[Multigaze G1] Soren's Scatter Adventure

MaanisPupu's Clan
The one and only Maanis.
Clan Info
Will visit here from time to time...
27 y/o Finnish lady who likes to spend her free time by playing games. I adore bunnies a lot.
I collect these c:
*Malevolent Spirit (finally got one!)
*Disoriented Spirit
*Moar armors
*Moar bunnies
*Disoriented Spirit
*Moar armors
*Moar bunnies
Recent Comments

Izabelle was on the front page! She's so damn cool, her outfit is lovely!

Enoch was on the front page!

Helios was on the front page!

just wanted to drop by and tell you that eddie is ADORABLE!

Hallucination was on the front page!

I see you with those OFF dragons~

Saw your JackOfTheGreen on the front page :3 he looks awesome

Yep. Thanks! I think Patton and Captain are cool :)

I love bunnies too!

Tumang oli karannu etusivulle tuijottamaan, joten tulin ilmottamaan karkulaisesta. :D Hienoja lohikäärmeitä sulla! Ransu on kyl erityisen symppis. xD

Haha I have yet to beat it!

Rayman was featured dragon! Um, he's fantastic?? ✨👌😭
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