Also I apologize for confusion if there was any!! I was hastily typing away on my phone while doing something at the same time and I didn't realize what I had typed until now xc I completely miss-worded what I said about what type of shooter Splatoon is, and Tammanae is correct, it's definitely not a first person shooter. What I meant was that it's the only shooter game that I can play, seeing that many other shooting games go for first person only.
Also I apologize for confusion if there was any!! I was hastily typing away on my phone while doing something at the same time and I didn't realize what I had typed until now xc I completely miss-worded what I said about what type of shooter Splatoon is, and Tammanae is correct, it's definitely not a first person shooter. What I meant was that it's the only shooter game that I can play, seeing that many other shooting games go for first person only.
octobots and decephalopods... pfghh they did this on purpose didnt they :")
i wonder how splatfest is going on right now... whos winning?! whos more popular?! miiverse was clouded with saying 'the ____ team is going to win" and it really kinda made me think that it was almost even-ended..
edit: my sister told me to post this
beautiful wonderful terrible horrifying meme
octobots and decephalopods... pfghh they did this on purpose didnt they :")
i wonder how splatfest is going on right now... whos winning?! whos more popular?! miiverse was clouded with saying 'the ____ team is going to win" and it really kinda made me think that it was almost even-ended..
edit: my sister told me to post this
beautiful wonderful terrible horrifying meme
I'm joining the battle. I hope Ill be able to reach king rank this time!!
I'm joining the battle. I hope Ill be able to reach king rank this time!!
If it makes you feel any better about the price, I went and bought a Wii U -specifically- to be able to play Splatoon. I got the Best Buy bundle set with Splatoon included. $300 for this game, and absolutely no regrets lol. (Hell, I went on to buy the Splatoon Gamepad cover even XD!)
I actually have a very hard time with shooters in general usually, due to the first person. They'd give me the worst headaches because I couldn't see my body. But with this being third person, it's so much better, and it's just so much fun. Like you, I'm not too thrilled about the motion control option (but maybe i just need more practice with it). But dangit, I rock the hell out of the Roller sets with motion controls turned off.
This is I think the fourth Splatfest going on, so it seems like it's going to be a very regular event. It's just such a refreshing take on the shooter genre. Probably the only shooter that... isn't really a shooter at all lol.
If it makes you feel any better about the price, I went and bought a Wii U -specifically- to be able to play Splatoon. I got the Best Buy bundle set with Splatoon included. $300 for this game, and absolutely no regrets lol. (Hell, I went on to buy the Splatoon Gamepad cover even XD!)
I actually have a very hard time with shooters in general usually, due to the first person. They'd give me the worst headaches because I couldn't see my body. But with this being third person, it's so much better, and it's just so much fun. Like you, I'm not too thrilled about the motion control option (but maybe i just need more practice with it). But dangit, I rock the hell out of the Roller sets with motion controls turned off.
This is I think the fourth Splatfest going on, so it seems like it's going to be a very regular event. It's just such a refreshing take on the shooter genre. Probably the only shooter that... isn't really a shooter at all lol.
I know Autobots are at least a little more popular; I had to fight other Autobots a handful of times today. It's much more even then last Splatfest though, when I was fighting my own team nearly half of the time.
I know Autobots are at least a little more popular; I had to fight other Autobots a handful of times today. It's much more even then last Splatfest though, when I was fighting my own team nearly half of the time.
yep, so true! ;v; i saw so many autobots today, didnt even have to fight my own team once o:
yep, so true! ;v; i saw so many autobots today, didnt even have to fight my own team once o:
my one day off and it was the one splatfest i didnt really wanna participate in ;o;
my one day off and it was the one splatfest i didnt really wanna participate in ;o;
[ english/french | 22 | montreal | no waifu no laifu ]
Why did I not see this thread sooner? Splatoon is awesome!
I'm a Splattershot Pro + N-ZAP '89 user, while being a part-time user of the Slosher and Carbon Roller. :D
When it comes to splatfests, I do them solely for the super sea snails, regardless of whom I side with. I've been trying to participate in the Transformers Splatfest, but the server keeps kicking me out of games today. x_x; And my wi-fi connection is doing fine, too... I don't know why it does that. I don't think I'll be able to get my Queen title this time around. Been so busy readjusting to my first week back to college. :/
But yeah, server's also been disconnecting me from ranked games lately, too. *sigh* So as a result, I'm staying away from ranked till I feel it's stable enough for me to join back in. (I just recently got my B rank and it was tough getting there, so I'm not taking risks on losing that.)
Why did I not see this thread sooner? Splatoon is awesome!
I'm a Splattershot Pro + N-ZAP '89 user, while being a part-time user of the Slosher and Carbon Roller. :D
When it comes to splatfests, I do them solely for the super sea snails, regardless of whom I side with. I've been trying to participate in the Transformers Splatfest, but the server keeps kicking me out of games today. x_x; And my wi-fi connection is doing fine, too... I don't know why it does that. I don't think I'll be able to get my Queen title this time around. Been so busy readjusting to my first week back to college. :/
But yeah, server's also been disconnecting me from ranked games lately, too. *sigh* So as a result, I'm staying away from ranked till I feel it's stable enough for me to join back in. (I just recently got my B rank and it was tough getting there, so I'm not taking risks on losing that.)
So proud of myself, I finally made it to Queen level in a Splatfest! Every other time there's been one, I've not been home long enough to get further than Champion. Such a good feeling to finally accomplish that XD!
So proud of myself, I finally made it to Queen level in a Splatfest! Every other time there's been one, I've not been home long enough to get further than Champion. Such a good feeling to finally accomplish that XD!
And the winner of the Splatfest is... DECEPTICONS!!!
P.S. I recommend the Slosher or Splat Roller.
And the winner of the Splatfest is... DECEPTICONS!!!
P.S. I recommend the Slosher or Splat Roller.