Devourer’s Cavern
Grocery Store
Grocery Store
• Closed for Hiatus
Welcome to Devourer’s Cavern, a simple grocery delivery store for dragon clans to purchase food points and feed dragons for cheap! Food Items will be miscellaneous. Food is not for reselling.
Unit price: 20
per food point.

50 food points for 1k
or 1

We accept mixed payment!
Food packages will be delivered to you at your lair via two-way CR.

Out of stock!

Out of stock!

Out of stock!

Out of stock!
Store Helpers
@darkflames | @DiamondRuby | @Boundary
If you are interested in becoming a helper, please message me!
Store Status
• Online means the store is open for orders and delivery.
• Busy means the store is open for orders but might be expecting slower delivery.
• Offline means the store is taking orders but will not deliver any food packages until online.
• Closed means the store is not accepting orders (fully restocking/on hiatus).
___________________________________________________________________________• Busy means the store is open for orders but might be expecting slower delivery.
• Offline means the store is taking orders but will not deliver any food packages until online.
• Closed means the store is not accepting orders (fully restocking/on hiatus).
*fp = food point(s)
**For any questions, comments, inquiries, or problems: feel free to message me!