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TOPIC | Funniest / Weirdest Dream You Ever Had?
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@Nialatic best crossover 10/10

I dreamed an ominous quote, supposedly from a classic book: "Give them their fire on the mountain. The ape is weak; the ape will feel the same call three times in a season, and he will not remember or care for any of them." A god, or possibly an Eldritch Abomination, was saying this in a deep male voice about puny humans over a surreal landscape featuring an orange-and-green volcano and a very bright sun.
@Nialatic best crossover 10/10

I dreamed an ominous quote, supposedly from a classic book: "Give them their fire on the mountain. The ape is weak; the ape will feel the same call three times in a season, and he will not remember or care for any of them." A god, or possibly an Eldritch Abomination, was saying this in a deep male voice about puny humans over a surreal landscape featuring an orange-and-green volcano and a very bright sun.
Did I mention that during election season I dreamed that Trump’s first act as president was an executive order demanding that McDonald’s change its name to Donald’s
Did I mention that during election season I dreamed that Trump’s first act as president was an executive order demanding that McDonald’s change its name to Donald’s

I was in a castle that was floating in the sky. When I was in there, I saw a dead person literally in the wall. I got so scared that I jumped straight out of the castle. However, I could still run fine considering I jumped out of a castle in the air. I got back to a city (which I apparently lived in), and I realized I made the castle angry because I went in. The only way to calm the castle down, was to make everyone in the city happy. The things that made the people happy was food, dancing, and parties. Everytime I made someone happy, a heart in a sky would fill up a bit more. I'm assuming I had to fill the heart up to make the castle calm down.

I was in a castle that was floating in the sky. When I was in there, I saw a dead person literally in the wall. I got so scared that I jumped straight out of the castle. However, I could still run fine considering I jumped out of a castle in the air. I got back to a city (which I apparently lived in), and I realized I made the castle angry because I went in. The only way to calm the castle down, was to make everyone in the city happy. The things that made the people happy was food, dancing, and parties. Everytime I made someone happy, a heart in a sky would fill up a bit more. I'm assuming I had to fill the heart up to make the castle calm down.
! tokii !
art hobbyist
Okay. So last Saturday I had a very long, well remembered, strange dream. Please note that I am almost always aware that my dreams are dreams while they're happening. That was the case with this one. It is also worth noting that I had just finished reading Frankenstein for English class. I also apologize for how long the summarized version is.

The dream was about playing a video game (although I didn't have a body, and the game system was not visible either.) It started with a down menu of scenarios with different difficulties. You couldn't change the difficulty of the scenarios, but you could pick out which character(s) you wanted to start as and you had the ability to enable 'Type Powers'. Type Powers were abilities belonging to specific characters that made the game a lot easier (the hardest scenarios were basically impossible without enabling them.) I didn't actually know what the game was about, so I was scrolling through the options just trying to pick something that seemed cool. I settled on something with a title along the lines of "Castle Banquet". Then the game informed me it had a really high difficulty level, and only allowed two starting characters. I thought 'meh, whatever, I can just enable Type Powers'.

Then it brought up a list of starting characters for that scenario and informed me that characters that weren't selected would still be in the area as NPCs, and could be recruited if you found them before they died. The first character I selected was Felix, the son of the Lord of the Castle who had come home from college to attend the banquet. There's a dude in Frankenstein named Felix His stats weren't super great, but he had a lot of good skills which made up for it. Second character I forgot the name of, but it said that he was the product of years of scientific and magical experimentation, who had been summoned by the Lord of the Castle for unknown reasons.

Then there was an intro video type thing that showed a bunch of well dressed people in a big hall talking and mingling, and zoomed in on all the possible starting characters. The people had just sat down when this king looking dude started to give a toast. Then this wizard with a short black beard and reddish skin (think bad sunburn) burst in, and started shouting and waving his arms around. People started looking at each other with confused expressions, and King-Dude started shouting. Then it seemed like people started magically sprouting small pox, people started screaming, and a few of the first victims collapsed. Science-Guy and Felix both ran off, and the king-dude kept shouting at the wizard until he got small pox and died to. Wizard-Guy said something about returning to pick up his undead army later, and left.

