
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | [S] Flax's Services (Coli)
[center][img][/img][/center] [b]Need money and materials for big plans so I'm searching for and offering services (WIP)! [/b] I may pause or stop services at any time, in that case I’ll try to finish, refund or compensate for work done. [b]Timezone +9 (0:30 - 15:00 FR Time)[/b] [size=4][b][url=][emoji=sword size=1] COLISEUM[/url] [url=][emoji=cauldron size=1] BALDWIN[/url] [url=][emoji=blue star size=1] MISC[/b][/size][/url]

Need money and materials for big plans so I'm searching for and offering services (WIP)!

I may pause or stop services at any time, in that case I’ll try to finish, refund or compensate for work done.

Timezone +9 (0:30 - 15:00 FR Time)




[b][/b][center][size=6][b][u]COLISEUM[/u][/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img] [emoji=coliseum team size=1] [size=4][i][b]OFFERING: Dragon Leveling[/b][/i][/size] [emoji=coliseum team size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][color=green][b]Open[/b][/color][/size] | [size=1][color=red][i][s]Closed[/s][/i][/color][/size][/center] [u]Overview:[/u] [img][/img] Leveling goes up to 25. [img][/img] Turnaround time is reserved with max. ~2 weeks for a full 1-25, can be faster (just making sure with changing work hours). [img][/img] No stats or stones will be added or removed (and the dragon should have none - important!). [img][/img] 1/2 will be paid when you send the dragon(s), the rest when I send them back. [img][/img] Finished dragons will be sent via CR for 1 day, after that they’ll be offered in a PA with the remaining payment as their price for 7 days. Please accept in that time frame. After 7 days, the dragon gets put into my Hibden and eventually sold. [img][/img] In case I’m unable to complete the order, I will only charge the amount of levels already done/refund to that amount. [img][/img] Special loot I collect (eggs, elim) while leveling can be bought for 50% off LAH, specify which category of item you’d want me to keep track of. I will give a [b]5%[/b] discount to repeat orders and [b]10%[/b] for bulk orders of 6+ dragons! Both discounts stack for [b]15%[/b] if repeat and bulk. [u][b][color=red]Fodder Bulk:[/color][/b] of 10+ dragons leveled to LVL 7 is 5kT/5g per dragon.[/u] (discount does not apply, same day training for higher amounts of dragons not guaranteed, 50 dragons max.) [u][b]Currently only leveling up to 15.[/b][/u] Prices [emoji=treasure size=1] / [emoji=gem size=1]: [columns][size=4][b]1-10 : 15kT / 15g 11 : 25kT / 25g 12 : 35kT / 35g 13 : 45kT / 45g 14 : 55kT / 55g 15 : 65kT / 65g [s]16 : 75kT / 75g 17 : 85kT / 85g[/s][/b][/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]………………….[/color][nextcol] [size=4][b][s]18 : 95kT / 95g 19 : 105kT / 105g 20 : 125kT / 125g 21 : 145kT / 145g 22 : 165kT / 165g 23 : 185kT / 185g 24 : 215kT / 215g 25 : 250kT / 250g[/s][/b][/size] [/columns] Subtract current level from desired level for specific pricing. [emoji=old parchment size=1] Order form: [quote]Level (from-to): How many dragons: Preferred Currency: Repeat order?: [/quote] [center][img][/img] [emoji=coliseum team size=1] [size=4][i][b]OFFERING: Battle Loot[/b][/i][/size] [emoji=coliseum team size=1] [img][/img] [size=5][color=green][b]Open[/b][/color][/size] | [size=1][color=red][i][s]Closed[/s][/i][/color][/size][/center] [u]Overview:[/u] [img][/img] 50kT / 50g per 100 battles in any venue up to Mire. [img][/img] 70kT / 70g per 100 battles for every higher venue. [img][/img] Min. order 100 battles, max. order 500. Once I’m done, order can be immediately repeated though! [img][/img] For this I also accept items, preferably festival ones pre-‘22 (apparel, skins/accents) [size=1]wishlist for specific items not done yet[/size]. [img][/img] Please send payment after I accept the order with a 2-Way CR (loot will be added for return, more in subsequent CRs). [quote]No. of battles: Venue(s): Payment (T, g, etc.): [/quote]


OFFERING: Dragon Leveling


Open | Closed


WsjAyDb.gif Leveling goes up to 25.

WsjAyDb.gif Turnaround time is reserved with max. ~2 weeks for a full 1-25, can be faster (just making sure with changing work hours).

WsjAyDb.gif No stats or stones will be added or removed (and the dragon should have none - important!).

WsjAyDb.gif 1/2 will be paid when you send the dragon(s), the rest when I send them back.

