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naw im not waiting 18 minutes for a trial im sleep

good luck to any dawntrailers in there before me though
naw im not waiting 18 minutes for a trial im sleep

good luck to any dawntrailers in there before me though
FR + 0 - pls click them! ->fDrNZ1.pngSESKG1.pngVQr271.pngn6PN31.pngr4NIc1.pngunknown.png
i'm chronically unsure about stuff i'm supposed to be 100% sure about. like I THINK i used the law of cosines correctly???? but- but what if not and my dad's project would collapse because of my inability to use basic arithmetics

thankfully i'm not going into engineering.......
i'm chronically unsure about stuff i'm supposed to be 100% sure about. like I THINK i used the law of cosines correctly???? but- but what if not and my dad's project would collapse because of my inability to use basic arithmetics

thankfully i'm not going into engineering.......
i need to read books from my new books to read list. if you're seeing me on the forums right now i'm not reading books from my new books to read list.
when will it be my turn... :(
when will it be my turn... :(
~~~~ hello ^^ ~~~~
ara - 21 - she/any
pings and messages
always welcome :)

Accent: petals of violet
500g/kt each
I definitely have a squish on this one person from the aroace group I'm in. I did message them once and we had a short conversation about atla, but it didn't last that long and ugh I just want to be friends with them so badly :(
(we're in a discord server together and I did meet them irl once for an irl support meeting but unfortunately I did not make eye contact with them for almost the entire two hours. tbf they were sitting right next to me so that made it a bit more awkward to do)

I would take being friends with anyone in the group though, the only person I've consistently talked to is 37 years old so we don't exactly have much in common haha

I will say even though I haven't really made friends yet, the group this week had like. 15-20 people? and there were a few jokes I said that made everyone in the group laugh, which does make me feel a bit better haha. that I'm not totally unlikable or the other things my brain tells itself late at night. anyways on that note, I should probably go back on anxiety meds dskjshfdkjghd
I definitely have a squish on this one person from the aroace group I'm in. I did message them once and we had a short conversation about atla, but it didn't last that long and ugh I just want to be friends with them so badly :(
(we're in a discord server together and I did meet them irl once for an irl support meeting but unfortunately I did not make eye contact with them for almost the entire two hours. tbf they were sitting right next to me so that made it a bit more awkward to do)

I would take being friends with anyone in the group though, the only person I've consistently talked to is 37 years old so we don't exactly have much in common haha

I will say even though I haven't really made friends yet, the group this week had like. 15-20 people? and there were a few jokes I said that made everyone in the group laugh, which does make me feel a bit better haha. that I'm not totally unlikable or the other things my brain tells itself late at night. anyways on that note, I should probably go back on anxiety meds dskjshfdkjghd
~~~~ hello ^^ ~~~~
ara - 21 - she/any
pings and messages
always welcome :)

Accent: petals of violet
500g/kt each
I hope my posts here aren't too depressing, whenever I ACTUALLY need to vent I go on my favourite now-mostly-defunct quiz website (quotev) and just post to myself on a private account haha
everything I post here is relatively lighthearted in general, although I hope my excessive use of haha/lol/lmao/keysmashes/emoticons gets that sentiment across well enough!
I hope my posts here aren't too depressing, whenever I ACTUALLY need to vent I go on my favourite now-mostly-defunct quiz website (quotev) and just post to myself on a private account haha
everything I post here is relatively lighthearted in general, although I hope my excessive use of haha/lol/lmao/keysmashes/emoticons gets that sentiment across well enough!
~~~~ hello ^^ ~~~~
ara - 21 - she/any
pings and messages
always welcome :)

Accent: petals of violet
500g/kt each
hold your horses folks brightshine aint even over yet-

So I actually started a stellaris game with the new guys I made, but I did tweak them a bit before starting.
To be completely honest I am not happy with the situation they're in despite the faith I have in their traits. I just got to the point where I meet other aliens that (aren't a xenophile fallen empire) and one of these guys took a system I maybe could've used.
That said, I need better lazers and bigger power generally.
hold your horses folks brightshine aint even over yet-

So I actually started a stellaris game with the new guys I made, but I did tweak them a bit before starting.
To be completely honest I am not happy with the situation they're in despite the faith I have in their traits. I just got to the point where I meet other aliens that (aren't a xenophile fallen empire) and one of these guys took a system I maybe could've used.
That said, I need better lazers and bigger power generally.

wip sig pls bear with i'm new to this stuff
After all these years I still genuinely have no idea if what i feel is attraction or just one big admiration of whatever. I guess one big for reason for that is me not socializing enough back in time. now I have to figure out not only how friendships work but also love too. fun
After all these years I still genuinely have no idea if what i feel is attraction or just one big admiration of whatever. I guess one big for reason for that is me not socializing enough back in time. now I have to figure out not only how friendships work but also love too. fun
pixel art of Umay.
• rena
• he/she
• artist
• +9 fr time
Oh my goodness hamburger gracious I need so much event gold for the powders, the skillbooks, fashion which is definitely important, the permanent blessing, a smiley set - I miss my monkeys, not to mention the other materials like raptures and uncannies and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

It's okay. I kind of missed this. Having something to work towards.
Oh my goodness hamburger gracious I need so much event gold for the powders, the skillbooks, fashion which is definitely important, the permanent blessing, a smiley set - I miss my monkeys, not to mention the other materials like raptures and uncannies and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

It's okay. I kind of missed this. Having something to work towards.
Old Dragon Enjoyer
sigh as they stare at our throats
sigh as they stare at our throats
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