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TOPIC | Do you believe in soulmates?
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I actually agree with the animal part! My Kuu is the sweetest most loving cat I ever had, he understands everything and honestly, is close to acting like a service animal rather then my pet. He's a best friend I wouldn't be able to live without. I feel like it's easier to be closer to animals then it is humans because of the fact they don't talk.

I actually agree with the animal part! My Kuu is the sweetest most loving cat I ever had, he understands everything and honestly, is close to acting like a service animal rather then my pet. He's a best friend I wouldn't be able to live without. I feel like it's easier to be closer to animals then it is humans because of the fact they don't talk.
personally i dont really believe that soulmates are love at first sight. I do believe its a soul bond though but it happens over a period of time. Dunno theres so much to it that that explanation of soulmate doesnt do its justice, especially cuz it sounds like a very lovey dovey thing when it can also be a platonic relationship.

Soulmates dont need to necessarily be in love forever with each other, it can be a supportive friendship where one helps the other to progress in life and change. a healthy relationship.

I did however fall into the trap of thinking i had a platonic soulmate and then ended up being manipulated. the joys. Its hard to know whos your soulmate or not.
personally i dont really believe that soulmates are love at first sight. I do believe its a soul bond though but it happens over a period of time. Dunno theres so much to it that that explanation of soulmate doesnt do its justice, especially cuz it sounds like a very lovey dovey thing when it can also be a platonic relationship.

Soulmates dont need to necessarily be in love forever with each other, it can be a supportive friendship where one helps the other to progress in life and change. a healthy relationship.

I did however fall into the trap of thinking i had a platonic soulmate and then ended up being manipulated. the joys. Its hard to know whos your soulmate or not.
No I don't - at least not with the posted definition.

Special people have connected with me and I with them over the phases of my life. We were like brothers and sisters - would have killed and died for each other (as clichee as it sounds). But never was there ever a connection without 'faults' no matter how much a person understands you there will always be differences in thinking which lead to difficulties in understanding. If someone tells me they don't have any difficulty in understanding their partner/friend completely I am certain they just don't know each other well enough.

Also I don't think that physical absense is going to break your worldview. Imagine everytime your partner is away on an errant or to work you get suicidal? Nope.

In my experience connecting to someone strongly has a calming effect the moment you think of them. They don't need to be near you. At the same time the though of them not returing is all the much harsher than thinking on the absense of any other person.

Its also defenitely possible to loose the connection if one has been out of contact over years. The breaking of connection is harshest felt uppon meeting with them again and missing the 'connected feel' you both used to get.
No I don't - at least not with the posted definition.

Special people have connected with me and I with them over the phases of my life. We were like brothers and sisters - would have killed and died for each other (as clichee as it sounds). But never was there ever a connection without 'faults' no matter how much a person understands you there will always be differences in thinking which lead to difficulties in understanding. If someone tells me they don't have any difficulty in understanding their partner/friend completely I am certain they just don't know each other well enough.

Also I don't think that physical absense is going to break your worldview. Imagine everytime your partner is away on an errant or to work you get suicidal? Nope.

In my experience connecting to someone strongly has a calming effect the moment you think of them. They don't need to be near you. At the same time the though of them not returing is all the much harsher than thinking on the absense of any other person.

Its also defenitely possible to loose the connection if one has been out of contact over years. The breaking of connection is harshest felt uppon meeting with them again and missing the 'connected feel' you both used to get.

That's really rough, I'm not sure what I would do in that situation. But I suspect love and romance would be off the table for a long while.

I don't know that I would want to be with anyone again, and if I did I'm not sure I would be able to be fair to them, as I would constantly be comparing them to the person I lost. (And I suspect through no fault of their own they would come up short time and again.)

I suppose all I can say is give yourself time; emotional wounds often heal slower than physical ones. You wouldn't run a marathon with a broken leg; don't try to run through romance with a broken heart either.

That's really rough, I'm not sure what I would do in that situation. But I suspect love and romance would be off the table for a long while.

I don't know that I would want to be with anyone again, and if I did I'm not sure I would be able to be fair to them, as I would constantly be comparing them to the person I lost. (And I suspect through no fault of their own they would come up short time and again.)

I suppose all I can say is give yourself time; emotional wounds often heal slower than physical ones. You wouldn't run a marathon with a broken leg; don't try to run through romance with a broken heart either.
I used to be into this. I did a lot of research on the subject and spoke with couples who claim to be "soulmates".... I can say that I used to believe in it. But I do think it's pure luck or a blessing. I also used to believe in twin flames, but I now disregard that rubbish thinking.
These are spiritual related in every aspect. But the concepts are ridiculous especially twin flames.
I used to be into this. I did a lot of research on the subject and spoke with couples who claim to be "soulmates".... I can say that I used to believe in it. But I do think it's pure luck or a blessing. I also used to believe in twin flames, but I now disregard that rubbish thinking.
These are spiritual related in every aspect. But the concepts are ridiculous especially twin flames.
According to mythology (sorry if I mess this story up a bit I haven't done my research), humans once had four arms, four legs and two heads. One of the gods (Zeus I'm pretty sure) feared their power and split every human into two halves, so they would be destined to spend their life searching for their missing half.

