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TOPIC | LotR/The Hobbit/Tolkien Fans Come Hither
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LOL. You thought I was takling about the angbang ship and I just.. I cried. lmao. GOD I SHARE SO MANY OF YOUR VIEWS I JUS- LOVE ME. We share so many views help you're perfect.



Mandos, the ever so quiet shadow.

Another person whose views I share, ugh, love me. Just a big pile of love and hobbits and elves. I get Maedhros tho.


Ohgod Now I wanna know those reasons about Mairon. And Eregion.

FINALLY ANOTHER ONE COME LOVE ME. goestothetrashcanandsitspatheticallybcIamshippingtrash



Yours is familiar too. I used to be big in the dom scene but now I'm not. I ran OOF raffles and public buys for Lightning for awhile but no longer.

First mention of Numenor I've seen. I like it. I like the diversity I'm seeing :3 I def want to discuss Melkor and Mairon with you in depth because I am curious on your take.

Disney. Sing-a-longs. Help. I found a new thing I need.

Oh gosh, now I get questions, GOODY GOOD GUMDROPS!

1. I have seen the movies. My favorite moment, oh lor-- okay I actually sat up and like, got into a proper writing seat to respond to you for these. That's how serious I am apparently. xD

Okay, favorite moment from LOTR: There were so many moments that I wish I could immortalize. The one moment that truly stands out is from The Fellowship of the Ring - where Boromir is dying. I loved Boromir. I loved what he was about, what he stood for, what his character did, how he repaid that. And I don't mean that he was right for what he did, but it showed that he was human and he made mistakes, that he wasn't immune to the Ring's power. I believe that he truly had a good heart and that, in the end, is what saved Frodo. I believe fully that Boromir wouldn't have taken the Ring to Gondor if he had gotten it, I think he would have realized what he was doing and brought the ring back to Frodo or tried to destroy it. The fact that he thought by dying he was repaying what he did to Frodo was the most heart wrenching, soul destroying moment for me, especially when he called Aragorn - the man he told that Gondor had no king - his king. That utterly destroyed me. Boromir wanted to please his father and become what his father wanted him to be but he wasn't willing to risk anything else that happened so he didn't try to fight when he was dying, he gave in and I think that was the moment when I realized how great Tolkien made these characters, how truly relevant he made them to the world.

2. Scene from the books/movies I would rewrite. I'm not even going to touch the books because I love them how they are but let's just... I... I will rant. I shouldn't get into this buuuuuuuuut here we go. Tauriel. I am indeed one of those people who dislikes Tauriel. I hate that Peter Jackson put in this elf that was not needed at all. Tolkien expressly stated that elves rarely if ever married or loved outside their race and usually it was only men that they loved. Dwarves and Elves didn't like each other. Tauriel was so enraptured by Kili that the second two Hobbit movies became a "OHEMGEE WHENS SHE GONNA KISS HIM" anticipation that dampened my respect for Jackson a lot. She could have been fine left as just Tauriel, captain of the guard who happens to help save a dwarf and fight in a battle, but then all this unneeded 'oh she loves Kili but Legolas loves her but blah blah NO." Just no. No to the nth power.

3. Minor character that needs more love. Mandos. Irmo. Tulkas. Orome. THE VALARRRRRRR. Please can I get some love for some Manwe in the clouds please? Or Ulmo in the water? Or any of them? Also Elladan and Elrohir. They weren't even MENTIONED in the movies and they were kind of a huge part of the books? Like I mean... I just *BANGS HEAD* P.J. PLEASE. JUST LET THE TWINS BE A PART OF IT. You brought Haldir in for the second movie just to kill him off. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET THE CUTE TWINS BE TWINS.