Then it switched to a more video game looking scene that had a tool bar type thing across the top with the icons of Felix and Science-Guy underneath it, next to bars indicating their condition, and some other stuff that said general actions they could take, or the option to control one of them to make them do more specific tasks. Felix freaked put about how small pox isn't as fast acting an illness as what happened in the dining hall, and I randomly decided to save the game. I sent them into the hall outside the room they were in and made Science-Guy pick up a halberd that was on display. They made it about halfway down the hall before this pox-covered zombie appeared out of no where, I clicked the button that said to flee, so they started running, which seemed to attract even more zombies. Felix somehow got tangled up in a rug and Science-Guy tried to protect him but got surrounded. So I turned the game off and started it at my last saved spot.

After that I checked Science-Guy's Type Power, and his made it harder for the zombies to notice you unless you were really loud or touched one. So I activated that, and had the guys look around the room they were hiding in while I tried to figure out more of the controls. Turned out this icon that looked like a stick figure in T pose with an X over it was the pause button. I had Felix pick up an umbrella (only thing weapon like besides the halberd I knew was in the hall) and a couple books before sending them back out into the hall, where I made Science-Guy pick up the halberd again. They continued down the hall, walked past some zombies, then went in another room. I made them look around there, and learned that Felix could identify any object he picked up. I don't remember if that was his Type Power, or just a skill. Felix found a map, and Science-Guy found a little girl hiding in the closet.

I had them recruit the girl (I forgot her name to), who for some reason had a hammer and nails in her inventory. Then she tripped and fell into a window really loudly and a zombie-girl in a poofy dress burst through the window and started grabbing at Girl. Girl pulls out her hammer and starts violently smashing the zombie girl with it while the others gawked. Girl lost a few HP points because the zombie scratched her, but was mostly fine, and didn't seem that bothered by the fact that she just smashed up a zombie her own age with a hammer. The other two seemed a bit more disturbed than her in fact. So they set off down the hall again and I started trying to think of a way to re-gain Girl's HP.

Then they walked by what appeared to be a bar a bunch of the zombies were hanging out and drinking at and there were a bunch of apples lying around. I had Felix pick up apples from each pile; first pile was poison apples, second pile was wax apples, and the third pile was actual apples. I had him hand one to Girl, and she used it to regain HP. After that I saved it again. Then they went back to trying to get out of the castle, but near the gate they encountered a big crowd of zombies that were also trying to leave through the gate. So I tried to make the party walk through the crowd really carefully and hoped they wouldn't bump into the zombies. Felix bumped into a zombie which attacked him. Felix was hitting it with his umbrella, and the other two just stood there and watched. (They were to far away to get to him.) Then Felix died, so I started back from the previous save again.
Okay. So last Saturday I had a very long, well remembered, strange dream. Please note that I am almost always aware that my dreams are dreams while they're happening. That was the case with this one. It is also worth noting that I had just finished reading Frankenstein for English class. I also apologize for how long the summarized version is.

The dream was about playing a video game (although I didn't have a body, and the game system was not visible either.) It started with a down menu of scenarios with different difficulties. You couldn't change the difficulty of the scenarios, but you could pick out which character(s) you wanted to start as and you had the ability to enable 'Type Powers'. Type Powers were abilities belonging to specific characters that made the game a lot easier (the hardest scenarios were basically impossible without enabling them.) I didn't actually know what the game was about, so I was scrolling through the options just trying to pick something that seemed cool. I settled on something with a title along the lines of "Castle Banquet". Then the game informed me it had a really high difficulty level, and only allowed two starting characters. I thought 'meh, whatever, I can just enable Type Powers'.

Then it brought up a list of starting characters for that scenario and informed me that characters that weren't selected would still be in the area as NPCs, and could be recruited if you found them before they died. The first character I selected was Felix, the son of the Lord of the Castle who had come home from college to attend the banquet. There's a dude in Frankenstein named Felix His stats weren't super great, but he had a lot of good skills which made up for it. Second character I forgot the name of, but it said that he was the product of years of scientific and magical experimentation, who had been summoned by the Lord of the Castle for unknown reasons.

Then there was an intro video type thing that showed a bunch of well dressed people in a big hall talking and mingling, and zoomed in on all the possible starting characters. The people had just sat down when this king looking dude started to give a toast. Then this wizard with a short black beard and reddish skin (think bad sunburn) burst in, and started shouting and waving his arms around. People started looking at each other with confused expressions, and King-Dude started shouting. Then it seemed like people started magically sprouting small pox, people started screaming, and a few of the first victims collapsed. Science-Guy and Felix both ran off, and the king-dude kept shouting at the wizard until he got small pox and died to. Wizard-Guy said something about returning to pick up his undead army later, and left.

