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TOPIC | Writing Struggles
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Any writers about who would like to share their struggles? I'll start with a few of mine;

-Getting distracted. I'll be really into writing something, then realize that I've been watching mindless YouTube videos for the past half hour. I have no idea how this happens.

-Forgetting where things are. I'll be writing something, and have go go back to comb through the story because I forgot if I'd made a certain character stand up or not. Sometimes, even the location of every limb is crucial to what I'm writing, so that's pretty frustrating.

-Mistakes. I swear, no matter how many times I comb through my work, I will still find mistakes if I come back to it later. It is beyond annoying and extremely embarrassing, because I pride myself of correct grammar. There's probably even mistakes in this post, even though I went through it!
Any writers about who would like to share their struggles? I'll start with a few of mine;

-Getting distracted. I'll be really into writing something, then realize that I've been watching mindless YouTube videos for the past half hour. I have no idea how this happens.

-Forgetting where things are. I'll be writing something, and have go go back to comb through the story because I forgot if I'd made a certain character stand up or not. Sometimes, even the location of every limb is crucial to what I'm writing, so that's pretty frustrating.

-Mistakes. I swear, no matter how many times I comb through my work, I will still find mistakes if I come back to it later. It is beyond annoying and extremely embarrassing, because I pride myself of correct grammar. There's probably even mistakes in this post, even though I went through it!
Omg there was this time, like, when I was ten, I had a good mystery story planned out with all the character developments and conflicts and betrayals and world travelling all done and I was like halfway through the first book (it was a six book instalment planned) then somehow it died and then now many years later I look back and then I want to continue writing but I've forgotten all the clues and mysteries and red herrings... slow crying
Omg there was this time, like, when I was ten, I had a good mystery story planned out with all the character developments and conflicts and betrayals and world travelling all done and I was like halfway through the first book (it was a six book instalment planned) then somehow it died and then now many years later I look back and then I want to continue writing but I've forgotten all the clues and mysteries and red herrings... slow crying
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkillers in the clan
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oh man that first one. i get distracted so easily. and like you said, even if it's something i'm really into, somehow i'll end up on youtube or tumblr or wherever :'D

another thing that happens to me is it'll be late at night, i'll be on a roll in my writing, but my body is screaming at me to sleep. the mind is awake, the hands are not.
oh man that first one. i get distracted so easily. and like you said, even if it's something i'm really into, somehow i'll end up on youtube or tumblr or wherever :'D

another thing that happens to me is it'll be late at night, i'll be on a roll in my writing, but my body is screaming at me to sleep. the mind is awake, the hands are not.

Y i k e s- that sounds like it hurts. I used to have huge fics planned for various fandoms which I have since abandoned the idea of writing [because they were all self-insert things and now I hate myself way too much to want to think about myself in any form,] but I can actually still remember all the plotpoints really well. But, depending on how old you are now, you've probably been away from yours for a while longer than I have, ha.


*slams head on desk* Mhm, I relate so badly it hurts. The funny thing is, I'll usually manage to finish writing the chapter/oneshot I'm on, but then when I go back through to edit it, I just give up on life and go to sleep.

Y i k e s- that sounds like it hurts. I used to have huge fics planned for various fandoms which I have since abandoned the idea of writing [because they were all self-insert things and now I hate myself way too much to want to think about myself in any form,] but I can actually still remember all the plotpoints really well. But, depending on how old you are now, you've probably been away from yours for a while longer than I have, ha.


*slams head on desk* Mhm, I relate so badly it hurts. The funny thing is, I'll usually manage to finish writing the chapter/oneshot I'm on, but then when I go back through to edit it, I just give up on life and go to sleep.
I lack motivation. I don’t think my writing is any good so I don’t bother anymore. Not that I don’t want to, I kind of really do, but I don’t see a point to it anymore.
I lack motivation. I don’t think my writing is any good so I don’t bother anymore. Not that I don’t want to, I kind of really do, but I don’t see a point to it anymore.
I find it very, very hard to pace things. Either my scenes needlessly draw out or escalate too quickly and the dialogue I write is awkward and stiff. I also find myself repeating words and phrases (my vocabulary is limited because I'm very dumb). I think I'm going to stick to drawing, but I'm no good at that either. [emoji=mirror]
I find it very, very hard to pace things. Either my scenes needlessly draw out or escalate too quickly and the dialogue I write is awkward and stiff. I also find myself repeating words and phrases (my vocabulary is limited because I'm very dumb).

I think I'm going to stick to drawing, but I'm no good at that either.
I'll churn out a chapter or seven when I'm in the groove, then I won't touch my writing for months. Like I physically can't engage my brain to develop my characters in THIS STORY THAT I NEED TO CONTINUE REWRITING/EDITING.

I'm distracted so, so easily.

I'll edit punctuation, save & close the document. Three hours later, I'll go back and replace the punctuation I removed earlier.

And, worst of all, the story only flows when I'm doing anything other than sitting at my computer.

Edit: I'm also furiously self conscious with my writing. Everyone I've shared it with has said it sounds good, but they're all friends of mine. I don't really believe that they would critique my work. Yet, I'm also scared that better writers/unbiased parties will completely dismantle my work.

It's my only passion. I don't want it to be crushed. I don't think I have anything else I can even pretend to be good at.
I'll churn out a chapter or seven when I'm in the groove, then I won't touch my writing for months. Like I physically can't engage my brain to develop my characters in THIS STORY THAT I NEED TO CONTINUE REWRITING/EDITING.

I'm distracted so, so easily.

I'll edit punctuation, save & close the document. Three hours later, I'll go back and replace the punctuation I removed earlier.

And, worst of all, the story only flows when I'm doing anything other than sitting at my computer.

Edit: I'm also furiously self conscious with my writing. Everyone I've shared it with has said it sounds good, but they're all friends of mine. I don't really believe that they would critique my work. Yet, I'm also scared that better writers/unbiased parties will completely dismantle my work.

It's my only passion. I don't want it to be crushed. I don't think I have anything else I can even pretend to be good at.
Old Dragon Enjoyer
Just being uninspired and unmotivated. And lazy.
I know I'll get in the zone if I just do it but then again I could always look at more memes...
Just being uninspired and unmotivated. And lazy.
I know I'll get in the zone if I just do it but then again I could always look at more memes...
I’m here and I’m queer
Ask to see my parrot, he is good.
Lmao I can relate to all of these struggles, but for me the biggest struggle is keeping interest in what I’m writing, ‘cause it’ll only last a couple days then I’m just like “meh, there’s other things I can do”
Lmao I can relate to all of these struggles, but for me the biggest struggle is keeping interest in what I’m writing, ‘cause it’ll only last a couple days then I’m just like “meh, there’s other things I can do”
You forgot the biggest one:
You forgot the biggest one:
Oh, but can't you feel it?! The void, it's calling me- Calling all of us! It wants to eat our souls, so that we never ascend to the heavens, it wants to absorb us! It needs sustenance, so that it may expand and envelop this whole useless world! All that muck and grime, the ooze, it will fill every crevice of reality, and it will change the world into a paradise! All you have to do is live to see it!
And why aren't I scared? Because the void is the afterlife, and I am its Grim Reaper!
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