4. Favorite Tolkien gif or artwork. One second. I need to...
First off, this one:
I'm only linking because I don't want to stretch the page out. This is an image of Melkor and Manwe from the brilliant mind of Phobs. I adore this drawing in more ways than I can explain. I love how they're both depicted. I love that they seem to be going head to head literally and figuratively. I love that Manwe has his arms crossed and a kind of "you're not getting away with it" look while Melkor basically looks like he's already gotten away with it. It puts more depth into their relationship as brothers than I have seen in a long time, and it's just a very beautiful drawing.
Number two is a drawing of Kili and Fili dying on the battlefield. I love it because it shows the brotherly (or unbrotherly if you ship that) love between them. It shows so many of their feelings. Fili is happy to be dying in his brother's arms while Kili is just trying to hold it together. I love the detail of them laying against a warg with the broken shield behind Kili. There's a lot of feeling put into it that I can't explain because words how do?

This was long and winded and I may have offended people (SORRY) and I'm tired now but oh man that was well worth spending an extra hour on the computer for. I suppose I should answer my own questions but before I do that I'm going to post this, get some sleep and then see what you lot have to say on what I've written you.

LOL. You thought I was takling about the angbang ship and I just.. I cried. lmao. GOD I SHARE SO MANY OF YOUR VIEWS I JUS- LOVE ME. We share so many views help you're perfect.



Mandos, the ever so quiet shadow.

Another person whose views I share, ugh, love me. Just a big pile of love and hobbits and elves. I get Maedhros tho.


Ohgod Now I wanna know those reasons about Mairon. And Eregion.

FINALLY ANOTHER ONE COME LOVE ME. goestothetrashcanandsitspatheticallybcIamshippingtrash



Yours is familiar too. I used to be big in the dom scene but now I'm not. I ran OOF raffles and public buys for Lightning for awhile but no longer.

First mention of Numenor I've seen. I like it. I like the diversity I'm seeing :3 I def want to discuss Melkor and Mairon with you in depth because I am curious on your take.

Disney. Sing-a-longs. Help. I found a new thing I need.

Oh gosh, now I get questions, GOODY GOOD GUMDROPS!

1. I have seen the movies. My favorite moment, oh lor-- okay I actually sat up and like, got into a proper writing seat to respond to you for these. That's how serious I am apparently. xD

Okay, favorite moment from LOTR: There were so many moments that I wish I could immortalize. The one moment that truly stands out is from The Fellowship of the Ring - where Boromir is dying. I loved Boromir. I loved what he was about, what he stood for, what his character did, how he repaid that. And I don't mean that he was right for what he did, but it showed that he was human and he made mistakes, that he wasn't immune to the Ring's power. I believe that he truly had a good heart and that, in the end, is what saved Frodo. I believe fully that Boromir wouldn't have taken the Ring to Gondor if he had gotten it, I think he would have realized what he was doing and brought the ring back to Frodo or tried to destroy it. The fact that he thought by dying he was repaying what he did to Frodo was the most heart wrenching, soul destroying moment for me, especially when he called Aragorn - the man he told that Gondor had no king - his king. That utterly destroyed me. Boromir wanted to please his father and become what his father wanted him to be but he wasn't willing to risk anything else that happened so he didn't try to fight when he was dying, he gave in and I think that was the moment when I realized how great Tolkien made these characters, how truly relevant he made them to the world.

2. Scene from the books/movies I would rewrite. I'm not even going to touch the books because I love them how they are but let's just... I... I will rant. I shouldn't get into this buuuuuuuuut here we go. Tauriel. I am indeed one of those people who dislikes Tauriel. I hate that Peter Jackson put in this elf that was not needed at all. Tolkien expressly stated that elves rarely if ever married or loved outside their race and usually it was only men that they loved. Dwarves and Elves didn't like each other. Tauriel was so enraptured by Kili that the second two Hobbit movies became a "OHEMGEE WHENS SHE GONNA KISS HIM" anticipation that dampened my respect for Jackson a lot. She could have been fine left as just Tauriel, captain of the guard who happens to help save a dwarf and fight in a battle, but then all this unneeded 'oh she loves Kili but Legolas loves her but blah blah NO." Just no. No to the nth power.

