nextcol][color=transparent]ooooooo[/color] [nextcol] [quote=White Sage Tarot] [url=]White Sage Tarot[/url] This tarot is best summed up as cute. Painted watercolors lend a soft touch to the art and the animals are rendered in likeness to their real life counterparts with the addition of fun little outfits! White Sage wants nothing more than to provide a warm hug, a blanket, and maybe even a warm drink to whomever happens its way. This deck wants you to rest and stay awhile, with a focus on self-care and healing. [/quote] [quote=The Loaf Tarot] [url=]The Loaf Tarot[/url] The Loaf Tarot combines artists from around the globe to create a unique deck celebrating the biodiversity of our planet in loaf form! Initially funded on Kickstarter, you’re sure to spot some of your favorite animals and maybe even ones you haven’t met yet! Admittedly, I haven’t worked much with this deck, but the colors and art styles lend themselves to fun and excitement. The energy seems very playful, so overall I think this deck is social and would love nothing more than to read for others! [/quote] [br][br][br][br][br][br][br] [nextcol][color=transparent]ooooo[/color] [/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#b3536e][font=Satisfy][size=6][b]Order Form[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [code] [quote=Order Form][font=mali][size=4] @seamists | I would like a reading! [b]Username:[/b] [b]This Reading is for:[/b] Me OR My Dragon (please link the dragon) [b]Dragon Info:[/b] (if applicable) [b]Deck:[/b] Deck Name OR Reader's Choice [b]Type of Reading:[/b] 1, 3, or 5 card spread (5+ card spreads are only for players. Additional Cards are 10kt/10g per card) [b]Currency:[/b] (treasure or gems) [b]Query:[/b] (optional: send in a PM after order is confirmed) [b]Send me my reading via:[/b] PM or Cloud Card Readings Thread [/size][/font][/quote] [/code] [center][img][/img] Thank you to the lovely EnglishRose for helping with all the coding, including this post! Your work is greatly appreciated! [emoji=heart size=1][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

[Online] Offline

Sireana’s Soothsaying Services
As you wander the stalls and tents the Water Flight has so delicately placed atop clouds, you see a tent tucked away in a quiet corner. Intrigued, you approach. As you do, you notice the tent seems to fade in and out of the clouds. A few steps closer reveals this effect is cleverly achieved with an array of soft pink, orange and blue star silks that perfectly mimic the clouds movements in the wind.

Something pulls at you and you enter. You are surprised to find that, despite its pastel exterior, the inside is dark. Incense fills the air with a soft haze and the scent of lotus and jasmine tickles your nose. As your eyes adjust, you notice a bogsneak wearing a skull and draped in golden beads seated atop a pile of cushions at the back of the tent. She appears to be sleeping.

As you approach, her eyes snap open. Their swirling depths remind you of the Spiral Keep. “Come to seek your fortune, have you?”

She moves ever so slightly, beads clinking, revealing a set of decks beside her. “Come. Sit. Be comfortable. I will see what the cards have in store for you.”
About Me
Welcome to my lovely divination booth! You may call me Sea or Seamists. I’ve been reading tarot for about 8 years now, but it’s only been in the past couple of years that I’ve begun reading for others. While I know the archetypes of the traditional tarot well, I prefer to use my intuition to read the cards regardless of deck. For this year’s Wavecrest Saturnalia, I’ll be offering readings for players and their dragons alike.

I have a few decks you may choose from, so feel free to take your time and choose the one that calls to you most. If you’d like to know more about the deck or how I work with it, please feel free to contact me.

What To Expect
Choose your reading, a deck, and fill out the order form! Simple as that. I will confirm with you before starting the reading.

Readings for players are available in 1, 3, or 5 card spreads ONLY.

Readings for dragons are available in 1 or 3 cards.

Dragons readings are meant to focus on lore for your dragon. Feel free to include any information or pre-existing lore if you want it to influence the interpretation. Or, you can choose to let the cards decide!

1-card dragon readings will always use the Major Arcana and the Court Cards, with a focus on archetypes and overarching themes.

3-card dragon readings will focus on a dragon’s past, present, and future.


