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TOPIC | HIATUS Lair Reviews/Bios/Writing
I got some unexpected free time today, so go ahead and send over the treasure and I'll get working on your bios :)
I got some unexpected free time today, so go ahead and send over the treasure and I'll get working on your bios :)
Here you go! Beelzebub has such great colors, he was a lucky hatch indeed! Don't worry about paying for this, consider it a birthday present ^^

And what do you dream about at night? Nevermind, I'll see for myself.

Every dragon has their secret fears, locked away in the depths of their psyche to emerge only in nightmares. Some are merely suffering what's thrown up by their unconscious mind, but others have Beelzebub to thank for it. He's capable of entering the mind of a dragon as they sleep and devouring their dreams, leaving nothing behind but nightmares to plague them as he slips away. Because of his odd method of sustenance, Beelzebub needs to eat and sleep very little compared to most dragons, the dreams he eats providing him with the benefits of both. He could, if he so chose, subsist like a normal dragon, and give up dreams, but why should he do that when they're so much sweeter? What are a few hours of fearful nightmares, especially when he doesn't have to suffer them, whose memories will fade in the morning anyway?

Beelzebub prefers mostly nocturnal habits, doing what bit of sleeping he does in the midday when the sun is highest and brightest, and preferring to spend his days deep inside the clan's lair, where it's dug into the rock and the only light is artificial. He sees perfectly in the dark, his luminous eyes flashing eerily even when there's no light to reflect, but bright sunlight is somewhat painful to him. He sometimes look like a dream himself, his dark and light colors reducing themselves to the play of shadows against slivers of moonbeams when he stands still and concentrates on not being seen. The patterns on his wings draw the eye, almost compelling them to keep following each curve and line. They even seem to move when the viewer isn't focusing on them. They can put a dragon into a suggestible state, and when Beelzebub “suggests” that they haven't seen him here, that perhaps they ought to lie down and sleep, they generally do so.

Well suited for infiltration, Beelzebub sometimes consents to be sent to other lairs while every occupant is asleep, sometimes lulled to it if necessary. Although he's not a great fighter, he can still leave a lair in disarray. All he has to do is devour the sweet dreams of the occupants, no hardship for himself, and leave them to toss and turn all night in the grip of the nightmares he left behind. They'll be left restless, hollow eyed, and jumping at shadows the next morning, leaving them vulnerable. Whether the unnamed clan wants an advantage over them in battle, or in more subtle negotiations, Beelzebub provides it. However, he generally demands plenty of assurance that there won't be any danger to him, and that he has several safe routes in and out, as he's loath to risk his skin if things go awry.

For someone who feeds on happy dreams, Beelzebub himself hasn't absorbed any of their sweetness. He's quite the opposite in fact, cynical, sharp tongued and sarcastic. Dreams are very personal, and he has an unsettling habit of knowing more about one whose dreams he's devoured than they'd like, with no qualms in using that knowledge as verbal ammunition against them. Many dragons have felt the sting of his tongue when he mocked some hope or crush that they thought was private. He feels perfectly entitled to eat the dreams of whoever he pleases, since if they had stronger minds they'd be able to keep him out. Some few dragons of the clan are, in fact, able to keep him from doing so, among them Jeanne, Uriel, and the Queen of Crows. He regards them with a mixture of wariness and respect that he shows to few others, taking care not to cross them.

But I do wish you sweet dreams, really. They taste so much better.
Here you go! Beelzebub has such great colors, he was a lucky hatch indeed! Don't worry about paying for this, consider it a birthday present ^^

And what do you dream about at night? Nevermind, I'll see for myself.

Every dragon has their secret fears, locked away in the depths of their psyche to emerge only in nightmares. Some are merely suffering what's thrown up by their unconscious mind, but others have Beelzebub to thank for it. He's capable of entering the mind of a dragon as they sleep and devouring their dreams, leaving nothing behind but nightmares to plague them as he slips away. Because of his odd method of sustenance, Beelzebub needs to eat and sleep very little compared to most dragons, the dreams he eats providing him with the benefits of both. He could, if he so chose, subsist like a normal dragon, and give up dreams, but why should he do that when they're so much sweeter? What are a few hours of fearful nightmares, especially when he doesn't have to suffer them, whose memories will fade in the morning anyway?

