It has no eyes
[quote name="buggy101" date="2023-06-04 17:38:46" ]
Name: Crazy Craving
Object Class: Keter
Description: C.C is a bipedal hedgehog-like creature with large bulbous eyes. It can smell honey from several miles away, even after someone eats honey or products with honey as an ingredient. C.C is able to teleport via slipping through reality to get to the source of the honey. If he sees a sapient/sentient creature ([REDACTED]% of the times a human), he will attempt to make said creature eat an anomalous cereal product. If they refuse, the victim will [REDACTED], but upon consuming the cereal (through brainwashing), the individual will become another Crazy Craving and repeat the cycle, as seen below, although the time it takes depend on how much they enjoy the cereal and how strong their minds are at resisting it;
While out of reality; C.C has also been found to spy on kids to manipulate them into eating the cereal. The human eye cannot see him in this state, but cameras and reflective surfaces pick up his image just as if he were right there;
Cure: There has been only one cure found to revert the Cravening and that is

It has no eyes
buggy101 wrote on 2023-06-04 17:38:46:
Name: Crazy Craving
Object Class: Keter
Description: C.C is a bipedal hedgehog-like creature with large bulbous eyes. It can smell honey from several miles away, even after someone eats honey or products with honey as an ingredient. C.C is able to teleport via slipping through reality to get to the source of the honey. If he sees a sapient/sentient creature ([REDACTED]% of the times a human), he will attempt to make said creature eat an anomalous cereal product. If they refuse, the victim will [REDACTED], but upon consuming the cereal (through brainwashing), the individual will become another Crazy Craving and repeat the cycle, as seen below, although the time it takes depend on how much they enjoy the cereal and how strong their minds are at resisting it;
While out of reality; C.C has also been found to spy on kids to manipulate them into eating the cereal. The human eye cannot see him in this state, but cameras and reflective surfaces pick up his image just as if he were right there;
Cure: There has been only one cure found to revert the Cravening and that is
- - - - - - - - - -
- He/Him
- Gay and a Pokémon expert
- Has the tism
- Pingable
^ The posts above aren't even cursed, they're terrifying, except for the wither one, that one's kinda funny
^ The posts above aren't even cursed, they're terrifying, except for the wither one, that one's kinda funny
My nightmares have new content thanks
My nightmares have new content thanks

hi guys
[quote name="AbyssalEve" date="2023-06-13 01:31:01" ]
[font=american gothic][size=4]These are not cursed images.
These are [i]art[/i].
AbyssalEve wrote on 2023-06-13 01:31:01:
These are not cursed images.
These are art.
Call me Requacy (Pinging Allowed!)(Note to self: Make art for signature)
Sometimes I have faith in humanity.
Then I stumble across this thread.
[quote name="terabyte" date="2022-01-08 13:08:07" ]
Just me who thinks this is actually adorable? ; - ; Im More creeped Out by the Doll Next to it!
terabyte wrote on 2022-01-08 13:08:07:
Just me who thinks this is actually adorable? ; - ; Im More creeped Out by the Doll Next to it!