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TOPIC | Overwatch
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[quote name="Zyzz" date=2016-12-16 18:10:54] [quote name="Mythologica" date=2016-12-16 18:04:17] [quote name="Zyzz" date=2016-12-16 17:57:55] so can I just vent a bit. like I got 5 christmas boxes, 2 epics and a legendary none of them were christmas skins i'm just like, why, just why.. [/quote] gotta love those loot boxes amiright??? pls send help im drowning in duplicates [/quote] I mean atleast you can buy them I still have nightmares about summer games and give them to me :'( [/quote] Buying is nice, the summer games was an Experience and I'm glad they listened to us about buying the items. And I would give them to you if I could :'(
Zyzz wrote on 2016-12-16:
Mythologica wrote on 2016-12-16:
Zyzz wrote on 2016-12-16:
so can I just vent a bit. like I got 5 christmas boxes, 2 epics and a legendary

none of them were christmas skins

i'm just like, why, just why..
gotta love those loot boxes amiright??? pls send help im drowning in duplicates

I mean atleast you can buy them I still have nightmares about summer games

and give them to me :'(
Buying is nice, the summer games was an Experience and I'm glad they listened to us about buying the items.

And I would give them to you if I could :'(
I think they said it should come back next year, hopefully, as RNG was not on my side for the Tracer skins. So i'm aiming to get that next year..
I think they said it should come back next year, hopefully, as RNG was not on my side for the Tracer skins. So i'm aiming to get that next year..
@Mythologica i'm Rhys#12109 - thanks for the offer, i'm in americas too so i might take you up on it someday!

@Fervor i already have voice chat disabled since that makes me more intimidated than anything, but i've not gotten anything other than a 'your team sucks' message or two :y i'll probably keep that around for a while.

+ thank you both for the info, i might give it a go one of these days :')
@Mythologica i'm Rhys#12109 - thanks for the offer, i'm in americas too so i might take you up on it someday!

@Fervor i already have voice chat disabled since that makes me more intimidated than anything, but i've not gotten anything other than a 'your team sucks' message or two :y i'll probably keep that around for a while.

+ thank you both for the info, i might give it a go one of these days :')
This is kind of a last resort for me, but anybody here happen to play Overwatch on Xbox? Everyone seems to have it on either PS4 or PC, especially all my friends. I'm the only one in my friend group that plays it on the Xbox.
I'm really looking for just some people to play with rather than just playing by myself all the time. I don't really mind what we play at all, whether Quick Play, Arcade, or Competitive. I'm a support main myself, though I play quite a lot of other characters too. I'm getting a headset this Wednesday but it'll take me a while to get comfortable using it...
I'm on practically on all the time, especially during any event, over a break, or on a weekend. So if you ever just want to play, you can message me and I'll more than likely would say I'd love to! :^D My gamertag is in my little bio so you can add it, but you can also respond to this if you'd like too! I always like making new friends! uvu
This is kind of a last resort for me, but anybody here happen to play Overwatch on Xbox? Everyone seems to have it on either PS4 or PC, especially all my friends. I'm the only one in my friend group that plays it on the Xbox.
I'm really looking for just some people to play with rather than just playing by myself all the time. I don't really mind what we play at all, whether Quick Play, Arcade, or Competitive. I'm a support main myself, though I play quite a lot of other characters too. I'm getting a headset this Wednesday but it'll take me a while to get comfortable using it...
I'm on practically on all the time, especially during any event, over a break, or on a weekend. So if you ever just want to play, you can message me and I'll more than likely would say I'd love to! :^D My gamertag is in my little bio so you can add it, but you can also respond to this if you'd like too! I always like making new friends! uvu
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@stonebank comp kind of depends on how you place i feel like. the more toxic players are either in bronze (lowest rank) or diamond/master (low end of the high tiers)

ive played all seasons and i'm finishing my placement matches currently for season three. i play on pc and there's a wide variety of players and ranks. most people are friendly but i highly recommend using a mic or having a group you can be in a voice chat with, it helps so much and its much quicker than having to type out what's going on.,
@stonebank comp kind of depends on how you place i feel like. the more toxic players are either in bronze (lowest rank) or diamond/master (low end of the high tiers)

