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TOPIC | Let's talk about Hazbin Hotel!!
[quote name="Flufferb" date="2024-02-03 15:10:13" ] That’s a pretty interesting theory too ngl,, I felt like it was a bit too early to kill him off though? [/quote] In all honesty, the way I interpreted it was that things are getting canceled all the time, even things that have [i]already been produced[/i]. It is vicious out there for creators. I saw it as them trying not to leave too much of a cliffhanger, Just In Case. Because if you really look at it from a narrative lens, it's fairly complete. It introduces an antagonist, it introduces a conflict, and then it "resolves" that conflict. There are some minor hanging threads and there are opportunities for continuation, but the primary throughline is at equilibrium.
Flufferb wrote on 2024-02-03 15:10:13:
That’s a pretty interesting theory too ngl,, I felt like it was a bit too early to kill him off though?

In all honesty, the way I interpreted it was that things are getting canceled all the time, even things that have already been produced. It is vicious out there for creators.

I saw it as them trying not to leave too much of a cliffhanger, Just In Case. Because if you really look at it from a narrative lens, it's fairly complete. It introduces an antagonist, it introduces a conflict, and then it "resolves" that conflict. There are some minor hanging threads and there are opportunities for continuation, but the primary throughline is at equilibrium.
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Why talk when we can [emoji=music note size=1]siiiinnnggg[emoji=music notes size=1]? Alastor for the win. He's basically a wendigo and the people of Cannibal Town are [i]my[/i] type of folks! My husband and I were all sorts of antsy cheering at the end of the finale. I'm glad Pentious got what he deserved. He was a cinnamon roll.
Why talk when we can siiiinnnggg?

Alastor for the win. He's basically a wendigo and the people of Cannibal Town are my type of folks! My husband and I were all sorts of antsy cheering at the end of the finale. I'm glad Pentious got what he deserved. He was a cinnamon roll.
[quote name="Peixes" date="2024-02-03 20:31:08" ] [quote name="Flufferb" date="2024-02-03 15:10:13" ] That’s a pretty interesting theory too ngl,, I felt like it was a bit too early to kill him off though? [/quote] In all honesty, the way I interpreted it was that things are getting canceled all the time, even things that have [i]already been produced[/i]. It is vicious out there for creators. I saw it as them trying not to leave too much of a cliffhanger, Just In Case. Because if you really look at it from a narrative lens, it's fairly complete. It introduces an antagonist, it introduces a conflict, and then it "resolves" that conflict. There are some minor hanging threads and there are opportunities for continuation, but the primary throughline is at equilibrium. [/quote] Ah that makes a lot more sense hhh, I guess since the first season doesn’t have as many episodes as some other shows do I figured that it was too quick, imo the pacing of the show is a bit eh at points but I suppose it’s alright for the amount of episodes it’s got /nm Either way I’m interested to see what the show’s future holds! Even though we might likely have to wait a while for season two
Peixes wrote on 2024-02-03 20:31:08:
Flufferb wrote on 2024-02-03 15:10:13:
That’s a pretty interesting theory too ngl,, I felt like it was a bit too early to kill him off though?

In all honesty, the way I interpreted it was that things are getting canceled all the time, even things that have already been produced. It is vicious out there for creators.

I saw it as them trying not to leave too much of a cliffhanger, Just In Case. Because if you really look at it from a narrative lens, it's fairly complete. It introduces an antagonist, it introduces a conflict, and then it "resolves" that conflict. There are some minor hanging threads and there are opportunities for continuation, but the primary throughline is at equilibrium.

Ah that makes a lot more sense hhh, I guess since the first season doesn’t have as many episodes as some other shows do I figured that it was too quick, imo the pacing of the show is a bit eh at points but I suppose it’s alright for the amount of episodes it’s got /nm

Either way I’m interested to see what the show’s future holds! Even though we might likely have to wait a while for season two

~** FLUFFERB **~

HH and HB are those shows that, while I'm not super fond of the creator, I really do enjoy the characters and storyline. I feel like the pacing was a bit too fast and I hope we either get a few more episodes or slightly longer episodes in s2-- I miss the days of 30-45 minute shows with 20+ episodes, haha.

I personally feel like the humor matched the pilot, or improved on it, even. And the recasts were great, you could tell there were a lot of VAs in there with strong musical backgrounds.

Favorite characters would have to be Alastor, Angel Dust, Charlie + Vaggie, and the Vees were delightful in their awful way. Emily was also fun, and Lucifer was very surprising, but in a great way. I also ended up enjoying Lute, but not Adam, LOL.

Excited to see where s2 takes things.

- A.
HH and HB are those shows that, while I'm not super fond of the creator, I really do enjoy the characters and storyline. I feel like the pacing was a bit too fast and I hope we either get a few more episodes or slightly longer episodes in s2-- I miss the days of 30-45 minute shows with 20+ episodes, haha.

