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TOPIC | Overwatch
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Aaaaa I'm happy with my loot so far

I got Soldier's emote, McCree's skin and Torbjorn's skin
I really want the Tracer and Widow skins, I must get them
Aaaaa I'm happy with my loot so far

I got Soldier's emote, McCree's skin and Torbjorn's skin
I really want the Tracer and Widow skins, I must get them
- Previously known as Valistrasza

- Permanent dragons have familiars

- Currently on an indefinite hiatus
@Soldier76 If the timer runs out before you're rez'ed, you die for real and your team loses the game.
@Soldier76 If the timer runs out before you're rez'ed, you die for real and your team loses the game.
Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light
Me and my sister haven't had much luck in getting event stuff, except voice lines! It's really annoying XD

I also just learned my sister is really good at Hanzo and I'm so confused because normally she's not great at aiming

Me and my sister haven't had much luck in getting event stuff, except voice lines! It's really annoying XD

I also just learned my sister is really good at Hanzo and I'm so confused because normally she's not great at aiming

A pink recolor of the hydrena watertoy. Click here to see my current avatar dragon!
My username is W1F1N1GHTM4R3, there are no vowels (only numbers), so if you don't think you can spell it properly, just copy+paste it please!

Current Project: pjsekai fandragon outfits
Well, every hero has two voicelines now, so... There's even less chance than normal to get something else. (At least it feels like it)
Well, every hero has two voicelines now, so... There's even less chance than normal to get something else. (At least it feels like it)
I just got the game like two days ago and I'm enjoying it so far. I've been informed on the lore and stuff prior to that though, and have been ready to finally play forever. Kinda eh about the event going on right now, but I can't wait for future ones.

I'm a decent healer and **** at everything else, but that doesn't stop me from trying. :3c I don't have any friends that play, so I'm stuck with playing with strangers constantly. So, if you play on PS4, my PSN user is Glitchmeat. Feel free to add me! I'm extremely chill (and gay, if that sets your mind at ease) so don't worry if you're not great or anything, lmao. I'm not fantastic myself, but I do try my best. o/
I just got the game like two days ago and I'm enjoying it so far. I've been informed on the lore and stuff prior to that though, and have been ready to finally play forever. Kinda eh about the event going on right now, but I can't wait for future ones.

I'm a decent healer and **** at everything else, but that doesn't stop me from trying. :3c I don't have any friends that play, so I'm stuck with playing with strangers constantly. So, if you play on PS4, my PSN user is Glitchmeat. Feel free to add me! I'm extremely chill (and gay, if that sets your mind at ease) so don't worry if you're not great or anything, lmao. I'm not fantastic myself, but I do try my best. o/
I'm enjoying a lot the event, unfortunately these days I was busy so even if I want to play, it was just a little ;_;

btw, general question for whoever want to reply which characters did you use for the "8 characters achievement"?

So far I won with Orisa and mercy there
I'm enjoying a lot the event, unfortunately these days I was busy so even if I want to play, it was just a little ;_;

btw, general question for whoever want to reply which characters did you use for the "8 characters achievement"?

So far I won with Orisa and mercy there
tumblr_m9h9spddjd1rvjizy.gifYou were meant for greatnesstumblr_inline_niyn5iCcv31ry72eo.gif
@deerlixe my characters used went
bastion (legit op on this map)
mei (currently bugged though)
@deerlixe my characters used went
bastion (legit op on this map)
mei (currently bugged though)
ellis, he/him
haikyuu, kpop, ffxiv
always buying oc art
previously erichthonios!
I just had a revelation today: I gravitate towards heroes that don't need aiming skills as much

I seriously didn't realise that until I started wondering why it was always these heroes that I seemed 'better' at XD

Of course, I'd like to get better at aiming and other heroes (especially Ana, my favourite hero)
But one thing first:

So far I've been playing on this old-ish laptop (at least 5 years) and I can only play at about... low to med graphics I think? where stuff starts to look a little spotty and pixely. Only way to run Overwatch smoothly, with some occasional lag sessions. So actually pretty similar to any other person's game, just more pixely and not as cool looking.

The question is, would the graphical quality of the game affect my aim? My brother's been telling me 'Course it does, cuz it just does', but I don't want to take the easy way out and blame it entirely on 'poor graphics'.

Heck, how important can graphics be? (As in serious question; not sarcastic)
I just had a revelation today: I gravitate towards heroes that don't need aiming skills as much

I seriously didn't realise that until I started wondering why it was always these heroes that I seemed 'better' at XD

Of course, I'd like to get better at aiming and other heroes (especially Ana, my favourite hero)
But one thing first:

So far I've been playing on this old-ish laptop (at least 5 years) and I can only play at about... low to med graphics I think? where stuff starts to look a little spotty and pixely. Only way to run Overwatch smoothly, with some occasional lag sessions. So actually pretty similar to any other person's game, just more pixely and not as cool looking.

The question is, would the graphical quality of the game affect my aim? My brother's been telling me 'Course it does, cuz it just does', but I don't want to take the easy way out and blame it entirely on 'poor graphics'.

Heck, how important can graphics be? (As in serious question; not sarcastic)
personally,, i dont think the graphics affect your aim. not unless your seriously laggy anyways. I've had my graphics set on low (currently its on ultra) and either way im still not great at aiming lol

also you should try setting your graphics to low, but put the render scale at 100% and then it shouldnt look so pixely, but you wont be trying to run higher graphics (which for the most part just adds in more details from what ive noticed)
personally,, i dont think the graphics affect your aim. not unless your seriously laggy anyways. I've had my graphics set on low (currently its on ultra) and either way im still not great at aiming lol

also you should try setting your graphics to low, but put the render scale at 100% and then it shouldnt look so pixely, but you wont be trying to run higher graphics (which for the most part just adds in more details from what ive noticed)
[quote name="Deerluxe" date=2017-04-14 10:45:54]btw, general question for whoever want to reply which characters did you use for the "8 characters achievement"? [/quote] I used, Ana, Winston, Symmetra, Bastion, Reaper, Genji, and Pharah.
Deerluxe wrote on 2017-04-14:
btw, general question for whoever want to reply which characters did you use for the "8 characters achievement"?

I used, Ana, Winston, Symmetra, Bastion, Reaper, Genji, and Pharah.
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