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TOPIC | I wrote a dragon epic fantasy novel!
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That story sounds so sweet yet sad at the same time. I don't know why but when you were describing it I was getting some real Grave of the Fireflies vibes from it. And I don't think I can write anything half as poetic as that last line. So pretty

That story sounds so sweet yet sad at the same time. I don't know why but when you were describing it I was getting some real Grave of the Fireflies vibes from it. And I don't think I can write anything half as poetic as that last line. So pretty
It's not supposed to have a happy ending. It's like a modern Romeo and Juliet xD
It's not supposed to have a happy ending. It's like a modern Romeo and Juliet xD
Nocturnal Dust GIVE ME YOUR DIRT! Nocturnal Dust

Okay thank you! I would absolutely love to be a beta reader for your story! It's sounds really awesome and I'm curious as to what will happen and what all will play out.

Just one last question I hope you don't mind...

Undead and blood magic? I'm guessing the "undead" come from meddling with life magic as you've mentioned and I'm not shy to that sort of thing (I'm playing through OoT so ya know...) but I've never really heard of blood magic. At this point I'm just kinda curious XD

Okay thank you! I would absolutely love to be a beta reader for your story! It's sounds really awesome and I'm curious as to what will happen and what all will play out.

Just one last question I hope you don't mind...

Undead and blood magic? I'm guessing the "undead" come from meddling with life magic as you've mentioned and I'm not shy to that sort of thing (I'm playing through OoT so ya know...) but I've never really heard of blood magic. At this point I'm just kinda curious XD
SWYBOuH.jpg ... arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif She/Her
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif +3 FR time
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Arcanite
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif NIC - Cat
Thanks for letting me know. May I be sent the full manuscript? I would at least like to read the full story.
Thanks for letting me know. May I be sent the full manuscript? I would at least like to read the full story.

Thank you so much! I'll DM you the full version :)

The prologue gives a good example of blood magic. Without going into spoilers, its the transfer of life from one person to another in order to heal them at a cost to the one donating it. It's not inherently a bad thing, but it can be bad depending on who uses it and for what reason.

And the undead thing is related to blood magic, yes. But it is left a bit of a mystery in the first book. Lets just say that I have put my own gory spin on some mythical creatures. There's one pretty early on!

Thank you so much! I'll DM you the full version :)

The prologue gives a good example of blood magic. Without going into spoilers, its the transfer of life from one person to another in order to heal them at a cost to the one donating it. It's not inherently a bad thing, but it can be bad depending on who uses it and for what reason.

And the undead thing is related to blood magic, yes. But it is left a bit of a mystery in the first book. Lets just say that I have put my own gory spin on some mythical creatures. There's one pretty early on!

That is a super cool take on that and I already love it so much! I cannot wait until I can really get into it. Thanks so much for letting me be a beta reader, it's an honor and I'm so glad to have to opportunity to read this story. I already know that I'm really going to enjoy it~

That is a super cool take on that and I already love it so much! I cannot wait until I can really get into it. Thanks so much for letting me be a beta reader, it's an honor and I'm so glad to have to opportunity to read this story. I already know that I'm really going to enjoy it~
SWYBOuH.jpg ... arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif She/Her
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif +3 FR time
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Arcanite
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif NIC - Cat
@Aureatus i haven't even completely finished reading the preview yet lol, just the summary, but i am HOOKED. your worldbuilding is great and i agree so hard with the media disappointment - usually dragons end up being the antagonists and don't get me wrong, it's exciting, but i'd love to read dragons that aren't 'evil' or pets/mounts for once. you've also got me in that non black/white morality world right there, i can tell the current political situation is extremely messed up lol

quick question, and feel free to not answer this if it possibly spoils anything - was their god an actual entity, or simply a legend/construct they believed in? from the summary it's implied gods can die, which is already rather fascinating. do the humans have a god? What's the current political climate?

in any case definitely sign me up as a potential beta, i am very interested in seeing where this goes!