Then it switched to a more video game looking scene that had a tool bar type thing across the top with the icons of Felix and Science-Guy underneath it, next to bars indicating their condition, and some other stuff that said general actions they could take, or the option to control one of them to make them do more specific tasks. Felix freaked put about how small pox isn't as fast acting an illness as what happened in the dining hall, and I randomly decided to save the game. I sent them into the hall outside the room they were in and made Science-Guy pick up a halberd that was on display. They made it about halfway down the hall before this pox-covered zombie appeared out of no where, I clicked the button that said to flee, so they started running, which seemed to attract even more zombies. Felix somehow got tangled up in a rug and Science-Guy tried to protect him but got surrounded. So I turned the game off and started it at my last saved spot.

After that I checked Science-Guy's Type Power, and his made it harder for the zombies to notice you unless you were really loud or touched one. So I activated that, and had the guys look around the room they were hiding in while I tried to figure out more of the controls. Turned out this icon that looked like a stick figure in T pose with an X over it was the pause button. I had Felix pick up an umbrella (only thing weapon like besides the halberd I knew was in the hall) and a couple books before sending them back out into the hall, where I made Science-Guy pick up the halberd again. They continued down the hall, walked past some zombies, then went in another room. I made them look around there, and learned that Felix could identify any object he picked up. I don't remember if that was his Type Power, or just a skill. Felix found a map, and Science-Guy found a little girl hiding in the closet.

I had them recruit the girl (I forgot her name to), who for some reason had a hammer and nails in her inventory. Then she tripped and fell into a window really loudly and a zombie-girl in a poofy dress burst through the window and started grabbing at Girl. Girl pulls out her hammer and starts violently smashing the zombie girl with it while the others gawked. Girl lost a few HP points because the zombie scratched her, but was mostly fine, and didn't seem that bothered by the fact that she just smashed up a zombie her own age with a hammer. The other two seemed a bit more disturbed than her in fact. So they set off down the hall again and I started trying to think of a way to re-gain Girl's HP.

Then they walked by what appeared to be a bar a bunch of the zombies were hanging out and drinking at and there were a bunch of apples lying around. I had Felix pick up apples from each pile; first pile was poison apples, second pile was wax apples, and the third pile was actual apples. I had him hand one to Girl, and she used it to regain HP. After that I saved it again. Then they went back to trying to get out of the castle, but near the gate they encountered a big crowd of zombies that were also trying to leave through the gate. So I tried to make the party walk through the crowd really carefully and hoped they wouldn't bump into the zombies. Felix bumped into a zombie which attacked him. Felix was hitting it with his umbrella, and the other two just stood there and watched. (They were to far away to get to him.) Then Felix died, so I started back from the previous save again.
15. I do know some reasons for this: My little sisters have been really into MLP Equestria Girls lately, I've played a great deal of A Hat in Time, I recently got back into Undertale, and I watched a lot of Monster Hunter World videos last night.

It was basically set up in a Temple Run-ish style, except there were two people running side by side (human, but not the EG Sunset and Twilight). They made it through a section I can't remember, then there was one made primarily outta wood. Full of platforms and stuff. Sunset got way ahead, then everything kinda slowed down and became dark, the residents in this wood-place starting insulting Twlight or smthn. Eventually it stopped, DJ Grooves from A Hat in Time was kinda there, not sure what he did.

The exit to the wood section was guarded by none other than The Great Papyrus! He was really nice and chill, he had the key to unlock the door but instead he just full out blew it up. Thanks Papyrus, hope he didn't get fired from his job.
Next section was tryna escape a clearing surrounded by deep forests before this giant wood wall enclosed them both. Think Legend of Everfree from EG. During that, Sunset fused with Chara or something, I can't really remember what they looked like. We got some weird Twlight flashbacks except it was a cub riding on top of his father. I'm as lost as you are.

Naturally they make it, and they're taken back to this huge, open-world hub? It might've been inspired by Monster Hunter World. They land on a platform, turn around, and a giant sphere appeared above them-The Final Level or something. So the whole think might've been inside a game.
15. I do know some reasons for this: My little sisters have been really into MLP Equestria Girls lately, I've played a great deal of A Hat in Time, I recently got back into Undertale, and I watched a lot of Monster Hunter World videos last night.