3. Minor character that needs more love. Mandos. Irmo. Tulkas. Orome. THE VALARRRRRRR. Please can I get some love for some Manwe in the clouds please? Or Ulmo in the water? Or any of them? Also Elladan and Elrohir. They weren't even MENTIONED in the movies and they were kind of a huge part of the books? Like I mean... I just *BANGS HEAD* P.J. PLEASE. JUST LET THE TWINS BE A PART OF IT. You brought Haldir in for the second movie just to kill him off. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET THE CUTE TWINS BE TWINS.

4. Favorite Tolkien gif or artwork. One second. I need to...
First off, this one:
I'm only linking because I don't want to stretch the page out. This is an image of Melkor and Manwe from the brilliant mind of Phobs. I adore this drawing in more ways than I can explain. I love how they're both depicted. I love that they seem to be going head to head literally and figuratively. I love that Manwe has his arms crossed and a kind of "you're not getting away with it" look while Melkor basically looks like he's already gotten away with it. It puts more depth into their relationship as brothers than I have seen in a long time, and it's just a very beautiful drawing.
Number two is a drawing of Kili and Fili dying on the battlefield. I love it because it shows the brotherly (or unbrotherly if you ship that) love between them. It shows so many of their feelings. Fili is happy to be dying in his brother's arms while Kili is just trying to hold it together. I love the detail of them laying against a warg with the broken shield behind Kili. There's a lot of feeling put into it that I can't explain because words how do?

This was long and winded and I may have offended people (SORRY) and I'm tired now but oh man that was well worth spending an extra hour on the computer for. I suppose I should answer my own questions but before I do that I'm going to post this, get some sleep and then see what you lot have to say on what I've written you.
@Impception ASDFGHJKL:;ASDLK [s]you mean you weren't asking about Angbang shipping with that question about Melkor/Mairon? gaaaaahhh then I totally misread that "/" *covers face in shame* I'll always own up to shipping Russingon, but, erm. . . yeah. oops. no take-backs though?[/s] anyway! So, Tauriel. YES. ALL THE YES. Actually, that's another conversation we had a couple months ago on this thread - she could have actually been a really neat character, an interesting addition to the film, since she's the one who really rouses the Silvan contingent into action, leaving Mirkwood and maybe even spurring Thranduil's later help to the Dalefolk - IF NOT FOR THAT ****** LOVE TRIANGLE. IN THE END, THAT'S ALL SHE WAS ABOUT?!?! *headdesks* [s]and sorry @HydroDragon, but I'm gonna say that Legolas honestly had even less to do with the story itself in these films :([/s] and [s]ehehehehehe[/s] I put "reasons" yesterday because I was furiously typing up my answers rigth before class, but really - Mairon starts out with wanting order and well-being, and he can't find or give those when serving the Valar - so he chooses Melkor for the other's power - and that leads him down a slippery road where he ends up the very opposite of what he always wanted to be - O.o And Eregion - what's not to love about the smartest Elves in Middle-earth trying to find and create new things without a warring purpose? Gah. . . Someone once described the Gwaith-i-Mirdain as the graduate school of Middle-earth, and I would totally wear that on a t-shirt if only I could find [s]or make[/s] one but, yeah *pats space by self in Russingon trashcan* [img][/img]


you mean you weren't asking about Angbang shipping with that question about Melkor/Mairon? gaaaaahhh then I totally misread that "/" *covers face in shame* I'll always own up to shipping Russingon, but, erm. . . yeah. oops. no take-backs though?