WsjAyDb.gif Finished dragons will be sent via CR for 1 day, after that they’ll be offered in a PA with the remaining payment as their price for 7 days. Please accept in that time frame. After 7 days, the dragon gets put into my Hibden and eventually sold.

WsjAyDb.gif In case I’m unable to complete the order, I will only charge the amount of levels already done/refund to that amount.

WsjAyDb.gif Special loot I collect (eggs, elim) while leveling can be bought for 50% off LAH, specify which category of item you’d want me to keep track of.

I will give a 5% discount to repeat orders and 10% for bulk orders of 6+ dragons! Both discounts stack for 15% if repeat and bulk.

Fodder Bulk: of 10+ dragons leveled to LVL 7 is 5kT/5g per dragon.
(discount does not apply, same day training for higher amounts of dragons not guaranteed, 50 dragons max.)

Currently only leveling up to 15.

Prices / :

1-10 : 15kT / 15g

11 : 25kT / 25g

12 : 35kT / 35g

13 : 45kT / 45g

14 : 55kT / 55g

15 : 65kT / 65g

16 : 75kT / 75g

17 : 85kT / 85g
…………………. 18 : 95kT / 95g

19 : 105kT / 105g

20 : 125kT / 125g

21 : 145kT / 145g

22 : 165kT / 165g

23 : 185kT / 185g

24 : 215kT / 215g

25 : 250kT / 250g

Subtract current level from desired level for specific pricing.

Order form:

Level (from-to):
How many dragons:
Preferred Currency:
Repeat order?:


OFFERING: Battle Loot


Open | Closed


WsjAyDb.gif 50kT / 50g per 100 battles in any venue up to Mire.

WsjAyDb.gif 70kT / 70g per 100 battles for every higher venue.

WsjAyDb.gif Min. order 100 battles, max. order 500. Once I’m done, order can be immediately repeated though!

WsjAyDb.gif For this I also accept items, preferably festival ones pre-‘22 (apparel, skins/accents) wishlist for specific items not done yet.

WsjAyDb.gif Please send payment after I accept the order with a 2-Way CR (loot will be added for return, more in subsequent CRs).

No. of battles:
Payment (T, g, etc.):
[center][size=6][b][u]BALDWIN[/u][/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [size=4][i][b]SEARCHING: Baldwin Transmuters[/b][/i][/size] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [img][/img] [size=1][color=green][i][s]Open[/s][/i][/color][/size] | [size=5][color=red][b]Closed[/b][/color][/size] [img][/img] [size=4][b]I pay [emoji=treasure size=1] / [emoji=gem size=1] 180kT / 180g per full stack 90kT / 90g per half stack (single item = 1.8kT)[/b][/size] [img][/img][/center] [u]Overview:[/u] [img][/img] Expected full stack transmuting time is a month. [img][/img] 2-Way or PM for all materials and specify the currency wanted. [img][/img] I pay per item, incomplete stacks will still be compensated. [img][/img] Cauldron is free to use for people transmuting for me.


SEARCHING: Baldwin Transmuters


Open | Closed


I pay /
180kT / 180g per full stack
90kT / 90g per half stack
(single item = 1.8kT)



6CPymVS.gif Expected full stack transmuting time is a month.

6CPymVS.gif 2-Way or PM for all materials and specify the currency wanted.

6CPymVS.gif I pay per item, incomplete stacks will still be compensated.

6CPymVS.gif Cauldron is free to use for people transmuting for me.
[center][size=6][b][u]MISC[/u][/b][/size] [emoji=wing size=1] [size=4][i][b]OFFERING: Variety of Dragons[/b][/i][/size] [emoji=wing size=1] [url=]Please see this tab for all dragons available[/url] [emoji=money bag size=1] [size=4][i][b][s]OFFERING: Dom Shop[/s][/b][/i][/size] [emoji=money bag size=1] [/center]

OFFERING: Variety of Dragons

Please see this tab for all dragons available


[center][img][/img] (Still searching for Baldwin Melters and offering Dom Shop for the whole duration)[/center]

(Still searching for Baldwin Melters and offering Dom Shop for the whole duration)
Hello, I would like:

2x breed change Aether
1x primary gene Flaunt Aether
1x secondary gene Blaze Aether


May I send a pm to you?
Hello, I would like:

2x breed change Aether
1x primary gene Flaunt Aether
1x secondary gene Blaze Aether


May I send a pm to you?
Sure thing! :)
Sure thing! :)
Hi! Could you pick up a Vial of Rare Sight for me please? c:
Hi! Could you pick up a Vial of Rare Sight for me please? c:
Grey cat holding Wind Flight banner, by squidragon #48487
Sure, that's 85kT!
Sure, that's 85kT!