Personally, I don't truely and wholeheartedly believe in very much at all, and the concept of soulmates isn't one of those few exceptions. I do, however, adore the idea of it all. Sometimes it feels like I'm missing part of myself... but I'm not entirely sure if I can find whatever's missing in another person.

I have a kind of theory I've been thinking about, I'll try to explain it (apologies in advance if its hard to follow). Lets assume that soulmates are real and everyone is searching for their 'other half'. People would most likely know (probably on a subconscious level) what their soulmate is like; how they look, talk, act, their interests, ect. (otherwise you wouldn't be connected at all). Obviously your specific soulmate fits all of these categories perfectly, but there are others in the world who meet only some of this criteria.
That's why it's possible to love someone other than your soulmate; they can't complete you like your true soulmate can, but they make you feel more complete than any other you have found so far, so you assume that they are the best possible option. This then leads to the problem of finding your real soulmate out of possibly hundreds, if not millions, of others who are all very alike, as well as trying to decide if this really is the person who makes you complete. It seems impossible. But if you are destined to be together wouldn't you also be destined to meet?
According to mythology (sorry if I mess this story up a bit I haven't done my research), humans once had four arms, four legs and two heads. One of the gods (Zeus I'm pretty sure) feared their power and split every human into two halves, so they would be destined to spend their life searching for their missing half.

Personally, I don't truely and wholeheartedly believe in very much at all, and the concept of soulmates isn't one of those few exceptions. I do, however, adore the idea of it all. Sometimes it feels like I'm missing part of myself... but I'm not entirely sure if I can find whatever's missing in another person.

I have a kind of theory I've been thinking about, I'll try to explain it (apologies in advance if its hard to follow). Lets assume that soulmates are real and everyone is searching for their 'other half'. People would most likely know (probably on a subconscious level) what their soulmate is like; how they look, talk, act, their interests, ect. (otherwise you wouldn't be connected at all). Obviously your specific soulmate fits all of these categories perfectly, but there are others in the world who meet only some of this criteria.
That's why it's possible to love someone other than your soulmate; they can't complete you like your true soulmate can, but they make you feel more complete than any other you have found so far, so you assume that they are the best possible option. This then leads to the problem of finding your real soulmate out of possibly hundreds, if not millions, of others who are all very alike, as well as trying to decide if this really is the person who makes you complete. It seems impossible. But if you are destined to be together wouldn't you also be destined to meet?
hi there ♥ she/her ♥ cat ♥ infp ♥ bisexual ♥ need a shoulder to lean or cry on? I'm here for you ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
Just a friendly reminder
to stretch a little,
give your eyes a rest,
and stay hydrated.
Look after yourself!
Have a wonderful day
♥ ♥ ♥


[img][/img] [spoiler]i dont know if i do or not
i dont know if i do or not
Soul mates as in "there is only one person for you out there and when you see them you will love them forever"? No, not really.

But I watched some spiritual Youtube channel at some point and the lady explained her version of soul mates in a way that clicked with me. She said that our souls are like individual rivers in a delta of soul rivers that run into and out of each other. There are branches far away from your river, then there are really close - that start from yours, that yours start from, or that cross each other. People like that literally share the river water, so when they meet it feels like meeting a part of themselves.

I prefer this version because there is still a greyscale. It's not just "this one person in the whole world is your soul mate and that's it" but you can have many people who are that close to you if you are lucky enough to meet them.
Soul mates as in "there is only one person for you out there and when you see them you will love them forever"? No, not really.

But I watched some spiritual Youtube channel at some point and the lady explained her version of soul mates in a way that clicked with me. She said that our souls are like individual rivers in a delta of soul rivers that run into and out of each other. There are branches far away from your river, then there are really close - that start from yours, that yours start from, or that cross each other. People like that literally share the river water, so when they meet it feels like meeting a part of themselves.

I prefer this version because there is still a greyscale. It's not just "this one person in the whole world is your soul mate and that's it" but you can have many people who are that close to you if you are lucky enough to meet them.
Kinda? I mean, there's 7 billion people in the world, all with their own unique personalities, there's bound to be someone who's compatible with your personality.
Kinda? I mean, there's 7 billion people in the world, all with their own unique personalities, there's bound to be someone who's compatible with your personality.
nah. i don't believe in destiny, a purpose of life, or other things like that either.
nah. i don't believe in destiny, a purpose of life, or other things like that either.
all of my hoards are located here! // free level twenty-four cauldron!
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