So, Tauriel. YES. ALL THE YES. Actually, that's another conversation we had a couple months ago on this thread - she could have actually been a really neat character, an interesting addition to the film, since she's the one who really rouses the Silvan contingent into action, leaving Mirkwood and maybe even spurring Thranduil's later help to the Dalefolk - IF NOT FOR THAT ****** LOVE TRIANGLE. IN THE END, THAT'S ALL SHE WAS ABOUT?!?! *headdesks* and sorry @HydroDragon, but I'm gonna say that Legolas honestly had even less to do with the story itself in these films :(

and ehehehehehe I put "reasons" yesterday because I was furiously typing up my answers rigth before class, but really - Mairon starts out with wanting order and well-being, and he can't find or give those when serving the Valar - so he chooses Melkor for the other's power - and that leads him down a slippery road where he ends up the very opposite of what he always wanted to be - O.o

And Eregion - what's not to love about the smartest Elves in Middle-earth trying to find and create new things without a warring purpose? Gah. . . Someone once described the Gwaith-i-Mirdain as the graduate school of Middle-earth, and I would totally wear that on a t-shirt if only I could find or make one

but, yeah *pats space by self in Russingon trashcan*


kJ7P36i.png 899b13958bd8dd6201cfc8808fbe7689b2ce2e3d.pngKDzH3q9.png

AH CRAP i totally forgot to mention perplexingly when we were talking about favorite art!!!
her stuff is incredible ;o; such amazing valar designs.. just look at this magic

AH CRAP i totally forgot to mention perplexingly when we were talking about favorite art!!!
her stuff is incredible ;o; such amazing valar designs.. just look at this magic
@Emystery @TeddyDJ @Sarkkuli
Ping ping ping, newbies, come here if interested.
@Emystery @TeddyDJ @Sarkkuli
Ping ping ping, newbies, come here if interested.
Hi peeps my computer broke ;-; How life?
Hi peeps my computer broke ;-; How life?

Oh, no, don't apologize! Although I like just the idea of Legolas being there... its just they ruined it with the "love triangle." Legolas was not a character who wanted a love life, although he was a forgiving and loving character, he never had an actual need for love, as was portrayed in The Hobbit. They made it seem as if Legolas actual needed Tauriel, and would not give up on her, even if she loved some else good ol' Hollywood. He was an okay addition, for people who don't mind having it different than the books, but they totally twisted and morphed his character into something... else.

Now, on top of all those negative things I just said, I'll give good PJ a break. When he started making the movies, there was another director who was initially going to do it. That director had taken a lot of Pre-prep for the movie, but eventually gave up on it. sorry I don't know why. So Peter took up the challenge, but as it turns out, they didn't have much time for any prep, so they had to start filming immediately. Without the initial preparations, Jackson had to literally make everything up as he went along. Sometimes the actor's had un-completed scripts, and Jackson had to extend lunch times because he had to sort it all through. It was physically and mentally exhausting; he had even fallen ill that he had to stop filming for six weeks. He didn't have a good base for the movie, which led to some mistakes in the movies, especially the complex battle scenes. All in all, although PJ has respect for the works, he had a lot going on during the movie-making that led to some ill-made decisions for the scripts and plot. So you could say I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. <3

I'm still lost for a name for my language. So currently I'm trying to learn a bit o' German to help my sort out everything. You could say it took me an hour just to pick a design for my PP.

This post was longer than I expected.


Ooh, thanks for promoting this thread. <3


Oh, no, don't apologize! Although I like just the idea of Legolas being there... its just they ruined it with the "love triangle." Legolas was not a character who wanted a love life, although he was a forgiving and loving character, he never had an actual need for love, as was portrayed in The Hobbit. They made it seem as if Legolas actual needed Tauriel, and would not give up on her, even if she loved some else good ol' Hollywood. He was an okay addition, for people who don't mind having it different than the books, but they totally twisted and morphed his character into something... else.

Now, on top of all those negative things I just said, I'll give good PJ a break. When he started making the movies, there was another director who was initially going to do it. That director had taken a lot of Pre-prep for the movie, but eventually gave up on it. sorry I don't know why. So Peter took up the challenge, but as it turns out, they didn't have much time for any prep, so they had to start filming immediately. Without the initial preparations, Jackson had to literally make everything up as he went along. Sometimes the actor's had un-completed scripts, and Jackson had to extend lunch times because he had to sort it all through. It was physically and mentally exhausting; he had even fallen ill that he had to stop filming for six weeks. He didn't have a good base for the movie, which led to some mistakes in the movies, especially the complex battle scenes. All in all, although PJ has respect for the works, he had a lot going on during the movie-making that led to some ill-made decisions for the scripts and plot. So you could say I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. <3

I'm still lost for a name for my language. So currently I'm trying to learn a bit o' German to help my sort out everything. You could say it took me an hour just to pick a design for my PP.