edit: was too busy gushing over your writing lol, forgot to mention that i very much enjoy writing myself! i've also played with story concepts with dragons and the like, they're always fun to mess with :P
@Aureatus i haven't even completely finished reading the preview yet lol, just the summary, but i am HOOKED. your worldbuilding is great and i agree so hard with the media disappointment - usually dragons end up being the antagonists and don't get me wrong, it's exciting, but i'd love to read dragons that aren't 'evil' or pets/mounts for once. you've also got me in that non black/white morality world right there, i can tell the current political situation is extremely messed up lol

quick question, and feel free to not answer this if it possibly spoils anything - was their god an actual entity, or simply a legend/construct they believed in? from the summary it's implied gods can die, which is already rather fascinating. do the humans have a god? What's the current political climate?

in any case definitely sign me up as a potential beta, i am very interested in seeing where this goes!

edit: was too busy gushing over your writing lol, forgot to mention that i very much enjoy writing myself! i've also played with story concepts with dragons and the like, they're always fun to mess with :P
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Hiya! Semi-professional editor here to [s]rain on your parade[/s] point out some things to help polish up your work! There's a big number one problem: your semicolons. There's three sub-problems: 1. The first word after a semicolon is [i]not[/i] capitalised. 2. Semicolons make for very long sentences, so there needs to be some breathing room between them. Here, they're almost one a paragraph in places. This can be somewhat mitigated by fixing problem three: 3. They are--not always, but often--used wrong. Semicolons [i]must[/i] join two [b]independent[/b] clauses. "Independent" means that the clauses before and after the semicolon must have a subject and verb that don't rely on the previous clause for their meaning. For example, this sentence: [quote]Gayle often used it as a warning against temptation, more often than not choosing to recite the passage before they were due a delivery by the farmer and his young sons; A coincidence that always made Ada grin impishly.[/quote] Consider the second clause here. Pretend for a moment it's its own sentence. Is "A coincidence that always made Ada grin impishly" a complete sentence? No, because "a coincidence" is not a proper subject in this case. Therefore, the second clause is not independent, so a semicolon is incorrect. I don't often like to impose corrections--my job should only be to show you where mistakes are and then I should let you correct them as you see fit. But for the sake of the example, this should probably be two sentences, with a period taking the place of the semicolon and an "It was" added before "a coincidence". That alone is a big and persistent enough mistake to turn off many publishers. There's others: I don't know how you squashed 120k words into 200-odd pages when it should be about double that; prologues are almost always a bad idea (either it's too dull/disconnected/infodump-y for a chapter one, in which case cut it and distribute the information in it properly, or it's a perfectly fine part of the book in which case it should just be chapter one); I'm deeply interested in what the tone and audience of this book'll be if your aim is to introduce more non-villain protagonist dragon characters, and yet the blurb and prologue make it seem as if dragons were until recently slave-owners who corrupt and warp the creatures around them with their magic. Are these characters heroes? Is redemption or recompense for the race's worst excesses going to be a central plot point? The prologue seems to imply the dragons' extinction is a sad event--any extinction is, to an extent--but readers will be hard-pressed to say it isn't deserved. Have you addressed that? Four POV characters is a decent amount--is the overarching plot still cohesive? And all this minus a fair handful of typos, misused words, and things like dialogue tags being capitalised as if they were their own little sentence instead of being attached to the end of the dialogue. Please don't take this as me saying this piece is [i]bad[/i]. It [i]is[/i] unpolished, but you knew that, right? That's why you're asking :)
Hiya! Semi-professional editor here to rain on your parade point out some things to help polish up your work!

There's a big number one problem: your semicolons. There's three sub-problems:
1. The first word after a semicolon is not capitalised.
2. Semicolons make for very long sentences, so there needs to be some breathing room between them. Here, they're almost one a paragraph in places. This can be somewhat mitigated by fixing problem three:
3. They are--not always, but often--used wrong. Semicolons must join two independent clauses. "Independent" means that the clauses before and after the semicolon must have a subject and verb that don't rely on the previous clause for their meaning.

For example, this sentence:
Gayle often used it as a warning against temptation, more often than not choosing to recite the passage before they were due a delivery by the farmer and his young sons; A coincidence that always made Ada grin impishly.

