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TOPIC | Weirdmegeddon II and Overemotional Nerd
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@dragoncrystal it's multibear from dipper vs manliness
(also pacifica was there and i want to see her take someone down)

literally dipper is bae. i'm so proud of him.
yess fight dipper fight.
@dragoncrystal it's multibear from dipper vs manliness
(also pacifica was there and i want to see her take someone down)

literally dipper is bae. i'm so proud of him.
yess fight dipper fight.
@EMISC ahh I forgetted him

,,,pls survive,, chants
@EMISC ahh I forgetted him

,,,pls survive,, chants
Episode was pretty good, but I felt it kinda lacked the power of the last one. Not very fond of the whole town-in-a-bubble thing and how the Mabel-bubble illusion got broken. I am curious on how Stan is now leading the group that formed in the Shack.

But Dippy Fresh.

(And if anyone's curious, the end-card cipher is down in my signature. vvv)
Episode was pretty good, but I felt it kinda lacked the power of the last one. Not very fond of the whole town-in-a-bubble thing and how the Mabel-bubble illusion got broken. I am curious on how Stan is now leading the group that formed in the Shack.

But Dippy Fresh.

(And if anyone's curious, the end-card cipher is down in my signature. vvv)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - lightning_banner.png
Listen to the Thunder
Hear Us Roar
Zh duh wkh Fodq ri wkh Vfuhdplqj Vwrup
[quote name="Ciphers" date=2015-11-23 17:45:34] Episode was pretty good, but I felt it kinda lacked the power of the last one. Not very fond of the whole town-in-a-bubble thing and how the Mabel-bubble illusion got broken. [/quote] ^^True that, it was lacking a punch like last time. Also what up with Mabel's He-man duo (I hope others caught this reference in the episode)? Considering they are "real" now. Maybe they are demons of Bill's world allowing them to live in Weirdmegeddon?
Ciphers wrote on 2015-11-23:
Episode was pretty good, but I felt it kinda lacked the power of the last one. Not very fond of the whole town-in-a-bubble thing and how the Mabel-bubble illusion got broken.

^^True that, it was lacking a punch like last time.

Also what up with Mabel's He-man duo (I hope others caught this reference in the episode)? Considering they are "real" now. Maybe they are demons of Bill's world allowing them to live in Weirdmegeddon?
28932619_ol7.gif ...
tyrian | she/her | +3
tumblr | toyhouse | fandragons
Haha so glad Multi-bear survived, he's such a cinnamon roll for a horrific monster. It is pretty tragic it's ending but super glad Alex ended it on his terms and not anyone elses--to be honest it's impossible to find a baddie that could match up to Bill in this universe and summer's ending, it's a nice theme with the reality of growing up in a cold, heartless world lol.

Also guess Bill got his throne made of "fangirls" like in his AMA, nearly died laughing with Lazy Susan. Mabel was hysterical in this episode, couldn't get enough of it and really glad the focus was mostly on her.

And Dippy Fresh. I thought Chronos was great, got a new favorite side character now.
Haha so glad Multi-bear survived, he's such a cinnamon roll for a horrific monster. It is pretty tragic it's ending but super glad Alex ended it on his terms and not anyone elses--to be honest it's impossible to find a baddie that could match up to Bill in this universe and summer's ending, it's a nice theme with the reality of growing up in a cold, heartless world lol.

Also guess Bill got his throne made of "fangirls" like in his AMA, nearly died laughing with Lazy Susan. Mabel was hysterical in this episode, couldn't get enough of it and really glad the focus was mostly on her.

And Dippy Fresh. I thought Chronos was great, got a new favorite side character now.
One more episode. *curls up in sweater town* IM NOT READY!!!

Also did anyone burst out squeeing at the baby twins?
One more episode. *curls up in sweater town* IM NOT READY!!!

Also did anyone burst out squeeing at the baby twins?
[quote name="Evbay" date=2015-11-23 19:37:03] Also did anyone burst out squeeing at the baby twins? [/quote] @Evbay DUDE THEY WERE SO CUTE OMGGG I wish we knew more about them/saw them more when they were younger [s]too bad that's never going to happen ;_____;[/s] [quote name="ZolfJKimbleeXME" date=2015-11-23 17:48:28] [quote name="Ciphers" date=2015-11-23 17:45:34] Episode was pretty good, but I felt it kinda lacked the power of the last one. Not very fond of the whole town-in-a-bubble thing and how the Mabel-bubble illusion got broken. [/quote] ^^True that, it was lacking a punch like last time. [/quote] thirding this, it felt so underwhelming compared to part one, I really hope the last part's as good as the first
Evbay wrote on 2015-11-23:

Also did anyone burst out squeeing at the baby twins?
I wish we knew more about them/saw them more when they were younger too bad that's never going to happen ;_____;
ZolfJKimbleeXME wrote on 2015-11-23:
Ciphers wrote on 2015-11-23:
Episode was pretty good, but I felt it kinda lacked the power of the last one. Not very fond of the whole town-in-a-bubble thing and how the Mabel-bubble illusion got broken.

^^True that, it was lacking a punch like last time.
thirding this, it felt so underwhelming compared to part one, I really hope the last part's as good as the first
My best friend and I are hugeeee nerds about Gravity Falls, and we kinda had a moment of silence when we found out it was ending ;.;

But yeah, I understand why Alex did what he did, I'd rather having an amazing ending to an amazing show with lots of happiness and relief and celebration than have such a crappy ending to a show that's been around way too long, and as much as I love GF, I'm sure that if it went around for a long time, with really no stable plot (Bill has kinda been the main plot for most of the show, and I have a feeling Bill will leave after the next episode) then I would get really annoyed and bored with the show and stop watching it. I will miss this show, no doubt about it, but I rather it end with an amazing run than have it turn to garbage :c

That being said, I'm really excited for the next episode, I want to see how this will all play out and I'm kinda happy to see Stan back and I want to know how they all managed with Stan apparently being mayor?? He had the mayor sash on when we saw that glimpse at the end??

The next and final episode will air sometime in early 2016 I believe, so we have a little while longer to savor this show, but still a long way away from finding out what's going to happen now.
My best friend and I are hugeeee nerds about Gravity Falls, and we kinda had a moment of silence when we found out it was ending ;.;

But yeah, I understand why Alex did what he did, I'd rather having an amazing ending to an amazing show with lots of happiness and relief and celebration than have such a crappy ending to a show that's been around way too long, and as much as I love GF, I'm sure that if it went around for a long time, with really no stable plot (Bill has kinda been the main plot for most of the show, and I have a feeling Bill will leave after the next episode) then I would get really annoyed and bored with the show and stop watching it. I will miss this show, no doubt about it, but I rather it end with an amazing run than have it turn to garbage :c

That being said, I'm really excited for the next episode, I want to see how this will all play out and I'm kinda happy to see Stan back and I want to know how they all managed with Stan apparently being mayor?? He had the mayor sash on when we saw that glimpse at the end??

The next and final episode will air sometime in early 2016 I believe, so we have a little while longer to savor this show, but still a long way away from finding out what's going to happen now.
@JeanDescole I love Gravity Falls!
but i havent watched it in agesssss........
@JeanDescole I love Gravity Falls!
but i havent watched it in agesssss........
@Widerleuge Yeah it's so great!!! and hoo boy you totally gotta catch up everything is crazy! maybe we could all have some big stream to marathon it :V and yeah alex confirmed it pretty recntly :^:
@Widerleuge Yeah it's so great!!! and hoo boy you totally gotta catch up everything is crazy! maybe we could all have some big stream to marathon it :V and yeah alex confirmed it pretty recntly :^:
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