Beelzebub prefers mostly nocturnal habits, doing what bit of sleeping he does in the midday when the sun is highest and brightest, and preferring to spend his days deep inside the clan's lair, where it's dug into the rock and the only light is artificial. He sees perfectly in the dark, his luminous eyes flashing eerily even when there's no light to reflect, but bright sunlight is somewhat painful to him. He sometimes look like a dream himself, his dark and light colors reducing themselves to the play of shadows against slivers of moonbeams when he stands still and concentrates on not being seen. The patterns on his wings draw the eye, almost compelling them to keep following each curve and line. They even seem to move when the viewer isn't focusing on them. They can put a dragon into a suggestible state, and when Beelzebub “suggests” that they haven't seen him here, that perhaps they ought to lie down and sleep, they generally do so.

Well suited for infiltration, Beelzebub sometimes consents to be sent to other lairs while every occupant is asleep, sometimes lulled to it if necessary. Although he's not a great fighter, he can still leave a lair in disarray. All he has to do is devour the sweet dreams of the occupants, no hardship for himself, and leave them to toss and turn all night in the grip of the nightmares he left behind. They'll be left restless, hollow eyed, and jumping at shadows the next morning, leaving them vulnerable. Whether the unnamed clan wants an advantage over them in battle, or in more subtle negotiations, Beelzebub provides it. However, he generally demands plenty of assurance that there won't be any danger to him, and that he has several safe routes in and out, as he's loath to risk his skin if things go awry.

For someone who feeds on happy dreams, Beelzebub himself hasn't absorbed any of their sweetness. He's quite the opposite in fact, cynical, sharp tongued and sarcastic. Dreams are very personal, and he has an unsettling habit of knowing more about one whose dreams he's devoured than they'd like, with no qualms in using that knowledge as verbal ammunition against them. Many dragons have felt the sting of his tongue when he mocked some hope or crush that they thought was private. He feels perfectly entitled to eat the dreams of whoever he pleases, since if they had stronger minds they'd be able to keep him out. Some few dragons of the clan are, in fact, able to keep him from doing so, among them Jeanne, Uriel, and the Queen of Crows. He regards them with a mixture of wariness and respect that he shows to few others, taking care not to cross them.

But I do wish you sweet dreams, really. They taste so much better.
Here are your bios! They got a little long even for long bios, your dragons are just very inspiring ^^ I wanted to emphasize what an inseparable pair they are, so their bios have mirrored elements, both in their stories and the items I picked to represent them. I hope you like them!
Here are your bios! They got a little long even for long bios, your dragons are just very inspiring ^^ I wanted to emphasize what an inseparable pair they are, so their bios have mirrored elements, both in their stories and the items I picked to represent them. I hope you like them!

Link to Dragon: aimless
Bio Length: short!
Information to be Included: he's the chief familiar-bonder of the clan, but planning on handing the reins over to his trainee (i haven't decided who that's going to be yet, just... NAME GOES HERE, u no). he's a naturalist and explorer. he wanders all over the place, taking notes and classifying beastclans, plants, animals, etc. he's got some sort of dragon anxiety disorder & is very high-strung. he's very close with gibelotte
Extras: none! his bio's thoroughly formatted, i just need text to put in the thing.

Link to Dragon: gibelotte
Bio Length: short !
Information to be Included: gibelotte is a beauty - she's incredibly comfortable in her skin. she doesn't do a whole lot around the clan - she sleeps badly, and has attention problems, and is generally kind of dreamy/a dreamer. she follows aimless around when he leaves the clan's area, and helps him carry his ten million bags of "just in case" supplies, and calms him down a lot, and is generally just a deterrent for the various beastclans that might think a single skydancer on his own is easy pickings (even though he's the tough guy and she's not a fighter).
Extras: quote, please - something from a thoroughly classical source (like, shakespeare the very most modern. classics-era, ideally; if you go with something biblical i don't want anything from the new testament, please)

edit: i'd be happy to know if you have any item recommendations for them that are thematic rather than just "this is a color match" - not sure whether that counts as an extra or not.

let me know!

Link to Dragon: aimless
Bio Length: short!
Information to be Included: he's the chief familiar-bonder of the clan, but planning on handing the reins over to his trainee (i haven't decided who that's going to be yet, just... NAME GOES HERE, u no). he's a naturalist and explorer. he wanders all over the place, taking notes and classifying beastclans, plants, animals, etc. he's got some sort of dragon anxiety disorder & is very high-strung. he's very close with gibelotte
Extras: none! his bio's thoroughly formatted, i just need text to put in the thing.