It was basically set up in a Temple Run-ish style, except there were two people running side by side (human, but not the EG Sunset and Twilight). They made it through a section I can't remember, then there was one made primarily outta wood. Full of platforms and stuff. Sunset got way ahead, then everything kinda slowed down and became dark, the residents in this wood-place starting insulting Twlight or smthn. Eventually it stopped, DJ Grooves from A Hat in Time was kinda there, not sure what he did.

The exit to the wood section was guarded by none other than The Great Papyrus! He was really nice and chill, he had the key to unlock the door but instead he just full out blew it up. Thanks Papyrus, hope he didn't get fired from his job.
Next section was tryna escape a clearing surrounded by deep forests before this giant wood wall enclosed them both. Think Legend of Everfree from EG. During that, Sunset fused with Chara or something, I can't really remember what they looked like. We got some weird Twlight flashbacks except it was a cub riding on top of his father. I'm as lost as you are.

Naturally they make it, and they're taken back to this huge, open-world hub? It might've been inspired by Monster Hunter World. They land on a platform, turn around, and a giant sphere appeared above them-The Final Level or something. So the whole think might've been inside a game.
I had a dream where Cole sprouse hit on me, like literally hit on me. He threw a stuffed animal at me.

Also had a dream where the guy in my sig was wrangling horses in the middle of a four-way intersection. And a dream where he fell in love with a cow because it could apparently spell his name correctly.

Had a dream where another fictional character gave me a huge standardized test to take.

Had a dream when I was little where SWAT or something invaded our house and when I ran upstairs the bathroom turned into a cave and suddenly piglet was with me.

Had a dream where I was stuck in the Super Mario 64 Secret Aquarium level but the floor was made out of sponges and I turned into spongebob or squidward or something and jumped on the sponges??

Those are the most I can remember tbh.
I had a dream where Cole sprouse hit on me, like literally hit on me. He threw a stuffed animal at me.

Also had a dream where the guy in my sig was wrangling horses in the middle of a four-way intersection. And a dream where he fell in love with a cow because it could apparently spell his name correctly.

Had a dream where another fictional character gave me a huge standardized test to take.

Had a dream when I was little where SWAT or something invaded our house and when I ran upstairs the bathroom turned into a cave and suddenly piglet was with me.

Had a dream where I was stuck in the Super Mario 64 Secret Aquarium level but the floor was made out of sponges and I turned into spongebob or squidward or something and jumped on the sponges??

Those are the most I can remember tbh.

Zoo | 24 | +3 Hrs
Bio Templates
Last night I dreamt that I was at orientation for school and I was searching for my locker with my friend, until my other friend came and told us they were all the way down at the other end of the hallway.

When I got down there, there was a sheet of which locker was ours, and mine said [4] four times. I dunno why but I had four lockers, two of which I couldn't even reach (I'm very short).

Then, my friend and I went back to my house and were under my bed for some reason (we shrunk down so we could fit) and were talking with this weird guy, until I left to change out of heels I was wearing for some random reason (I don't even like them).

After that, my friend transformed into a cat named Aria. She wasn't under my bed, so I went out and called out to my mom, who was with my uncles, and asked where Aria was, and she said: She's just on where the TV is trying to watch it."

Then I called to her that we were leaving, and then we left my house by sliding out of my room window on a weird green or yellow slide.

Then I woke up :(

(I have the strangest dreams that I somehow remember almost all the smallest details to)
Last night I dreamt that I was at orientation for school and I was searching for my locker with my friend, until my other friend came and told us they were all the way down at the other end of the hallway.

When I got down there, there was a sheet of which locker was ours, and mine said [4] four times. I dunno why but I had four lockers, two of which I couldn't even reach (I'm very short).

Then, my friend and I went back to my house and were under my bed for some reason (we shrunk down so we could fit) and were talking with this weird guy, until I left to change out of heels I was wearing for some random reason (I don't even like them).

After that, my friend transformed into a cat named Aria. She wasn't under my bed, so I went out and called out to my mom, who was with my uncles, and asked where Aria was, and she said: She's just on where the TV is trying to watch it."

Then I called to her that we were leaving, and then we left my house by sliding out of my room window on a weird green or yellow slide.

Then I woke up :(

(I have the strangest dreams that I somehow remember almost all the smallest details to)
Hooo boy here we go

Heres how the dream started:

I was going through my mundane schoole routine of getting up, walking to the mcdonalds with a bus stop outside, ride the bus to school, go to class, wait for the bus to come back and take me home, and pass out in bed. This routine goes on four times a day.
I'm on my phone inside the mcdonalds and im feeling jorrible. I hate my life and i just want the day to end already. Then outbof nowhere in my head i hear an ethereal voice that, i dont recognize from anywhere and seemed like only I could hear.

