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TOPIC | Best science fantasy / fantasy books?
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Aaah, that's really awesome! I keep hoping the Cyteen plotline will get a continuation (I really want to see more from Abban and Seely...) but I i doubt they will at this point.

I remember liking both Hellburner and Heavy Time a lot, thinking about it. They're such great books. I think the only reason I love Cyteen, Regenesis and Downbelow Station so much is that I really love the azi.

I know quite a few people find the idea of them makes them uncomfortable, but as a concept (and the characters themselves), they're rather good.

I haven't read any of those (assuming that was directed at me and not the OP), but I've heard of the Ancillary trilogy because a friend of mine RP's (or RP'd) one if the characters. 8la

I'll have to make a note of them!

Aaah, that's really awesome! I keep hoping the Cyteen plotline will get a continuation (I really want to see more from Abban and Seely...) but I i doubt they will at this point.

I remember liking both Hellburner and Heavy Time a lot, thinking about it. They're such great books. I think the only reason I love Cyteen, Regenesis and Downbelow Station so much is that I really love the azi.

I know quite a few people find the idea of them makes them uncomfortable, but as a concept (and the characters themselves), they're rather good.

I haven't read any of those (assuming that was directed at me and not the OP), but I've heard of the Ancillary trilogy because a friend of mine RP's (or RP'd) one if the characters. 8la

I'll have to make a note of them!
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UK time. Sorry for timezone-related delays in responses. They/Them.
I suggest the Inheritance Cycle (Christopher Paolini), The Heir Chronicles (Cinda Williams Chima) or the Black Magician Trilogy (Trudi Canavan), if you haven't read them already :)

I also like fantasy, but don't really read sci-fi

@Rainforest ^^
I suggest the Inheritance Cycle (Christopher Paolini), The Heir Chronicles (Cinda Williams Chima) or the Black Magician Trilogy (Trudi Canavan), if you haven't read them already :)

I also like fantasy, but don't really read sci-fi

@Rainforest ^^
I mostly read fantasy so a lil list:
  • Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier - It combines the story of the Six Swans, irish mythology and irish/british history.
  • The Masked Empire by Patrick Weekes - This is a Dragon Age novel, but you can read it without having played DA! It's about elves, politics and revolution!
  • The Adventures of Tom Bombadil by JRR Tolkien or The Hobbit are a great start if you don't want to read the huge thing that is Lord of the Rings immediatly
  • The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks - I actually still need to finish this series but the first book is really good! It's about assassins and a weird modernfantasy city
  • The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini - ERAGON!!! It has dragons and elves and dwarves and humans and amazing storylines!!
  • And ofcourse anything Terry Pratchett!

And if you like to read YA Dystopia I have a whole other list for that :')
I mostly read fantasy so a lil list:
  • Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier - It combines the story of the Six Swans, irish mythology and irish/british history.
  • The Masked Empire by Patrick Weekes - This is a Dragon Age novel, but you can read it without having played DA! It's about elves, politics and revolution!
  • The Adventures of Tom Bombadil by JRR Tolkien or The Hobbit are a great start if you don't want to read the huge thing that is Lord of the Rings immediatly
  • The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks - I actually still need to finish this series but the first book is really good! It's about assassins and a weird modernfantasy city
  • The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini - ERAGON!!! It has dragons and elves and dwarves and humans and amazing storylines!!
  • And ofcourse anything Terry Pratchett!

And if you like to read YA Dystopia I have a whole other list for that :')
kyria | 22 | she/her
+9 fr | active from time to time
@Rainforest The mark of the cat by Andre Norton is one of my all time favourite fantasy books It's a little slow to start, but once it does, it's one of those books you just can't put down. It has a really feel good ending too. It's a really imaginative hostile desert world with interesting creatures and giant saber cats. If you like tense action based survival stuff set on creative worlds, you'll like this book I reckon [img][/img]

The mark of the cat by Andre Norton is one of my all time favourite fantasy books

It's a little slow to start, but once it does, it's one of those books you just can't put down. It has a really feel good ending too. It's a really imaginative hostile desert world with interesting creatures and giant saber cats. If you like tense action based survival stuff set on creative worlds, you'll like this book I reckon

[color=#800040][i]The Summer King Chronicles[/i] by Jess E. Owen is my favourite series of fantasy books! I always say that they're as good as they look, and I mean it! They're really well written, have a great cast of characters, no black-and-white thinking and also, they have gryphons, dragons and wolves ... so really, what else do you need? Just look at the cover of the first book! (which actually showcases a scene in the book!) [img][/img] They're not very well known since the author published the books with the help of kickstarter, but they are some of the best books I've ever read and you can easily find them on amazon! [i]A Natural Hirstory of Dragons[/i] by Marie Brennan is also a really great book series! It takes a different approach to dragons by treating them as normal animals that evolved to fit their environment, instead of viewing them as magical creatures. Again, a great and fun cast of characters, and very well written! Also, awesome cover art, which is always a bonus. Also, check out [i]A Monster Calls[/i] by Patrick Ness if you haven't already! It has very subtle fantasy elements, at least in comparison with the other books mentioned in this thread, but it's one of the bets books I've read this year, if not [i]the[/i] best book![/color]
The Summer King Chronicles by Jess E. Owen is my favourite series of fantasy books! I always say that they're as good as they look, and I mean it! They're really well written, have a great cast of characters, no black-and-white thinking and also, they have gryphons, dragons and wolves ... so really, what else do you need?

Just look at the cover of the first book! (which actually showcases a scene in the book!)


They're not very well known since the author published the books with the help of kickstarter, but they are some of the best books I've ever read and you can easily find them on amazon!

A Natural Hirstory of Dragons by Marie Brennan is also a really great book series! It takes a different approach to dragons by treating them as normal animals that evolved to fit their environment, instead of viewing them as magical creatures. Again, a great and fun cast of characters, and very well written! Also, awesome cover art, which is always a bonus.

Also, check out A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness if you haven't already! It has very subtle fantasy elements, at least in comparison with the other books mentioned in this thread, but it's one of the bets books I've read this year, if not the best book!
@Anthemis, Diana Wynne Jones is a great author. Have you read any of her others? My favorites include Fire and Hemlock, The Homeward Bounders, and Deep Secret.
@Anthemis, Diana Wynne Jones is a great author. Have you read any of her others? My favorites include Fire and Hemlock, The Homeward Bounders, and Deep Secret.
[quote name="CharlieWeasleyy" date=2017-12-16 05:57:22] Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier - It combines the story of the Six Swans, irish mythology and irish/british history. [/quote] [b]YES. The entire series. Yes.[/b]
CharlieWeasleyy wrote on 2017-12-16:

Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier - It combines the story of the Six Swans, irish mythology and irish/british history.


The entire series.

At least you walked a lonely road and gave it a friend.
[img][/img] [url=]I actually really recommend everything by Sylvia Engdahl[/url], but if anything, this novel in particular

I actually really recommend everything by Sylvia Engdahl, but if anything, this novel in particular
At least you walked a lonely road and gave it a friend.
A recent but favorite fantasy (sorta-ish dystopian? Because its set on earth in the future...) series is the Search for Wondla. Seriously give it a shot!

Also The Last Unicorn by Peter Beagle, if you haven't already read that. Both the movie and the book are so good.
A recent but favorite fantasy (sorta-ish dystopian? Because its set on earth in the future...) series is the Search for Wondla. Seriously give it a shot!

Also The Last Unicorn by Peter Beagle, if you haven't already read that. Both the movie and the book are so good.
x8z3xmt.pngFor God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16
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