Link to Dragon: gibelotte
Bio Length: short !
Information to be Included: gibelotte is a beauty - she's incredibly comfortable in her skin. she doesn't do a whole lot around the clan - she sleeps badly, and has attention problems, and is generally kind of dreamy/a dreamer. she follows aimless around when he leaves the clan's area, and helps him carry his ten million bags of "just in case" supplies, and calms him down a lot, and is generally just a deterrent for the various beastclans that might think a single skydancer on his own is easy pickings (even though he's the tough guy and she's not a fighter).
Extras: quote, please - something from a thoroughly classical source (like, shakespeare the very most modern. classics-era, ideally; if you go with something biblical i don't want anything from the new testament, please)

edit: i'd be happy to know if you have any item recommendations for them that are thematic rather than just "this is a color match" - not sure whether that counts as an extra or not.

let me know!
oYd3ccR.png xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
seeking XYZ (or any double!) g1 with
coral, clay, & gloom in any order

fr +0
@Mirrorstone Awww, thank you ♥ I love it :D
@Mirrorstone Awww, thank you ♥ I love it :D

I can totally do that! Maybe call it 2k for item recommendations? I usually try to pick items that are symbolic/thematic as well as matchy in color, so you're good there ^^ If you want to send over the payment, I'll go ahead and get started.

I'm glad you liked them! I wish I'd kept my first imp too. I got tight on lair space and exalted her after the prices went down, kind of regret it now. I'll do my best to think up something nice for your lovely lady! If you'll send the payment over, I'll get started on them :)
I can totally do that! Maybe call it 2k for item recommendations? I usually try to pick items that are symbolic/thematic as well as matchy in color, so you're good there ^^ If you want to send over the payment, I'll go ahead and get started.

I'm glad you liked them! I wish I'd kept my first imp too. I got tight on lair space and exalted her after the prices went down, kind of regret it now. I'll do my best to think up something nice for your lovely lady! If you'll send the payment over, I'll get started on them :)
@mirrorstone so it'd be something like 25kT? i'll send it right over
@mirrorstone so it'd be something like 25kT? i'll send it right over
oYd3ccR.png xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
seeking XYZ (or any double!) g1 with
coral, clay, & gloom in any order

fr +0
Just a quick question for Aimless' bio, does he think of Beastclans as equal to dragonkind, or more like unusually smart animals?
Just a quick question for Aimless' bio, does he think of Beastclans as equal to dragonkind, or more like unusually smart animals?
@mirrorstone oh dang that's a really good question, hmm, let me think.

on the one hand, i prefer dragons in general to be garbage colonialist imperialists who oppress beastclans without really thinking about it, but i think aimless - having spent almost all of his free time either with the clan's familiars or observing beastclans and other animals out in the wild - would definitely have noticed that beastclans (some, at least) were intelligent & civilized beings.

hm. i think the answer is that he thinks of them as particularly intelligent animals, but also he is a tiny sensitive flower who thinks that all animals and, in fact, some plants should be considered as important as dragonkind. he's not really a Dragon Exceptionalist so much as he is a horrible embarrassing beastclan rights advocate. (which is not necessarily to say he thinks the beastclans should be allowed to retain their ancestral land, etc, but he thinks of them as Beings rather than things)
@mirrorstone oh dang that's a really good question, hmm, let me think.

on the one hand, i prefer dragons in general to be garbage colonialist imperialists who oppress beastclans without really thinking about it, but i think aimless - having spent almost all of his free time either with the clan's familiars or observing beastclans and other animals out in the wild - would definitely have noticed that beastclans (some, at least) were intelligent & civilized beings.

hm. i think the answer is that he thinks of them as particularly intelligent animals, but also he is a tiny sensitive flower who thinks that all animals and, in fact, some plants should be considered as important as dragonkind. he's not really a Dragon Exceptionalist so much as he is a horrible embarrassing beastclan rights advocate. (which is not necessarily to say he thinks the beastclans should be allowed to retain their ancestral land, etc, but he thinks of them as Beings rather than things)
oYd3ccR.png xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
seeking XYZ (or any double!) g1 with
coral, clay, & gloom in any order

fr +0
I'm about to run out to the store, but I just finished Aimless' bio first so here it is ^^ (I enjoy the garbage colonialist imperialists dragon headcanon greatly, so I tried to give him a bit of the the fascinated but vaguely condescending air of some early anthropologists.)