Consider the second clause here. Pretend for a moment it's its own sentence. Is "A coincidence that always made Ada grin impishly" a complete sentence? No, because "a coincidence" is not a proper subject in this case. Therefore, the second clause is not independent, so a semicolon is incorrect. I don't often like to impose corrections--my job should only be to show you where mistakes are and then I should let you correct them as you see fit. But for the sake of the example, this should probably be two sentences, with a period taking the place of the semicolon and an "It was" added before "a coincidence".

That alone is a big and persistent enough mistake to turn off many publishers. There's others: I don't know how you squashed 120k words into 200-odd pages when it should be about double that; prologues are almost always a bad idea (either it's too dull/disconnected/infodump-y for a chapter one, in which case cut it and distribute the information in it properly, or it's a perfectly fine part of the book in which case it should just be chapter one); I'm deeply interested in what the tone and audience of this book'll be if your aim is to introduce more non-villain protagonist dragon characters, and yet the blurb and prologue make it seem as if dragons were until recently slave-owners who corrupt and warp the creatures around them with their magic. Are these characters heroes? Is redemption or recompense for the race's worst excesses going to be a central plot point? The prologue seems to imply the dragons' extinction is a sad event--any extinction is, to an extent--but readers will be hard-pressed to say it isn't deserved. Have you addressed that? Four POV characters is a decent amount--is the overarching plot still cohesive?

And all this minus a fair handful of typos, misused words, and things like dialogue tags being capitalised as if they were their own little sentence instead of being attached to the end of the dialogue.

Please don't take this as me saying this piece is bad. It is unpolished, but you knew that, right? That's why you're asking :)
Dude this is soooo good. Dragons? Fantasy? Sign me up please.
Dude this is soooo good. Dragons? Fantasy? Sign me up please.

I dont mind being pinged!

Sorry for the late reply! Time zones.

Aww thank you so much! It's still very rough and I'm trying to work every day on neatening it up.

The gods were at one point real physical creatures that have personalities more akin to Greek and Roman gods. They have flaws and desires just like mortals, but had knowledge and a great deal of power over them.

Humans do have a goddess which is the sister of the dragon's god. Depending on who you ask (dragon or human) they'll tell you two different stories of the goddess. One will say she's a perfect guardian and mother. The other will tell you that she's soft and coddling to the point where her creations were ruined because of it.

I haven't really thought too much about the political climate to be honest, so it can definitely be expanded on in future. In the first book, the human climate is touched on very little, but their king is the descendant of the goddess and overall it is pretty stable with their bloodline ruling pretty much everything.

Dragons are more fractured, and again its only touched on a small amount because most of it takes place in a pretty sheltered environment, but you can get a taste at parts. The different elements have vastly different systems of rule. There are clear class divides, and struggles for power are rare but do tend to happen in some elements more than others.

Ooh its always good to see other writers! Are you working on anything at the moment?

I'll DM you the full manuscript! Welcome aboard ^^

Sorry for the late reply! Time zones.

Aww thank you so much! It's still very rough and I'm trying to work every day on neatening it up.

The gods were at one point real physical creatures that have personalities more akin to Greek and Roman gods. They have flaws and desires just like mortals, but had knowledge and a great deal of power over them.

Humans do have a goddess which is the sister of the dragon's god. Depending on who you ask (dragon or human) they'll tell you two different stories of the goddess. One will say she's a perfect guardian and mother. The other will tell you that she's soft and coddling to the point where her creations were ruined because of it.

I haven't really thought too much about the political climate to be honest, so it can definitely be expanded on in future. In the first book, the human climate is touched on very little, but their king is the descendant of the goddess and overall it is pretty stable with their bloodline ruling pretty much everything.

Dragons are more fractured, and again its only touched on a small amount because most of it takes place in a pretty sheltered environment, but you can get a taste at parts. The different elements have vastly different systems of rule. There are clear class divides, and struggles for power are rare but do tend to happen in some elements more than others.

Ooh its always good to see other writers! Are you working on anything at the moment?

I'll DM you the full manuscript! Welcome aboard ^^
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