ive played all seasons and i'm finishing my placement matches currently for season three. i play on pc and there's a wide variety of players and ranks. most people are friendly but i highly recommend using a mic or having a group you can be in a voice chat with, it helps so much and its much quicker than having to type out what's going on.,
ellis, he/him
haikyuu, kpop, ffxiv
always buying oc art
previously erichthonios!
@Vampurr I play on Xbox! My gamertag is RemittingPuppy0 if you want to add me (I never changed my gamertag from the default they gave me when I made my account lol). I won't be able to play for awhile because my Xbox is stuck in my uni town and I'm currently back at my parent's house but I should be getting it back soon-ish. I'm also a support main but it's usually good to have two healers on a team anyways, and I can also play Pharah and Junkrat pretty well, just don't ask me to tank lol. I'm probs gonna buy a cheap mic after Christmas, and I've got a few other ppl I play with who probably wouldn't mind extra teammates.
@Vampurr I play on Xbox! My gamertag is RemittingPuppy0 if you want to add me (I never changed my gamertag from the default they gave me when I made my account lol). I won't be able to play for awhile because my Xbox is stuck in my uni town and I'm currently back at my parent's house but I should be getting it back soon-ish. I'm also a support main but it's usually good to have two healers on a team anyways, and I can also play Pharah and Junkrat pretty well, just don't ask me to tank lol. I'm probs gonna buy a cheap mic after Christmas, and I've got a few other ppl I play with who probably wouldn't mind extra teammates.
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FR +3
Alright, I'm gonna add you right now since I'm just about to start playing Overwatch myself.
I play Pharah too; actually have about 13 hours on her now. I play really all the classes, but usually not Defense characters. I'm not the best at defensive characters, but I try. Though support is probably the one I like to play the most, especially Mercy.
Hopefully we can play some time when you get back! Like I said, I'm own just about anytime I have any spare time. So just message me or randomly invite me to a group if you want. More than likely I won't be in one unless this one friend I have made has already invited me, which he seems to like to do a lot. I bet it'll be a lot of fun getting to play with you! :^D
Alright, I'm gonna add you right now since I'm just about to start playing Overwatch myself.
I play Pharah too; actually have about 13 hours on her now. I play really all the classes, but usually not Defense characters. I'm not the best at defensive characters, but I try. Though support is probably the one I like to play the most, especially Mercy.
Hopefully we can play some time when you get back! Like I said, I'm own just about anytime I have any spare time. So just message me or randomly invite me to a group if you want. More than likely I won't be in one unless this one friend I have made has already invited me, which he seems to like to do a lot. I bet it'll be a lot of fun getting to play with you! :^D
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@Vampurr Awesome, I just added you over my laptop. That's good you play Mercy though, I'm awful at her and mostly play Zen and Lucio and they usually work well with Mercy. Also, what's your SR in Competitive so we can see if we can play together? Not sure how you feel about Competitive mode but it's generally a lot less painful when you have a team you know you can rely on instead of the ridiculousness of solo queue lol. I think I was at around 1900 last time I played, they stuck me in bronze after placement matches when I started but I worked my way back up to almost gold.
@Vampurr Awesome, I just added you over my laptop. That's good you play Mercy though, I'm awful at her and mostly play Zen and Lucio and they usually work well with Mercy. Also, what's your SR in Competitive so we can see if we can play together? Not sure how you feel about Competitive mode but it's generally a lot less painful when you have a team you know you can rely on instead of the ridiculousness of solo queue lol. I think I was at around 1900 last time I played, they stuck me in bronze after placement matches when I started but I worked my way back up to almost gold.
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FR +3
Heyhey! Thanks to a friend of mine, I finally have Overwatch on PC! c: and I suck at it, no surprise there oops
add my battletag Alex#13558 and gimme a poke for qp and such if you want a really crap 76 who has no awareness of their surroundings on your team lmao
Heyhey! Thanks to a friend of mine, I finally have Overwatch on PC! c: and I suck at it, no surprise there oops
add my battletag Alex#13558 and gimme a poke for qp and such if you want a really crap 76 who has no awareness of their surroundings on your team lmao
N i c k
"Fear not the night."
→ he/him
I saw! Didn't know you could access stuff like that on a laptop, but then again I haven't had my Xbox for very long (since early August). I play Mercy, Lucio, and sometimes Ana though if I can choose it's usually gonna be Mercy because I love playing her. I just don't have the aim to play Ana amazingly, but I practice with her regularly.
I like playing on Competitive, except I usually have to go solo queue which doesn't end well a good chunk of the time. If I remember correctly, my SR is 1850 I think. My placement matches were not as good as they were last time; I known that I lost the majority of them. I'm gonna try to get up to gold hopefully over the next few days by solo queuing, but I don't know how that'll go. I'm really hoping I can... Though last time I was placed a lot higher, but I can't remember exactly. Somewhere in gold, like 2440? I'll check later.
I saw! Didn't know you could access stuff like that on a laptop, but then again I haven't had my Xbox for very long (since early August). I play Mercy, Lucio, and sometimes Ana though if I can choose it's usually gonna be Mercy because I love playing her. I just don't have the aim to play Ana amazingly, but I practice with her regularly.
I like playing on Competitive, except I usually have to go solo queue which doesn't end well a good chunk of the time. If I remember correctly, my SR is 1850 I think. My placement matches were not as good as they were last time; I known that I lost the majority of them. I'm gonna try to get up to gold hopefully over the next few days by solo queuing, but I don't know how that'll go. I'm really hoping I can... Though last time I was placed a lot higher, but I can't remember exactly. Somewhere in gold, like 2440? I'll check later.
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