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TOPIC | Eat your veggies!
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When I was growing up, most of the veggies I was served were just canned ones then microwaved or boiled. If you've ever had veggies this way, you probably know they aren't the most desirable... So I haven't had nearly enough vegetables (besides lettuce which hardly counts) since moving out from home some years ago.

For Christmas dinner this year, a relative brought some roasted vegetables that were really good. Basically the idea is just throw a bunch of vegetables of your choice into a casserole dish, add some oil and seasoning, and stick it in the oven until everything is soft. Well I tried making my own version the other day, and while it wasn't nearly as good as my relative's, it was definitely much more desirable than microwaved canned veggies.

So now this got me wondering... What other ways have I been missing out on eating veggies? I'm sure there have to be other ways to make them delicious. Tell me your preferred method of digesting veggies :D
When I was growing up, most of the veggies I was served were just canned ones then microwaved or boiled. If you've ever had veggies this way, you probably know they aren't the most desirable... So I haven't had nearly enough vegetables (besides lettuce which hardly counts) since moving out from home some years ago.

For Christmas dinner this year, a relative brought some roasted vegetables that were really good. Basically the idea is just throw a bunch of vegetables of your choice into a casserole dish, add some oil and seasoning, and stick it in the oven until everything is soft. Well I tried making my own version the other day, and while it wasn't nearly as good as my relative's, it was definitely much more desirable than microwaved canned veggies.

So now this got me wondering... What other ways have I been missing out on eating veggies? I'm sure there have to be other ways to make them delicious. Tell me your preferred method of digesting veggies :D
idk I kinda like canned/boiled. But I'm probably weird for that.


Try looking up ethnic recipes, a lot of them are vegetarian/vegan and taste really good. Curry, for instance.
idk I kinda like canned/boiled. But I'm probably weird for that.


Try looking up ethnic recipes, a lot of them are vegetarian/vegan and taste really good. Curry, for instance.
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...I've gotten into eating more mushrooms because those go with just about anything to be honest. They soak up juices quite well too!

Originally, I only had them on pizza, but they've been added to tacos, stir fry (which is very good for veggies too!) and some other stuff.

The stir fry recipe that my brother and I use has mushrooms, chicken or shrimp, noodles (noodles vary depending on whether chicken or shrimp is used), bamboo shoots, bean spouts, those little corns and I think a few other things too that I can't remember right now. Also we put stir fry sauce on it too. Very good and things can be changed up to include onions and other veggies.

Now I want stir fry but we're having tacos tonight.
...I've gotten into eating more mushrooms because those go with just about anything to be honest. They soak up juices quite well too!

Originally, I only had them on pizza, but they've been added to tacos, stir fry (which is very good for veggies too!) and some other stuff.

The stir fry recipe that my brother and I use has mushrooms, chicken or shrimp, noodles (noodles vary depending on whether chicken or shrimp is used), bamboo shoots, bean spouts, those little corns and I think a few other things too that I can't remember right now. Also we put stir fry sauce on it too. Very good and things can be changed up to include onions and other veggies.

Now I want stir fry but we're having tacos tonight.
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
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Oh yes I love curry! I actually just got some stuff the other day so I can make some soon. I used to just do carrot and potato but I'm thinking of trying some more veggies this time too. I have a curry spice mix I got as a gift that I add to coconut milk and cook all the veggies in. So good and warm for the winter months~

Yes, stir fry! :D That's my other go-to for making veggies. Honestly most of the time I just do the veggies with stir fry sauce and use it as a side dish for something else.
Oh yes I love curry! I actually just got some stuff the other day so I can make some soon. I used to just do carrot and potato but I'm thinking of trying some more veggies this time too. I have a curry spice mix I got as a gift that I add to coconut milk and cook all the veggies in. So good and warm for the winter months~

Yes, stir fry! :D That's my other go-to for making veggies. Honestly most of the time I just do the veggies with stir fry sauce and use it as a side dish for something else.
I really like just fresh vegetables dipped in ranch dressing. Raw green peppers are especially good. I also like them in stir fry and tempura. Green beans are best cooked in lots of butter with some salt and pepper.

Also its good to eat veggies with a little bit of fat (like oil or butter or dressing) since it helps vitamin k absorption!
I really like just fresh vegetables dipped in ranch dressing. Raw green peppers are especially good. I also like them in stir fry and tempura. Green beans are best cooked in lots of butter with some salt and pepper.

Also its good to eat veggies with a little bit of fat (like oil or butter or dressing) since it helps vitamin k absorption!

Everything is good grilled! Mushrooms, asparagus, eggplant, peppers, mixed skewers... And it's not a vegetable, but grilled pineapple is heavenly.

Everything is good grilled! Mushrooms, asparagus, eggplant, peppers, mixed skewers... And it's not a vegetable, but grilled pineapple is heavenly.
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Raw. I'm weird and I just love grabbing a stalk of celery and eating that like a slimjim.
Raw. I'm weird and I just love grabbing a stalk of celery and eating that like a slimjim.
Oh my God! I forgot about grilling! I swear, even onions (which I hate) taste good grilled! And I second the idea of skewers too. Mmmm.
Oh my God! I forgot about grilling! I swear, even onions (which I hate) taste good grilled! And I second the idea of skewers too. Mmmm.
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
What do Shiba Inus~ like to dream about? Is it dancing Hainus?


Garlic fixes everything.


Garlic fixes everything.
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
Yesss ranch is so good! And I never knew that about the vitamin K thing, interesting and makes me feel better about not just eating pure raw veggies most of the time, lol.

Oh, grilling sounds nice (don't think I've ever had grilled veggies actually), but I live in an apartment so I don't have space for a grill outside really. :(
Yesss ranch is so good! And I never knew that about the vitamin K thing, interesting and makes me feel better about not just eating pure raw veggies most of the time, lol.

Oh, grilling sounds nice (don't think I've ever had grilled veggies actually), but I live in an apartment so I don't have space for a grill outside really. :(
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