
Items For Sale

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currently booked im afraid
currently booked im afraid
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I'm open!

I'm open!

I would love to sign up as a Melter! My cauldron is open at almost anytime. It is also level 9.

I would love to sign up as a Melter! My cauldron is open at almost anytime. It is also level 9.
@biqua @Brains @ChaoticGood @cosmoknight @DeathSpecter @eener9lilly @LehLora @luckgandor @Metallokinetic @NocturneAlley @Provest @Alohomora @EmpressKyuuna @birdfairy @VoxxVoleur @ThorneticFawn @anhbon921 @Morhighana, @Decarnad, @CandyMaple

I'm looking for cauldrons for transmuting, as many as I can get. I will most likely pay in gems, which I have around 30 of. Ping/PM me if you're open :D
@biqua @Brains @ChaoticGood @cosmoknight @DeathSpecter @eener9lilly @LehLora @luckgandor @Metallokinetic @NocturneAlley @Provest @Alohomora @EmpressKyuuna @birdfairy @VoxxVoleur @ThorneticFawn @anhbon921 @Morhighana, @Decarnad, @CandyMaple

I'm looking for cauldrons for transmuting, as many as I can get. I will most likely pay in gems, which I have around 30 of. Ping/PM me if you're open :D
@GrimMistress I am currently online and open.
@GrimMistress I am currently online and open.

Great, sending an item over~

Great, sending an item over~
@GrimMistress ,

I'm currently open. :3 And I'm online most of the time.
@GrimMistress ,

I'm currently open. :3 And I'm online most of the time.
tumblr_ofnu6e5o9v1vfu9p0o1_250.png Dream Dragon tumblr_ofnu6e5o9v1vfu9p0o1_250.png
I'm open~
I'm open~
more space
@EmpressKyuuna, @LehLora

Sending ^^
@EmpressKyuuna, @LehLora

Sending ^^
If you still need someone let me know, I'm open. ^^
If you still need someone let me know, I'm open. ^^
FR +2
she/they sidhe/fae
1 2 ... 62 63 64 65 66 ... 425 426