
Items For Sale

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TOPIC | Pupu's DOM shop! [OFFLINE]
1 2 ... 62 63 64 65 66 ... 69 70

We are open!

We are open!
@MaanisPupu - can I get a copy of runes, please - and season's greetings!
@MaanisPupu - can I get a copy of runes, please - and season's greetings!
tumblr_p0t667bKDV1tddvg0o4_r1_100.png tumblr_p0t667bKDV1tddvg0o2_r2_400.png tumblr_p0t667bKDV1tddvg0o3_r1_100.png
@MaanisPupu moro, saisko yhen savannahin ja yhen jaguarin? :D
@MaanisPupu moro, saisko yhen savannahin ja yhen jaguarin? :D
Of course! :) Runes would be 161,500 treasure. And happy holidays to you too! :D

Heissan! Tottahan toki, se tekisi 238,000 treasurea. c:
Of course! :) Runes would be 161,500 treasure. And happy holidays to you too! :D

Heissan! Tottahan toki, se tekisi 238,000 treasurea. c:
@MaanisPupu jess laitan tulee :)
@MaanisPupu jess laitan tulee :)
@MaanisPupu heey there could you maybe get me this bundle? :3 [img][/img]
heey there could you maybe get me this bundle? :3

IMG-2180.png -—--tumblr_pelod6tOrq1tv56zio8_100.png —- -» Accents
—- -» Dragons
—- --» Art

Deadpan Jester's? Sure that would be 64,600 treasure. c:

Deadpan Jester's? Sure that would be 64,600 treasure. c:
Thank you! Sending the money ^^
Thank you! Sending the money ^^
IMG-2180.png -—--tumblr_pelod6tOrq1tv56zio8_100.png —- -» Accents
—- -» Dragons
—- --» Art
@MaanisPupu May I get an animated statue vista and the solar flame collar, wing ribbons, and tail ribbons please?
@MaanisPupu May I get an animated statue vista and the solar flame collar, wing ribbons, and tail ribbons please?

Sure! :)
Vista is 212,500 treasure and apparels would be 11,900 treasure each. ^^
That would be 248,200 treasure total if my math is right.

Sure! :)
Vista is 212,500 treasure and apparels would be 11,900 treasure each. ^^
That would be 248,200 treasure total if my math is right.
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