This post was longer than I expected.


Ooh, thanks for promoting this thread. <3



I'm gonna have to pick and choose a few, since I haven't read through the whole Silm yet (well, I don't remember anything from the first time, so I'm re-reading it) and I have to type this on my phone, so here goes nothin...

1. Favorite character and why?

Out of all of Tolkien's stuff, probably Thorin. I looove his character, and I do remember being 10 years old, reading The Hobbit for the first time and laughing when the grumpy dwarf fell into Bilbo's home and being crushed by Bombir. XD Fili and Kili were also some favorites of mine, even before the movies came out. When ten-year-old me read the brief mention of thier deaths in the book, I had to read the sentence three times because I didn't believe that it actually happened. I had to stop myself from throwing the book across the room in frustration. XD I also love Aragorn, Gimli, Sam, Merey and Pip, as well as Maedhros and Orome from the Silm.

2. Least favorite character and why?

Gonna have to agree with the rest of you on Eol. Talk about creepy. "Oh wait, you're lost? How about I marry you?"

3. Favorite piece of history and why?

Everything. I do love the first few chapters of The Silm, when the Valar are just creating Arda, it's just so descriptive and well written :3

5. Thoughts on Melkor/Morgoth? Do you think he was just always a bad egg or do you think he wanted to impress Eru by creating something for him?

I kinda thought of him as the oldest child who is always ignored by thier parents, who are too busy doing stuff with the younger ones, and who goes off and does something on his own, (maybe aiming to impress, maybe to reassure himself that he isn't completely useless) which the parent disapproves of and sparks the whole 'why can't you be more like your siblings' discussion. (Hooray for run-on sentences!)

7. Thoughts on why Thranduil never sailed after his son - or do you think Tolkien just couldn't get around to writing his departure in the story and that eventually he sailed to be with his son?

I would imagine that he did end up sailing. Aside from his moments of glory in The Hobbit, there isn't really a whole lot written about him. Maybe Tolkien just didn't get around to writing it, but I would imagine that he would, since there really wasn't much left for him in Arda.

9. (tries to contain squeals of happiness) MAED-- Ahem. Maedhros and Fingon. Best friends or unrequited true love and a quest that separated them soul and body?

I've always thought if them as friends, but there could be something they aren't telling us...

10. How did you find Tolkien and what made you fall in love with his work?

My Mom is a big Tolkien fan, so we have a lot of Tolkien's books lying around, including an old comic book version of The Hobbit, which I loved to read, (probably because of all the awesome illustrations,) and then a few years later, my Dad showed us the LOTR movies, and me and my siblings were instantly hooked. I later read the LOTR books in three days, one book per day. After that it was just 'read any book that has Tolkien's name on it', aaaaand here I am. :3

11: Thoughts on The Children of Húrin?

*Gross sobbing*

12: Thoughts on Tom Bombadil?

I liked him, although he was pretty mysterious, and I feel like he should've been doing a bit more, aside from hiding in his little house in the woods.

((Now my thumb's sore, but yaaaaas, Tolkien questions! :D Welcome to the thread, by the way!))


I'm gonna have to pick and choose a few, since I haven't read through the whole Silm yet (well, I don't remember anything from the first time, so I'm re-reading it) and I have to type this on my phone, so here goes nothin...

1. Favorite character and why?

Out of all of Tolkien's stuff, probably Thorin. I looove his character, and I do remember being 10 years old, reading The Hobbit for the first time and laughing when the grumpy dwarf fell into Bilbo's home and being crushed by Bombir. XD Fili and Kili were also some favorites of mine, even before the movies came out. When ten-year-old me read the brief mention of thier deaths in the book, I had to read the sentence three times because I didn't believe that it actually happened. I had to stop myself from throwing the book across the room in frustration. XD I also love Aragorn, Gimli, Sam, Merey and Pip, as well as Maedhros and Orome from the Silm.