All order forms should be posted in the thread. If you have a query you wish to remain between us/private, wait to send it to me in a PM after I confirm your order in the thread.

You may order while I’m offline; just expect a delay in confirmation.

Once I’ve confirmed your order in the thread, please send me a private message with the total payment and your query (if applicable).

Please specify which deck you would like me to use in your order form. If you want me to choose, please write Reader’s Choice. Orders that do not specify a deck or Reader’s Choice will be ignored.

1 order per post, please. I am one person. Doing this will help me keep things organized so I can fulfill orders in a timely manner.

Please specify whether you want your reading posted in the thread or sent privately through PM.

Orders will take 24-48 hours on average, but may take longer depending on demand. If I expect longer wait times, I will let the player(s) know.

I will not be doing readings on romance, family planning, marriage, or celebrities.

I have the right to refuse any order I do not feel comfortable with.

Dragon Readings
1 card: 8kt | 8g
3 card: 25kt | 25g

Player Readings
1 card: 10kt | 10g
3 card: 30kt | 30g
5 card: 50kt | 50g
5+ card: 50kt | 50g + 10g per additional card

The Decks
Cirque du Tarot wrote:
Cirque du Tarot

A deck inspired by the circus. The art is whimsical and journeys through different acts representing the elements.

This deck tends to be soft-spoken and dreamlike in its messages. Its strength lies in advising you gently, but allowing you room to grow and learn. Don’t mistake its soft demeanor though! It will definitely provide you with insight into your situation, even if those things you do not want to confront.
The Weaver Journeyer wrote:
The Weaver Journeyer

This deck is meant to capture the feeling of dreams and cloudy skies. Ephemeral and ever-changing, the art reflects a variety of animals, flora, and crystals found on earth, tied symbolically to each card.

I call this deck my ‘dawn’ deck. It perfectly captures the moment when the sun is coming up and lights the sky a soft pink and yellow, just past the blue hour. That in-between place where you’re not yet fully awake, but no longer asleep either. It does particularly well with dreams, both the kind you have at night and the kind also called ‘goals.’
Phantasma Tarot wrote:
Phantasma Tarot

Phantasma is meant to capture the feelings of daydreams. It’s a little bit weird, a bit kooky, but all around a fun place to explore. Like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but with fewer murderous queens.

I have worked a little with this deck and from what I gather, it loves helping people find growth and healing. Like the others, it is a soothing deck, but also offers comfort to anyone hurting. If you need a gentle nudge rather than a blunt read, this deck is perfect!
White Sage Tarot wrote:
White Sage Tarot

This tarot is best summed up as cute. Painted watercolors lend a soft touch to the art and the animals are rendered in likeness to their real life counterparts with the addition of fun little outfits!

White Sage wants nothing more than to provide a warm hug, a blanket, and maybe even a warm drink to whomever happens its way. This deck wants you to rest and stay awhile, with a focus on self-care and healing.
The Loaf Tarot wrote:
The Loaf Tarot

The Loaf Tarot combines artists from around the globe to create a unique deck celebrating the biodiversity of our planet in loaf form! Initially funded on Kickstarter, you’re sure to spot some of your favorite animals and maybe even ones you haven’t met yet!

Admittedly, I haven’t worked much with this deck, but the colors and art styles lend themselves to fun and excitement. The energy seems very playful, so overall I think this deck is social and would love nothing more than to read for others!


Order Form
[quote=Order Form][font=mali][size=4] @seamists | I would like a reading! [b]Username:[/b] [b]This Reading is for:[/b] Me OR My Dragon (please link the dragon) [b]Dragon Info:[/b] (if applicable) [b]Deck:[/b] Deck Name OR Reader's Choice [b]Type of Reading:[/b] 1, 3, or 5 card spread (5+ card spreads are only for players. Additional Cards are 10kt/10g per card) [b]Currency:[/b] (treasure or gems) [b]Query:[/b] (optional: send in a PM after order is confirmed) [b]Send me my reading via:[/b] PM or Cloud Card Readings Thread [/size][/font][/quote]
Thank you to the lovely EnglishRose for helping with all the coding, including this post! Your work is greatly appreciated!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 11 12