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TOPIC | Tone Tags anyone?
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I'm AuDHD and have other conditions as well. Regarding tone tags, my opinions are a bit mixed!

On one hand, I appreciate they help some people and I do not disregard the usefulness and importance of them for many! So in that way its nice that folks can use them, benefit from them and yeah.

For me, personally, I struggle to understand tone tags directed at me and I tend to have a bad feeling that they'll be used to justify an otherwise clearly aggressive tone, rude joke, or something like that, though most often people use them correctly. I dont really expect or need others to use tone tags w/ me, but I am also not against it!

I do not really use tone tags w/ other people myself though, I really do not know how and find my feelings and tones far too complex to shorten in that manner so I tend to just Explain my thinking process. I might use something like /j, /hj or /s though.
I'm AuDHD and have other conditions as well. Regarding tone tags, my opinions are a bit mixed!

On one hand, I appreciate they help some people and I do not disregard the usefulness and importance of them for many! So in that way its nice that folks can use them, benefit from them and yeah.

For me, personally, I struggle to understand tone tags directed at me and I tend to have a bad feeling that they'll be used to justify an otherwise clearly aggressive tone, rude joke, or something like that, though most often people use them correctly. I dont really expect or need others to use tone tags w/ me, but I am also not against it!

I do not really use tone tags w/ other people myself though, I really do not know how and find my feelings and tones far too complex to shorten in that manner so I tend to just Explain my thinking process. I might use something like /j, /hj or /s though.
I am neurodivergent but find tone tags to be very confusing (I don't know what they stand for). Needless to say I don't use them. I do use smiley/emotes though, to convey a "tone." So, perhaps it's just a generational thing. If I was 10 years younger I would be using tone tags fluently, I suppose! It's very interesting to read everyone's status on them, the why's and the why not's. I think everyone's different, their situation is unique and so the tools they use are somewhat unique to them.
I am neurodivergent but find tone tags to be very confusing (I don't know what they stand for). Needless to say I don't use them. I do use smiley/emotes though, to convey a "tone." So, perhaps it's just a generational thing. If I was 10 years younger I would be using tone tags fluently, I suppose! It's very interesting to read everyone's status on them, the why's and the why not's. I think everyone's different, their situation is unique and so the tools they use are somewhat unique to them.
the only tone tags i really use are /j (joking), /nm (not mad), and /genq (genuine question) because they're the only ones that are actually helpful to me
the only tone tags i really use are /j (joking), /nm (not mad), and /genq (genuine question) because they're the only ones that are actually helpful to me
hopping_magpie_by_tathym-daeyqxz.gif cowboy | 19 | he/himhopping_magpie_by_tathym-daeyqxz.gif
Im not ND but i do find /j, /hj, /lh and /srs tonetags help me alot when they can be vague or when i dont really understand so sometimes i have to ask for clarification

I have some friends where i have to use tonetags alot though, i personally dont mind~
Im not ND but i do find /j, /hj, /lh and /srs tonetags help me alot when they can be vague or when i dont really understand so sometimes i have to ask for clarification

I have some friends where i have to use tonetags alot though, i personally dont mind~
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