" We have heard your cries of pain and suffering and have granted your wish, for freedom."
I'm terrified out of my mind and i bolt on out of there outside and just hop on the first bus to college. The bus driver had to yell to get me to pay the fare, i was shaken up real bad by that.

I'm thinking about it and trying not to panic on the bhs when i just decide 'you know what? i have more important things to worry about', and i gonabout my day at class

That night i start feeling a light pain at the base of where the cocyx (tailbone) is. I've had this before in the form of a pilonidal cyst and make plans to see my doctor about it, nothing abnormal. When I stumble into the kitchen though and start rummaging around, i notice i was able to see clearly despite it being near pitch black. I didnt notice the light was off at all. Whatever. whip up a sandwich and go to bed.
The next morning I feel something brush up against my leg and when i reach to grab it Infeel pressure, as if I can feel whatever im grabbing as part of my body.
I stop, and trace it back, to find i had grown a tail overnight. It's got a layer of down feathers. In fact, my body had fully grown feathers. My arms were just a few feather lengths apart from being wings. I had talons snd scales on my legs snd feet and claws on my hand. Feathers were even poking out of my top and.

I ran to the bathroom and inadvertantly took flight a little bit. Looking in the mirror, my eyes had cat-like slits in them. My figure was still feminine, and looked like my typical frame...but was more like a harpy with a long tail

I immediately realize what this was, packed my essential things in my bag, and literally flew out the door up into the cloudless sky far far away

So yea...weird dream
Hooo boy here we go

Heres how the dream started:

I was going through my mundane schoole routine of getting up, walking to the mcdonalds with a bus stop outside, ride the bus to school, go to class, wait for the bus to come back and take me home, and pass out in bed. This routine goes on four times a day.
I'm on my phone inside the mcdonalds and im feeling jorrible. I hate my life and i just want the day to end already. Then outbof nowhere in my head i hear an ethereal voice that, i dont recognize from anywhere and seemed like only I could hear.

" We have heard your cries of pain and suffering and have granted your wish, for freedom."
I'm terrified out of my mind and i bolt on out of there outside and just hop on the first bus to college. The bus driver had to yell to get me to pay the fare, i was shaken up real bad by that.

I'm thinking about it and trying not to panic on the bhs when i just decide 'you know what? i have more important things to worry about', and i gonabout my day at class

That night i start feeling a light pain at the base of where the cocyx (tailbone) is. I've had this before in the form of a pilonidal cyst and make plans to see my doctor about it, nothing abnormal. When I stumble into the kitchen though and start rummaging around, i notice i was able to see clearly despite it being near pitch black. I didnt notice the light was off at all. Whatever. whip up a sandwich and go to bed.
The next morning I feel something brush up against my leg and when i reach to grab it Infeel pressure, as if I can feel whatever im grabbing as part of my body.
I stop, and trace it back, to find i had grown a tail overnight. It's got a layer of down feathers. In fact, my body had fully grown feathers. My arms were just a few feather lengths apart from being wings. I had talons snd scales on my legs snd feet and claws on my hand. Feathers were even poking out of my top and.

I ran to the bathroom and inadvertantly took flight a little bit. Looking in the mirror, my eyes had cat-like slits in them. My figure was still feminine, and looked like my typical frame...but was more like a harpy with a long tail

I immediately realize what this was, packed my essential things in my bag, and literally flew out the door up into the cloudless sky far far away

So yea...weird dream
Morning of 20/03/2018

I had a dream that my friend, Morgan, wanted to take me shopping, but I couldn't fit in her shopping bag. She goes into her room (or house, I can't remember) and comes back with an ENORMOUS shopping bag. She tells me to get in and I do, and then we go to the shops.
Morning of 20/03/2018

I had a dream that my friend, Morgan, wanted to take me shopping, but I couldn't fit in her shopping bag. She goes into her room (or house, I can't remember) and comes back with an ENORMOUS shopping bag. She tells me to get in and I do, and then we go to the shops.
Last night my dream actually had stakes and a plot? I don’t remember much, but there were demons and Mutsunokami from Touken Ranbu was there.
Last night my dream actually had stakes and a plot? I don’t remember much, but there were demons and Mutsunokami from Touken Ranbu was there.
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