
General Discussion

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TOPIC | Little things that really irritate you
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Being alone doesn't mean being sad. I don't want people to talk to me because of pity. I'm happy alone, I don't have to worry about anything.
Being alone doesn't mean being sad. I don't want people to talk to me because of pity. I'm happy alone, I don't have to worry about anything.
People who make comments about others they don't even know so they form some untrue assumption because they're too lazy to discover the truth
People who make comments about others they don't even know so they form some untrue assumption because they're too lazy to discover the truth

Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
End corruption now
[quote name="InfinityLlama" date=2016-03-28 16:28:10] Ohmygosh. When people take things that aren't theirs. My brother ate two out of the three pieces of cake that our church had sent home for me because it was my birthday and I was sick...granted, I probably would've felt sick after eating one and not eat the rest, but one never knows. He also eats my other food -_- and takes my running clothes out of the laundry so he can put his in -_- and then complains when I do the same. Some people. EDIT: When I'm clearly listening to music/reading/doing something like that and people talk to me like hello I'm doing something can you not please and thank you. [/quote] He sounds like the worst brother ever???
InfinityLlama wrote on 2016-03-28:
Ohmygosh. When people take things that aren't theirs.

My brother ate two out of the three pieces of cake that our church had sent home for me because it was my birthday and I was sick...granted, I probably would've felt sick after eating one and not eat the rest, but one never knows.

He also eats my other food -_- and takes my running clothes out of the laundry so he can put his in -_- and then complains when I do the same.

Some people.

EDIT: When I'm clearly listening to music/reading/doing something like that and people talk to me like hello I'm doing something can you not please and thank you.
He sounds like the worst brother ever???

-When religious people try to cram their religion down another peraons throat (who clearly has no interest in the religon)

-Vise versa, when Atheists try to belittle religious people or provoke them for no reason. Don't crap on people's beilefs just because you feel a certain way, unless the religon is actively hurting people I suppose.

-When people complain about how a certain sex is depicted in media, I think that one had no right to complain or tell the author/artist/creator What to do it they did not take part in creating the media or character in question.

-When people say that adoption of shelter animals is the only option. I don't think Puppy mills are good, in fact they're pretty dang terrible, but there is the possibility of a shelter animal having some baggage that new pet owners cannot deal with especially if they have small children. I sought out someone who just had their dog bred and purchased one of the puppies (Dog was only bred once, not bred for profit, had a hired AKC certified American Bulldog stud who was also his first breeding) so I could raise the puppy and have them become my emotional support animal, many therapists and psychiatrists advice against getting a rescued animal (mainly dogs, over two years old) for an ESA because of the baggage they could potentially have. Don't get me wrong, I think that rescuing animals is great but is not for everyone.

-When people say that Pitbulls (or any other "dangerous" dog) are violent in nature without doing any research on the breed itself. Y'all know they used to be called nursing dogs because they would be raised to protect small children right? I think this might be the worst on this list because there's no reasoning with people who feel this way, mainly because "they knew someone who got bit by one". I mean, alright, I know plenty of people who get bit by tiny fluffy dogs, your point is?

-end smol rant-

-When religious people try to cram their religion down another peraons throat (who clearly has no interest in the religon)

-Vise versa, when Atheists try to belittle religious people or provoke them for no reason. Don't crap on people's beilefs just because you feel a certain way, unless the religon is actively hurting people I suppose.

-When people complain about how a certain sex is depicted in media, I think that one had no right to complain or tell the author/artist/creator What to do it they did not take part in creating the media or character in question.

-When people say that adoption of shelter animals is the only option. I don't think Puppy mills are good, in fact they're pretty dang terrible, but there is the possibility of a shelter animal having some baggage that new pet owners cannot deal with especially if they have small children. I sought out someone who just had their dog bred and purchased one of the puppies (Dog was only bred once, not bred for profit, had a hired AKC certified American Bulldog stud who was also his first breeding) so I could raise the puppy and have them become my emotional support animal, many therapists and psychiatrists advice against getting a rescued animal (mainly dogs, over two years old) for an ESA because of the baggage they could potentially have. Don't get me wrong, I think that rescuing animals is great but is not for everyone.

-When people say that Pitbulls (or any other "dangerous" dog) are violent in nature without doing any research on the breed itself. Y'all know they used to be called nursing dogs because they would be raised to protect small children right? I think this might be the worst on this list because there's no reasoning with people who feel this way, mainly because "they knew someone who got bit by one". I mean, alright, I know plenty of people who get bit by tiny fluffy dogs, your point is?

-end smol rant-
@Jadebird That's actually happening to me right now, kind of. I'm writing a story (look for Original Story thread!), and apparently it is very similar to Eragon, which I have never read. So...yeah. It is actually an original character. I never read Eragon, never even knew the premise of it. But apparently it is similar.
@Jadebird That's actually happening to me right now, kind of. I'm writing a story (look for Original Story thread!), and apparently it is very similar to Eragon, which I have never read. So...yeah. It is actually an original character. I never read Eragon, never even knew the premise of it. But apparently it is similar.
Currently looking for:
avocado/aqua/sable male, preferably with nature eyes
Abyss and Copper XXX Veils
People that hurt animals.

If you have a reason to, I have no problem! I am no vegetarian. I consider hurting animals for no reason cruel, because most animals would never even be able to protect themselves.
Example: Only female bees have stingers because it's an extension of what they use to lay eggs. And it is attached to their abdomen so it will damage internal organs when they sting.
People that hurt animals.

If you have a reason to, I have no problem! I am no vegetarian. I consider hurting animals for no reason cruel, because most animals would never even be able to protect themselves.
Example: Only female bees have stingers because it's an extension of what they use to lay eggs. And it is attached to their abdomen so it will damage internal organs when they sting.
@Eaglefairy I'm sure yours is much better ;)
@Eaglefairy I'm sure yours is much better ;)
Call me Thorn :) He/Him

Lil rainbow boi, me
Manipulative individuals. Particularly when they believe you can't tell they're manipulating, or at least trying. And excessively judgmental people, I mean, it should be a basic, general principle to respect others and let them live their own lives without hurtful opinions and thoughts being made.
Manipulative individuals. Particularly when they believe you can't tell they're manipulating, or at least trying. And excessively judgmental people, I mean, it should be a basic, general principle to respect others and let them live their own lives without hurtful opinions and thoughts being made.
Blind patriotism from people who never question anything and just accept the status quo the way it is like everything is fine
Blind patriotism from people who never question anything and just accept the status quo the way it is like everything is fine

Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
End corruption now
-Correcting grammar incorrectly
-Teachers that don't know their subject (my science teacher denies the existence of particles smaller than protons, neutrons, and electrons, when we know of at least quarks and leptons, and another science teacher refuses to believe in black holes)
-People who respond too quickly
-People being too loud
-Me getting annoyed at people talking above a whisper
-People spreading fake facts
-People who don't shut up
-Sex jokes(middle school is a nightmare)
-People who walk slowly in the hallway
-People who argue about something they don't understand


I could go on forever about that last one, so I'm just going to avoid it entirely.
-Correcting grammar incorrectly
-Teachers that don't know their subject (my science teacher denies the existence of particles smaller than protons, neutrons, and electrons, when we know of at least quarks and leptons, and another science teacher refuses to believe in black holes)
-People who respond too quickly
-People being too loud
-Me getting annoyed at people talking above a whisper
-People spreading fake facts
-People who don't shut up
-Sex jokes(middle school is a nightmare)
-People who walk slowly in the hallway
-People who argue about something they don't understand


I could go on forever about that last one, so I'm just going to avoid it entirely.
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