Aimless is a dedicated naturalist and explorer, enamored with life on Sornieth in all its forms. He travels across the regions, studying, observing, and classifying every manner of flora and fauna he comes across. He's even written several treatises, his most discussed one being Among The Savage Beastclans, controversial for how outspoken he is about their remarkable intelligence. He, in fact, bears a deep, starry-eyed love for much of nature, advocating that the wonder and complexity of all animals and even some plants make them the children of Sornieth, as important as dragonkind, to be treated and protected as such. He's responsible for the discovery of a new species of marmoset, the differentiation of the Java Sparrow and the Common Sparrow as entirely separate families, and the naming of three new kinds of butterflies, one of them after his dear friend Gibelotte, much to her pleasure. He's also the one who tames and trains familiars for the clan, using his knowledge of their behavior and the ways they communicate to create a bond based on affection and understanding as much as authority. However, it's a lengthy process, and he plans to hand it over to his trainee, NAME, so that he can dedicate himself to field research more fully.

Despite the fact that Aimless seems perfectly comfortable in the territory of potentially hostile Beastclans, or tracking something large and carnivorous to study its habits, he's really rather high strung and plagued by anxiety. When he's absorbed in his work, he can set it aside for a time, but any sudden interruptions startle him quite badly. Unexpected difficulties can send him into an anxious spiral where he can't stop worrying about how things will turn worse and worse, and a bad shock can provoke panic attacks. Gibelotte, his traveling companion, is a very comforting presence in those times, gently talking him down, counting breaths with him, and reassuring him as many times as needed to help him calm down. He finds the wilderness a little more comfortable than a crowded lair full of potential ways to do something wrong and be judged for it forever (whether or not the clan would actually do so, it's hard for him to ignore that particular anxiety) and hopes that when he passes his job on to NAME, he can spend more time out in nature doing what he loves best.

Items: Java Sparrow – to go with his story
Field Manual – for his research
Wildwood Moss – Natureeee, also it's got a tree branch and a nice forest background to fit his theme
Forest Field Guide – He probably wrote it
Squirrel Skull – Died of natural causes, obviously, but a good naturalist ought to study the wonders of nature inside and out
I'm about to run out to the store, but I just finished Aimless' bio first so here it is ^^ (I enjoy the garbage colonialist imperialists dragon headcanon greatly, so I tried to give him a bit of the the fascinated but vaguely condescending air of some early anthropologists.)

Aimless is a dedicated naturalist and explorer, enamored with life on Sornieth in all its forms. He travels across the regions, studying, observing, and classifying every manner of flora and fauna he comes across. He's even written several treatises, his most discussed one being Among The Savage Beastclans, controversial for how outspoken he is about their remarkable intelligence. He, in fact, bears a deep, starry-eyed love for much of nature, advocating that the wonder and complexity of all animals and even some plants make them the children of Sornieth, as important as dragonkind, to be treated and protected as such. He's responsible for the discovery of a new species of marmoset, the differentiation of the Java Sparrow and the Common Sparrow as entirely separate families, and the naming of three new kinds of butterflies, one of them after his dear friend Gibelotte, much to her pleasure. He's also the one who tames and trains familiars for the clan, using his knowledge of their behavior and the ways they communicate to create a bond based on affection and understanding as much as authority. However, it's a lengthy process, and he plans to hand it over to his trainee, NAME, so that he can dedicate himself to field research more fully.

Despite the fact that Aimless seems perfectly comfortable in the territory of potentially hostile Beastclans, or tracking something large and carnivorous to study its habits, he's really rather high strung and plagued by anxiety. When he's absorbed in his work, he can set it aside for a time, but any sudden interruptions startle him quite badly. Unexpected difficulties can send him into an anxious spiral where he can't stop worrying about how things will turn worse and worse, and a bad shock can provoke panic attacks. Gibelotte, his traveling companion, is a very comforting presence in those times, gently talking him down, counting breaths with him, and reassuring him as many times as needed to help him calm down. He finds the wilderness a little more comfortable than a crowded lair full of potential ways to do something wrong and be judged for it forever (whether or not the clan would actually do so, it's hard for him to ignore that particular anxiety) and hopes that when he passes his job on to NAME, he can spend more time out in nature doing what he loves best.

Items: Java Sparrow – to go with his story
Field Manual – for his research
Wildwood Moss – Natureeee, also it's got a tree branch and a nice forest background to fit his theme
Forest Field Guide – He probably wrote it
Squirrel Skull – Died of natural causes, obviously, but a good naturalist ought to study the wonders of nature inside and out