I personally feel like the humor matched the pilot, or improved on it, even. And the recasts were great, you could tell there were a lot of VAs in there with strong musical backgrounds.

Favorite characters would have to be Alastor, Angel Dust, Charlie + Vaggie, and the Vees were delightful in their awful way. Emily was also fun, and Lucifer was very surprising, but in a great way. I also ended up enjoying Lute, but not Adam, LOL.

Excited to see where s2 takes things.

- A.
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I see a lot of people comparing "pilot [character]" and "show [character]" which doesn't make sense to me? They're the same characters, the pilot is still canon so I don't understand it. I don't see any difference in personality either just the slight design change
I see a lot of people comparing "pilot [character]" and "show [character]" which doesn't make sense to me? They're the same characters, the pilot is still canon so I don't understand it. I don't see any difference in personality either just the slight design change
helluva boss didnt really catch my interest when i tried watching it, so i didnt have high hopes for hazbin hotel going in (didnt think id hate it, just wasnt sure after HB if itd grab me) - but i really genuinely like all the characters - lucifer and adam especially has such an interesting and cool take to them (i love different interpretations of biblical characters). also, angel dust surprised me. i was going into it prepared to not really 'get' him but i think they really handled him great and he became one of my favorites. i think he has the strongest writing of the season, actually. though i imagine they went into it planning for him to be a focus this season.

even if the narrative was rather rushed at times (probably due to the 8 episode limit), the music absolutely CARRIED the show. there were almost no misses in the soundtrack and i still have a lotta them on repeat!!!
helluva boss didnt really catch my interest when i tried watching it, so i didnt have high hopes for hazbin hotel going in (didnt think id hate it, just wasnt sure after HB if itd grab me) - but i really genuinely like all the characters - lucifer and adam especially has such an interesting and cool take to them (i love different interpretations of biblical characters). also, angel dust surprised me. i was going into it prepared to not really 'get' him but i think they really handled him great and he became one of my favorites. i think he has the strongest writing of the season, actually. though i imagine they went into it planning for him to be a focus this season.

even if the narrative was rather rushed at times (probably due to the 8 episode limit), the music absolutely CARRIED the show. there were almost no misses in the soundtrack and i still have a lotta them on repeat!!!
Stuffed Pincushion fr+2 // pisces (mar 18) // returning inexperienced player
It was so good... TT_TT I can't even say which character is my fav... The songs were all so good... The animators really knocked it out, and just... MMMM SO GOOD... I found I enjoyed Alastor a lot more too, in the pilot I didn't take him as seriously and thought he was a little too goofy to seem intimidating but got to know him better in the series. And and Husk and Angel... ; o ; my heart... [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
It was so good... TT_TT I can't even say which character is my fav... The songs were all so good... The animators really knocked it out, and just... MMMM SO GOOD... I found I enjoyed Alastor a lot more too, in the pilot I didn't take him as seriously and thought he was a little too goofy to seem intimidating but got to know him better in the series. And and Husk and Angel... ; o ; my heart...
OK Lucifer pulled me into Hazbin Hotel, and I ended up binging both Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel with my bestie hahaha. Unsurprisingly Lucifer ended up my favorite!!!! But I also really enjoyed Carmine as well, she was such an interesting character to me and her singing voice was so powerful too!!

I don't really have any takeaway ships from Hazbin yet, but I gotta say I love Lucifer & Alastor's divorced dad energy lol.
OK Lucifer pulled me into Hazbin Hotel, and I ended up binging both Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel with my bestie hahaha. Unsurprisingly Lucifer ended up my favorite!!!! But I also really enjoyed Carmine as well, she was such an interesting character to me and her singing voice was so powerful too!!

I don't really have any takeaway ships from Hazbin yet, but I gotta say I love Lucifer & Alastor's divorced dad energy lol.
I love Hazbin Hotel! I am literally listening to "Hell's Greatest Dad" right now! My favorite characters are probably Alastor(ik he's evil LOL) and Lucifer!
I love Hazbin Hotel! I am literally listening to "Hell's Greatest Dad" right now! My favorite characters are probably Alastor(ik he's evil LOL) and Lucifer!
i heard it was coming out and remembered watching the pilot all those years ago, so decided to give it a shot and really enjoyed. i didn't expect it to be do sincere and emotional but i liked the direction it was going. it did feel a bit rushed but i mean what can u do with only 8 episodes

though my enjoyment of it is a bit critical as ive heard of the many, many contreversies the creator got into. im not really that interested in looking into them but the few i have seen were unfortunate but yknow separate the art from the artist and all that
i heard it was coming out and remembered watching the pilot all those years ago, so decided to give it a shot and really enjoyed. i didn't expect it to be do sincere and emotional but i liked the direction it was going. it did feel a bit rushed but i mean what can u do with only 8 episodes

though my enjoyment of it is a bit critical as ive heard of the many, many contreversies the creator got into. im not really that interested in looking into them but the few i have seen were unfortunate but yknow separate the art from the artist and all that
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