2. Least favorite character and why?

Gonna have to agree with the rest of you on Eol. Talk about creepy. "Oh wait, you're lost? How about I marry you?"

3. Favorite piece of history and why?

Everything. I do love the first few chapters of The Silm, when the Valar are just creating Arda, it's just so descriptive and well written :3

5. Thoughts on Melkor/Morgoth? Do you think he was just always a bad egg or do you think he wanted to impress Eru by creating something for him?

I kinda thought of him as the oldest child who is always ignored by thier parents, who are too busy doing stuff with the younger ones, and who goes off and does something on his own, (maybe aiming to impress, maybe to reassure himself that he isn't completely useless) which the parent disapproves of and sparks the whole 'why can't you be more like your siblings' discussion. (Hooray for run-on sentences!)

7. Thoughts on why Thranduil never sailed after his son - or do you think Tolkien just couldn't get around to writing his departure in the story and that eventually he sailed to be with his son?

I would imagine that he did end up sailing. Aside from his moments of glory in The Hobbit, there isn't really a whole lot written about him. Maybe Tolkien just didn't get around to writing it, but I would imagine that he would, since there really wasn't much left for him in Arda.

9. (tries to contain squeals of happiness) MAED-- Ahem. Maedhros and Fingon. Best friends or unrequited true love and a quest that separated them soul and body?

I've always thought if them as friends, but there could be something they aren't telling us...

10. How did you find Tolkien and what made you fall in love with his work?

My Mom is a big Tolkien fan, so we have a lot of Tolkien's books lying around, including an old comic book version of The Hobbit, which I loved to read, (probably because of all the awesome illustrations,) and then a few years later, my Dad showed us the LOTR movies, and me and my siblings were instantly hooked. I later read the LOTR books in three days, one book per day. After that it was just 'read any book that has Tolkien's name on it', aaaaand here I am. :3

11: Thoughts on The Children of Húrin?

*Gross sobbing*

12: Thoughts on Tom Bombadil?

I liked him, although he was pretty mysterious, and I feel like he should've been doing a bit more, aside from hiding in his little house in the woods.

((Now my thumb's sore, but yaaaaas, Tolkien questions! :D Welcome to the thread, by the way!))
33vzuwj.jpg________ 2nh2l4z.png
@ForestGuardian i basically agree with everything you just said ^^^
@ForestGuardian i basically agree with everything you just said ^^^

I probably do know you from dom things because I participated in many, many raffles and conquest.

I am ALWAYS willing to talk about characters. Always. Any day. Especially dark lords.

1. you gave me Boromir feels.
2. I also really don't feel like Tauriel was necessary :|||||
3. Ulmo and most of the valar and the maiar have the potential to be SO INTERESTING. I had such mixed feelings about the Silmarillion because there's so much squandered potential in character growth for the benefit of superfluous characters!!! Elves come in and out of the silm so frequently they get whip lash and ugh I wish the silm was edited and streamlined some.

I could talk characters and lore all night, just Tolkien's lore is so rich and faceted.

I probably do know you from dom things because I participated in many, many raffles and conquest.

I am ALWAYS willing to talk about characters. Always. Any day. Especially dark lords.

1. you gave me Boromir feels.
2. I also really don't feel like Tauriel was necessary :|||||
3. Ulmo and most of the valar and the maiar have the potential to be SO INTERESTING. I had such mixed feelings about the Silmarillion because there's so much squandered potential in character growth for the benefit of superfluous characters!!! Elves come in and out of the silm so frequently they get whip lash and ugh I wish the silm was edited and streamlined some.

I could talk characters and lore all night, just Tolkien's lore is so rich and faceted.
OH NO :C im sorry thats a total bummer
did it get fixed?
OH NO :C im sorry thats a total bummer
did it get fixed?
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